Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Looking For My Strength ----------------------------
They say it's darkest before the dawn the stillness can conjure such fright all our fears are so compounded by loneliness in the middle of the night
We lay there all alone with tears in our eyes as our thoughts begin to run wild wishing we could turn back time somehow longing the security of a mother and a child
We lay there praying silently as tears fall asking God why doesn't anybody care then tears turn into sobbing and weeping we then get swallowed up by our despair
Somehow we make it through the night we made it to another day to face the pain pain that love has eluded you once more and you will never be able to love again
The morning rises and brings the sunlight we feel the warmth of the dawning of the day just maybe, things today will be a little brighter and we can leave some of our sorrow to yesterday
For some unknown reason we will survive the heartache and darkest night of tears God never gives us more then we can bear pray, He'll give us strength to face our fears
Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When memories start creeping back and darkness begins to take it's toll let your emotions spill out on the paper it's time for some poetry for the soul
Let the sadness fall with each letter let each line be full of yesterdays when loves promises were broken instead of being forever or always
Let all of the heartache be hidden with each syllable and every word written without a rhyme or reason words just wanting to be heard
Fill each stanza with pure passion your feelings will flow so easily teardrops roll down your cheeks as you recall bittersweet memories
Each stanza contains such sorrow it is too soon to let the past go then the crying turns into sobbing unbearable pain interrupts the flow
Bearing your deepest emotions found in the recesses of your mind penning words to describe love such as pain, betrayal and unkind
You stare at the pain on the paper longing for the happiness of yesterday crunched and thrown on the floor just as your heart was tossed away
Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Sailing Sunset ------------------
Hoist the main sails with the sunrise time to set sail beyond sparkling seas the trade winds are beginning to stir feel the warmth of the ocean breeze
Golden sunbeams tap dance on water transforming nighttime into a new dawn as the sunrise kisses the water good by voices give heed for the wind to spawn
The sun seems to rise to the occasion it's brilliance has welcomed a new day drawing inspiration from its beauty I look in awe as it takes my breath away
Admiration for a magnificent seascape the ocean beckons come sail on me let the currents take you far from home sail on, let the horizon set you free
Looking past tomorrow in anticipation the sloop glides gently across the sea eyes fixated on the amazing sunrise a tropical paradise awaits there for me
Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Fly me away wind, past the moon away from life's destruction and ruin sail me through the Heaven on high let me soar like an eagle in the sky
Take me up to meet the sunbeams no matter how far fetched it seems then let me try to catch a falling star take me to happiness no matter how far
Floating around many light years away let me search for love come what may leap frogging from star to star in play chasing moonbeams at the end of day
Carry me up wind, above the earth fill my heart with merriment and mirth let my mind travel for mile after mile to the warmth of the sun to finally smile
Wind keep me there forever and a day there my dreams don't seem so far away up where my love and I can wander free with warm thoughts rushing back to me