LiL_DollY said:I cant post any of my personal pics because the size is too big
what should I do???
Smooth_daddy said:Badal & CM you are not very far apart in your opinions. Its only the positions we are taking so very strongly that make us bitter and unforthcoming.
This is a very interesting topic. We must build on it in a positve way.
Sall, your point - well taken. People say that to justify their own actions or whatever wrong happens around them. Instead one should acknowledge and recognizie wrong and immoral practices. That's first step toward correction and moral uplifting.
SALL said:interesting views
i ve just one thing to add
dont compare pak with other contries,,, the best way to hide ur dark side is to say that it also happen in other contries,,,
y do we care so much abt the rest of the world as we never adopt their qualities,, instead when its question of a wrong practice we hide behind the sentence "bure log aur jaga bhi hote hein"
wot was the need for a separate MUSLIM STATE then ??
agar sab baki jaga jaisa hona hai to PAK ki kya zaroorat hai
Chandramuki said:*sighs* Quran isn't a dictionary, that's degrading it, but then you use terms in your own way so i'm not surprized you'd be using other things differently as well. you irritate me, there are two types of questions people ask, one, those who are trying to find an answer to increase their knowlegde, and two, those who ask just for sake of stirring trouble and getting at people in an argumentative and jahaal manner. Your questions are not only unclear but fall into catagory two so i don't have the patience to deal with you.
your wierd reasoning, patronising and arrogant manner are not going to conform my thinking and ideology, so you should just give it a rest.
If you really are in this to benifit others, follow SD's exapmle of mature, learned and modest approach. You've been constantly trying to put me down in hopes of "defeating" me, well firstly that's not going to happen, I've dealt with people like you before and you don't scare or intimidate me, and yes it has just been me, i don't know why, maybe because I'm a girl and you're sexist, you haven't once commented on anyone else, for a homophobic like you it's surprizing you didn't once comment on BadShah's remark on use all being a bit homosexual.
If you keep coming at people with a big headed and demeaning attitude which makes you look like you're trying to intimidate rather than explain, it's going to get you no where.
Smooth_daddy said:Why is it that everybody (most youngsters) in Pakistan thinks Molvis are Jahil and incapable of doing anything right?
jjpr said:
Badal said:JJ
So your opinion is that if Pakistan is an Islamic country there should no crimes, homox etc. "Islamic" <= note it. Do you think Christianity preaches homox, or Judaism preaches homox, or Hinduism preaches homox, or Budhism preaches homox? Dont all these relegion condemn homox? Then why is there "so much" homox, in America, UK, India, France, Austrlia? Why cant anyone question this then? Dont say me that these are secular countries, contries maybe be secular but more than 95% people have some relegion and are bound by some Laws. Obvioulsy all relegions and Laws (most if not all) condemn it, Islam is no exception. Nor is Pakistan. I may say this is a lack of understanding only to pinpoint Islam and pakistan.
Badal I dont know what your problem is, I have already stated that I am ASKING ABOUT PAKISTAN, I am not interested at this point in any other country why is it so hard for you to understand? I have also already stated that it would be hard to think that no sins can take place in the country.
And yes As Pakistan "IS SUPPOSSED TO BE" an Islamic coubtry then there should not be any sins. Please read this last sentence carefully.
Chandramuki said:
Badal said:
So eventually you agreed, God decides whats right and wrong, and its upto the people to abidy by or not, ....
I never disagreed to that, take any one of my posts and show me where I said that being gay wasn't a sin. btw there is a differance between a sin and a crime, do i need to the dictionary out again for you?
LiL_DollY said:
Badal said:
LiL_DollY said:
Badal said:Dolly, it didnt gave
him any choice, that is what we are
condemning, and that is why he should be punished. The punishment for
his crime in Islam is surely Death.
HOnestly this is my opnion
he did what he did
and leave the rest to Allah (SWT)
thats were his real punishment will reside
and there is no punishment that like that of GODS
so just drop the topic about punishment.
No dolly, its not honesty with the victim to let the criminal at his own.
What we leave on Allah is the sin for which thers no punishment, like
giving up Prayer, Fasting, etc, its between man and Allah only. Also its
Allah's order to punish the criminals so that other may refrain from such
crimes. You know its a society not a Jungle (forest).
Yeah but open the quran and it says that ALLAH (SWT) is oft forgiving and
merciful. IF the guys crys his head off and repents then people should
give him a second chance.
(I mean I wouldnt want to at all):I agree he should be punished
but dont think about the worse way to punish him
Leave it Allah (SWT)
LiL_DollY said:
Badal said:Dolly, it didnt gave him any choice, that is what we are
condemning, and that is why he should be punished. The punishment for
his crime in Islam is surely Death.
HOnestly this is my opnion
he did what he did
and leave the rest to Allah (SWT)
thats were his real punishment will reside
and there is no punishment that like that of GODS
so just drop the topic about punishment.
Chandramuki said:Right on SD
you're the voice of reason, I learn alot from you
ofcourse God decides what's right and wrong, but it is up to the people to abide by it. 'criminals' just sounds like a wrong way to describe gays, i think 'sinners' is more appropriate and precise.
am i adultrophobic? hmm, well we can all aford one phobia!
Smooth_daddy said:Badal, I disagree with you in the fact that his wife's refusal led him to a crime of unparallel proportions. Now, i can take it as the straw that broke camel's back. I think there are a lot of reasons that led the man to this crime.
ahadeeth you mentioned are true and authentic. I must, however, mention that these ahadeeth are to discourage a woman from refusing to the call of husband. when she is able to (physically, emotionally and mentally) but refuses only to tease the man, she is in contempt of hadeeth. Of course, if she's ill, tired, or when she feels her husband is abusive or is drunk or high on drugs, she may refuse to her husband. Allah knows the best.
Chandramuki said:
Like I said before, I'm on a different wavelength to you, you don't understand me because you're not in my league. You're backward, homophobic, racist and sexist chauvinist - none of things which I or most of the members here are. Now let others comment on it? When did I stop anyone from commenting on this thread? You are the one with obssessed with posting back on anything I say.
Chandramuki said:No no SD, adultry is a crime and affects the lives the spouse and his family. Homosexuality can also affect the lives of people involved, but I meant it without any other factors attached, e.g, a single gay with anotehr single gay, no cheating on eachother. Under that condition, it's no one's buisness.
Chandramuki said:
Badal said:
the authenticity of these hadiths in unquestionable, they are in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim books of Ahadith and are "Sahih". anyone suspecting their authenticity would be commiting suicide.
Every translation of any religious is flawed. That is a fact not an opinion. A religious text only stays prestine as long as it is in its original language.
Badal said:
And i didnt justified. i poitend out the cause only, as i explained ealier. if you cant understand, if your little brain, i can help much.
"the man is a sadist, his wife and the girl are victims." man is sadist, the girl is the victim and wife wasnt a victim, what he did to her? instead she became a cause with other causes of this evil, the heinous crime of that man.
Defeat? To you? Never.
You need to get an English dictionary because you obviously don't understand what the words, Justify, Defeat, Sex, Rape, mean. I'm not going to fall to your level and resort to name calling, so here I'm taking the liberty of giving you the meaning of those words, taken from
rape (n)
1The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
2The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
3Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.
tr.v. raped, rap·ing, rapes
To force (another person) to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse; commit rape on.
To seize and carry off by force.
To plunder or pillage.
i.e. if it isn't forced, it's not rape but sex. but you don't know what sex means either, here:
Sex means
Next one - justify
v. jus·ti·fied, jus·ti·fy·ing, jus·ti·fies
v. tr.
1To demonstrate or prove to be just, right, or valid: justified each budgetary expense as necessary; anger that is justified by the circumstances.
2To declare free of blame; absolve.
3To free (a human) of the guilt and penalty attached to grievous sin. Used of God.
To demonstrate sufficient legal reason for (an action taken).
To prove to be qualified as a bondsman.
jjpr said:Well well, first of all can I ask what incident you are referring to, because I started this thread with NO SPECIFIC incident in mind, I was asking a general question.
Secondly if you check other threads in the section you will notice that I have aslo started one, PAKistan, asking why there is so much "murders and robbery" as you say in Pakistan.
Thirdly I am not saying that these people should be discriminated against but they should be educated and where required be helped.
Homosexuality is wrong in Islam.
I find some of your comments confusing, are you condoning or condemning homox?
jjpr said:
Badal said:Amazing, Allah didnt feel any mercy for these "disable" homos, and destroyed the whole of the nation of Prophet Lut! Allah must be cruel and devoid of any mercy for his own creatures (just like us?) to do that to them. Really, is He? Can you dare saying that while still being a Muslim? Answer me now, both of you (specially ashkhan you are proud of your parents being very knowledgeable, show me your own knowledge).
Badal are you saying this about Allah? Do you believe he was?
Chandramuki said:
oh please - there is a major differance between a rapist or criminal and a homosexual, why are you comparing them? in essence criminals hurt people and someone having sex in the privacy of their bedroom is not making anyone a victim or looting anyone.
Smooth_daddy said:Badal, I respect your opinion and would suggest reconsideration. Quran was not revealed for virtues and blessings. Its like a prescription, no matter how much you recite, it will not benefit unless you make proper use of it. Quran is a manual of human life. Virtues of its recitation and its blessings were not told to the companions until the last when they had adopted it in their lives.
Badal said:Ofcourse, we should learn Quran and not just recite it, specially in this blessed month of Ramazan. Perhaps thats what you mean, otherwise your post is quite ambiguous.
jjpr said:Why is there so much homosexuality in Pakistan?
ashkhan said:na i dnt agree. humans have disabilities and not being able to feel attraction towrds the opp gender, is a disability.
i dontt think anyone would want to b a homo, jus they have been made with feelings that way. i know who wish they were like everyone else, but cant help it, even females. i.e. look at mental disorders they are ppl with feelings made a certain way.
not only in pakistan, there r gays in western contries, more than u can imagine, and u cant even telll if they r.
i think we as humans r very wrong in not accepting ppl with this diability, they r humans, and they shouldnt b treated any different.
even the quran says there r ppl with dis abilities, who we as reg ppl should accept and not discriminate aginst.
ashkhan said:homo dont accept being homo cus they rnt criminal so have no other choice to accept what they are. sd brova i totally disagrre with u, what is a disability?
a disability is when a human being is unable to make reg choices and live a reg life. and in this case they r disabled cos they r unable to live a reg life and make reg choices cos they have been made to function that way. it is proven by psycologists that it is infact a disability of a much smaller level.
phycos etc.. are diabled and perform criminal activitiess,that is why they r wrong.
yes islam condems homo beings, but that is not to say that ppl like that dont exist. and if they do they why cant we accept them. cos islam also says accept every human being they r just like you. u dont need to encourage it or live with ppl like that or ebven like them , but accept that they r human beings.
sd brova sometimes u r rite, but at times u come acroos as being too extreme, not i i agree with it or have to live with it but thats who u r and we all accept u for it.
dont eve doubt my knowledge of islam, cos my parents are very knowledgable. in my city they r known for teir islamic knowledge and references, while being moderate muslims. my mum says that too.
Chandramuki said:
ashkhan said:
i think we as humans r very wrong in not accepting ppl with this diability, they r humans, and they shouldnt b treated any different....
You're right, gays shouldn't be treated any differently, after all at the end of the day what someone's sexual preferance is, is no one's buisness and it's shallow to judge someone based on their sexuality. I disagree with you one point though, it's not a disability, it's persuing desires which are haram.