
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-(House)

Najjo is decorating Amber's room and is really pissed.She is not happy with this and Ammi comes

Ammi:-Wow..you're really doing a nice job

Najjo looks at Ammi and doesn't say any thing

Ammi:-I would like you to call Amber and ask what is her favourite colour?We can use her favourite flowers

Najjo:-You can call her

Ammi:-You know i am really busy you do it yourself

Najjo looks more pissed


Amber stops her car in front of an unknown bunglow and steps in.Amber enters and is looking for some one and suddenly her mobile rings as it is dark in the room her mobile falls down and she cannot pick it up.Amber enters the room and there is a man standing on a chair there.

(Remember it is like the man is sitting on a chair and Amber is standing behind him and cannot see his face)

The Man:-So you are here

Amber:-Yes I am here.I just want to tell you that i am not comfortable doing all this

The Man:-Not comfortable doing this?What do you mean?

Amber:-I am not comfortable playing a wife

The Man:-But you got paid for this

Amber:-Yes i got paid but i want to tell you that it is really hard for me.You better search for someone else to do the job

The Man:-What do you mean?Don't you know how dangerous i am?You trying to kill my plans?

Amber:-Not actually i am not trying to kill your plans but...

The Man:-Not but.You know your standing in the same bunglow....Bunglow No 89(he says the whole adress) do you remember this?I can do to you whatever i want to.

Amber:-What are you trying to say?

The Man:-Remember what i did to her?I could do the same to you.Just go and play your part well

Amber turns back and looks at her mobile which was still down.Amber picks it up and puts it back in her bag and suddenly the camera shows the other side and "NAJJO HEARD THE WHOLE CONVERSATION"

Najjo talking to her self.

Najjo:-What is going on in my house?What is Amber upto?I really need to findout

Scene 3:-

Najjo gets out and gets in her car and drives it away and at the same time Amber is back at home.Najjo drives it and reaches the same Bunglow and enters it.It is all dark.Amber is looking everywhere and she see's some light in a room.

Najjo:-I must find out what is inside

Najjo takes a step forward and slowly pushes the door the door opens and Najjo is shell shocked standing as the camera zooms her face and..

*Episode Ends*
Posted 03 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-(House)

Ammi and Najjo are alone at home now

Ammi:-Najjo beti...why don't you understand/

Najjo:-What Ammi?

Ammi:-Why are you acting this way?

Najjo:-What way?I am acting the right way

Ammi:-You just tell me what you trying to prove?What are you trying to show to others?

Najjo:-What am i doing?

Ammi:-I know you are not happy with this wedding but why do you need to act the strange way?Why you trying to show everyone that you are not happy with it?

Najjo:Mom i am not doing any thing wrong at all

Ammi;:-You're not doing?Ok.. but do your duty

Najjo:What duty?

Ammi:-You're the sister of the groom and take these flowers and all and it's your duty to change the face of Amber's room

Najjo:-Why my duty mom?

Ammi:-In our family always the groom's sister does this..and take this as an order if you want to.I want a beautiful room before Amber returns i did not ask you to do this last night and the servants set everything.It is your turn to do the job

Ammi goes away with Najjo looking pissed

Scene 2:-(Amber's room in the hospital)

Amber is standing with that packet in her hand and thinking to herself about what could be in the packet.Amber tears the packing and opens the packet and there is a mobile phone inside with a page.

Amber picks up the page read it and smiles and talks to himself.

Amber:-Thanks God he replied to me.Amber picked up the phone and dialed a number

Amber:-So?When are we going to meet?

Amber:-Ok.I really need to talk to you about something important.Ok i will be there

Amber cuts the phone and comes out of the room informing at the reception that she has to go some where and it is really urgent.Amber leaves

Scene 3:-(Amber driving car)

Amber's phone rings(not the one she got in the packet)


Hussain:-Amber,my work is over here i just want to know if you would like to have Lunch in some restaurant with me?


Hussain:-I am currently standing outside your hospital and i am just coming in

Amber:-No No....Do not come in

Hussain:What do you mean?

Amber:-I mean i am not in the hospital

Hussain?:-Where are you then?

Amber:-A friend of mine is in probelem i am going to her

Hussian:You need my help?

Amber:-No.Thanks for asking

Amber cuts the phone

*Episode Ends*


Amber entering an unknown house looking everywhere
Posted 03 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-(Breakfast Table)

Ammi:-Now every one move it is time for the new bride to be here

Friend:-But where is the new bride?

Ammi:-She must be coming

Friend:-The groom is dying here waiting for her bride(all laughs) ... Hussain is already here

Ammi:-Najjo you also join your friends(she is sitting alone)

Friend:-Yes Najjo come here....sit with us

Najjo:-No that's fine i am not feeling well

Ammi:-So there comes the bride...go accompy here

*All the girls stand and brings Amber with them and makes her sit with Hussain*

Friend:-Do not be uncomfortable...you should be used to it(laughs)

Ammi:-Stop it....you two take the seats

*All have breakfast*

Hussain:-Ammi i am going to office

Ammi:-O God... again?

Hussain:Ammi it is very urgent

Ammi:-I can't say any thing now.You are married now..ask your wife

Hussain:-Begum Sahiba....can i go now?

Amber:-Yes Yes sure....Ammi since he is also going i would take leave for the hospital

Ammi:-As you two wish

Hussain:-I will leave you to the hospital

Amber:-I can go at my own i know how to drive

Friends:-Go together.....and can we join you too?

Hussian:-No thanks

Scene 2:-(in the car)

Hussain:-Amber every thing is fine?You really look tensed i am worried about you

Amber:-Yes everything is fine no need to worry

Hussain:But you look quite uncomfortable

Amber:Uncomfortable?No not at all.I am just feeling a bit tired

Hussain:Then why are you going to the hopital?

Amber:I need to.There is some urgent work

Hussain:Ok as you wish.Just tell me when you want to be back.I'll be there to pick you

Amber:-I will call the driver at home because there is no specified time.

Hussain:It will be no problem..Look..we are in a relationship now

Amber(Smiling):-I know.

Hussain:-You can call me whenever you want to

Amber:-I will

*Amber gets out of the car and walks inside*

Scene 3:-(In the asylum)

Amber is in and a nurse comes to her

Nurse:-Doctor..what are you doing today?You just got married yesterday

Amber:-O please..now do not start here

Nurse:-I just want to tell you that there is some type of message for you at the reception

Amber:-I'll be there

Scene 4:-(At reception)

Amber:-Is there any message for me?

Receptionist:-Yes,some one was here to meet you


Receptionist:-I don't know he just asked me to give this packet to you

Amber:-A packet?Which packet?

*The receptionist gives the packet to Amber*

The camera zooms to Amber's face as she looks confused about what's in the packet as...

*Episode Ends*
Posted 03 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
DUNNO about other films but i hated her in PPP
Posted 03 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Have no idea sir!
Posted 02 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
The post above me said it all :P
Posted 02 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
The budget is 4 crore.. why how can i know??? the quality of this film was better is all i know
Posted 01 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
lol!!! but i am really looking forward to Reema Khan's next project
Posted 01 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
He can have Indian Actors like Shamita Shetty..she does not ask for too much and better than the likes of Resham(damn... she torture us with her acting)
Posted 01 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Yes...The story sucked and YoYo the url is www.lollyworld.cjb.net
Posted 01 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
This news was available on my site abt 10 days back ;) and it is a great news.He is heading there in end of March
Posted 01 Feb 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

The family is back home and Hussian stands at the door with Amber.

Ammi:-Beta..step in the house

Hussain:I will but not this way(smirks)

Hussain picks Amber in his arms and walks to his room.Every one is smiling

Khala Jaan:-So.. the wedding is over

Ammi:-I got scared when Amber was feeling unwell

Khala Jaan:-But she is good now.Look at her face she was smiling hard

Ammi:-Yes..my son is also happy

Khala Jaan:-Now allow us to go

Scene 2:-(The next morning)

The camera is in Amber's room and it is showing the face of Amber and Hussain both are sleeping and slowly the sunligts start coming on the face of Amber and she slowly wakes up as she opens her eyes a beautiful song plays "Lalalalalaaa Lalalalalalaaaaa..Laikar aye hay yeh.. ghar main khushiyaan kitni....lalalalalalalalalaa......Is ki wajah say tou ghar yeh sona hay..Is ki wajah say to..har so ujala hay...iski wajah say tou..sab kucch pyara hay...Koi gham nahin khushi ka fawaraa hay.......Laikar aye hay yeh..ghar main khusiyaan kitni...lalallalalalala" .. (DAMN I KNOW I AM VERY BAD AT THIS!!!)

Amber comes out of the washroom and goes to Hussain to wake her up but he suddenly wakes up and Amber got scared.

Hussain:-Wife....you got scared really easily

Amber:-Your face alone is enough to make any one scared


Amber:Now get out of the bed

*Suddenly there are knocks on the door and Amber opens the door finds her friends there*

Friends:-Oho...we did not expect you to wake up that early....what happened last night

Hussain gets out of the bed and goes to wash room

Friend:Say na Say na..


Friends:-Nothing..this is impossible..so you want to hide things from us?

Amber:-It is not like that..You know i was not feeling well so i just fell asleep

Friend(laughing):-You can lie very easily

Amber:-I am not lying

Friend:-So..kafi tarpaya hamaray Jeeja(bro in law) ko(teasing Amber)

*Ammi comes walking*

Ammi:-Leave her now..stop teasing her

Ammi:-How are you beta?

Hussain(coming out of the washroom):-Oh My..it is just first day and you first asked your bahu...so you forgot me?

Ammi:-It is not like that

Hussain:-Yeah Yeah i know..now please give me my suit i am getting late for office


Ammi:-You're not going to office today

Hussain:But why?

Ammi:-Aray....you just got married last night...

Hussain:Work comes first

Ammi:-I do not want to hear any thing.....Nothing comes first Amber comes

*Amber is silent sitting at the bed*

Hussain:-I might stop iof my wife ask me to

Ammi:-Haan Amber..now you ask him to...He will not listen to us now

Amber:-Want me to stop him??But i am going to hospital myself

Ammi:-Wow..both the husband wife are fool here (All friends smile)

Amber:-Ammi you know i am a doctor and i need to go to the hospital

Ammi:-No hospital..have a leave for a week


Ammi:-Do as i am saying...now both of you get ready and come for breakfast

Ammi goes away

Friends:-Get ready(they all go smiling)

*Hussain closes the door*

Hussain:What happened last night Amber?

Amber:Last night(looks confused)

Hussain:-Yes....You fell asleep..we were not even able to talk

Amber:O..You know i was tired

Hussain:How are you feeling now?

Amber:Pretty well

Hussain:Good..wait there is some thing

*Hussain goes near Amber as there are a few petals in her hairs*

Ambner:-What's where?

Hussain:-There is some rose on my rose


Hussain:I'll remove it

*As Hussain was to remove the petals Amber moves away saying she'll do it her self and Hussain is sad*

*Episode Ends*
Posted 31 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
chalo... Shaadi tou ho gaye..I know Shaadi wali episode koi khaas nahin thi but.. I was more into the new twist :d
Posted 31 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

There is some one shown coming inside and the camera slowly shows that it is Hussain and he has brought his father to the house.

Hussain:Ammi Ammi

Ammi(coming):-What's the matter why are you shouting Hussian?

Hussain:Ammi..look who is here


*Ammi runs to Zia and hugs him and started crying.Najjo also comes at the same time*

Ammi:-Thank You beta..Thank You this is the most beautiful gift you've ever given me

Hussain:-No Ammi...a mother never needs to thank her son

*Najjo walks to Zia too*

Hussain:-You're happy now Najjo?

*Najjo looks at Hussain rudely*

Najjo:-I don't need to show my happiness off course i am happy...i am happy because my father is back at home

Ammi again thanks Hussain

Scene 2:-(The Mehndi and Sangeet function has started)

Amber's friend is doing the rasm and all this and the same is happening to Hussain in his house.(I do not need to type that crap,right?)

*The function is going on and every one is enjoying it when suddenly a tape starts*

Tape:-Tumhain Yaad Ayega Yeh Pal Sanam...Bhool Na Paaao Gay Tum...Yeh Khushiyan Yeh Mausam Hain Kitnay Haseen...Bhool Na Paaao Gay Tum...Tarso Gay Tarpo Gay...roooo gay tum...Par Bhoool Na Paoo Gay Tum

Hussian looks confused at the song

Ammi:-Who turned the tape on?

No one knows the answer so Ammi switched it off

*Amber's house*

Amber's friends are doing the rasm and the other are getting ready to reach Hussain's house

(The function is over i really was not interested in typing that stuff)

Ammi:-So..finally it is over

Hussian:I am really feeling tired

Ammi:-Feeling tired??tomorrow is your wedding

Hussain:-I know Ammi....

Hussain goes to his room

Scene 3:-

The shaadi function is going on

Najjo's friend:-The function is really good

Other friend:-I like music the most

Najjo:-Thank You

A woman comes to Najjo

Woman:-You're sister of the groom?


Woman:-So everything good?You look nervous

Najjo:-Yes...I am just...

Woman:-I am just telling you that the bride is looking so tired have this and give it to her(she gives Najjo a coke)

Najjo:-Thank You

*Najjo goes to Amber and gives her the coke and she drinks it slowly*

*After all the rasm it is time for WIDAAI and suddenly Amber have some headache and she goes to washroom as she doesnt feel good.Every one is worried

A woman:-Everything ok?

Ammi:-Yes Yes.Everything must be ok.You know it is shaadi and she must be tired

After about 10-15 minutes Amber comes back

Ammi:-How are you feeling now?


Woman:-Where is your payal?You were wearing one when you left

Amber:-It must have fallen somewhere

*Hussain and Amber gets in the car as it droves away*

*Episode Ends*

and thanks God the Shaadi has also ended....Sorry for not stretching it.. but..you know what i mean?
Posted 31 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Ammi is at Khalaa Jaan's residence sitting.

Ammi:-I am here to give you a great news

Khala Jaan:-Which news?

Ammi:-Some thing that is going to make you excited and happy

Khala Jaan:-There is one thing that could excite me and make me happy and that is some news about Sabir.

Ammi:-Sabir..oho..you know he is abroad and i talked to him a few days back and he is not planning to return any time soon

Khala Jaan:-But why??and have you told him about him and Shahnaz?

Ammi:-No.I haven't and he want to pass more time there.

Khala Jaan:-Ok now what is that great news?

Ammi:-Hussain is getting married.

Khala Jaan:-O..Congratulations..This is really a great news

Ammi:-Yes and Mehndi is tomorrow with Sangeet function

Khala Jaan:-Tomorrow?Isn't it too early

Ammi:-Everything happened sudden Mehndi is tomorrow and Shaadi is the day after.

Khala Jaan:-I am really happy for Hussain.Congratulations.

Ammi:-You come with all of your family tomorrow

Khala Jaan:-No need to say that.I will surely be there

Ammi:-Now i shall go

Khala Jaan:-Good Bye

Scene 2:-

Ammi is back at house and visits Najjo

Ammi:-Najjo you can call your friends and invite them to the function tomorrow

Najjo:-Thanks for asking Ammi but there is no need to.You know i am not happy i will attend the function but i cannot have fake smile on my face


Ammi turns back and Hussain is standing there and enters the room

Hussain:Tell me your problem Najjo.This is the first time i am asking you.Tell me why are you doing this?Why aren't you happy?

Najjo:-Don't you know what type of a girl Amber is?

Hussain:What type of girl?She is all good

Najjo:We have different opinions and please Bhaijaan i really do not want to talk about this issue

Hussain exits the room pissed

Scene 3:-(Asylum)

Hussain is in the Asylum and he comes to Amber

Amber:-So here you are.Looking very happy

Hussain:I have a reason to be happy

Amber:-Yes Yes i know.

Hussain:So,you asked the doctors if I can take papa with me?

Amber:-I've asked him and you're allowed to but..there is something strange

Hussain:Something strange?What?

Amber:-Someone came to visit him yesterday

Hussain:-Visit him?Who?

Amber:Don't know.He came here after midnight so was not allowed to meet him

Hussain:You have no information about whom he was?

Amber:No but there is something i know.He knows about me.The nurse informed me that he was asking about me.He was trying to find something about me

Hussain:About you?Who he was we really need to find out

Amber:Yes,this is important.We need to find out

*Episode Ends*
Posted 31 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Haha ..i told them i do have a website.. I AM NOT LYING and if you still do not believe me..who ask u to?
Posted 31 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Najjo is in her room sitting and Ammi comes to her.

Ammi:-Najjo get ready we are leaving for Amber’s house I an hour

Najjo:-Phir se?(again?)

Ammi:-What do you mean again?Look Najjo I do not want any type of drama here I am doing this for the happiness of my children

Najjo:-And my happiness?

Ammi:-Look beti.I care for you too but what can I do?I know you are wrong this time

Najjo:-Ammi only time will prove who is wrong

Scene 2:- (Amber’s house)

Hussain,Ammi and Najjo are received well by Amber’s uncle and Aunt.

Uncle:-Welcome Welcome

Ammi:-Thank You

Aunt:-Sit here

*They all sit *

Uncle:-So how is every thing?

Ammi:-Every thing is good brother you tell about yourself

Uncle:-We are good but to be honest we were not expecting you this time either

Hussain:-I’ve said Sorry for that.

Ammi:-Can we forget that?


Uncle:-Ofcourse I can forget everything for my little daughter afterall her happiness is everything for me

Amber:-O Thank You uncle(smiles)

Uncle:-But..meri aik shart hay(haha typical dialogue)


Uncle:-We would want the marriage as fast as possible

Ammi:-Yes Yes sure

Aunty:-Beti have something you’re just sitting silent(signing to Najjo)

Ammi:-She is not fine.She is in favour

Aunty:-O.Take care beti

Ammi:-Now we shall go

Aunty:-Sit for more time we can discuss about the wedding

Ammi:-You’re the girl’s parent you will give the date

Uncle:-We’ve already planned everything

Ammi:-Which plan?

Aunty:-We can have the Mehndi and other functions this week and the wedding next week.

Ammi:-Wouldn’t it be too early?

Aunty:-Aren’t these two in eager to marry

Ammi:-Yes that’s true too(smiles)

Aunty:-So the date is final?

Ammi:-Yes now allow us to go we have to invite others too

They stand up and goes outside

Scene 3:-

Hussain is in his room when his phone rings.


Amber:-Hello.How are you

Hussain:-I am just good.I am very good

Amber:-When you were here you were silent

Hussain:-I was looking at the moon?

Amber:-Moon in the room?Nice joke

Hussain:-You’re my moon(smirks)

Amber:-Ok Ok.

Hussain:-Amber I need to ask you something


Hussain:-You know now that our Mehndi is in two days I would like papa to attend all of the functions

Amber:-Hmm.I will go to hospital tomorrow you visit too we can talk to the senior doctors

Hussain:Thank You

Amber:Now we going to be husband wife..no thanks now

Hussain:-Yeah Yeah

Cuts the phone

*Episode Ends *
Posted 31 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Posted 30 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Well Cinema Owner tells the collections and you just need to sit with him and wait him to call the man and give you the WHOLE COLLECTION!
Posted 30 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Hussain is back home and he is in real bad condition,tired and all.Ammi runs to him

Ammi:-What's wrong with you beta?What is your condition

*Hussain can't speak and he cannot stand on his foot and get helped by Ammi*

Ammi:-What is going on with you?And what you're drunk?Come back in your senses Hussain

*The servants help Hussain and he is in his room*


Hussain:-Ammi...I lover her.."Mujhay us say bahat pyar hay..woh dharkan ban kar mere dil main dharakti hay.Agar woh mere paas na ho tu mujhay yeh ehsaas hota hay jaisa mujh say kucch kho raha hay.Aaaj jab woh mujh sa naraz ho kar gaye tou jaisa meri zindagi nay mujh say munh mor liya ho..Main oos say bauhat pyar karta hoon" (Sorry for using Urdu/Hindi but to bring the thing i had to use it )

Ammi:-Yes son i know and whatever happens i will do the right thing

*Ammi is sitting near Hussain*

Scene 2:- (Morning)

It’s a Fresh Morning and Hussain gets up and Ammi comes to him with fresh juice.

Ammi:-Have it

Hussain:-Thank You

Ammi sits near Hussain as he drinks juice

Ammi:-Where were you last night?


Ammi:-You were drunk!

Hussain:-Drunk?No Ammi I was not drunk I was just…

Ammi:-Son,you told me your life last night.You told me how much you love Amber and now whatever happens I will get you two married.

Hussain:-Yes Ammi I also found out yesterday how much I love her.She is my love Ammi She is my love

Ammi:-I know beta now we shall go to her house today and talk to her Uncle and Aunt about it.

Hussain:Yes Ammi.

Scene 3:- (Mental Asylum)

Amber is in her room and Hussain enters.

Amber:-O Mr.Hussain it is you.What are you doing here?And you have no manners?You need to knock on the door when you enetr

Hussain:Did I make any mistake?

Amber:-Yes.You just did you broke some thing

Hussain:-Your heart

Amber:-No that(signing to a vase which just fell as Hussain opened the door)

Hussain:-I’m sorry!

Amber:-Heart..i mean vase is not something that could be fine just after saying Sorry!

Hussain:-Amber I am here to tell you that I am ready to marry you

Amber:-O really?Now are you expecting me to enjoy this?No Hussain now I do not want to marry you.

Hussain:But why.

Amber:-You did not want to marry me because of your family and now I do not want to marry you because of my family.There is no one in my life my Uncle and Aunt brought me up and you insulted them by disappointing them.

Ammi(entering):-It was my mistake Amber.Please forgive me

Amber:-Ammi you..You do not need to say Sorry!

Ammi:-Amber it was my mistake and this is why I am saying Sorry!

Amber:-O Ammi(she hugs her)..But I would like someone else to say sorry too.

Hussain:-I am Sorry Amber ji(beign naughty)

Amber:-That;s ok

All share a laugh

Episode ends

Ammi,Hussain and Najjo goes to Amber’s house asking her hand for Hussain.
Posted 30 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
BnB wasn't bad KKHH was a good entertainer too.
PPP is actually more of a Tele Film.Pakistani Industry is getting better for sure
Posted 29 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-(Amber's house)

Amber's uncle and Aunt are worried as Hussain's family haven't reached yet.

Aunt:-Amber?What did they say?When were they suppose to come?

Amber:Aunty,They told me they would be here at 5

Aunt:-It's 6 now i don't think they will be coming here

Amber is quite

Uncle:-What type of people are they?They are insulting us?

Aunt:-You're right.This is not good from them.First they tell us they will be coming and here is no show

Uncle:-This is not good.This really is not good.We feel insulted


*Amber is sad*

Scene 2:-

Amber is sad walking on the beach thinking why Hussain's family never came and she saw Hussain sitting there.Amber goes to him.

Amber:-What are you doing here?


Amber:-I asked you what are you doing here?


Amber:-Nothing?First you told me you would be coming to my house and ask my uncle...and now?

Hussain:Amber,you're taking it wrong.I am not the one who said this to you but Ammi did

Amber:Ammi did?What does that mean?You not showing at my house was insulting my uncle and aunt.

Hussain:I'm Sorry but...

Amber:-What but?WHy didn't you come?What does that mean?

Hussain:What does that mean?That simply means i do not want to marry you.'I do not love you.I do not want to marry you

*Amber is shocked and tears are coming out of her eyes*

Amber:-What..you do not love me then what was all that?

Hussain:I was wrong.I was wrong

Amber:-Go away....go away from me.You cheated on me

Hussain:I'm Sorry!

Hussain goes away

Scene 3:-

Ammi is worried in the house as it's night and Hussain is still not in the house.Ammi then call Amber


Ammi:-Hello Beti

Amber:-Ammi.What do you want now?

Ammi:-I am Sorry beta..it..

Amber:-It?You know what happened here?What i am suffering from Ammi?

Ammi:-Beti i am really really Sorry for what we did to you.I will say Sorry to your uncle and Aunt too.Really sorry

Amber:-Why did you call me?

Ammi:-I just want to know if you have any idea about where Hussain is

Amber:-He isn't at home?


Amber:-I saw him at the beach.It is mid night now where he is.

"The horn of car is heard*

Ammi:-I think he's back i will talk to you later

*Ammi cuts the phone*

*Episode Ends*
Posted 29 Jan 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Hussain:-No Ammi i will not marry Dr.Amber.I cannot go against my sister.I love her so much.She is my life and i cannot do this.

Ammi:-But son your happiness?What about your smiles?You need someone in your life.Your life is just a mess and you need some one to bring you out of this and you know yourself Amber is the one made for you then why are you doing this now?

Hussain:You know Ammi why i am doing this.I love Amber this is true but i love my family too.I have to think about you about papa about Najjo every one and this is my final decision Ammi i am not going to marry Amber.

Hussain walks away

Scene 2:-

Ammi is in her room thinking to herself.

Ammi:-Why is all this happening?Why isn't God giving happiness to my son?Why they always have to suffer?No this will not happen.

Ammi stands picks up the phone and called Amber's uncle and informed him that they are coming for Rishta.

Ammi then goes to Najjo.

Ammi:-Najjo this is the last time i am asking you.Why aren't you happy with your brother?

Najjo:-Ammi you know.You asked me i said i will go with you everywhere now do not ask me to be happy please.

Ammi:-Ok.Get ready we are going to Amber's house in an hour.

Ammi then goes to Hussain

Ammi:-Hussain you just get ready we are going somewhere

Hussain:-But where?

Ammi:Now the matter is in my hand.

Scene 3:-

Ammi is ready and Najjo comes to her.

Najjo:-I am ready Ammi.Now shouldn't we go?

Ammi:-Yes.Where is your bro

Najjo:-I don't know.You asked me is why i am going i am not happy with Bhai jaan getting married to that doctor.

*The camera rolls and Hussain hears it*.

Hussain:Ammi you going there...

Ammi:-Yes beta

Hussain:-But why?When i told you not to

Ammi:-Son for your happiness.

Hussain:My happiness is not in that

Hussain goes out takes his car and drives away and Ammi is confused in the room.

*Episode Ends*
Posted 29 Jan 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
Wow... he even added the bloopers.I restricted my self.He was wrong on some points i guess
Posted 29 Jan 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
My review was better :D..haha i am a mean person lol.
And no.. i do not think the song is a copy.
Posted 29 Jan 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Ammi is looking for Najjo and finds her sitting in her room.

Ammi:-So there you are.What are you doing sitting here alone?

Najjo:-Nothing Ammi.I was just..nothing so you got to say something?

Ammi:-Yes beti.I need to tell you something

Najjo:What thing?

Ammi:-Beti,we are going somewhere today


Ammi:-We are going to Amber's house/

Najjo:-Dr.Amber's house?But Why Ammi?

Ammi:-We got a proposal?

Najjo:-I am confused Ammi.What proposal

Ammi:-A Marriage Proposal.Yes,she is going to be your bhabhi!

Najjo:What(she stands)

Ammi:-Aren't you happy

Najjo:-Happy?No way.This cannot happen?

Ammi:-Why can't?

Najjo:-I do not like her.She is a mean woman

Ammi:-Have you gone mad?

Najjo:-I am speaking in all of my senses and i want you to stop all this.Dr.Amber is nothing.She is just a.......

*Hussain is standing at the door Najjo looks at him and stops*

Ammi:-Najjo you are all wrong

Najjo:-Ammi do whatever you want to go but i am not coming with you

*Ammi turns back and finds Hussain standing at the door who then walks away and Ammi follows him*

Scene 2:-

Hussain is sitting in the lawn and Ammi comes to him.

Ammi:-Hussai don't be sad

Hussain:-I am not sad Ammi i am not sad

Ammi:-Then what's wrong with your face?

Hussain:I am just thinking about my destiny.Where am i going?I have no happiness in my life.

Ammi:-Why are you saying this son?

Hussain:-After so much of difficulties there was a girl who brought some happiness on my face and now...

Voice:-There was..that girl is still here

*Camera rolls and Dr.Amber is there*

Ammi:-Dr.how are you?

Dr.Amber:-I am good Ammi and you go let me talk to him

Ammi walks away

Dr.Amber:-Why did you say i was in your life?I am in you life and i always will be.When you called me last night i was all thinking about you.I was not able to sleep and this is when i came to know that i have the same feelings as you do.

Hussain looks at her

Hussain:-But this is not the problem

Dr.Amber:-What's the problem then?


Dr.Amber:-Your sister?What is wrong with her?

Hussain:-She..She just...

Dr.Amber:-Why are you spoiling your mood?

Hussain gets up and goes inside

Scene 3:-(Dinner Table)

Ammi:-So Najjo you're coming with us tomorrow right?

Najjo:-Ammi,i've said it.I am not coming.I am not happy with all this

Ammi:-Why are you doing all this now Najjo?Why are you creating problems?

Najjo:-I am creating problems?You're wrong Ammi.I say it tonight if Dr.Amber comes to this house she will bring nothng with her but just problems.

*Najjo gets up and goes to her room*

Ammi:-Hussain you just do not worry.We can go to Dr.Amber's house

Hussain:No Ammi.If my sister is not happy with this why should i marry i will not marry.

Ammi:-But son..

Hussain:-No Ammi.I will not marry Dr.Amber

*Episode Ends*
Posted 24 Jan 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
The post above me said the right thing!
Posted 24 Jan 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
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Pakistan, Pakistan
I don't know who he is.. but all he said was a big LIE!
Posted 23 Jan 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Hussain:-Dr,please come in my life!!


Hussain:-Dr,please come in my life doctor.I loveyou so much

Dr.Amber:-You know what you're saying?Are you in your senses?

Hussain:-Yes,Doctor.Do you remember what you said once?You told me to wait and i waited and now this is the right moment doctor.I know you are the only one who understand my feelings and we will be so happy with each other.

Dr.Amber:-That's enough

Hussain:-What enough Dr?My love is true i love you doctor.Don't you have the same feelings for me?

Dr.Amber:Just shut up!

Dr.Amber walks away and Hussain is still standing

Scene 2:-

Hussain is back at home sitting in his room thinking to himself.

Hussain:-What were i doing?What happened to me?I did not really want to say that to Dr.Amber.WHat was wrong with me?

Suddenly Ammi enters the room


Hussain:-Yes Ammi?

Ammi:-So you were in the hospital?What did Dr.Amber said?

Hussain:-Ammi,i did not go to the hospital


Hussain:Ammi i was busy with some other work

Ammi:-Beta you have phone number of Dr.Amber?Please call her?

"Hussain dials the number and gives the phone to Ammi"

Before Ammi could say something Amber starts from the other side "Do not try to call me ever again because i do not want to talk to you Hussain" she cuts the phone

Hussain:-What happened Ammi?

Ammi:-Son what happened between you two?

Hussain:Between us?


Hussain:Nothing Ammi

Ammi:Do not lie to me.Whta happened between you two?

*Hussain tells the whole story to Ammi and both are verye motional*

Ammi:-Hussain why you did not tell me about your love first?Why did you propose her?

Hussain:-Ammi i never knew i was in love with her

Ammi:-Beta now i will go and talk to her and she will understand it.

Hussain:-Thank You Ammi!

Scene 3:-
Ammi is in the hospital and she goes to meet Dr.Amber.

Ammi:-Hi Beti how are you?

Dr.Amber:-I am fine Ammi.How are you?

Ammi:-I am also fine beti.I need to ask you something


Ammi:-Beti now there is a strong bond between us so why can't we meet your family?

Dr.Amber have a sad look

Ammi:-What happened Beti?

Dr.Amber:-Ammi,i have no family.My mother and father died in an accident and now i live with my Uncle and Aunt.

Ammi:-I am Sorry beti.

Dr.Amber:-No.It is ok.

Ammi:-Beti i would like to meet them

Dr.Amber:-I will take you to them tomorrow

*Episode Ends*
Posted 23 Jan 2006


Age: 125
7113 days old here
Total Posts: 346
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
This guy have gone mad!!!!!!!!! that's all i can say.. all lie!
Posted 23 Jan 2006