Age: 125
7638 days old here
Total Posts: 26920
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Broken hearts can be mended!
I thought broken hearts could never be mended not when they are broken in so many little pieces pieces that we find it impossible to put them back together to start all over again seems to be so very hard it seems we'll hold in our hearts the one we loved the most till the end of our days then when we less expect life surprises us in such a gentle way another face another dream another someone same name but another soul same dreams two lives again joined together lives that have been travelling on the same road lives that hit the same bumps two people who know we can not create intimacy before we rescue our identities we realize that to continue to love is the best thing to do, then put the pieces back together to make the heart strong again a brand new heart yes, mending a broken hard is not impossible at all
Age: 125
7331 days old here
Total Posts: 114
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
I can befriend a fairy Just give her my soul for free, But then she'll giggle and say 'no need' And return it back to me
A wise young fairy once told me That 'a fairy's heart beats fierce and free,' A heart like hers I wanted so, Yet such a heart could never be
A fairy has no human troubles Like a broken heart or late house mortgage, But said once 'what care I for human hearts? Soft and spiritless as porridge!'
But a fairy always has each other no matter what they say, A fairy will always be around, To never go away
So if you want to befriend a fairy There is no remedy, But if you believe she'll come to you, Just like she did to me.
Age: 125
7331 days old here
Total Posts: 114
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
It's A Scary Feeling To Need You The Way I Do Without Ever Touching You
Without Really Knowing You Though In So Many Ways I Feel That I Do
I Feel That Maybe You're That Special Someone That I've Always Needed
In A Short Period Of Time You've Changed The Way I Look At Life You Give Me Hope, You Give Me Reason
I Would Like To Believe There Is A Future For Us A Time And A Place Somewhere Down The Line To Put To Rest The Uncertainty And To Find Out If This Could Be Love
Age: 125
7331 days old here
Total Posts: 114
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
There within life's dawning The dew is shining bright Upon the Morning Glory It makes everything alright Hearts are filled with sunshine Color fills the heart Of all God's greatest treasure His "Glory" work of art Fields of Morning Glories To fill the heart each day A special gift from heaven That gives us pause to say Thank you for the beauty You've placed upon the earth Each velvet petal's beauty Our treasure of great worth.
Age: 125
7638 days old here
Total Posts: 26920
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
At first, it was your hair, shining in a restaurant lit by faux candles and a tip-hungry wait’s hems and haws. But your smile. . .
At first, it was the gleam and turn of your lips. Something about the tilt of your nose. Dark could not hide how your chin did not pause before giving a lift to the wings your work-weary hands were trying to glide across linen prob'ly fell off a truck, you laughed. (Laugh again?)
At first, it was physical, okay? Chemistry like ours could only grow. But. . .how can I hope to find words that begin to convey the sweetness that has carried me away
Queen of jb
Age: 125
7394 days old here
Total Posts: 5695
Points: 0
Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands
I love you in the morning As sunbeams kiss the earth Night time shadows give way to a new days rebirth Birds soar across the sky high on feathered wings Yes, I love you in the morning My heart begins to sing
As day goes on I love you still With every passing hour It's the love I have inside for you My soul it does empower If the day is filled with rain I never feel sad and down With this love I have for you A rainbow I have found
I love you in the winter I never feel the cold Spring, Summer, Autumn It is my heart you hold And if you look inside See all that it contains Forever now and beyond My love for you remains
Age: 125
7638 days old here
Total Posts: 26920
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
The Windfall of Rain
damn the sky blinding, vast and blue if i try to take it in all in i will only feel minute stretched across forever and endless what have i done to deserve this? i have a heart i have a mind though what’s the point or purpose?
i never, ever have to see the sun it shines its lies on everyone clouds - they will roll in simple, gray and plain as the joy gives way to pain and the windfall of rain
our happiness is fleeting leaving a void for lesser things that if unchecked will fill with ache and ill or the bane desperation brings most just long to smile to hold a little sunshine in but can't reach the handle by themselves and the blade is deep within how do we walk past the blood and tears keeping step and stride with all the sadness in the world and so many raining on the inside
Age: 125
7638 days old here
Total Posts: 26920
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
I Sit and Wonder I sit and wonder has it all been a lie as I cry and wonder why you say you care do I dare believe in you tell me is it true can I believe in you?
Age: 125
7638 days old here
Total Posts: 26920
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Is it over so I can come out of the corner of my bed I don't feel alive I feel so dead.
Did the world stop spinning so theres no more pain, u left me no reason don't you feel ashamed?
When does everything stop growing so no seasons pass me by, hours feel like nano seconds every day I cry.
Does my heart stop loving since there's no one to love here, losing you was my biggest fear.
Does my soul stop searching since your gone, without you I swear I'm not that strong.
Did the merry-go-round stop going round since you went away, there once was a beautiful sun shining on me but now there's not even one ray.
Is the moon stop shining because you left me alone, now I'm scared and really really cold.
Does the wind stop its howl since there's no more breath we share, once you loved me and really did care.
Does the sun stop, and its brillant rays vanish because you said I won't try I want to know the answers tell me why.
Do the seeing people go blind because you blinded me with your words pretending to love me,
I'm the only one you will need how come you can't see? Does everything stop working just all frozen in time, I still miss the days that I could call you mine.
Age: 125
7664 days old here
Total Posts: 9535
Points: 0
United States, United States
I believe in I believe in sunshine and rainy days too I believe in rainbows,I believe in you. I believe in miracles even destiny, I believe in heaven and hell I believe in misery. I believe in a chids laughter,a new born baby's cry. I believe that every mother should sing them lullabyes. I believe that a heart don't lie I believe that life is not fair. I believe that mountains move every time we care. I belive that eagles fly high above the earth, I believe that love is a lesson we must learn. Why is love good,why does it hurt. I believe that every song is sent from up above. I believe that you believe the meaning of true love