
30187 views 883 replies
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Age: 124
Total Posts: 11119
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
wer is evry1 yaar?
wy is the site all dead?
come on ppl livin it up a lil!!!!

come on
Posted 15 Jun 2007


weres mine in return?
Posted 24 Jun 2008

Mwah x infinity!
Posted 25 Jun 2008

mwah infinity x infinity
Posted 28 Jun 2008

Mwah x infinity plus 1!
Haaaa, you can't beat that!

Posted 28 Jun 2008

oh yeh?
u wanna bet?
infinity x infinity x infinity to the power infinity

in ur face!
beat that!
Posted 28 Jun 2008

Oh damn!
Posted 28 Jun 2008

Posted 28 Jun 2008

No 'ha!'
Posted 28 Jun 2008

no ha! ha!
Posted 08 Jul 2008

Oh nai kurriyeh!
Posted 08 Jul 2008

Posted 10 Jul 2008

I win!
Posted 11 Jul 2008

ur a winner dats wy u win chik!
Posted 30 Jul 2008

Ah bleshh.
How ya doing munchkin?
Posted 30 Jul 2008

lolzz me all good and urself?
Posted 09 Aug 2008

I'm alrighty, I'm making some parathas in abit, want some?
Posted 09 Aug 2008

Posted 09 Aug 2008

Come on over then.
Posted 10 Aug 2008

wel how can i yaara?
u have dissapeared from here!
Posted 18 Aug 2008

Oye, mae etehyah!
Posted 23 Aug 2008

no ur not!!!
and wats wiv the blk eye?
Posted 30 Aug 2008

Yes I am Missy!
Lol, cos you hurted ma feelings!
Posted 30 Aug 2008

am sorry babes
havnt chattd to u since ages
so just all my ghussa on ya
soz chicken!
Posted 30 Aug 2008

Lol nah, it's OK.
How comes you're never online?

What've you been doing these days?
Posted 30 Aug 2008

av bin busy at work man
that is the reason why i have unable to cum online yaaar
howz u doin neway?
Posted 06 Sep 2008

I'm OK, just feeling so tired getting up for Sehri.
Lol, I'm so sleepy.
Posted 06 Sep 2008

yeh man mee too i mean i have to wake up again
and go to work in the morning!!!
Posted 06 Sep 2008

Anyway, are you reading Tarabeeh?
Posted 07 Sep 2008

Rapunzel says
abhi parh k ayi hun
Posted 08 Sep 2008

Posted 09 Sep 2008

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