
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Main nay tou nahin dekha.?? *did not catch it*
Posted 18 Mar 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
I just hope he creats some star power by not doing Crap films.
I like him
Posted 16 Mar 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
P3 is a Flop!
Posted 16 Mar 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
U don't know what a soap opera is?
Posted 09 Mar 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Ok.It was mistyped!!!..Resham planning to tie thek not with her love who is in France these days and his name is "IRUm" too

My site got closed for No Donations!
Posted 09 Mar 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Thanks for the reply darling.I might start a new story when my exam ends :)
Posted 09 Mar 2006


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Pakistan, Pakistan
Posted 02 Mar 2006

Topic: Majajan


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
I believe that the date there was wrong
Posted 01 Mar 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
taify said:

Reema Khan's film was not a Super Hit.It was just a hit but the film was great no doubt.

Posted 25 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Reema Khan's film was not a Super Hit!!!!!!
Posted 25 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Does this mean Prad Bitt and J Lo coming to Pakistan to shoot? Woooooooo

Posted 18 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
The story is ended and please Sohni Kuddi i request you to read it
Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Sohail:-I did this because i know i was wrong .I did this because i wanted to do the right thing.Aryan was using me for his favour and now i know you were right..because..because..Papa told me..Yes he is back from Comma..He told me the whole story..I am Sorry Hussain!!I am Sorry now i am going from your life for forever.I am Sorry forget me please.

Hussain and Amber are emotional and they exits the Police Station and reaches the hospital.Mr.Zia is back both Ammi and Najjo are with him.Ammi looks at Amber as she never knew the plan.Hussain says that this is not the time to ask any questions.He asked the doctor if he could take his father with him and the doctor allowed him to.

Scene 2:-

Everyone is at home and Hussain tells the whole story to the family.Ammi is emotional and she asked to go to the Police Station and meet Sohail.They all turns back and are shocked to see "Sabir(Hussain bro who was abroad) standing there.Sabir says that hearing all this all of his misunderstandings are cleared and he asked for forgiveness.They all goes to the Police station and meets Sohail.Sohail says Sorry to everyone and Hussain makes sure that he will manage the best Lawyer of the city for Sohail's case.


Sabir and Hussain are going to every lawyer and they reached at a lawyer's office.They both enters and Sabir suddenly stops and he is surprised to see something.


The lawyer slowly gets the face up and she is "Rubina(Sabir's old gf)

Rubina:-Sabir you?

Sabir and Rubina discussed thier lives and both come to know that they are unmarried and Hussain says he will get them married because he cares for true love and he knows what it is.Hussain and Sohail defines the case to Rubina and she accepts to take it.

Scene 4:-(Court)

After a long hearing the judge says that since "Sohail did this to save the life of Sabir but still it was bad on his part now he either has to pay "300000/-" as Jurmana?? or be in jail for 2 years.

Sohail pays the money and the whole family lives happily until Khala Jaan and Shahnaz comes to know that Sabir is back and they ask Ammi for the wedding.Sabir declines and Khala Jaan says it is not good and all this.Shahnaz is sitting quiet.Khala Jaan says that Sabir has destroyed Shahnaz's life and suddenly Shahnaz said that Sabir has saved her life because she is in love with someone else and Khala Jaan wanted her to marry Sabir just for money.Khala Jaan feels ashamed and goes out.

*Sabir and Rubina gets married*

*The whole family(Ammi,Papa,Hussain,Amber,Sabir,Rubina,Najjo and Taify(Hussain's son) are living happily as the

Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Amber is standing on a hill and a car comes there and stops.Someone steps outof the car and comes near Amber slowly the camera goes up and he is Hussain.Amber is daring Hussain and Hussain suddenly smiles at him.They both smiled and hugged each other.

Hussain:-We have done it

Amber:-Yes we have done it

Hussain:-It is all Thanks to you

Amber yes Thanks God i heard the full conversation between Sohail and Aryan that day and now we have done it.Aryan has named the power of attorney back to you and that's not all he has accepted his crime.

Hussain and Amber hugs again and suddenly a car stops there and Aryan steps out.Aryan is angry

Aryan:-I knew you would be planning something and you got success in this but trust me Hussain you will not be able to enjoy this success becausee...(He pulls a gun out and)..I am going to kill you

Hussain and Amber both are in a shock

Aryan slowly takes steps and suddenly his hand comes down on the rock and he falls down and the gun fell.Amber fast picked up the gun

Amber:-See..the thing has turned..Now you are the one who is going to die

Aryan slowly stands and acts scared but suddenly he puts out another gun and puts it on the head of Hussain.Hussain asks AMber not to do any thing as she says she would kill Aryan.They all are shouting and suddenly a gunshot is heard and all three men have an unknown look on the face as knowone knows what has happened suddenly Aryan collapses and Hussain thinks that Amber has shot the gut but someone is shown coming from the other side the camera slowly turns and he is "Sohail" with a gun in his hand.Amber and Hussain has an unknown look on the face as why would Sohail kill Aryan.Aryan is still down bleeding.Police arrives after few minutes.

Sohail:-I called the police..I am Sorry!

Police takes Sohail with them both Hussain and Amber are confused why all this happened.Hussain and Aryan follows The police and gets into the Police Station.Hussain inquired about why Sohail did this.

*Episode Ends*
Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
(After few days)

Scene 1:-

Hussain is worried about what to do when his phone rings and Aryan is on the other side.Hussain gets angry at Aryan but Aryan tells him that he has a great news for Hussain.Aryan tells Hussain that Amber was with her the whole night.Hussain shouts at him but Aryan tells him that he could prove it.He tells Hussain that Amber slept with him the whole night and he could prove it.Aryan sends SMS of Amber on the bed(which he took that night) to Hussain and Hussain is so angry.

Hussain is back at home and he gets in the room with Amber.Hussain argues with Amber and Amber says that she is innocent but Hussain does not believe her and throw her out of the house.Ammi and Najjo tries to stop him but Hussain doesn't hear any one.Hussain pushes Amber out of the house and she falls down on the road and a car stops near her and Aryan steps outside.Aryan offers Amber to comeup and live with him.Amber stands and looks angrily at Aryan first and suddenly smiles.Aryan and Amber gets in the car and they drive away

Scene 2:-

Aryan and Amber are at the house

Aryan:-I know i would do it.I knew you'll be mine one day

Amber:-Yes now i am all yours

Aryan:-Say what you want?

Amber:-Nothing.I just want to divorce that Hussain and i will marry you then


Scene 3:-

Amber informs Aryan that she had signed the divorce paper and now they both can marry.Aryan is really excited.Amber gives him some papers and asked him to sign them.Aryan asked about the papers and Amber said that they have written that we are going to marry in court.Aryan looks confused he reads the first few paper and Amber asks him if he does not trust her and Aryan smiles at Amber and then signed all of the papers.Amber thanks him and leave from there saying she needs to go to court.

*Episode Ends*
Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 7:-

"Everyone in the home come to know about the situation.Ammi is also shocked to know this but she doesn't know it is all because of Sohail as Hussain never told her."

Ammi:-What will we do now Son?

Hussain:-What can we do?

Amber:-I will not let something like this happen

Hussain:-What will you do?

Amber:-Just wait and watch

Scene 8:-

Amber reaches Aryan's home

Aryan:-What are you doing here lady?

Amber:-I want to know why you did this to us?

Aryan:-Look i did not do anything wrong

Amber:-You cheated


Amber:-But why?

Aryan:-For you and only for you..I want you

Amber:-You want me?


Amber:-You've gone mad....This time you have to go against me not with me...and i am going to get back what belongs to me and my family

Amber turns back to go away but she learns that it is raining heavily and there is storm.Aryan offers him to stay at his home and Amber declines but finally she accepts.

Scene 9:-(Next day)

Amber is on her way back to house when her phone rings and she comes to know that she is pregnent.Amber is very happy and she thinks to inform Hussain the next day as tomorrow is Valentine's day and she thinks it would be the best gift for Hussain.

Amber reaches home and everyone asked her where she was and Amber had the excuse that she was with a patient and because of the bad weather she was not able to come back home.

Scene 10:-

Amber informs Hussain about her beign pregnent and he is really happy.He thanks Amber for giving him such a beautiful gift.
Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scsne 5:-

Sohail is in his car and his phone rings.Sohail picks up the phone and he is shocked to hear something from the other side.Sohail fast turns his car and reaches his house.Sohail enters in a room.

Sohail:-What the hell is this?

There is a man standing there and he turns and he is "Aryan"

Sohail:-What the hell is this?What are you doing?

Aryan:-What am i doing?You tell me

Sohail:-You cheated on me

Aryan:-Did i?

Sohail:-You gave me a false contract.You have the Power Of Attorney now..

Aryan:-So you know it now..I am Sorry!

Sohail:-Sorry?What Sorry?What is this?What is going to happen??Why you did this?

Aryan:-I did this just for Amber.

Sohail:-Just for Amber?

Aryan:What?For Amber?

Sohail:-Yes because i want her and i know now my money can bring her to me

Aryan:-This will never happen

Sohail:-Its surely will happen

Scene 6:-

"Hussain and Sohail got into an arguement"

Hussain:-Sohail it is all because of you

Sohail:-Because of me?


Sohail:-What the hell are you saying?

Hussain:-Look we need to cool down.I want my company back

Sohail:-Go ahead..try to snatch it

Hussain:-You need to help me with that

Sohail:-You do not expect anything like that from me please...I wanted to destroy you and let me enjoy my time now...(smiles)

Hussian is pissed

Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Amber is standing in the corridor all alone and Aryan comes to him.

Amber:-Hello,do you need something?


Amber:-What you need?


*Aryan goes near Amber*

Amber:-What are you doing?

Aryan:-Nothing..I am coming closer to you..

Amber:-Go away

Amber goes away

Scene 2:-

Amber is stressed sitting and Ammi comes to her.

Ammi:-You look stressed..everything good?


Ammi:-Amber please go and ask Aryan if he needs something

Amber:-Ok Ammi

Scene 3-

(Aryan and Sohail are discussing)

Sohail:-So what i need to do next?

Aryan:-You have the Power Of Attorney now and you need to sign a contract?

Sohail:-What contract?

Aryan:-This is the contract which will lead to the end of this family(laughs)

Sohail:-What is it about?

Aryan:-It is that you(Hussain's channel) is giving all of it's leading programs and broadcasting rights to my channel and this is how you we are going to destroy our enemies

Sohail:-Ok..(Sohail signs it)

Aryan:-Read it

Sohail:-I do not need to.I trust you

Scene 4:-(Office)

Hussain reaches the office where Sohail greets him.

Hussain:-Do you know what is happening these days?

Sohail:-What is happening?

Hussain:-There is some another channel which is broadcasting our programs.We were supposed to broadcast the India vs Pakistan Match but we do not have the rights any more.

Sohail:-We never had them

Hussain:-What are you saying?We are currently losing..We are going in a loss

Sohail:And it is all Thanks to you.

*Sohail goes away*

Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Ammi is in her room and Sohial enters.

Ammi:-Come Sohail

Sohail:-Hello Ammi

Ammi:-How are you son

Sohail:-Ammi,i need to ask you for something

Ammi:-Yes beta?

Sohail:-Ammi i have a friend "Aryan" who is coming to Pakistan.I promised him that i would let him stay with me at my house but now i live here in my house so Ammi i need your permission before allowing him to stay here.

Ammi:-Beta you do not need any one's permission.This is your house too

Sohail:Ammi so can he stay here?

Ammi:-Sure he can(Smiling)

Sohail:-Thank You Ammi.Thank You very very much

Ammi smiles as Sohail exits the room with an evil smile on his face

Scene 2:-(Aryan and Sohial discussing)

Sohail:-Ha Ha...what a big fool that lady is(referring to Ammi)

Aryan:-I know all of them are emotional fools

Sohail:They really are

Aryan:-So i can comeup and stay there?

Sohail:-Ofcouse you can

Aryan:-Ha Ha...they going to cry soon

Sohail:-And i am waiting eagerly for that day

Scene 3:-(Sohail brings Aryan to the house)

Sohail:-Ammi this is Aryan my childhood friend.I used to live with him when papa was in the Asylum

Aryan:-Hello Aunty

Ammi:-Hello beta...live here happily like this is your house

Aryan:-Ofcourse AMmi

Sohail:-Ammi i will show him the way to his room

Sohail and Aryan goes away and on the way Aryan turns his eyes on Amber who is busy working and doesn't notice Aryan.

Sohail:-What's wrong?

Aryan:-Nisha?(thinking that Amber is Nisha)

Sohail:-No she is not Nisha

Aryan:-She is Nisha

Sohail:-No.Nisha and Amber had same face and that was my plan.She is not Nisha

Aryan and Sohail goes to thier room

Scene 4:-(Aryan sitting in his room)

Aryan thinking to himself

"How could this be possible?I am sure this Amber is my Nisha.I am sure she is my Nisha or what if she is not.I want her...I want Amber....I want Amber...."
Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-(Hussain's bedroom)

Hussain and Amber are in thier room talking.

Amber:-You need to understand the feelings of your mother

Hussain:I really understand her feelings and i know she loves me too and Sohail is just using her for his favour

Amber:-I know and somehow we need to show Ammi that Sohail is wrong

Hussain:-But how?Ammi will never listen anything against Sohail and it could hurt her too and i do not want to hurt her.She is already sad about the situation of papa

Amber:-Yes,i was in the hospital earlier and the doctor informed me that papa is slowly recovering

Hussain:-I just hope he gets well sooon

Amber:-I wish too

Scene 2:-

Sohail is in a restaurant waiting for the man who called him.Sohail is sitting and a man comes to him

The Man:-Yo're Sohail,right?

Sohail:-Yes i am.Who are you

*The man takes the seat*

The Man:-I am the one who called you and who wanted to meet you

Sohail:-Interesting but who are you want why do you want to help?

The Man:-My name is "Aryan" and i am the fionce of "Nisha"

Sohail:-Nisha?The girl who was in jail

Aryan:-Yes and i want to take revenge.I want to take revenge

Sohail:-Do not get over exited?How is fionce now?

Aryan:-The police freed her after few days and i don't know where she is now

Sohail:-You don't know where she is?

Aryan:-No,i have no idea.

Sohail-We could search her too and join forces to destory our enemies


Scene 3:-(In the night)

Every one is sitting in the Television Lounge

Ammi:-Sohail how are your days in the office going?

Sohail:-Great Ammi and good time is just going to start

Ammi:-Sohail must be helping you with your work Hussain

Hussain:-Yes Ammi he is helping me

Ammi:-Good,I want you brothers to get success and i just hope your father will also be able to see you getting succeed in what you do

Amber:-Ammi you just do not worry Papa will be good soon

Najjo:-Yes Ammi our bad time has ended and it is all good now

Sohail(talking to himself):-This is just the start of your bad time(smiles)

Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-(Mental Asylum(Amber's one))

Amber examines Mr.Zia with other doctors.All the family members are outside praying and Amber comes out of the room after few minutes with a sad look on his face.

Ammi:-What happened Amber?

Sohail:Is he fine?

Najjo:Tell us Bhabhi!!!

*Amber have a sad face*

Sohail:-Come one..what happened?

Amber:-He has gone in comma

*There is lighting and shock on every one's face*


*Every one is like crying*

Sohail:-This cannot be possible check him again

Amber:-I checked him.He is in comma

Sohail:-No..i do not trust you..I will take him to other hospital

Hussian:-Not agian..This is all thanks to that Nurse and now he will be in this hospital

*Najjo and Amber consoles Ammi*

Scene 2:-(Back in house)

Ammi:-Why God did this to me?Why all this?When he started getting better this happened.

Najjo:-Believe in God Ammi.Nothing is in our hand.We can just hope for something good to happen

Amber:-Yes Ammi.May be there is something good in all this

Ammi:-Something good in all this?There is nothing good in it

Amber:-Ammi look at this way.There are 90% chances that when he will be back from comma he will remember everything.He will get his memory back

Ammi:-And what about the chances of him coming back from comma?

*Amber is silent*

Ammi:-Tell me..

Najjo:-Ammi..Believe on God.Mircles happens

Ammi:-I just hope some mircale happen

(After few days)

Scene 3:-(In the office)

Sohail is in the office and his phone rings.


Other side:-I would like to meet you

Sohail:-But who are you?

Other Side:-Some one who could help you with things.This is just for your benifit.

Sohail:-But who are you?

Other Side:-You will come to know about me when you will meet me tonight at .....(he tells the time and all to Sohail)

Sohail:-But how will i recognize you?

Other Side:-I'll come to you.See you

Sohail cuts the phone

Sohail(talking to himself):-I need to meet him to find out who he is and how he could help me

Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Ammi is in her room and Sohail enters.

Ammi:-Come son.Sit here

Sohail sits

Ammi:-How was your first day in the office?

Sohail:It was great Ammi

Ammi:-You got something to tell me?

Sohail:-Yes Ammi..i want to ask you for something

Ammi:-Just don't be shy.Ask it

Sohail:-Ammi i want to be in control of the office.I want to be the Chairman


Sohail:-Yes Ammi.This is the very first time i am asking you to do any thing for me.Please do not disappoint me Ammi please.

Ammi:-You do not worry son I will talk to Hussain

Sohail:-Thank You Ammi

Scene 2:-(Hospital)

Sohail is in the hospital with Mr.Zia and he talks to a doctor.

Sohail:-What's his condition now doctor?

Doctor:-We cannot try everything because there are chances that he could go in COMMA!

Sohail:-When will you start your treatment doctor?

Doctor:-I could appoint a nurse for him which you can take at your home or he could stay in the hospital..

Sohail:-I would prefer a personal nurse for him.


Scene 3:-(House)

Sohail brings the nurse to home the whole family is sitting here

Sohail:-Ammi look i have brought a nurse for father

Hussain:-But why?There is no need to

Amber:-Yes,i can take care of papa

Sohail:-Ammi i do not want anyone to be disturbed the nurse will take care of papa

Ammi:-Good beta.Do whatever you want to do

Sohail:-Thank You Ammi.

*Sohail tells the nurse the way to the room and she moves with Mr.Zia who is on a wheel chair*

Sohail(sitting):-Ammi did you talk about it?

Ammi:-Hussain...beta i want to ask you something

Hussain:Yes Ammi?What do you want?

Ammi:-Beta..i do not want anything for myself but for Sohail

Hussain:-Yes Ammi?Just tell me

Ammi:-Beta..i want you to resign as the chairman and make your brother the chairman of the company.

*Najjo and Amber are shocked,Hussain feels hurt too*

Hussain:-Any thing for you Ammi(he sounds emotional).

*Sohail gives a winning smile*

Sohail:-Thank You Hussain

*Suddenly some noise is heard and every one gets up and they see that the nurse has fell down the stairs with the wheel chair and Mr.Zia is also down.Hussian and Sohail runs to Mr.Zia and picks him up*

*Episode Ends*

Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-(House)

Hussain enters the house and every one is sitting in the hall.

Amber:-Here's Hussain

Ammi:-Son where were you?

Hussain:-Forget every thing and look who is here.

*Hussain slowly moves and Sohail comes walking inside with Zia.Everyone has a huge smile on thier face as Sohail stops looks at Hussain and then comes to Ammi with Zia.Ammi hugs him and he looks uncomfortable*

Ammi:-I knew you will recognize the right thing.I knew you would be coming here.I knew it

Sohail is smiling

Ammi:-Come with me I'll take you to your room

Ammi,Sohail and Zia goes away

Najjo:-How this happened Bhai Jaan?

Amber:-How you did the impossible?

Hussain:- "The video continues from the park where it stopped ..

(Hussain asks Sohail about his decision after showing him the tape and Sohail is confused and he finally accepts and Hussain asks him not to tell his Ammi why he is living with them)

Najjo:-Thank You Bhaijaan

Amber:-That's great.I just hope he will come to know what's the right thing

Scene 2:-

Amber is standing outside Sohail's room and she knocks and enters.

Sohail:-What do you want?

Amber:-These are the medicines for papa

Sohail:-No Thanks.I would take him to another doctor

Amber:-But I know his medical history and all.I could help you

Sohail:-I said no Thanks.I will take him to some one who really knows the job


Sohail:-You may go now.

Scene 3:-(Next morning on the breakfast table)

Ammi:-Sohail why don't you join Hussain in the office?Brothers should work together

Sohail:-Yes sure.I just hope Hussain doesn't have any problem with it

Ammi:-Hussain is it ok if Sohail joins you in the business?

Hussain:-Yes sure Amimi.

Ammi:-Sohail,you could go the office today

Sohai;l:-Yes ammi(smiling and taunting at Hussain)

Scene 4:-

Hussain and Sohail are standing outside the building of thier office

Sohail:-So that's your office


Sohail:-Top Floor?


Sohail:-You know what i want to be at the top floor


Sohail:-No but....I am older than you.You should do what i am asking you to do


Sohail:Now shall we enter?

Scene 5:-(In the office)

Hussain defines everything to Sohail

Hussain:-Our channel name is "All NewZ" and we try to give our viewers the best

Sohail:-I am getting this.


Sohail:-But there is one more thing.

Hussain:-What thing?

Sohail:-You know what i would like to be the current Chairman!!!



Hussain:-I cannot do this....

Sohail:-O Really?

Hussain:-Yes i cannot trust you

Sohail:-You don't trust me?But my mom does..now just wait and watch what i am going to do next

*Episode Ends*

Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Sohail-Yes,who said this?

Hussain:-What are you doing here?

Sohail:-Hussain why are you lying everyone here?You said to these people that I would never agree to any thing.I myself do not want this matter to go in court when i even know i would be winning it.

Amber:-Why are you doing all this?

Hussian:What other option do we have then Sohail?

Ammi(coming to Sohail):-Beta..Why are you doing this?You're my son and Zia is my husband.He is your father.He is his(Hussain) father.

Sohail:-Please take this irritating woman away from me i cannot talk in this atmosphere and one thing you need to remember that he is only my father.He is not your husband and i can prove this

Ammi:-Son i love him and i love you too

Sohail:-Go away!!!....

Hussain(angrily):-Shut up!!

Ammi:-Stop Husain i willl go back

*Ammi goes to her rom*

Sohail:It feels good now.Look Hussain there is just one option and that is..Forget that your father is still alive

Amber:-Why are beign so bad to us?Why can't you live happily with us?

Sohail:-O Man..all these woman are same.Look Amber i guess that's your name.I love my father so much and i would never want him to live with someone who do not love him

Hussain:-We all love him

Sohail:-O really?WHere was this love when he was alone in the Asylum..Tomorrow is the first hearing and if you want me to take this case back you could inform me

Sohail goes out of the house

Scene 2:-(Family Discussion)

Amber:-What will we do now?

Najjo:-We have no option left.We need to go against him,right?

Ammi:-I do not want to hear a word.I just want my husband and my son in this house..I want him here with me

Najjo:-Ammi control yourself

Amber:-Ammi he will surely understand your love and will do the right thing

Hussain:-Ammi..I have one option left and i am just going to try this one last thing now.

Hussain gets up and called Sohail and asked him to meet at some place

Scene 3:-(Hussain and Sohail)

Hussain is standing in a park and Sohail is coming and Hussain smiles at him.

Sohail:Why did you call me here?So you accepted the offer?You want to forget you father that's good.That's really good for you.

Sohail turns back to go away but Hussain calls him back

Hussain:-Stop and stop living in your imaginary World.I am not doing any thing like this and i know you will be taking this case back

Sohail:-Do you really think i am going to take this case back?No ..not until you promise me you will forget you father

Hussain:-I am not going to do what you want me to but you will surely do what i want you to do

Sohail:-And why you think that?

Hussain:Because of this!!!!!!!!!!!

*Hussain starts a tape and it has the full story where Sohail admitted to kidnap Amber and that he was behind all this*

Hussain has a huge smile and Sohail looks nervous

Hussain:-Yes,i am using your tricks but i know i am right.And now if you do not take this case back you will be in Jail in an hour and you will not even be able to come out before years because this proof is enough.



Sohail:What do you want?Give this tape to me and i will take this case back

Hussain:-I am extremely sorry but i am not going to give this tape back to you

Sohail:-But i will be taking the case back

Hussain:-You will not only take the case back but you will also need to come with me with MY FATHER and live in my house

Sohail:What??No Never

Hussain:-Then get ready to spoil in jail

Hussain smiles as the..

*Episode Ends*

Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
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Pakistan, Pakistan

Scene 1:-(Hospital)

Amber is in the hospital room with her senior doctor

Amber:-Doctor how is this possible?How can he make a case against us.This is impossible.We had the rights to take Mr.Zia with us.Tell me Doctor what has happened


Amber:-What Amber?You have no words to say?Doctor you are someone who could help us.You are the one who signed on the papers and you can prove in the court that we did not take any illegal step.


Amber:-What but??Why aren't you saying anything Doctor?

"I'll tell you" is heard and Sohail is standing in the corner with a briefcase in his hand smiling.

Sohail:-I'll tell you Amber you just do not take any tension.This is the reason(he puts the bag on the table and opens it.The bag is full with money and Amber looks pissed)


Sohail:-O yeah this..and you do not need to tell me this is just ten lakhs but i tell you what,this money is enough to stitch his mouth..now any questions?

Amber:-No and you Doctor i never expected any thing like this from you

"Amber goes out of the room"

Sohail:-Bye Bye lady..best of luck(smiling)

Scene 2:-(House)

Hussain:-This is a serious problem we need to do something.We have our meeting with Advocate tomorrow

Najjo:-What happened Bhabhi?You went to the hospital what did the doctor say?

Amber:-You know this World is full with cheaters.Sohail has closed doctor's mouth with 10 lacs rs


Hussain:-I was expecting something like this

Ammi:-What can we do now?

Hussain:-We have no choice but to fight Ammi and we will fight because we know we are right

Scene 3:-(In the advocate's office)

Hussain:-So how can you help us?

Advocate:-Well i am taking this case but i am not giving you any guarantee

Hussain:-What do you mean?

Advocate:-I don't think there is any need to take this case to the court

Hussain:-We are not taking this matter to court we would like to solve it outside court

Advocate:-You better try doing this but i am warning you that winnig this case is not really easy because my opponent is some one really great


Hussain is back at home

Scene 4:-

Ammi:-So beta what are we going to do now?

Hussain:-I know we will be losing it but we have no other choice we need to fight

Ammi:-Did you ask Sohail?

Husain:-No but i know he would never agree

"How could you say that??? The camera zooms and there is Sohail"
Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan

Scene 1:-

Hussain and Amber are back at home.

Ammi:-What happened son?

Hussain:-She is in jail now

Ammi:-Amber you must be feeling tired go to your room and take some rest

Hussain:-I'll also go Ammi

Ammi:-Yes you two take some rest

Scene 2:-

Amber enters the room and she is really happy to see the camera zooms and it shows the room which is decorted really well with roses.Hussain comes from behind and lifts Amber in his arms.Hussain walks inside with Amber and puts her down on the bed.

Amber:-What are you doing?

Hussain:-Am i doing any thing wrong?

Amber smiles

Hussain slowly goes over Amber as the camera tusns

Scene 3:-(Next day)

Every one is sitting and looking tensed

Ammi:-SO,what can we do now?

Hussain:-We can go to police because now we know who kidnapped Amber and Najjo

Najjo:-But this way our family will have a bad name

Amber:-I think Najjo is right

(Najjo looks happy as Amber supports her)

Ammi:-I think they are right too.This way our family will have a bad name and Sohail could get upset too.I want my son and my husband back

Hussain:We could go and talk to him and settle the matters

Ammi:-This would be great

"A servant comes and gives an envelope to Hussain"

Ammi:-WHat is it?

Hussain:-It is a notice

Amber:-WHat notice?

Hussain:-Sohail has challenged us because we took father with us without his permission.We need to settle the thing in court now

Amber:He cannot do this

Hussain:He had done this

Amber:-But i know the rules of the hospital.He was not in contact with the hospital for months and in that condition some one else could take the patient away

Hussain:I just hope we will be able to prove this in the court

*Episode Ends*
Posted 16 Feb 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
Ok.. It is not a lie i just talked to Reema and she said... NO ONE IS WRITING ANY SCRIPT FOR HER....
Posted 03 Feb 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

The Man:-So,you really want to know who did this?I am the one behind all this

Hussain:But who are you?

The Man:-Wooo Hoo..That's really a nice question.

Hussain:No joking.Who are you?

The Man:-I am the son of Zia.

Every one is shocked


The Man:-Yes I am


*Ammi goes to him but he stops Ammi from hugging him*

The Man:-No.Do not hug me please

Ammi:-I am your mother son

The Man:-First of all stop calling me "Son" i am not your "Son".I am Sohail Zia

Ammi:-But you're my son.Didn't your father tell you?

Sohail:-I do not accept you as my mother after what you did to my father and i am here to take him away from you

Ammi:-But why?You can live happily with me?

Sohail:Ooo?Why?You want to do the same to me?You want me to be in Asylum too?

Ammi:-No beta do not say this

Sohail:-Some one take this irritating woman from me

Hussain:-Shut up!

Sohail:-So there is some one who really speak.I am here to take my father with me and i will take him away

*Sohail walks inside looks everywhere and takes Mr.Zia with him who was down on the wheel chair.

Sohail:-And you people better not try to mess with me

Ammi breaks down and Amber and Najjo checks on her

Scene 2:-

Every one is tensed

Hussain:-We cannot do any thing.He has the right to do what he is doing

Ammi:-I want my son and my husband back

Amber:-Do not worry Ammi.You will get them

Najjo goes to Nisha

Najjo:-Now what do you want?You want us to complain to the police?

Amber(STANDING):-I will not let this woman go that easily.I will surely complain to police

Nisha:-No please forgive me.I did all this to save the life of my brother.He is suffering from Coma and i need a lot of money to save his life and this is why i did this.I never knew his plan

Amber:-You never knew his plan but you still destroyed us?

Hussain:-We will surely complain to police

Scene 3:-(Police Station)

Hussain and Amber are in Police Station with Nisha.

The inspector is confused as there are two women with same face.Hussain tells the whole story to the inspector and inspector puts Nisha into the lock up.

Hussain:What will be the case?

Inspector:-You really wish to case against her?I was thinking it would be better if i leave her after few days because the case is not too strong against her and it will just waste time and money

Hussain:Do what you think is the best but just take care that this woman never come back in our life

Inspector:-She never will....

*Episode Ends*
Posted 03 Feb 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Najjo and Amber are in the police station.

Najjo:-No we do not wish to FIR against any one

Inspector:-But it could be a storng case

Najjo:-But we have no idea about who kidnapped us

Inspector:Ok.When you get any update inform us we will leave you to your house

Scene 2-(home)

Hussain is sitting and he is worried about Najjo.Hussain picks up his phone and calls Najjo and the mobile rings at the door and as Hussain turns Najjo is standing there.

Hussain:-Where were you?

Najjo:-With some one

*Najjo slowly moves and Amber is standing right behind her still in her wedding dress*

Hussain:Amber(He like jumped off the sofa see'ing Amber and suddenly Amber comes walking from the room)

Najjo:-You(seeing the other Amber coming out of the room)

Amber(in wedding dress) walked to the other Amber stand in front of us.Ammi also comes there.Every one is confused even Najjo doesn't know the whole story.

Amber(in wedding dress):-Who are you?

Amber:-I am Amber.I should ask you about your identity.Hussain who is she?

Amber(in wedding dress):-I am Amber not you.You are not Amber you are someone else you just have a face like me

Amber:-No I am Amber.You're fake

Ammi:-What is this?

Hussain:-I don't know

Najjo walks to Amber and ask her for her mobile.Najjo takes the mobile checks some thing and slapped Amber.

*Every one is shocked*

Najjo:-Who are you?

Amber:-How dare you slap me?

Najjo:-I heard all of your conservation with the man.

Amber:-So you know every thing..Yes,I am not Amber she is

Ammi:-Some one tell me what is going on here.

Amber(in wedding dress):-I will tell you everything Ammi.I am Amber.Remember when it was time for my Vidaai i went to washroom there some one kidnapped me and put me in a dark bunglow.

Ammi:-And who are?(asking the fake Amber)

Amber(fake):-I am Nisha.I used to live in a small town and a man came to me and told me that i need to play Amber and when he kidnapped Amber the wedding night i came walking but my bad that I am caught.

Hussain:-Who was that man?

Nisha:-I don't know..

Voice:-I will tell you (The camera zooms to the voice and there is a man standing.)

Posted 03 Feb 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-(Home)

Ammi:-Amber you're back

Amber:-Yes Ammi.Where is Hussain?

Ammi:-He must be coming

*Hussain is at home*

Hussain:-Amber would you like to go to some restaurant now?

Amber:-No i am really hungry and i cannot wait anymore.Just get ready for some food

Ammi:-You sit here

Scene 2:-(unkown bunglow)

Najjo opens the door slowly and is shocked to see something the camera zooms on the other side and there is Amber lying down unconcious with her hands cuffed.

Najjo is shocked and fast runs to Amber.Najjo opens her hands and makes Amber back in her senses and Amber is wearing her wedding dress.

Najjo:-What are you doing here?


Najjo:-When did you change this dress?What is this?Stand up

*Najo helps Amber to stand and suddenly the door closes.Najjo runs to the door and it is locked*

Najjo:-It is locked


Najjo looks everywhere and there is a cane and gives water to Amber from it and she is slowly ok

Najjo:-What will we do now??

Amber:-We need to run from here?

Najjo:-But what are you doing here?You changed your clothes?And what is your plan?

Amber:I will tell you everything but first we need to rescue

Najjo:-But how the door is locked

Amber:-We need to break the door

Scene 3:-(House)

Every one is having lunch

Hussain:-Where is Najjo?

Ammi:-She went somewhere.


Ammi:-I don't know

Hussain:-She did not inform you ?

Ammi:-No she didn't

Scene 4:-(The unknown bunglow)

Najjo:-Wait Amber i have my mobile let me call home

Najjo tries to call home but no one picks up the phone she even tries Hussain's mobile but no signal

Najjo:-No one is picking up the phone

Amber:-We need to call the police

Najjo calls the police and gives them the address.The police reaches the bunglow and rescue both Najjo and Amber.

Najjo and Amber are rescued and..

*Episode Ends*

Ok.. I know my direction was not tooo good here but if i direct this episode in real I KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT AMAZING!!
Posted 03 Feb 2006