The Wings Of Light

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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Stay Forever

Love, stay on earth

Bliss, stay in Heaven

Gratitude, stay in my heart

Compassion, stay in God's Heart

Posted 04 Mar 2007

eshajam says
Posted 01 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
thanx jam
Posted 02 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
thx king
Posted 06 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
Neath cleansing waters, in hidden depth,
rush from the mountain high.
Wash over me with your righteousness,
come wash my sins goodbye.

As flood waters flow so swift and fast,
feel the joy in the rain.
Raging river is washing away,
all my sorrow and pain.

Water purifies and makes brand new,
the body and the soul.
Brings forth renewal, new beginning,
turns broken into whole.

For in His hands He has the power,
ask, God shall deliver.
The creator of the universe,
moves that mighty river.
Posted 06 Sep 2007

eshajam says
~tasha~ said:

Neath cleansing waters, in hidden depth,
rush from the mountain high.
Wash over me with your righteousness,
come wash my sins goodbye.

As flood waters flow so swift and fast,
feel the joy in the rain.
Raging river is washing away,
all my sorrow and pain.

Water purifies and makes brand new,
the body and the soul.
Brings forth renewal, new beginning,
turns broken into whole.

For in His hands He has the power,
ask, God shall deliver.
The creator of the universe,
moves that mighty river.

wow v.nice
Posted 10 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Life can feellike a total mess
like everything is breaking around you
no second thoughts bring happiness
with love feelings so true.
you may not find the prince
but end up marrying the toad
and have to walk a distance
to get off this lonely road
you may not flutter thorugh life
as graceful as a butterfly
you have to take in every day
and keep your head held high.always try
so taste the rainbow
feel the rain
watch a rose grow
dont worry about your pain
because in the end life can be great
if you learn to love and forget to hate.

Posted 10 Sep 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 11 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 18 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
for every song that’s proven wrong
let go of all their glory
and sing no more their ancient lore
and promises gone awry
then say goodbye to every lie
dead singers made you carry

for every rhyme outlived by time
denounce them for their frailty
read not the dirge between their words
embedded in their beauty
then stop the tears induced by fears
dead poets brought a-plenty

for every prose unveiled as woes
that made you feel so weary
forget their schemes and broken dreams
let’s weave a new love story
then paint a sky for us to fly
dead writers, let’s go bury…!

Posted 18 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
thx king
Posted 22 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
Dark shadows fall acoss my path,
I feel God's anger feel His wrath.
My knees I fall and start to pray,
shine the light show me the way.

Lift me up come wash me clean,
turn rough tide into sea serene.
Let me be free once and for all,
from all this heartache I recall.

Within your hands mold this clay,
make me brand new upon this day.
I ask you Lord to quell my fears,
let me feel joy and dry my tears,

Crumbled dreams lay at your feet,
without You they are incomplete.
I beg forgiveness and I ask,
to give me strength to do this task.

I ask you now let my faith grow.
Holy Spirit from head to toe.
The King of Kings upon the throne,
shall never let me walk alone.

Posted 22 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Posted 23 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 24 Sep 2007

May Be says
Posted 25 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
thx mb
Posted 25 Sep 2007

eshajam says
Posted 25 Sep 2007

~tasha~ says
Will is myself. Will is my Self.
My Will is absolutely God's and God's alone.
As my inner Will is, in the world of realisation,
So is my outer life, in the world of manifestation.

To my mind's doubt, nothing is real.
To my heart's Will, everything is real.
To conquer my doubts is to grow
Into the breath of my Will.

I am not afraid of my emotions and frustrations.
My emotions and frustrations
Live in my surrendered Will to God,
And will always rejoice in His adamantine Will.

When my inner Will energises my outer existence,
All my imponderable troubles And excruciating pangs Dissolve into thin air.
Doubt wants to blight my mind.
Fear wants to kill my heart.
Ignorance wants to veil my soul.

Aspiration wants to illumine my life.
Surrender wants to fulfil my life.
Will wants to immortalise my life.

My earthly Will has always a beginning and an end.
My Heavenly Will has no beginning and no end.
It has always been and will
Always be the same.
My Will is Eternity's Abode of Truth,
Built on the rock
Of God's Vision-in-Reality and God's Reality-in-Vision.
Posted 09 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
No remedy for black hate?

Who says?

Just love

And love more,

That's all.

No remedy for helpless fear?

Who says?

Just love

And love more,

That's all.

No remedy for blind darkness?

Who says?

Just love

And love more,

That's all.

No remedy for lengthy bondage?

Who says?

Just love

And love more,

That's all.
Posted 09 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
Sometime we smile, and then again.

Sometimes we gigglle, and then.

What we all mean to each other,

In the end is a lift into His light.

Why we have friends,

To take His personal place.

That word or arm around the waist.

The affects we learn to know,

This is a friend who has love,

She knows how to show.

The up lifting feeling she leave each one.

God gave her the power to be your best friend.

A friend who you can go right to,

Like putting on your favorite shoe.

If I God was low, and needed a friend.

I would say there is several I know.

They are all someones, I have felt sent by you.

The all have great presonality.

They are all Angels you know.

I could name each of them.

In my heart, they dwel within.
Posted 09 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
Snuffed out,
light slowly dimminishes.
The window of the soul
barren and desolate.
Light is on but no one's home.
Posted 09 Oct 2007

eshajam says

wow great as ever
Posted 09 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
eshajam said:

wow great as ever

Posted 09 Oct 2007

May Be says
tasha you have so much stuff.
will you give some of it to me?
very nice.
Posted 09 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
May Be said:

tasha you have so much stuff.
will you give some of it to me?
very nice.


sure, y not
Posted 09 Oct 2007

May Be says
Posted 09 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
May Be said:


u tell
Posted 10 Oct 2007

Mr Twisty says
super dooper.
Posted 10 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
thx twisty
Posted 10 Oct 2007

~tasha~ says
When the darkest has closed in around me
And I cant seem to break its grip
Im drawn to the depths of this deep abyss
I cant find my way out my hand reaches for air
Who can I rely on to free me from here
Its then that I realise its me that I need
I need to escape from this endless fear
Noone can do that for me but me
And my ever present faith in my abilities
I remember im good and im strong and im pure
And the world seems so much brighter than before
It’s the inner strength and faith we all seek
And when we find it we can achieve anything.
Posted 10 Oct 2007

Mr Twisty says
welcome dancing gal

nice poem.

Posted 10 Oct 2007

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