LiL_DollY said:
DejaVu077 said:I think Raja wud be the same guy that Rani's parent choose for her .
newaysz who cares abt the raja
who is the rani
hee hee hee
umm no raja is not the guy
although that wouldve been a tramendous ending
It wouldve been a happily ever after
like the fairy tales
dont you think?
paki_fan said:
DejaVu077 said:HUm, TUm, PeHlI, jAWaNI, kAnGaN
Ek ho gaye hum aur tum
To urr gayein neendain ray
Aur chanki payyal masti main
To kangan khankay ray
Huma huma huma huma
hmm so it was bombay... atleast i should 've checked
good deja
shahrukh khan said:
SALL said:
DejaVu077 said:studying for the exam.
Did watch couple of
movies though
study aise hoti hai
he must be intelligent guy...
SALL said:
DejaVu077 said:studying for the exam.
Did watch couple of
movies though
study aise hoti hai