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Age: 124
Total Posts: 11119
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
wer is evry1 yaar?
wy is the site all dead?
come on ppl livin it up a lil!!!!

come on
Posted 15 Jun 2007

Posted 25 Apr 2008

Why are you laughing miss thang?
Posted 25 Apr 2008

wy cant i missy?
Posted 25 Apr 2008

OK then, you continue laughing, while you're distracted, I'll nick your car!!

Posted 25 Apr 2008

hey hey
do 1 yeh dont u dare..i gotta go sumwer...
actually instead of nickin it u can go for a ride..
but make sure it doesnt smash or crash lol ok
Posted 25 Apr 2008

Oh darn!!
And here I was thinking I could use it to ram into walls but oh well!!

Lol, did I just say that?
Posted 25 Apr 2008

err yeh u did jus say that!
Posted 25 Apr 2008

Posted 25 Apr 2008

Posted 25 Apr 2008

I think you were hearing things in your head at the time missy!!


Posted 25 Apr 2008

yeh cud bee
Posted 28 Apr 2008

Buzz buzz!!

<Goes to sting you but changes mind at the last second!>

Posted 28 Apr 2008

lol...u couldve stung me....would've joined ur part of the family...eh?

the stingy family!!! lol

Posted 29 Apr 2008

<Stings You>

Congratulations, you're part of the family now!!

There's a family reunion coming up, & no I won't take you too that, otherwise they'll think you're pretending to be a scorpion!!

Welcome to the family!!
Posted 29 Apr 2008

dont worry i'll make the most of being one of u now hahahaha
Posted 29 Apr 2008

Lol, goody!!
You just follow me & take notes, kay?

Posted 01 May 2008

yeh sure....i'll do that
Posted 01 May 2008

Lol, if you see the police, run like hell!!
Posted 01 May 2008

okie dokie
Posted 02 May 2008

Or better yet, drive!!
Posted 02 May 2008

lol yeh nick off wiv the cops car init...

grand theft auto...
Posted 06 May 2008

Lol, now that would be funny, I'd be yelling my head off, laughing at them!!

Lol, GTA, that game is sick as

I'm gonna get it.
Posted 06 May 2008

its wicked man me bruv got it on psp and on xbox lol play on the xbox he doesnt lemme tuch his psp...meano
Posted 07 May 2008

Lol, awwww.
Brothers eh?

What other games do you like, apart from senseless violent ones?

Shhhhh, I like them senseless violent games too!!
Posted 07 May 2008

lol...i just like violent games and need4speed and car raching and all stuff like that i hate playing football on computer but i love watching it...

senseless? >>>> sensational
Posted 08 May 2008

Lol, you're just like meh!

We're going to get the Nintendo Wii next, I want all the games for that, lol.
Posted 08 May 2008

hehehe thats wicked..my cuz got it...its propa lively man it make u move everywhere hehehee
Posted 08 May 2008

Lol, what games have you played on it?
Posted 08 May 2008

well me bruv hes got stacks and stacks..
bascially all his room is full
the only ones i play on is burnout
vice city GTA
adventure games..anything like that...

am gonna go for sum lunch now...be bak in a bit
Posted 08 May 2008

Ok hun, that's cool, see you when you get back.
Posted 08 May 2008

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