~*~My collection-~*~old & new~*~

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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Road to Nowhere

To travel the road to nowhere.
The soul's dark amazon.
Eternal peace is anywhere,
the mind might set upon.

To travel the road to nowhere.
To know you're really gone.
And when you finally get there,
to find your god is Ron.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
There's something in the dark.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
that leaves a lasting mark.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
Old secrets gather dust.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
that reeks decay and must.

To travel the road to nowhere.
Reading signposts from beyond.
As self-deceit completes defeat,
a cold ghost light is shone,
on Ron. On Ron.

He learned to sham at his father's knee.
He knew the power of story.
He lived by lies and fantasies,
and dreamed of fame and glory.

So travel the road but beware,
for he drew an arcane map.
His weak and dismal followers,
could see no fatal trap.

But in his inner circle,
his worth would soon reveal.
To those that rail and cavil,
he'd crush beneath his heel.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
The sweetest scent of musk.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
as warm and moist as lust.

To travel the road to nowhere.
It's not the smoothest ride.
To have all faith you must defer,
to a self-referring guide.

To travel the road to nowhere.
To avoid the rush and throng.
Unravel in the space of somewhere,
and sing a specious song.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
It's got an evil breath.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
that toys with fear and death.

To travel the road to nowhere.
And wield your magic wand.
A shuffling prisoner of despair,
when fragile hopes abscond.

To travel the road to nowhere.
A funeral dress you don.
All truth is moulded out there,
like a Sci-Fi writer's con.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
You hear it scratch and whine.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
both bedevilled and divine.

To travel the road to nowhere.
To follow a different sun.
To travel the road with due care,
not to end as you begun.

To travel the road to nowhere,
to life's grim denouement.
Be sighted by the cross hairs,
released from earthly bond.

To travel the road to nowhere.
Your face is drawn and wan.
Your self-belief masks hidden grief,
while the thief of time moves on.
Posted 27 Dec 2006

Miss mine says
eshajam said:

~tasha~ said:

very nice tashu?

sorry without lights

hehe need a torch or jus the stars
Posted 27 Jan 2008

~tasha~ says
thanx to all
Posted 27 Jan 2008

eshajam says
Miss mine said:

eshajam said:

~tasha~ said:

very nice tashu?

sorry without lights

hehe need a torch or jus the stars

why u......
Posted 31 Jan 2008

eshajam says
where is Tashu
Posted 31 Jan 2008

Miss mine says

miss u tashu
Posted 01 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
eshajam said:

where is Tashu

Posted 05 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
Miss mine said:

miss u tashu

miss u 2
Posted 05 Feb 2008

Miss mine says

hey babyyy im here
Posted 05 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
Miss mine said:

hey babyyy im here

coming up soon
Posted 05 Feb 2008

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 07 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
With you
Each and everyday is a bonus -
Whether it be for one moment,
One day or a million moments.
Being with you makes me
Feel new and bright.
Being able to be just us.
With you we both create
A wealth of warmth
Rising from our hearts.
A happy atmosphere of love.
Each and everyday is a bonus.
I feel lucky and alive.
You fill me with youth
And masses and masses of
Tender loving care.
I treasure every moment with you.
Thank you for coming into my life.
Posted 07 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
My Friendship is like an onion,
Which has many layers in it,
it will add taste to your life,
but if you try to cut it,
you will have tears in your eyes.
Posted 07 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
I feel lonely coz u r not wid me
The days i'm spending widout u r very difficult 4 me
In evry hour, in evry moment, i remember u only
Nothing is there 2 forget and i know u still love me
I still remember the way u came 2 ma life
I cannot forget that days which u spent wid me
I still need ur lap 2 put ma head on it
I feel lonely specialy when i go 2 sleep
Everything is reminding me of ur love
Just come again! we start our life like a tiny leaf of a tree
I'm still waiting 4 u ma love
For GOD sake ! come back! n hug me
I know that u could not live widout me any more
I remember that in which situation u left me
I could not live widout u ma love
I'll die if u not come 2 meet me
Posted 07 Feb 2008

Fairl_Girl says
v good
Posted 07 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says

I think that the heart knows,
When a true loving heart comes along,
And I think that it rejects all others,
Because it knows they are all wrong.

I think it seeks another heart,
That is capable of the same kind of love,
And I think it looks for a sign,
That this love is a gift from above.

I think when it's found it's mate,
It doesn't hesitate to take a chance,
It begins to flutter like a butterfly,
And begins a seductive dance.

The other heart will feel the same.
And begin it's own special dance too,
I know because my heart fell hard,
For the loving heart inside of you.

We sing the same song of love,
We love with a passion that's deep,
I know yours is the one true love,
That I will always want to keep.
Posted 07 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
Sometimes I get so angry,
Cursing the whole world
But you know how to calm me down
With a touch and a couple of words

Sometimes I get so melancholy
And see it all painted blue
But you know how to cheer me up
And rainbow-color my view

Sometimes I get so crazy
And mess everything up
But you know how to slap me sober
And put my fit to stop

Sometimes I get so bored
And the world is one big yawn
But you know how to spice it up
And again turn me on

And always I get so Me
But you still love me somehow
Through all my turbulent seasons
Only you know how

Sometimes I get so restless
Like a wild horse in a cage
But you know how to saddle me down
And tame my raving rage

Sometimes I get so weary and
Feel like breaking down
But you know how to lift me up
Before I hit the ground

Sometimes I get so broken
And I feel like cryin'
But you know how to mend my wings
And get me back flyin'

Sometimes I get so cocky and
Forget who I really am
But you know how to size me down
And remind me I'm just a man

A man I barely liked
But you taught me to love somehow
But to manage his countless flaws
Only you know how
Posted 07 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
I would ask you first, to hold my hand,
To look upon my face,
To see my eyes, with no disguise
To know of no disgrace.

To show with deep affection
That a smile can but restore,
A heavy heart, that’s torn apart
Unyielding at your door.

I could guide you through my patience
Hold you for a while,
Take the strain, remove your pain
Replace it with a smile.

Repair the pain so fresh and raw
That molds within your fear,
Kiss away the lonely day
And melt away each tear.

These simple tasks I could complete,
With ease and no return,
To help unlock, your wall of rock
Listen, see and learn.

There is no gift that could be bought,
That would shield you from the way,
The pain’s divide, is deep inside,
And is what you now portray.

But I can see within your life,
And know the signs so clear,
A need to be, loved and free
And yet your greatest fear.

I know you not, yet know you,
I smile at what I see,
Do not hide, I see inside
I’ll do what I must do.

I’ll take the very greatest care,
For you, I am a must,
Your painful heart will know its part
While placed within my trust.
Posted 07 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
You know my darkest secrets
You know my deepest thoughts
It has always been you
To find me when I’m lost

I wish that I could tell you this
But I don’t know what to say
Every time I see you there
You think of me, I pray

I know this my sound very lame
To this I don’t deny
Because of you I’m filled with joy
And I have forgotten how to cry

I wish that you could see it
I wish that you knew
How much that you amaze me
How much I’ve fallen for you

You’ll never know what you mean to me
To you, nothing else compares
I would give you my all
And to all of this I swear

You’re the only one who understands me
You’re the only one who knows
If I ever had a chance I swear
I would never let you go

But instead I sit in silence
Because I don’t know what to say
I just wait in patience
For you to look my way

So I write this with all my hope
Hoping someday you will see
That no matter where it is I go
It’s with you I want to be
Posted 07 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
Together as one,
Apart at the time
The pain in my heart
is not just mine.

Far away I whisper
Your name to the breeze
And cry lonely teardrops
that collect on my knees.

What will become of
A love such as ours?
I love you more
than the sky has stars.

As numerous as grains of
Sand on the beach
As high as the heavens
far above reach.

Like the roar of
Centuries past
Dreams of art
created and cast.

Though the bitter
Taste of distance might
Easily scare and
cause loss of sight,

Love will keep us
Intertwined forever.
I promise my love
will leave you never.
Posted 07 Feb 2008

Posted 08 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
Posted 08 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
You are all of my beautiful dreams,
put together, and rolled into one.
You're the moon and stars in my sky,
and the light of my morning sun.

You're my first thought in the morning,
and my very last thought each night.
Dreams of you hold me through my day;
bring comfort to me, until morning light.

You have brought me a world of love,
which fills every emotion within me.
A world I always knew could exist,
but not one, I ever thought I would see.

A beautiful world that can only be seen,
through the hearts of two joined as one.
One that paints all of the colours of love,
more deeply within, as each day is done.

A portrait of love, captured by my heart,
and reflected so deeply into my soul.
Embracing me within beautiful dreams,
from love so precious, it makes me whole
Posted 08 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
Addicted to those eyes!
Those eyes which look at me
Those eyes I love to see
Those eyes which talk so much
Are the ones that attract me the most!

Those eyes which love me
Those eyes I care for
Those eyes which keep staring at me
Are the diamonds I am addicted to!

I close my eyes, I see those eyes
I open my eyes, I think of them
OHH MY! Those lovely creations
Add tons of ecstasy to my life!

Those lustful eyes I desire to watch
Those eyes make me smile
I could catch them anywhere on the porch
Towards those eyes I march!

My heart, hardened by the past
Protected by shields so vast
Melts at the sight of those mesmerizing eyes
OH YEAH, I am addicted to those eyes!!!
Posted 08 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
Thou wast that all to me, love,
For which my soul did pine--
A green isle in the sea, love,
A fountain and a shrine,
All wreathed with fairy fruits and flowers
And all the flowers were mine.

Ah, dream too bright to last!
Ah, starry Hope! that didst arise
But to be overcast!
A voice from out the Future cries,
On! on!-- but o'er the Past
(Dim gulf!) my spirit hovering lies
Mute, motionless, aghast!

For, alas! alas! with me
The light of Life is o'er!
'No more-- no more-- no more--'
(Such language holds the solemn sea
To the sands upon the shore)
Shall bloom the thunder-blasted tree
Or the stricken eagle soar!

And all my days are trances
And all my nightly dreams
Are where thy dark eye glances
And where thy footstep gleams--
In what ethereal dances,
By what eternal streams.
Posted 08 Feb 2008

Posted 09 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
Posted 10 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
A bouquet of daisies simple and pure,
compared to a rose quite demure.
Swaying wildflowers bloom in the sun,
petals are plucked one by one.

Does he love me or does he love me not,
send nosgay of forget-me-nots.
Centers of gold with petals of soft white,
reach to heaven beneath sunlight.

Simplistic flower speaks words unspoken,
happiness or heart now broken?
Found in meadows, gardens and in leas,
bunched with silk ribbon to please.

Dainty is the daisy as beauty burst,
springtime showers quenches thirst.
Blanket the field so far and wide,
held in the hand of summer bride.
Posted 10 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
Posted 10 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
Let me be a memory
Be the one within your dreams
A figure you barely know
And is never what it seems

Let me be a memory
The one that calls
Your name at night
And when you wake
To try and find me
I’ll be just beyond your sight

Let me be a memory
Be the person you used to love
Let me hope,
Nothing will change that
Not even what’s above

Let me be a memory
Let me hold you through the air
I’ll stop your flow of rivers
That emerges from despair

Let me be a memory
Trapped inside your thoughts
I’ll be with you forever
With every battle fought

Let me be a memory
It’s the only way,
I can stay with you
Let me know I’m in your heart
And that we’ll see
Our troubles through......
Posted 10 Feb 2008

~tasha~ says
I miss your smile...
I miss your laugh...
I miss everything about you...
I don't see you anymore...
When i really want to talk to you....
i care so much for you...
I don't understand- what did i do?
I thought something was going
to happen between us...
You were sweet and charming
with the words you said...
But something happened, i don't know...
what went wrong?
I cried so much just laying on my bed...
I say i'm over you... but i really know...
I can't forget you and i never will...
I want you to be there...
And you don't even know
Posted 10 Feb 2008

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