
30194 views 883 replies
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Age: 124
Total Posts: 11119
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
wer is evry1 yaar?
wy is the site all dead?
come on ppl livin it up a lil!!!!

come on
Posted 15 Jun 2007

well see me now coz i am bak
Posted 12 May 2008

Looking, I'm looking at you ji!!

Welcome back hun.
Posted 12 May 2008

lol....thnx man
Posted 12 May 2008

Aren't you alil freaked out that other people are looking at you right now?
Posted 12 May 2008

nah its right
Posted 12 May 2008

Get back into your room, NOW!!

Tee Hee!!     
Posted 12 May 2008

theek hai jee
jaise aap kahey
Posted 12 May 2008

Lol, awww!!
I was only joking, come here!
Posted 12 May 2008

i knw i knw was just waiting for the hug
Posted 12 May 2008

Posted 12 May 2008

ayma go now...ok be back soon theek hai
Posted 12 May 2008

Okie dokie, catch you later then, mwah!!
Posted 12 May 2008

no no catch me now coz i am here

but u are gayab
Posted 16 May 2008

Lol, here I am!!
Posted 17 May 2008

no ur not!
Posted 19 May 2008

Yes I am!

Where are you?
Posted 19 May 2008

no ur not..
am here ur not here
Posted 20 May 2008

You're not here now!
I'm here, not you!
Posted 20 May 2008

~CHANDNI~ says
wer????? kiya ho raha hay yahan
Posted 20 May 2008

Hide & Seek!
Posted 21 May 2008

lol u sed it!

aur how u bin?

long long time yaar no chat?
Posted 21 May 2008

Same old, same old, nothing new.
How about you Madam, what else have you been upto lately?
Posted 21 May 2008

nuthing yaar been chilling
last day of college today
so havin a blast
gonna cum bak now for the exams do extra extra dua ok
thnx yaaar

miss it being online wiv u missy jeee...but i will be bak properly after the exams inshallah
Posted 23 May 2008

Awww, alright hun, Inshah'Allah you'll pass, Ameen.
Lol, since it's the last day in college, are you going to do any pranks?

It's tradition here, you know!!
Posted 23 May 2008

lol yeh am thinkin on it yet..not 100% yet

tell me summat i can do yaar
Posted 29 May 2008

Lol, let's see ...

Ahem ahem!

I'll tell you later!
Posted 29 May 2008

i wanna knw nowwwwww

or pm all the things u can think of wen u have time
Posted 29 May 2008

Lol, will do indeedy!
Posted 29 May 2008

still waiting

oh yeh and u havnt mailed me them kewl facts
Posted 02 Jun 2008

Arrrgh, I'm on it!

Posted 02 Jun 2008

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