I am a free spirit.
And am just a Dreamer in this world.
My life is one big adventure.
Let me wander in the mountains so high
And think of all the wonderous things of life.
Let me pick some wildflowers along the way.
Let me hear the birds sing in harmony,
Such sweet music to my ears.
Let me look at the trees so tall,
And wonder how they grew so big.
Let me hear a voice that calls my name so sweetly,
And fills my heart with warmth.
Let the sun shine in my face,
And cast as shawdow upon the grown.
I want to watch the river flow upon the rock
And hear the babbling brooks.
I want to watch the rain fall,
As each drop hits the ground.
At night I want to see the moon shine,
And the stars that twinkle above me.
Let me look at the mountains so high
And see the wonders of the Rocks.
Let me look at the green valleys,
And walk barefoot in the grass.
I want to feel the wind blow through my hair,
And feel the coolness upon my face.
Let me see the genltle snow falling,
And watch the leave change in the Fall.
Let me see the majestic mountains,
And the desert in bloom.
Le me always be free to do these things..