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Age: 124
Total Posts: 11119
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
wer is evry1 yaar?
wy is the site all dead?
come on ppl livin it up a lil!!!!

come on
Posted 15 Jun 2007

well me already been and dun that hehehe..
hope u good...
lol sumtimes mates do get on ya nerves quite alot hena..
mine are just loonies.....like meee
Posted 14 Apr 2008

Lol, bless.
Lol, tell me about it, 15 of us made plans to go & I was the only one that had to cancel & yeah they're total loonies themselves, when guys check them out they start scarring them, lol.

Raahhh, can I hide down your yard, they bugging me like mad now!
Posted 14 Apr 2008

yeh man sure come on
Posted 14 Apr 2008

Posted 14 Apr 2008

Posted 14 Apr 2008

Ajawaaaaaaaaaa gheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Oh wait ... where do you live?

Grrrr, you expecting me to run around the UK looking for your yard?

Now that would be funny. Lol.
Posted 14 Apr 2008

lol yeh u got that...
u tell me ur address..i'll move next door to u then all we gotta do is pick up our foot and there we are
Posted 15 Apr 2008

Lol, that now that would be cool, I could pick on you then!!

Posted 16 Apr 2008

wy not i dont mind..after all its not that u gonna be serious bwt it eh?
Posted 16 Apr 2008

Lol, I won't pick on you ... yet!

Posted 16 Apr 2008

oho yet....meaning ke mera time abi aana hai?
lol u not dun wiv mujrim yet?lol
Posted 17 Apr 2008

Lol, I'm not done with him yet, I love winding him up!!

Don't worry ... your time will come soon poppet!!
Posted 18 Apr 2008

oho...i dont think so i'll be off then hahahaha (evil laff)
Posted 21 Apr 2008

Love it when you're evil!

Posted 21 Apr 2008

Mujrim says
Posted 21 Apr 2008

Aap koh kiya huwa hai janab?
Posted 21 Apr 2008


Love it when you're evil!


Posted 22 Apr 2008

Posted 22 Apr 2008

Mujrim says
seeing the love of evil
Posted 22 Apr 2008

Familiar with you, isn't it mujie?
Posted 23 Apr 2008


u go missy!!!!
Posted 23 Apr 2008

Posted 23 Apr 2008

lol aur snahhh..

i still have to send u that pm man.....

Posted 24 Apr 2008

I'm OK, just bored.
I have to make roti in abit & I don't feel like it

Oh well, what've you been upto miss thang?
Posted 24 Apr 2008

nolt man jus been chilling and stuff...me gotta go down too inabit dont feel like it....aarrrgghhh
but i'll be bak shortly hun
Posted 24 Apr 2008

Okie dokie hun.
Catch you then.

Posted 24 Apr 2008

Mujrim says
ya alot familiar to me MISSY JEE ^^^^^^^^^^
Posted 24 Apr 2008

I'm not evil, I'm just misunderstood.

Posted 25 Apr 2008

Posted 25 Apr 2008

You know it's true Sensi.
Posted 25 Apr 2008

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