
Age: 125
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orange juice
Posted 01 Apr 2007


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Posted 01 Apr 2007


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zk is offline
Posted 01 Apr 2007


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Posted 01 Apr 2007


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Posted 01 Apr 2007


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Posted 01 Apr 2007


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Posted 01 Apr 2007


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Posted 01 Apr 2007


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thx dears
Posted 01 Apr 2007


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Posted 01 Apr 2007


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thx kooler
Posted 01 Apr 2007


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thx dear
Posted 01 Apr 2007

Topic: Jbian names


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i like my dears
Posted 31 Mar 2007


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Posted 31 Mar 2007


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i'm chatting
Posted 31 Mar 2007


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sun_shine said:

about which thing?


jb's happenings
Posted 31 Mar 2007


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thx sshine
Posted 31 Mar 2007


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As doubts creep into my tomorrows
my courage seems to disappear
searching aimlessly for happiness
elusive dreams are all I have found

Bravery has been only an illusion
fear of the sorrow love may bring
captures and tortures my inner soul
never believing love can be forever

Like a rainbow love is beautiful
yet it is elusive and disappears
creating temporary happiness
for only a brief moment in time

Somehow I must get beyond my fears
find the courage of a lion on the hunt
see beyond my fear of abandonment
and roar atop the mountain I must climb

I must look within for my intrepidity
fearlessness must not elude me forever
I must realize there can be happiness
for me beyond the fleeting rainbow

I must be undaunted by past sorrow
be fearless and learn to love again
as I find the courage to face my fears
just maybe, love can become a reality

Posted 31 Mar 2007


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may b sunshine
Posted 31 Mar 2007


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i'm thinking abt sumthin'
Posted 31 Mar 2007


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Posted 31 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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Looking For My Strength

They say it's darkest before the dawn
the stillness can conjure such fright
all our fears are so compounded
by loneliness in the middle of the night

We lay there all alone with tears in our eyes
as our thoughts begin to run wild
wishing we could turn back time somehow
longing the security of a mother and a child

We lay there praying silently as tears fall
asking God why doesn't anybody care
then tears turn into sobbing and weeping
we then get swallowed up by our despair

Somehow we make it through the night
we made it to another day to face the pain
pain that love has eluded you once more
and you will never be able to love again

The morning rises and brings the sunlight
we feel the warmth of the dawning of the day
just maybe, things today will be a little brighter
and we can leave some of our sorrow to yesterday

For some unknown reason we will survive
the heartache and darkest night of tears
God never gives us more then we can bear
pray, He'll give us strength to face our fears
Posted 31 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
This Or That

It was only a random act
hit or miss you could say
not caring what I did
settling for pot luck today

I would chose without care
being slipshod in my choice
settling for just anything
in a mild mannered voice

Give me this or give me that
asking in a haphazard way
pick and chose at random
it won't matter what you say

No definite plan or order
depending just on chance
no thought of any reason
not left to circumstance

So spin the wheel around
see where life takes you
not caring where it lands
is such a foolish thing to do
Posted 31 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When memories start creeping back
and darkness begins to take it's toll
let your emotions spill out on the paper
it's time for some poetry for the soul

Let the sadness fall with each letter
let each line be full of yesterdays
when loves promises were broken
instead of being forever or always

Let all of the heartache be hidden
with each syllable and every word
written without a rhyme or reason
words just wanting to be heard

Fill each stanza with pure passion
your feelings will flow so easily
teardrops roll down your cheeks
as you recall bittersweet memories

Each stanza contains such sorrow
it is too soon to let the past go
then the crying turns into sobbing
unbearable pain interrupts the flow

Bearing your deepest emotions
found in the recesses of your mind
penning words to describe love
such as pain, betrayal and unkind

You stare at the pain on the paper
longing for the happiness of yesterday
crunched and thrown on the floor
just as your heart was tossed away
Posted 31 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
We never know to whom we speak
we must trust the ones we choose
for friendships are worth the risk
though sometimes we play the fool

Some times pictures don't match up
they are not who they say they are
dishonest people write on allpoetry
becoming close while living afar

My friend on here was so misled
lied to on the computer everyday
spinning many yarns of falsehood
stealing unsuspecting hearts away

Are you really who you say you are
or someone made up in your mind
it's so very cruel to be dishonest
it can be so hurtful and so unkind

Love blossoms or pierces your heart
online romances can go either way
some friendships may last a lifetime
it could be only a few clicks away

So be very careful to whom you talk
reach out and listen to what they say
online friends and loves can be nice
like sunshine they brighten your day

Posted 31 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
How can someone feel so lonely
even when surrounded by love
can someone feel abandoned
believing in the Lord above?

Why do the gray clouds appear
bringing with it so many a tear
how do you stop loving someone
why do the nightmares appear?

Where does over the rainbow end
why do all my dreams fly away
how do I face the endless nights
without sunshine at break of day?

Has my sunshine began fading
did it leave with summer's end
has life changed with the season
when love suddenly had to end?

Why do I reach to hold your hand
why do I miss your calming voice
how do I not miss you so much
when loving you is my choice?
Posted 31 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A Friendship Forever

You came into my life so willingly
a warm summer breeze on my face
we bonded in friendship so easily
no one, nor time can not erase

You listened intently with such care
opened up my heart to let you in
not knowing where we were heading
if a lasting friendship would begin

To my surprise we really connected
A loving friend you became to me
our emails shortened the distance
sent so many miles across the sea

It's been 6 months since I met you
two poets drawn to one another
respecting our love for our Savior
listening with care to each other

We promised to be friends forever
in our hearts we know that is true
thank you for always being there
know I will forever be here for you
Posted 31 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Sailing Sunset

Hoist the main sails with the sunrise
time to set sail beyond sparkling seas
the trade winds are beginning to stir
feel the warmth of the ocean breeze

Golden sunbeams tap dance on water
transforming nighttime into a new dawn
as the sunrise kisses the water good by       
voices give heed for the wind to spawn   

The sun seems to rise to the occasion
it's brilliance has welcomed a new day
drawing inspiration from its beauty
I look in awe as it takes my breath away

Admiration for a magnificent seascape
the ocean beckons come sail on me
let the currents take you far from home
sail on, let the horizon set you free

Looking past tomorrow in anticipation
the sloop glides gently across the sea
eyes fixated on the amazing sunrise
a tropical paradise awaits there for me

Posted 31 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

The warmth of sunshine
will always bring you smiles
though far away from you
her light travels for miles

When gray clouds appear
on the horizon early morn
breaking through the dark
a new day will be born

To bask in her brightness
brings joy and such cheer
when sunshine finds you
darkness will disappear

Sunshine starts your day
how does it make you feel
her glow so mesmerizing
sunshine feels oh so real

Blessed with sunshine
all throughout your day
always there to cheer you
chasing the blues away
Posted 31 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Fly me away wind, past the moon
away from life's destruction and ruin
sail me through the Heaven on high
let me soar like an eagle in the sky

Take me up to meet the sunbeams
no matter how far fetched it seems
then let me try to catch a falling star
take me to happiness no matter how far

Floating around many light years away
let me search for love come what may
leap frogging from star to star in play
chasing moonbeams at the end of day

Carry me up wind, above the earth
fill my heart with merriment and mirth
let my mind travel for mile after mile
to the warmth of the sun to finally smile

Wind keep me there forever and a day
there my dreams don't seem so far away
up where my love and I can wander free
with warm thoughts rushing back to me

Posted 31 Mar 2007