The Wings Of Light

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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Stay Forever

Love, stay on earth

Bliss, stay in Heaven

Gratitude, stay in my heart

Compassion, stay in God's Heart

Posted 04 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
Tired of having her heart broken

She chose to stand alone

Words that were misspoken

Deeds that could not be undone

She raised her head

And looked around her far and near

Then with determination said

"This is what I choose, this is my life right here."

She built the wall around her heart

Only very few inside the fortress she had built

Knowing that at some point her world could fall apart

And even if she was not to blame, she would feel the guilt.

For she allowed some to get too close

That was her fault you see

Never again she said to herself somewhat morose

I'll not let anyone get to me

She stared into the dark night sky

And with a heavy sigh she felt herself give in

For she knew with the passing of time

Her heart would be broken time and again.

It was her fault as she always said

For hers was a tender heart indeed

Given to impulsiveness and never using her head

Thus, it did not surprise her when warnings she did not heed.

She raised her head now

Choosing to stand alone

Her feelings forever hidden deep down

Knowing she must face herself with each new dawn

Posted 10 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
One can never
Put into words

One can never
Put into words

One can never
Put into words

One can never
Put into words
AP relationships

All are mysteries
Each one has their
Own heartfelt feelings
About all

All I know midst
The confusion, and pain
I long to live again, anew

As a fresh young flower
That comes up and blooms

To be a beauty to all
And refreshingly show
Life can be beautiful

Midst the storms of life
Of nature, friendships questions
The pasts' awful reflections

That there is beauty and peace
Within our spirits' release
Of the Spirit of God

As an angel empowered
From above, ever giving
Unconditional love

This is my prayer for peace
The souls' release
Bringing it wherever I go..

My prayer is forgive
Me when peace has not been there
Misunderstandings I have shared
And where a flower would wilt
In such an atmosphere

Spirit of God, of peace be mine
To share, to care, and radiate
Your beautiful glory!

Then no one need explain to them
The reason or story
There is a beauty beyond what we see

It is only found in Thee!

Posted 10 Jun 2007

^dewaja^ says
nice spiritual coll

keep up
Posted 10 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 10 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
I don't know where I'm going.
If I run.
It's from myself.
I know that it solves nothing.
But God I need some help.

Everyone I turn to.
Say it lies with me.
But they never provide an answer.
They just leave me to be.

I don't know what to tell you.
Just take things day by day.
Thing can't get worse than this.
There will be a sunny day.

I'm all alone.
These problems.
Seem to get just worse.
I just can't walk away.
But my life,
Sure seems like dirt.

Then I look around me.
See a man without no legs.
A woman caring for children.
Ragged clothes,
No shoes, she begs.

Just trying to survive in a world.
Where most of us have plenty.
So I look at myself,
In the mirror.
And thank God,
What he'd sent me.

Without my health,
I've nothing.
With it, I've everything.
I'll stay here and face what's next.
And smile,
What the new day brings...

Posted 12 Jun 2007

Posted 12 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
thx rehan bhai
Posted 13 Jun 2007

Posted 13 Jun 2007

Just trying to survive in a world.
Where most of us have plenty.
So I look at myself,
In the mirror.
And thank God,
What he'd sent me.

Posted 14 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 15 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Will you be there,
When I need a friend?

When the sorrow descends?
When hope is abandoned?
When death slips into view?
Will you be there?

Can I count on you,
To protect my heart,
To save my mind,
From evil,
From terror,
And agony in this world,
Can you be there?

With a hug,
With a kiss,
And open arms,
Till the tears stop,
Till the smile creeps,
Slowly onto my face?

My heart will open,
My mind will cry,
The joys of love,
The truth of friends,
But only if,

You will be there
When I need a friend.

Posted 15 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
When will I be happy?
As at this point in time
I don't think that I
Will ever be fine.

I tell myself it's growing up
And we all find it hard
But when your with yourself constantly
You tend to drop your guard.

I'm vulnerable to emotions,
Actions and words
And always try to ignore
All of what is heard.

Am I destined for greater things?
Or am I meant to be alone?
Free to do what I want,
Yet feel trapped inside my home.

If putting on a smile
Was indeed a sport,
I'd do very well-
At least I would have thought.

I think being false with smiles
Would win me first prize
As I do it almost constantly
And my friends don't realise.

I won't look to hard for happiness,
I hope one day I see,
See that it is something
That will eventually land on me.

Posted 15 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Life is full of broken souls
Torn at eachother in a world of pain
Wishing you could escape
But you're stuck here again
Faking what you are
Pretend to be happy
While you hide in the dark
Abandon all hope of finding love
To only have hate and saddness
But you'd give it all up
For a day of belonging
Wanting to no longer be alone
Feel like you can't believe
That we're all human,
We all bleed
A giant space in the smile of your cry
Not hearing a word others are saying
And you can't explain why
You know all the answers
Yet you search for more
And you find the demon
That caused all this torture
And you continue to cry
While searching for the cure
Posted 17 Jun 2007

kOoLeSt1 says
hm nice

Posted 18 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 18 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
In these eyes, a hero you are,
with your hands so strong and tough.
You came and opened up the sky,
brought sun when times were rough.

I look to you in stature tall,
makes me proud to be your friend.
Bravely answered your country's call,
duty called you to defend.

Compassion for the frail and meek,
you keep my faith on the right track.
Give me the guidance that I seek,
push me forward when I slip back.

In you I see a hero stand,
though I am sure you will disagree,
One who lent me a helping hand,
and is still always there for me.

You'll always be here in my heart,
I'll always love you my friend.
Now its time for the healing to start,
I need time for my heart to mend.

Posted 22 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Prayers sustain me through the day,
my faith will always see me through.
God give me strength when hope is gone,
I draw upon my faith in you.

When full of doubts I start to pray,
even when my words are too few.
When trouble comes to my door step,
I learned to rely on you.

God, your voice is so uplifting,
so encouraging every day.
When I am tired and weary,
Lord, You take my worries away.

You pick me up to climb mountains,
I look to You to light my way.
When I am lost in the darkness,
I hear Your wisdom, as I pray.

I will always reach for Jesus,
when my days seem cloudy and gray.
Reach down to me and guide me Lord,
come and let the sun shine today.

Posted 23 Jun 2007

Posted 23 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 23 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Patches of blue, white clouds aloft
sunshine peeking, billows so soft .
I stand in awe and speculate,
all this beauty He did create.

His love abundant and so sure,
God's words and wisdom still endure.
Uplift my soul and let me stand,
I bow to Majesty so grand.

So many times you gave me hope,
once more I need your strength to cope.
The darkness comes when I'm alone,
I just can't make it on my own,

So now I search for patch of blue,
for I don't know what else to do.
Once more I am on bended knee,
with hope dear Lord you hear my plea.

Posted 30 Jun 2007

~tasha~ says
Leading light

The tip of light
Leading from the darkness
Comes the future of our world

Our paramount leads us into glory
Royalty by his side
King of heaven

The regent cannot compete
To the glory of the king
For the regent is flesh and bones

The master spirit is eternal and not of this world
His majesty has many names
I call him or her the One

Others call him or her god, goddess
Many names but it is all the same
One creator, many names

He is king
She is queen
Both god and godess

Sing to the angels
Dance with the mortals
Come forth with the world as one

Posted 01 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
God is there to take your worries from,
your life, put your mind at ease.
Lift all your burdens to Kingdom come,
pray and kneel upon your knees.

Though the ravens do not reap or sow,
nor barn or storeroom to fill.
All share in the bounty God will grow,
in fertile soil to till.

Worrying will take time off your life,
it shortens your joyful days.
Creating for you such stress and strife,
relief comes to all who praise.

Lilies grow without labor or spin,
King's beauty can not compare.
In all his splendor he could not win,
God's flowers oh so fair.

God shall cloth the flowers and the grass,
much more He will cloth you too.
Oh yea of little faith come to pass,
worries shall pass right by you.

God knows you need food and drink to live,
seek His Kingdom to recieve.
Sell possessions then to the poor give,
God rewards when you believe.

Posted 10 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
A broken clock defines time more than it will ever know
Because time keeps ticking
Life keeps living
If I should depart this very day, what can I give back to this world to define myself?
Everything it has given me-
Posted 10 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Feverish bright
steel, mingling with
brick and painted metal,
jutting up from
the landscape,
broken people
at the smoggy grey
sky in an effort
to clear
a breathing space

labouring helplessly
as they spew forth
purple-grey clouds,
that surrounds
them, slowly

and they are
carefully crowded
even closer
as more broken people
are scattered
across the open

struggling to
in the presence
of one another,
clawing helplessly
at the smoggy grey

Posted 15 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 16 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
With a soft breeze and showers tossed upon my face
I take to the open road
Clouds lazy about the vast abyss,
blue smiles in its own perfection
I inhale thick masses of grand knowledge,
myself and my crown, the sun,
it is mine, the trees, the people,
this moment, it too is mine

All seems beautiful, and I follow myself,
and I loose myself, in serenity;
me, myself and mine, and I do miracles,
I think, I am, I observe and I suffer
And all above and all below in its best light,
and the greens and the browns surrounding me
in it’s best form which is simply its own existence

Posted 18 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Hear the roaring sounds of water
as it runs over the rocks of the rapids,
loud and clear, like the voices of the planets singing.

Listen to the crackle of the fire as the wood
heats up and burns all moisture sizzling
causing the music like the sun calling the moon out of it.

Smell the earth as rain falls on the dry
heated soil of Mother Nature,
the sweet smell of rain
as it hits the hot ground.

See the wind as she bends the mighty oak,
the sweet musicial instrument with its leaves
setting the mood for a starlight sky.

Posted 18 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Do I have an old soul?
Green doesn't match it--
color of inexperience
more beautiful than mine.
Enviable shades vine out
from sidhe of old growth forests
and edge away from natural dark
to climb
as ivy upon older walls
that wends its way to windows
with the slow, careful movement
of a verdant thumb.

Leaf by leaf
it draws itself into ancient limestone
and leaks into windows
a constant reminder of the wildness
inside yourself and outside--
that can fight its way through concrete
between the barest crack,
and constantly returning when
violently cut down.
It will show itself,
even through the monster in your eyes,
blending in with others
that shelter there.

Sometimes shadows dwell over
the greener waters of that fountain;
forever tempting, welling over
to keep feeding the intangible,
through tangible color void of form,
that constant reminder of the wildness
unnatural to tame.

Posted 18 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
KING OF JB said:

Posted 18 Jul 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 21 Jul 2007

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