Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
All that I do Is in review To his enamored mind I know his eye Where e'er I ply Is pushing close behind Not any Port Nor any flight But he doth there preside What omnipresence lies in wait For her to be a Bride
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Mind lives on the Heart
The Mind lives on the Heart Like any Parasite If that is full of Meat The Mind is fat. But if the Heart omit Emaciate the Wit The Aliment of it So absolute.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I breathed enough to learn the trick
I breathed enough to learn the trick, And now, removed from air, I simulate the breath so well, That one, to be quite sure The lungs are stirless, must descend Among the cunning cells, And touch the pantomime himself. How cool the bellows feels!
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
It's All I have to bring to-day
It's All I have to bring to-day, This, and my heart beside, This, and my heart, and all the fields, And all the meadows wide. Be sure you count, should I forget, Some one the sum could tell, This, and my heart, and all the bees Which in the clover dwell.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
If I can stop one heart from breaking
If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Frankenstein said:
nice ideas ladies i appreciate it but the problem is im almost broke..lolz..either i can by myself a new guitar or her some gifts ..somebody sponsor my valentine