only english peotry plzz

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Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Words I write come easily
From deep within my soul
Thoughts I share a plethora
Of love my heart extols

So easily I can express
What words I have to say
You are like the breath of love
Of every waking day

See my pen just glide along
With gentle strokes unending
Within my world of happiness
The love we share a blending

I give to you my heart and soul
In every word I savor
Inspired by the love we share
I am your heart's engraver.

Posted 04 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says

I am sorry I did not see it sooner
I am sorry I could not stop it
I am sorry I feel this way
I am sorry you feel this way
I am sorry it did not turn out like we expected
I am sorry we ended it
I am sorry I could not help you
I am sorry for the loss of friendship
I am sorry for the loss of love
I am sorry you cannot see who I am
I am sorry I agreed
I am sorry there was not more
I am sorry I came into your life at that time
I am sorry we cannot continue
I am sorry you did not know me
I am sorry but it's over.
Posted 09 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
First Time I Met You         &nb sp;    
First time I met you I knew that I wanted you
I got you and yes we fuss and fight but that never
changed my love for you and we grew so much in love it was so hard to
keep it inside but the day you wanted to end it by saying you dont want me
no more after a year and five months I didnt understand it and now a year and five months still dont understand.
Posted 09 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
Everything I Had         &nb sp;    
Every thought I ever had was because you put it there.
Every memory I ever had was because of the time we shared.
Every dream I ever had was because you were on my mind.
Every time I was happy was because you were so kind.
Every time I was mad was because you crossed the line.
All the love I ever gave was because I thought you cared.
All the feelings I ever had I decided to share.
            Now it's all gone!
Now it's all you I blame because you loving me is only what you claimed
            Now I guess I should leave you behind me.
What's got me is you never bothered to apologize.
            Just hit -n- run and push me to the side.
            I'm not gonna let you destroy me and force me to hide,
            but I will admit you made me cry.
Now I'll never have one heart beat to give again.
Ripped in two our love came to an end.
Posted 09 Feb 2005

woh kya kehtay hain i dont remember it now kinda sleepy per janubabe urdu n now english ... ur both collection r simply awesome... ive ONYL ONE english poetry in my collection well here it is
... & its not from my OWN collection

In a park on a street
I met a guy who was so sweet
He took my heart away from me

And one day he set it free
I came back home cryin to my bed
Not a single word was said

My dad came home late dat night
Eager to see her daughter sight
Thru da bedroom door he broke
Saw me hangin from a rope

Den he read dis little note:

Dig my grave nd dig it deep
Marble stones from head to feet
On my grave place a dove
To show da world i died for love...
Posted 10 Feb 2005

Dua_786 says
u r welcome
Posted 10 Feb 2005

wafakadard says
oh very nice ji janubabe and Alone in wind.... gud
also Dua good fro supporting
Posted 10 Feb 2005

wafakadard says
The hour don't have beginning neither
end when i am thinking in you jaan, my
days wiht out you is like a sky but
wihtout the moon. the star, the cloud
and the sun, that's wy my heart is filled
wiht your love, you give my life color
and wing for fly, and i wish to be the
titanic to sink in your heart......
Posted 10 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 10 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
aLoN3_iN_WiNd said:

woh kya kehtay hain i dont remember it now kinda sleepy per janubabe urdu n now english ... ur both collection r simply awesome... ive ONYL ONE english poetry in my collection well here it is
... & its not from my OWN collection

In a park on a street
I met a guy who was so sweet
He took my heart away from me

And one day he set it free
I came back home cryin to my bed
Not a single word was said

My dad came home late dat night
Eager to see her daughter sight
Thru da bedroom door he broke
Saw me hangin from a rope

Den he read dis little note:

Dig my grave nd dig it deep
Marble stones from head to feet
On my grave place a dove
To show da world i died for love...

main na post karo
Posted 10 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 11 Feb 2005

well ap zaroor post kero i would appritiate as well jealous hehehe well thats just kidding nothing more keep it up JanuBaby...
Posted 11 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 12 Feb 2005

paki_fan says
Definition Of Life
Life is an approtunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, teste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge,meet it.
Life ia a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it
Life is a promise, fulfill it Life is a sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confornt it.
Life is an adventure, dare it
Life is luck meet it.
Life is too precious, do not destory it.
Life is Life fight for it.
Posted 12 Feb 2005

paki_fan says

sometimes i think why i am here.
in this world the beautiful one
where four seasons come
one after one
sometimes i think why i am here
who i am
what i am what will i do
to make it better and peaceful
sometimes i think why i am here
where they fight with each other
and make this world a living hell
will they ever stop will they ever stop
sometimes i think why god loves us
and why do we not
some times i think...
Posted 13 Feb 2005

wafakadard says
ooooooooooooooooooooooo Nice Paki and JB
Posted 13 Feb 2005

wafakadard says
*~feelings for you~*
°*°when I look at you I want u even more
but when I think about u not liking me you make my heart sore
at night I lie awake thinking of you
my wish is that u would like me too
you proboly dont even think about me at all
sometimes I think i might just break down and fall
when I see you i get butterflies in my stomach
when I see other couples it just makes me sick
cuz I wish that could be me and you
I always think when you see me you see right through
my love for you is very strong
I always think wut am I doing wrong
I hope very soon that you and me will be
so perfect together just u and me°*°
Posted 13 Feb 2005

paki_fan says
wafakadard said:

ooooooooooooooooooooooo Nice Paki and JB

Posted 13 Feb 2005

paki_fan says
very nice
Posted 13 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
nice paki
Posted 14 Feb 2005

gr8 everyone yaar

Posted 14 Feb 2005

cutefriend says
She hides within a heart of gold
And tries to hide her tears
Watching people walk on by
Confirming her worst fears

Loneliness consumes her
She aches to just belong
Find someone who will love her
Help save her from alone

But her heart she hides within
Not ready to emerge
An angel who’s forgotten
And lost within her world

She lives her life for others
Helping those she can
Hoping that against all odds
Her dreams will soon begin
Posted 14 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
wafakadard said:

*~feelings for you~*
°*°when I look at you I want u even more
but when I think about u not liking me you make my heart sore
at night I lie awake thinking of you
my wish is that u would like me too
you proboly dont even think about me at all
sometimes I think i might just break down and fall
when I see you i get butterflies in my stomach
when I see other couples it just makes me sick
cuz I wish that could be me and you
I always think when you see me you see right through
my love for you is very strong
I always think wut am I doing wrong
I hope very soon that you and me will be
so perfect together just u and me°*°
Posted 14 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!

Posted 14 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
O my luve's like a red, red rose
That's newly sprung in June;
O my luve's like a melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will love thee still, my Dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my Dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun:
I will luve thee still, my Dear,
While the sands o'life shall run.

And fare thee weel my only Luve!
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,
Tho' it were ten thousand mile!

Posted 14 Feb 2005

cutefriend says
Posted 15 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
cutefriend said:

She hides within a heart of gold
And tries to hide her tears
Watching people walk on by
Confirming her worst fears

Loneliness consumes her
She aches to just belong
Find someone who will love her
Help save her from alone

But her heart she hides within
Not ready to emerge
An angel who’s forgotten
And lost within her world

She lives her life for others
Helping those she can
Hoping that against all odds
Her dreams will soon begin

Posted 15 Feb 2005

cutefriend says
Posted 15 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
aLoN3_iN_WiNd said:

gr8 everyone yaar

why r u upset
Posted 15 Feb 2005

paki_fan says
thanks janubaby
Posted 15 Feb 2005

Fairl_Girl says
4 what
Posted 16 Feb 2005

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