Age: 125
7170 days old here
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Slow tears
I look up as a tear rolls slowly down my cheek I think about better days and wonder if I'll feel that way again you look at me with those eyes I know so well always serious, so deep and insightful as though you're always in control But not today not now Now you look so scared like for once you don't have the answer I gaze at you looking deep into those hazel eyes Hoping to understand why you've said those things you did I wonder for a moment if this is all a dream if I shall wake in the morning and be relieved you look at me with a confusion I have never seen slowly pull me towards you and wipe the tears from my cheek
Age: 125
7170 days old here
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Friends are funny. Friends can be freaky. Friends are always there. Friends will be there for you when you need them. Friends listen. Friends make you laugh so hard you cry. Friends face the facts. Friends are an important factor in our lives. They will neve let us be a failure. Friends won't let you fade away from being you. They always have faith in you. They're never fake or fraud. Friends may be far away , but they're always close at heart. Friends are forever, like you and me.
Age: 125
7170 days old here
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Friendship is a golden chain the links are friends so dear and like a rare and precious jewel it's treasured more each year... it's clasped together firmly with a love that's deep and true and it's rich and happy memories and fond recollections too... time can't destroy it's beauty for as long as memories live years can't erase the pleasure the joy that friendship gives for friendship is a priceless gift that can't be bought or sold but to have an understanding friend is worth far more than gold and the golden chain of friendship is a strong and blessed tie binding kinded hearts together as the years go passing by.
Age: 125
7170 days old here
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Everybody needs friends, we all have friends Some friends are closer to us than our families If we happen to fall, there are friends to pick us up What will our life be without friends? There are many categories of friendship There are casual friends, bad friends and good friends The question here is – who is your best friend? Friends who can turn your tears into laughter Is your wife your best friend? I mean the friend you go to When you need honest advice Is your husband your best friend? I mean the friend who knows you More than you know yourself Is your brother or sister your best friend? I mean the friend who always assists you To solve difficult personal problems Is your father or mother your best friend? I mean the friend you feel safe to keep secrets Are your in-laws your best friend? I mean the friend you can tell anything Is your boss or co-worker your best friend? I mean the friend who can cover you up at work Is your son or daughter your best friend? I mean the friend you use as sounding board For all your confidential and private thoughts Is your former classmate your best friend? I mean the friend who cheers you up on bad days Whoever may be your best friend, remember that A friend in need is always a friend indeed
Age: 125
7170 days old here
Total Posts: 51848
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Dhund Chhayi Hui Hai Jheelo Par, Aur Rahe Hai Parand Telo Par, Sab Ka Rukh Hai NasheMo Ki Taraf, Bastiyon Ki Taraf Dono Ki Taraf, Apne Galo Ko Le Kar Charwahe, Sarhade Bastiyon Mein Jaa Pahuche, Dil NakaM! Main Kahan Jaun? Ajnabi ShaaM! Main Kahan Jaun???