
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
the i that is me
has chosen to be
a little bit more than i am
like toast with butter
is even better
with a bit of jam
the i that is me has
chosen to be all i am
and a little bit more
like the chocolate cake
that your grandma makes
is better than that from the store
the i that is me
has chosen to be
taken out of yesterday's groove
i'm still the same me
that i used to be
only now i'm new and improved

Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Secret
you won't believe what i just heard
i promised i wouldn't say a word
but you're my friend, so you i'll tell
i know you'll keep it to yourself
come, i'll whisper in your ear
i don't want anyone to hear
now, what i've told you is a secret
so promise me that you will keep it
hmmm, you want to tell your own best friend?
you swear that's where it will end?
well, i don't really want to fight
sooo, i guess it will be alright
but make her promise not to tell
be sure she keeps it to herself
if this gets back to my best friend
i'm sure that it will be the end
she was told in confidence
but she told me because we're friends
of course, i'm sure it's all true
have i ever lied to you?
i wouldn't say what i don't know
i know because she told me so
my friend's friend has a friend
who heard it from her brother
he heard it from his best friend
who heard it from his mother
where she heard it i don't know
and if i did i wouldn't tell
because when i hear a secret
i keep it to myself

Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
beware the push-me/pull-you
s/he'll tear your life apart
s/he'll play games with your head
and poison your poor heart
s/he'll word a simple question
in such a twisted way
that you'll find yourself in trouble
no matter what you say
s/he'll set you up to take a fall
then kick you while you're down
s/he'll make up lies and stories
and spread them all around
s/he'll tell you that s/he loves you
and can't live without you near
that you're the closest thing to heaven
and all thet s/he holds dear
then when you least expect it
s/he'll punch you in the face
and tell you you're the one to blame
for each failure and disgrace
s/he'll wash your mind with acid
and bathe your soul in lye
s/he'll tell you that you're worthless
and that you deserve to die
s/he'll destroy your faith and break your heart
make your life a living hell
and put you in the loony bin
and tell the world that YOU'RE unwell
s/he'll convince you, you should kill yourself
and s/he'll provide the blade
then s/he'll accept condolensces
as they put you in your grave
so listen up and heed me well
and take this good advice
if these words have struck a chord
run..... run.....RUN for your life.