
Age: 125
7639 days old here
Total Posts: 26920
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
“Why do you love me?” I have heard you say
Hopefully, this poem will explain that to you today
I am not going to be able to list every reason why
There are far too many so I won't even try
I just want you to know some of the little things you do
That make me know and say “I love you”
I love how your smile makes me forget about my pain
I love how you snuggle while we're listening to the rain
I love the way you look at me when you are sad
I love to see the fire in your eyes when you are mad
I love the way you tell me everything without any fears
I love the way you let me kiss away all your tears
I love the way you try to keep me there as long as you can
I love the way you look me in the eyes and call me your man
I love the way you showed me what true love really meant
I love the way you sprayed perfume on the letters you sent
I love the way you are not ashamed of the love we share
I love the way you tell me how much you care
I love the way you are so beautiful in every way
I thank God for you each and every day
Most of all I love you for the exact person God made you to be
Gorgeous…sweet…fun…amazing…loving… you are all those to me
Thanks for being there for me all these years
Through all the happy times and through all the tears
I love you with my whole heart and everything I have to give
The rest of my life with you…my prince…I want to live.
I love you!

Age: 125
7955 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I want to believe you when you say you love me
I want to believe you when you say you care,
But it gets harder every time I look around
And find you're not standing there.
It's hard when I want to believe you love me
And I wake up to realize it's a lie,
It's even harder to soothe my aching heart
When a man ain't supposed to cry.
Someone once told me I'd get over you,
That I'd no longer be your backup plan,
Seems crazy, sometimes, when I think about it
Knowing I was supposed to have been your man.
I want to believe that things will be okay
That, somehow, we'll work things through,
But my mind's got no reason, nor my heart any hope
To believe we can start anew.
I want to believe you when you share your dreams
But it's funny how dreams, they deceive,
Even the wisest of men who have walked this earth
Oh God, how I want to believe.