
Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Magic Wand
One day a princess fairy was sitting by the pond
she saw something in the water, it was a magic wand
as she picked it up and waved it, before very long
she started hearing a strange voice singing a song
Her first thought was to hide or quickly run away
she jumped upon a lily pad but it began to sway
she fell into the pond, she knew she could not swim
a fallen tree nearby, she quickly grabbed a limb
The voice kept getting closer, then she tried to fly
but she would have to wait till her wings were dry
her heart was beating faster, the fear began to show
she dived into the water and disappeared down below
The voice started shouting, oh no what did you do
I didn't mean to scare you, I'm a fairy just like you
He picked up the magic wand and waved it all around
he could only have one wish, he tossed it on the ground
His only wish had been, turn into a frog right away
he jumped into the water and rescued her that day
as the frog sat by the pond and held her near his heart
she opened up her eyes and wished they would not part
He had used his only wish, now a frog he'll have to stay
so the fairy princess picked up the wand on that summer day
I only have one wish and that's to spend my life with you
at that moment the princess fairy became a froggy too

Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Missing You
The love affair has ended
he is now homeward bound
listens to her heart beating
silence is a lonely sound
He was so brave and daring
soft spoken and debonair
compassionate and kind
as a lover beyond compare
Another time another place
found only in their dreams
wished upon their special star
forever shining in moonbeams
This was their special place
a table always shared by two
but she sits alone in silence
happy for the love she knew
For memories last forever
no one can take them away
held close to her heart forever
love so sweet from yesterday