
Age: 125
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Well,PPP have a better video Quality than KTSK but KTSK was the better movie but the world in which YoYo breaths have... aham aham
Posted 23 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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I wonder from where YOYO is getting these false news
Posted 21 Jan 2006


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No.. i did not mistype it.. and i think there is still some hope left for PPP bcz in two weeks it might do a business of 1.50 crores(abt 60% of it's budget) and all..

Madam Dihari Baaz is satisfactory and Jism is slowly drowing.Utthra picked up.. it is better as expected as you can see on my site
Posted 21 Jan 2006


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There is going to be a wedding in upcoming week in the family
Posted 20 Jan 2006


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Scene 1:-

Ammi,Hussain and Najjo are back in the house and Najjo is still upset on Hussain so she goes to her room.

Ammi:-Hussain,please do not mind the attitude of your sister.You know how she is

Hussain:I know Ammi

Ammi:-Beta,i got something to ask you please

Hussain:What ammi?

Ammi:-Beta,i hope you will understand my feelings

Hussain:Yes Ammi you just tell me what you want

Ammi:-Beta i want to ask you if you can...

Hussain:What ammi?


Hussain:-Ammi,you just tell me i will do any thing for you

Ammi:-Beta i just want to ask you if you can bring your father to this house and he can live with us?


Ammi:-Beta,i miss her so much.We got a big house he can live with us in front of my eyes.I will take care of him i will do every thing for him.I will do what i was not able to do when he was with me the last time.


Ammi:-Beta promise me you will not disappoint me

Hussain:Ammi i will try my best

Ammi:-Thank You beta!

Ammi goes away

Scene 2:-

Hussain in his room thinking to himself

Hussain:-Ammi want me to bring Papa to this house but she doesn't know what i am thinking these days.I really want to know who is the man behind all this.Who was paying all of the dues and everything?I really want to know this and i think i know how can i do that.Ammi,i will try my best to do this

Scene 3:-

Hussain is in the Asylum and he gets with Dr.Amber

Dr.Amber:-How are you?

Hussain:I am fine.How are you doctor?

Dr.Amber:-I am good too.So,what you doing here today?

Hussain:Dr,i need to ask you some thing

Dr.Amber:-What thing?

Hussain:Ammi wants...

Dr.Amber:What does she want?

Hussain:She want me to bring papa to house


Hussain:And i know i need your permission for that.

Dr.Amber:Not mine but you need some one'e else permission tooo


Dr.Amber:The person who admittded your father here

Hussain:Who admitted him?

Dr.Amber:-I don't know this i myself need to ask my seniors.You wait here i will be back

Scene 4:-

Amber is talking to her senior

Amber:-Sir,so what can we do?

Sir:-Look Amber,i've tried calling him but he is not responding me

Amber:So what option do we have now?

Sir:-I think we can allow him to take his father with him and you know the conditions

Amber:Thank You sir

Scene 5:-

Amber comes out to Hussain

Hussain:So can i?

Amber:Yes you can

Hussain:Thank You doctor..Thank You ..you always help me.You know what i am ..you understand me..Thank You

Amber:-But you know the man who admitted him here is not in contact with us any more.He has paid everything in advance and i want to tell you that whenever he returns you will need his permission to keep your father with yourself.


Dr.Amber:-This is a rule

Hussain:Ok.Thank YOu doctor.

Dr.Amber:-One more thing

Hussain:What thing?

Dr.Amber:-You will need a doctor at your house everytime to keep an eye on your father

Hussain:I know one doctor



Dr.Amber:-What are you saying?

Hussain:-Come in my life doctor...come in my life...
Posted 20 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
PPP had fresh face....
A good story...
Good Direction..
Ok Music
Ok Choreography
Posted 20 Jan 2006


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yoyo said:

ppp has taking a flying start grossing nearly 1 crore in first week, it has beaten salakhein first week gross but missed ydakh's. it is still early to call it hit, after 2/3 weeks full verdict will be out.

Whoever gave you the news was lying.Ok..the film is doing Good business now but cannot call it a hit or flop at this stage
Posted 20 Jan 2006


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I shouldn't say as i've already given my Awards to KTSK so here i say that KTSK was better than KTSIPH overall.
Posted 19 Jan 2006


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Scene 1:-

On the breakfast table

Hussain:-Ammi how are you feeling now?

Ammi:-I am feeling really good now beta

Hussain:-Najjo why aren't you having any thing?Have this sandwich it is your favourite and is really tasty

Ammi:-Take is Najji

(Najjo starts crying)

Najjo:-Ammi,I'm Sorry..Please forgive me

Ammi:-Come on beta...I am happy with you there is nothing wrong between you and you do not need to say Sorry to me but to someone else..to your brother

(Najjo doesn't react and walks to her room)

Ammi:-Hussain don't be sad.She is childish

Hussain:I know Ammi.I am not angry at her but the way she talk to me give me so much pain Ammi..what i've done why am i suffering from so much of pain Ammi?


(Hussain gets out of the chair and walks away)

Scene 2:-

Najjo is in her room and Ammi comes

Ammi:-What happened Najjo?Why are you lying here?You're not going any where?You were supposed to go to cinema tonight and watch Pehla Pehla Pyar.

Najjo:-I am not going anywhere Ammi


Najjo:-I just don't want to

Ammi:-But beta..it is your favourite film

Najjo:-Ammi i just don't wanna go

Ammi:-As you wish

Scene 3:-

Hussain is at home and brings a gift for Najj

Hussain:-Najjo this is for you

Najjo:Thank You but i already have enough bengles

Ammi:-Take it Najjo

Najjo:-Ammi i do not need them

(Najjo goes away)

Ammi:-Don't be sad beta..she will understand your love one day just don't be sad

Hussain:I am not sad Ammi and i want to tell you that we will go to meet papa tomorrow.

Ammi:-Ok beta

Scene 4:-

Ammi,Najjo and Hussain are in the hospital.Ammi goes to Zia who is sitting on the bed.He looks scared seeing her.Ammi slowly touches him and takes his hand into her hand.Every one is watching the moment when suddenly Zia shouts for help and Dr.Amber runs to him.

Zia:-Dr..Dr.Amber she is going to beat me

Dr.Amber:-No No...Nothing going to happen you just take rest

All come out and every one is sad.Dr.Amber comes out

Dr.Amber:-Why all of you have a sad face?

Najjo:-What do you mean?We are not supposed to laugh.You see the condition of our father who can enjoy at this time

Dr.Amber:-Didn't you notice any thing?


Dr.Amber:-This is the first time he recognized me by my name.This is the first time he called me "Dr.Amber".He started recognizing people.

Ammi:-Really..Oh God..i just wish he recognizes me

Dr.Amber:-He surely will Ammi.He took the first step and the day is not too far when he will be alright.

Ammi:-This is all because of you beti.

Dr.Amber:-Nahin Ammi.This is all because of your prayers.

Hussain:Thank You Doctor.

Dr.Amber:-Nahin..Thank You Amber!!

Hussain:Thanks Amber...(they have a smile)

*Episode Ends*
Posted 18 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
YoYo we are talking abt Lollywood

and i believe that Reema deserves to be called the Queen and Saima she better stop acting..you said she is a good actress?? I cannot tolerate her acting....
Posted 17 Jan 2006


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Pakistan, Pakistan
ur the only one to give it ****

It got -ve reviews frm every where.
Posted 17 Jan 2006


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AISHWARY and SAIMA??? gone mad??? ASH is 1000000000000000% better than Saima from every aspect
Posted 17 Jan 2006


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Well,in Lollywood every one loves to call themselves the Queen so we would like to know who deserves to be called The Queen.
Reema is topping the chart with Resham beign 2nd and Veena Malik is 3rd.

Saima and Meera calls them selves the Queen most of the times and they r on 6th and 4th number respectively
Posted 17 Jan 2006


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Amitabh is the best..no one can beat him!
Posted 17 Jan 2006


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Scene 1:-

Ammi and Hussain are back at home and Najjo is already waiting for them looking very angry and she burst at Hussain as he steps in the house.

Najjo:-Where did you take my mother?Who are you to take her away from me?Where did you go with her?

Najjo:-Oh..now i am getting your plans.So must have taken him to hospital so she can meet papa but i want you to understand whatever you try you could never ever snatch my mother away from me..The time is not too far when she will know what you really are and...

(Before Najjo could continue talking Ammi took a step ahead and slapped Najjo.Ammi without looking at Najjo walks to her room and Hussain follows her.Najjo have tears in her eyes)

Scene 2:-

Najjo is lying on her bed crying when Hussain comes to her.Hussain goes to console her but Najjo points him and starts shouting at him for no reason.

Najjo:-     Go away from me...I don't want to see you.I hate you.You made my mother hate my but remember she is my mother and she will come back to me.You try whatever you want to try but you will never ever be able to...just go out of my sight.

(Hussain goes out sad)

Scene 3:-

Hussain is sitting in his room and his mobile rings


Dr.Amber:-It's me

Hussain:Yes doctor?You got something to talk to me?

Dr.Amber:-Can't i just call you?

Hussain:It's ok.How are you?

Dr.Amber:-I'm fine but what's wrong with you?Every thing ok?

Hussain:Yes doctor

Dr.Amber:-Then why are you crying?

Hussain:I'm crying?No...I'm not crying

Dr.Amber:-Hey do not lie to me.I know you are crying

Hussain:How you know everything?

Dr.Amber:-I know everything..because i know magic(smiles)

Hussain:-Then please do some magic and make my father well.I cannot see my mother in this condition please please please doctor just do me this favour.

Dr.Amber:-First do not call me doctor.I'm Amber for you we are friend's now right and as far as the condition of your father goes trust me the magic will happen just keep your faith on God and your father will be fine.

Hussain:I just hope some thing like this happens soon

Dr.Amber:-It will.Now take care of yourself.Good Bye

Hussain:Good Bye
Posted 17 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Scene 1:-

Hussain is back at home with the file.He gets into his room and opens the file so he could read it and then he talks to himself.

Hussain:-What's this?Some one is paying all of the dues by cheque and papa is in the Asylum for 10 years?Where was he the other years?Who is paying all and who used to meat him?I need answers of my questions?Who is doing all this and why?I need the answer of my question.I will find out!.

Scene 2:-

Najjo is not in the house so Hussain gets a chance to meet Ammi.

Hussain:Ammi,how are you?

Ammi:-Son i am feeling well now.How are you?

Hussain:I am good Ammi.

Ammi:-Beta,will you do me a favour?

Hussain:Yes Ammi

Ammi:-Beta take me to your father

Hussain:-Ok Ammi

Hussain helps Ammi to stand and they walk

Scene 3:-

Hussain and Ammi are in the hospital and Hussain goes to Dr.Amber

Hussain:Dr,my mother wants to meet....

Dr.Amber:-Where is she?


(He takes her to his mother)

Dr,Amber:-Hello Ammi!

Ammi:Hello beta

Dr.Amber:Can i call you Ammi?

Ammi:-Yes beta..why not

Dr.Amber:-Thank You.I do not have a mother but now i think i will never be able to say that.You are my mother from today..you are my mother

Ammi:-Thank You beta.....

Dr.Amber:-You come with me i will take you to Mr.Zia

(Dr.Amber takes Ammi to Zia's room she looks at him cries and is back)

Dr.Amber:-Ammi,you can come and meet him whenever you want to

Hussain:Thanks now we should go

Ammi:-Thanks beta

(Hussain and Ammi walks away and Dr.Amber is smiling)
Posted 16 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
PPP is released in 2 theatres...
Posted 15 Jan 2006


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Pakistan, Pakistan
www.lollyworld.cjb.net... the only alive Lollywood Site you can find her wallpapers here.
Posted 15 Jan 2006


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Riya Sen?
Posted 15 Jan 2006


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My reviwe will be up on Sunday... i think you people should wait for it because it will be a complete Review!
Posted 14 Jan 2006


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My review will be up on Sunday i wasn't able to attend the premier for some reasons.
Posted 14 Jan 2006


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Scene 1:-

Hussain is walking and he stops outside Najjo's room.Hussain opens the door slowly and finds Najjo sleeping.Hussain goes to Ammi who is also sleeping he kisses her on the forehead and notices that she still has fever.Hussain starts putting cold strips on her forehead and Ammi is saying something while sleeping.

Ammi:-Zia,please come to me.I have forgiven you.I love you.I love you a lot.Zia please come to m.I really miss you.I love you the way you loved e.Please forgive me for my mistake.Zia please forgive me.

*Hussain talks to himself.*

Hussain:-Ammi,i promise i will bringyour love back to you.I promise you Ammi I promise you.

*Hussain goes out of the room*

Scene 2:-

(Ammi is on bed and Najjo comes

Najjo:-Najjo how are you now Ammi?

Ammi:-I am feeling well

Najjo:Ammi,i m going this weekend with my friends to watch the new film Pehla Pehla Pyar tonight ok?

Ammi:Ok beta.)

(Hussain is in the office but he feels bad so he is back at home and finds Najjo talking on phone to SABIR)

Najjo:-Yes bhaiyya,this is all because of Bhaijaan.Bhaiyya you please try to manage a better doctor for papa in America because i believe that this Dr.Amber is not goood and she is not really paying attention to papa and i think i know why she is doing this because she is with papa for long time now and no one is really paying her any thing.I find her really greedy Bhaiyya.Bhaiyya i am taking care of Ammi too.Bhaijaan doesn't care about her.He is in the office.Ok Bhaiyya Bye.

Najjo cuts the phone and turns back Hussain is standing behind with tears in his eyes.Najjo rudely turns and walks away without saying a word

Scene 3:-

Hussain is in his room really sad remembering what Najjo was saying and he remembers her saying *No One Pays Her*.He thinks himself the same thing and next he is in the Asylum.

Hussain:Where is Dr.Amber?

She comes walking

Dr.Amber:-Oh Mr.Hussain how are you?You want to meet your father?

Hussain:Not really

Dr.Amber:-Then what are you doing here?

Hussain:Dr,i want to know something.

Dr.Amber:-Something what?

Hussain:Dr i know my father is in the Asylum for years.I want to know his history if any one came to meet him in this long period and i also want to know who is paying the dues here?

Dr.Amber:-I need to check it out too because i am also new here.You come with me

Dr.Amber gives Hussain a file

DR.Amber:-Here is the file

(Hussain takes the filme)

Hussain:Thank you doctor

Dr.Amber:-It is my duty so mention not.

(Hussain walks away with file and Dr.Amber is smiling as the episode ends)
Posted 12 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
thx for info Mr.Nice and i say you are 100% right just few typing mistakes :P

Another big advantage we have is that Indian films are not allowed to be shown in India(China)
Posted 12 Jan 2006


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Scene 1:-
Najjo and Hussain are back at home with Ammi who is in bad condition.Najjo takes Ammi with her to her room and Hussain follows them and as he was to step inside Najjo stops him saying.

Najjo:-No..You cannot come in!

*Hussain is shattered*

Najjo:-You cannot come in.You have no rights to come in.

*Najjo goes to close the door but Ammi shouts in pain and Hussain runs to her*

Hussain:Ammi what happened?What happened Ammi?

Najjo:Why are you showing this concern now?

Hussain:Call the doctor.

Najjo calls the doctor


Doctor is checking Ammi

Hussain:What's her condition now doctor?

Najjo:-Ammi is fine now?

Doctor:-She got high blood pressure and temprature.I am giving her some tablets.Give them to her thrice a day

Hussain:Thank's doctor.I will leave you outside

*Hussain comes back and Najjo stops him from entering the room again and closes the door*

Scene 3:-

Hussain is in his room talking to himself.

Hussain:-How can i prove myself?How can i prove i am not wrong.I haven't done any thing.Why can't this World trust me?Why all this happens to me?Why i always have to prove myself?

Hussain:-O God!.Please forgive me and make my parents well God please.I beg you.You know i am right.I haven't done any thing God you know it.

*Episode Ends*
Posted 12 Jan 2006


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Old movie Mutthi Bhar Chawal was a blockbuster in China!
Posted 11 Jan 2006


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r u in Karachi Charizmatic?? Gonna watch it in Nishat?? can we watch it together???
Posted 11 Jan 2006


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..lions and he got scared some voice is heard and a handsome man came with a sword and killed the lions the franky thanked him and in the meantime the queen is awake and starts shouting.Taify comes to know that King is evil so he kills the King with his sword and takes Queen with himself back to Queen's land.
Posted 11 Jan 2006


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Zia wakes up and all eyes are on him and he suddenly starts shouting.

Dr.Amber runs to Zia

Dr.Amber:-You all go out of the room quickly.Zia..Zia..Uncle please you sit.Nothing is happening here

(Zia looks scared)

Zia:-They will beat me.

Dr.Amber:-No they will not do any thing.You sit here.Every thing is good.You just sit here

Zia:No doctor(he cries)

Dr.Amber:-Trust me.I tell you na every thing is fine you sit here

(Zia is cool again and DR.Amber comes out of the room)


Ammi(crying):-What has happened?What i've done.All this because of me.He loved me so much.He lived for me and i left him...O Lord why i did that...why why..all because of me..why God Why...

Hussain:-Ammi control yourself

Najjo:Yes,Ammi control your self you haven't done any thing.It is not because of you but because of some one else(taunting to Hussain).Ammi stop crying i am sure papa will be fine Ammi.Control yourself please

Hussain:Yes Ammi,you control yourself.I am sure papa will be fine.

Najjo:-What???Do no call him papa.YOu have no rights to.He is just my papa.You used to hate him.Now go hate him.Go take your revenge.Why are you standing here?You wanted to destroy him?See you have done it.Congrats..really Congrats!.

(Dr.Amber comes and Hussain walks away)

Dr.Amber:-What are you doing?This is a hospital why are you shouting here?

Najjo(rudely):- I know and you do not need to tell me all the time

(Najjo goes to Ammi and Dr.Amber walks away)

Scene 3:-

Hussain is outside the hospital in the lawn very sad when Dr.Amber comes to him.

Dr.Amber:-What are you doing here?

Hussain:Me..Oo nothing

Dr.Amber:-Hey..what's that?(signing to Hussain's face)


Dr.Amber:-There is something on your face


Dr.Amber:-Hey it is coming out of your eyes

(Dr.Amber get the tear on her finger and says "This" )

Dr.Amber:-This little tear.Now tell me why are you crying here?

Hussain:-Me?No I am not crying I am just sitting here

Dr.Amber:I can see those tears.

Hussain(he burst):-What can i do??My father..

Dr.Amber:-Hey Hey..why are you crying?Who will give strength to your mother if you will break like this?You trust me i am a Doctor and i make sure that the day is not too far when your father will be fine.

Hussain:-What can i do?My father cannot talk to me.My mother and my sister..she does not want to talk to me..She hate me Doctor.You tell me what to do.You tell me what can i do?
Posted 10 Jan 2006


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Scene 1:-
Hussain goes to room # 10 and enters with out knocking and started shouting.

Hussain:-What the hell is wrong with you people?Why are you stopping me and my mother from meeting my father?This is not good what...

DR.Amber:-Excuse Me?(confused)

Hussain:-I am saying that this does not make any sense

Dr.Amber:-I don't get a word.I have no idea what you're talking about.Tell me slowly pleas

Hussain:-I am sorry doctor.I meant that i am here with my family to meet my father Mr.Zia but they are saying that i need your permission before that.

Dr.Amber:-That's right.

Hussain:-But this is very important.My mother is outside..

Dr.Amber:-Take me to her

(They goes out of the room)


Hussain arrives with Dr.Amber.

Najjo:-We have permission now?Can we meet out father now?Tell me fast tell me

Dr.Amber:-Hold on

Ammi:-Doctor,i want to meet my husband please take me to him

Dr.Amber:-But his condition?

Najjo:What's his condition?

Dr.Amber:-He is suffering from a mental stage.He has lost his memory he had a brain wash.
(They all are shocked)


(Hussain runs to Ammi to hold her as she goes to fall down)

Najjo:Ammi Ammi Ammi..please..open your eyes


Najjo:What look?This is all because of you?


Najjo:Yes.Why did you tell the truth in front of her?It is all your mistake

Hussain:Stop this non-sense Najjo.I am sorry doctor

(Ammi is back in her senses)

Dr.Amber:That's fine.Come with me i will take you to your father

(They all follow her)

Scene 3:-

They all enter a room

Dr.Amber:-Here he is

Ammi first walks to him and turns his face.He is sleeping and Ammi started crying and Najjo consoles her.

Hussain:How is he now?

Dr.Amber:He does not remember any thing but one word.

Hussain:What word?

Dr.Amber:-He is always taking a name and this is the only thing he remember from his past.

Hussain:What name?


(Ammi stands and shout ..my name...)

Ammi gets emotional

Ammi(talking to his husband who is sleeping):-You used to love me so much and this is what i did to you.I've done it wrong.I deserve punishment.

(As she is crying Zia wakes up and all eyes are set on him and the episode ends before he could say a word)
Posted 09 Jan 2006


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Pakistan, Pakistan
Yeah,China could be a big market
Posted 07 Jan 2006