The Wings Of Light

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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Stay Forever

Love, stay on earth

Bliss, stay in Heaven

Gratitude, stay in my heart

Compassion, stay in God's Heart

Posted 04 Mar 2007

~tasha~ says
thx jee
Posted 21 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Those thoughts that flash through your brain.
Some you wish you could live again.
Some you're glad that have passed.
Some days you sit and think just about your past.
Your closest friend now feels like they're a thousand miles away,
When they still live where they always did.
They just don't want much to do with you.
And there are those friends who have moved.
The times you used to have, some good, some bad.
The time you've spent with the loved ones that have passed away.
You remember the time your dad helped you with this or that.
And your mom always there with a listening ear.
Now you're back to thinking about your life that's before you.
Your parents still here to help you along your journey.
The journey that has passed, the journey that's now,
And the journey before you.
The Journey of Life
Posted 21 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
The quietude of empty spaces,
where loved ones come to rest.
Remain forever in God's graces,
eternal life the final quest.

An unknown time and destination,
determined by how one lives.
From God's hands we are His creation,
through love our lives He gives.

Power also lies with Him to take,
He calls you home at His will.
If all others you learn to forsake,
peace for you He shall instill.

Mere mortal man, to rest you're laid,
yet your soul my son lives on.
I feel your presence when I'm afraid,
as you comfort me each dawn.

Now my loneliness I must accept,
it became my cross to bear.
Sorrow felt within eyes that wept,
in grief silence left me here.

Now sing praise to God in harmony,
with the angels up above.
Come walk with me for eternity,
share in God's abundant love.

Posted 23 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
You were told from the very start,
To love the Lord with all your heart;
As well as loving each other,
Just like your sister and brother.

Love one another is a must,
If you truly in God you trust;
For without love that you can share,
Then you will wind up in despair.

Entire world is filled with hate,
That desires to change your fate;
For there is evil all around,
Wanting to distract and confound.

But a love for each other proves,
We have a caring that behooves;
Take us from this life to the next,
Where living will not be perplexed.

Our love will keep us alive,
Along with hope for us to strive;
As God is guiding with His hands,
While we obey His commands.

Posted 23 Jul 2007

eshajam says
~tasha~ said:

Little Things

Little things in life pass us by,
never find the key to the lock.
Over looking the obvious,
buried in your mind in a box.

Fragrances of springtime gardens,
colorful rainbows, skies of blue.
Take time out to smell the flowers,
God created wonders for you.

Take time to enjoy the laughter,
as little children run and play.
In the blink of an eye he's gone,
he leaves the nest to fly away.

Give big hugs to your loved ones,
hold onto them one minute more.
Keep showing love in little ways,
before they walk out of that door.

Listen to the robin's sweet song,
the snowbird in winter's last call.
Hear the raindrops upon the roof,
the leaves as they silently fall.

Enjoy the little things in life,
don't let ambition lead the way.
God created a wondrous world,
take time to enjoy it each day.

so sweet
Posted 23 Jul 2007

eshajam says
~tasha~ said:

Reach For Tomorrow

Do not let life's shadows scare you,
He shall be the light to chase them away.
There to carry your heavy load,
to help you make it through another day.

Come kneel, pray with me to our Lord,
release unto Him all of your sorrow,
Have faith in God's holy presence,
only with Him can you face tomorrow.

Never, is there a mountain too high,
nor is there a river too wide to swim.
Take my hand, we go together,
release all your pain, release it to Him.

Life can be cold, like winter winds,
it is followed by the warmth of spring.
A time for all things new again,
God will help us fly with our broken wing.

Reach for that hope, reach deep inside,
pull out the blue skies and sunny weather.
With faith in God and friends who care,
we will fly pass the storm clouds together.

Posted 23 Jul 2007

eshajam says
~tasha~ said:

Those thoughts that flash through your brain.
Some you wish you could live again.
Some you're glad that have passed.
Some days you sit and think just about your past.
Your closest friend now feels like they're a thousand miles away,
When they still live where they always did.
They just don't want much to do with you.
And there are those friends who have moved.
The times you used to have, some good, some bad.
The time you've spent with the loved ones that have passed away.
You remember the time your dad helped you with this or that.
And your mom always there with a listening ear.
Now you're back to thinking about your life that's before you.
Your parents still here to help you along your journey.
The journey that has passed, the journey that's now,
And the journey before you.
The Journey of Life

proud to be your friend
Posted 23 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 23 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 24 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
When I have no one to turn to
And I am feeling kind of low,
When there is no one to talk to
And nowhere I want to go,
I search deep within myself
It is the love inside my heart
That lets me know my Angels are there
Even though we are miles apart.

A smile then appears upon my face
And the sun begins to shine.
I hear a voice, so soft and sweet
Saying, 'Everything will be just fine'
It may seem that I am alone
But I am never by myself at all.
Whenever I need my Angels near
All I have to do is call.

An Angel's love is always true
On that you can depend.
They will always stand behind you
And will always be your friend.
Through darkest hours and brightest days
Our Angels see us through.
You are one of my Angels.
Perhaps I am one for you.
Posted 26 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 26 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Love is a rose in life's garden,
Thriving in rain and in sun;
Sweet as memories, like petals,
Gently unfolding, one by one.

From the promise of early beginnings,
The tiniest seed at the start;
It grows to a bloom of great beauty,
With radiance and joy at its heart.

Its gifts of sweet fragrance and color
Are blessings that any may share.
Love is a rose in life's garden,
And God, Himself, put it there.
Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
your body is woven
from the light of heaven
are you aware
that its purity and swiftness
is the envy of the angels
and its courage
keeps even devils away.
Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
You know how they say
That people are trees
That the moment
They’re sad gone goes their leaves

Have you ever heard?
That the brave are like mountains
That courage are their hills
And their strength flows like fountains

Have you ever seen them talk of how
The calm are like the sky
That they move with the wind
No matter what goes awry?

Do you know how they say
That faith is like the sea that brings
The more thunder that hits them
The more faith that it springs

Do you see that you are
Like a tree
Majestic and strong
To what ever degree

Do you know that you’re a mountain?
Full of strength despite occurrences
Despite events that may have hurt
You’re a mountain need no assurances

I Hope you keep telling your story
And keeping your courage alive
For maybe not all stories are appreciated
But they will listen when you arrive
And they will see that no matter what
You have and will survive
Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Embrace pride, my friend,
like the noblest of eagles
soaring over his domain,
no matter how small.

Steal hope, my friend,
like the last crumb
taken from a wasted bird,
pecking in the wrong places.

Shed doubt, my friend,
like a hungry fox
when food is scarce,
but just around the corner.

Love fear, my friend,
like a proud beast caged
with slim chance for escape,
swaggering toward an unlocked door.
Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says

If i tell you there stories
I will speak
You will hear.

Hope, for the goddess
Of the sun and the moon
Hoping for the chance to shine
very soon

Hope for the stars
that bathe in the sky
Hope is what is in dreams
What makes you fly.

Happiness, for the people
that surround your life
Happiness comes from your
husband or wife

Happiness, a voice
telling you, your prize
It cannot be big
It cannot be small
Happiness has no size

Confusion, a thought
that enters your mind
It makes you long
It makes you search
for answer
to find.

Confusion, makes you think
Whats wrong or whats right
It may make you follow the voices
and search i the night

Fear, never leaves
It will haunt you evermore
Fear draws you back
From opening the last door

Fear, stops you live
But it also makes you think
' Should you jump, is it worth it '
Without fear
life would be gone in a blink

Four small emotions
Given from above
Theses four make one
This one
Is love
Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
The Best thing in life is life itself.
How we live it determines our role.

The Good the bad and the indifferent.
Even a sure thing Becomes I don't know.

The Hopes the Dreams The nightmares
They're all important parts of the game.

The only rule is there are no rules.
And every one of us is to blame.

So a bit of advice I give to you.
On your journey through the looking glass,

Leave the future to the future.
And the Past to the Past

Believe in yourself. Believe in God.
And make an effort to do it right

For tomorrow is promised to no one.
And this just may be you're last night.
Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
So brave heart, so hardships
Keep thy nerves tight, so keep thy way
It is not to go for and enjoy
All the time, so comes some grieves
Oh, the shadows of sorrows
Make their way too
To bring the gloom to perish the boom
Not letting to bring new thoughts
All perished on the way
So, life needs integrity
So, life needs perfection
And heart wanton to bring happiness
The sky so gloomy, so clouds are
When people hate you, what does it bring?
No flowers laugh, no nightingale sing
When someone leaves you alone
In the gulf of grieves goes your tear
And the sad trace of dieing fear
Shiver the nerves and spark goes down
Tears go out of your eyes, pins in the brown

Tears your eye when one of your heart string dies
Whom to ask for in the chain of cries
It is a link of tears and grieves
It is a chain of life and shadows
Who once meet you, will depart
Who one hate you, will discard
Who once care you, will ignore
Who once thought you, will perish
O, life come, come life to me
I fear thou have gone
What if you are not free?
To give your hand and meet me
There will be no hope, no ray
I can be the one finding no way
Miseries if become food
Hacking all the time your mood
So, fight the time, so fight the gloom
So, forget the morning, so forget the noon
So shadows are tall, so happiness will fall
So minds will stop, so hearts will go
And search the way to life
The last and final attempt
Oh, there is no last thing any way

Because the last bring the first hay!
So trace the horizon, till the shadows gone
And feel the existence, trace the caravan
Oh, life is there in your mind
Oh, life is there, in your heart
Oh, life is in your golden eyes
Life is everywhere if you thought
Where life is, grieves are
So don’t bother by
The shadows of the life
They are just the shadows of the life
Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
The Four Candles burned slowly.
Their Ambiance was so soft you
could hear them speak...

The first candle said, "I Am Peace,
but these days, nobody wants to
keep me lit."

Then Peace's flame slowly diminishes
and goes out completely.

The second candle says, "I Am Faith,
but these days, I am no longer

Then Faith's flame slowly diminishes
and goes out completely.

Sadly the third candle spoke, "I Am
Love and I haven't the strength to
stay lit any longer."
"People put me aside and don't
understand my importance.   They
even forget to love those who are
nearest to them."

And waiting no longer,
Love goes out completely.

A child enters the room and sees the
three candles no longer burning. The
child begins to cry, "Why are you
not burning?   You are supposed
to stay lit until the end."

Then the Fourth Candle spoke
gently to the little boy, "Don't be
afraid, for I Am Hope, and while I
still burn, we can re-light the other

With Shining eyes the child took the
Candle of Hope and lit the other
three candles.
Never let the Flame of Hope go out of your life.

With Hope, no matter how bad things
look and are...Peace, Faith and Love
can Shine Brightly in our lives.

Posted 29 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
This morning when I woke up
And saw the sun above,
I softly said, "Good morning, Lord,
Bless everyone I love."

Right away I thought of you
And said a loving prayer
That He would bless you specially,
And keep you free from care.

I thought of all the happiness
The day could hold in store,
I wished it all for you because
No one deserves it more.

I felt so warm and good inside,
My heart was all aglow,
I know God heard my prayers for you,
He hears them all, you know!
Posted 29 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
thanx manu
Posted 29 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 30 Jul 2007

eshajam says
There is the sun
Who wakes me up for another day
That brightens each and every day

There is shine
Who shines so bright in the evening sky
That keeps me dreaming of better tomorrows

Then there is the light of my life
Who is always there when I am down
That has this gift of lighting the way

Without these three
I could not be
This is the sun, the shine
And the light of my life

This could only be my family
Who always brightens my life
With every passing day
They gave me the wings of light.!
Posted 31 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 31 Jul 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 03 Aug 2007

eshajam says
Posted 03 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
^dewaja^ said:

Posted 03 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
~tasha~ said:

^dewaja^ said:


Posted 03 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
The soul is an elusive part of the human anatomy,
no matter how hard we try we will never find,
believe in it or not, you know its there,
when your day comes your soul escapes,
too find a new home, you are now a small child,
carefull though, as soon as he experiences love,
he shall be happy for the time being,
until his heart is broken,
his love blown too pieces, his soul destroyed.
Posted 04 Aug 2007

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