
30193 views 883 replies
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Age: 124
Total Posts: 11119
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
wer is evry1 yaar?
wy is the site all dead?
come on ppl livin it up a lil!!!!

come on
Posted 15 Jun 2007

ok ok thnx lov
Posted 02 Jun 2008

Posted 02 Jun 2008

well then?
Posted 02 Jun 2008

So many things to do, so lil time!
Posted 03 Jun 2008

like wat wat?
Posted 03 Jun 2008

You want the list?
Posted 04 Jun 2008

yup yup i dont mind
Posted 04 Jun 2008

Lol, this is gonna take awhile!
Posted 04 Jun 2008

well then come on missy jee am still waiting
Posted 05 Jun 2008

Hurrying ji!
Posted 06 Jun 2008

nonono u still not there yet
Posted 09 Jun 2008

Posted 09 Jun 2008

its ayt
Posted 09 Jun 2008

Posted 09 Jun 2008

check the gaming zone out and also the jokes
Posted 09 Jun 2008

Will do.
Posted 09 Jun 2008

dun it yet?
Posted 09 Jun 2008

Lol, yeah.
Posted 09 Jun 2008

Posted 11 Jun 2008

Is that for moi?
Posted 13 Jun 2008

errm let me think

Posted 14 Jun 2008

Lol, OK OK!
Posted 15 Jun 2008

Posted 16 Jun 2008

Posted 17 Jun 2008

Posted 19 Jun 2008

Big Hug!
Posted 19 Jun 2008

Posted 20 Jun 2008

Posted 20 Jun 2008

Posted 21 Jun 2008

Lol, haye!
Posted 22 Jun 2008

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