Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Heart of Stone --------------------
Her heart is now a pitiless barren stone, Stripped of the soft and warm love on which it fed. The love that existed only in her mind A product of her need and her belief in his sweet words It was her own love reflected in his lying eyes
Her heart tried to fight its death, tried forgiveness But bitterness overruled its feeble attempts It was unable to excuse this callous and cruel betrayal Cringing and flinching from each new blow Delivered by the words in his letters to his secret love
Unable to carry any more pain, defeated by misery It transformed into something unfeeling, perhaps inhuman To test this new stone heart she watches him sleeping And creates images in her mind of him suffering or dying Desperate to invoke some fragment of her former love
Alas cold stone has no feelings and though he is with her still The future is bleak, the past too shattered to repair She dreams of death, dreams of its sweet release From her lonely desolate life And the weight of her heart of stone
Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
What I really want to say to you ----------------------------------------
What I really want to say to you Hurts too much to get the words out Its not just your head you're messing up Mines been through the ringer to. This was supposed to be a bit of fun Same for you - you said Well if this is your idea of light relief You better stick to horrors instead. I don't blame you for how it turned out Theres no point at all But I'd appreciate it if you warned me next time I'll put out a crash mat to break the fall. I told you some of it In my usual way Trying to soften the edges And then not saying what I wanted to say. At least I said I was angry I got that much out But I forgot to mention the hurt The confusion, the sadness, the self-doubt. I believed in you too much My expectations weren't real So no surprise that you didn't Live up to what I wanted you to feel. My heads a crazy place Its no wonder people run Not much to hang around for Once they've had their bit of fun.
Age: 125
6671 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Let Me Live ----------------
Can you feel the pressure, the insanity from inside Your body, your life, your consciance will die The kingdom will come, the demons will fly And you will bleed the tears so deep from inside A consistant flow An unconscious reply To a love, unknown A brilliant lullabye The plan has been written From the book of life So you try to live yours And I'll die from mine
Let me live in silence Be a mute to my surroundings Let me hear the cheering While my heart keeps on frowning I will stand and breathe As days go by You tell me what to do Just let me live my own life
I can't stand it going straight through my head Why can't I ever dream as I'm slowly dieing in bed Am I being sarcastic or am I wishing for death I can see the darkness, once the light turns blood red
Let me be who I am Live every day for myself Let me be on my own Put my blackened heart on the shelf Can I fineally say that I am me And you'll be fine with it Will my heart slowly give up And my life surely quit Do I have tomorrow or will today be the end Just let me live my own damn life and I'll wake up again Or we can pretend That if, by some chance I don't wake up We can suspend Every thought that you made up In your head And you can realize that I can be everything Once again And fineally let me live my life Or you can live my life as who I am