Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Warm perfumes like a breath from vine and tree Drift down the darkness. Plangent, hidden from eyes Somewhere an `eukaleli' thrills and cries And stabs with pain the night's brown savagery. And dark scents whisper; and dim waves creep to me, Gleam like a woman's hair, stretch out, and rise; And new stars burn into the ancient skies, Over the murmurous soft Hawaian sea.
And I recall, lose, grasp, forget again, And still remember, a tale I have heard, or known, An empty tale, of idleness and pain, Of two that loved -- or did not love -- and one Whose perplexed heart did evil, foolishly, A long while since, and by some other sea.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
One Day
Today I have been happy. All the day I held the memory of you, and wove Its laughter with the dancing light o' the spray, And sowed the sky with tiny clouds of love, And sent you following the white waves of sea, And crowned your head with fancies, nothing worth, Stray buds from that old dust of misery, Being glad with a new foolish quiet mirth.
So lightly I played with those dark memories, Just as a child, beneath the summer skies, Plays hour by hour with a strange shining stone, For which (he knows not) towns were fire of old, And love has been betrayed, and murder done, And great kings turned to a little bitter mould.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Beauty and Beauty
When Beauty and Beauty meet All naked, fair to fair, The earth is crying-sweet, And scattering-bright the air, Eddying, dizzying, closing round, With soft and drunken laughter; Veiling all that may befall After -- after --
Where Beauty and Beauty met, Earth's still a-tremble there, And winds are scented yet, And memory-soft the air, Bosoming, folding glints of light, And shreds of shadowy laughter; Not the tears that fill the years After -- after --
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Cold in the earth, and the deep snow piled above thee! Far, far removed, cold in the dreary grave! Have I forgot, my Only Love, to love thee, Severed at last by Time's all-wearing wave?
Now, when alone, do my thoughts no longer hover Over the mountains on Angora's shore; Resting their wings where heath and fern-leaves cover That noble heart for ever, ever more?
Cold in the earth, and fifteen wild Decembers From those brown hills have metled into spring - Faithful indeed is the spirit that remembers After such years of change and suffering!
Sweet Love of youth, forgive if I forget thee While the World's tid eis bearing me along: Sterner desires and darker hopes beset me, Hopes which obscure but cannot do thee wrong.
No other Sun has lightened up my heaven; No other Star has ever shone for me: All my life's bliss from thy dear life was given - All my life's bliss is in the grave with thee.
But when the days of golden dreams had perished And even Despair was powerless to destroy, Then did I learn how existance could be cherished, Strengthened and fed without the aid of joy;
Then did I check the tears of useless passion, Weaned my young sould from yearning after thine; Sternly denied its burning with to hasten Down to that tomb already more than mine!
And even yet, I dare not let it languish, Dare not indulge in Memory'd rapturous pain; Once drinking deep of that divinest anguish, How could I seek the empty world again?
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
If thou be in a lonely place, If one hour's calm be thine, As Evening bends her placid face O'er this sweet day's decline; If all the earth and all the heaven Now look serene to thee, As o'er them shuts the summer even, One momentthink of me !
Pause, in the lane, returning home; 'Tis dusk, it will be still: Pause near the elm, a sacred gloom Its breezeless boughs will fill. Look at that soft and golden light, High in the unclouded sky; Watch the last bird's belated flight, As it flits silent by.
Hark ! for a sound upon the wind, A step, a voice, a sigh; If all be still, then yield thy mind, Unchecked, to memory. If thy love were like mine, how blest That twilight hour would seem, When, back from the regretted Past, Returned our early dream !
If thy love were like mine, how wild Thy longings, even to pain, For sunset soft, and moonlight mild, To bring that hour again ! But oft, when in thine arms I lay, I've seen thy dark eyes shine, And deeply felt, their changeful ray Spoke other love than mine.
My love is almost anguish now, It beats so strong and true; 'Twere rapture, could I deem that thou Such anguish ever knew. I have been but thy transient flower, Thou wert my god divine; Till, checked by death's congealing power, This heart must throb for thine.
And well my dying hour were blest, If life's expiring breath Should pass, as thy lips gently prest My forehead, cold in death; And sound my sleep would be, and sweet, Beneath the churchyard tree, If sometimes in thy heart should beat One pulse, still true to me.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A Sonnet of the Moon
Look how the pale queen of the silent night Doth cause the ocean to attend upon her, And he, as long as she is in his sight, With her full tide is ready her to honor. But when the silver waggon of the moon Is mounted up so high he cannot follow, The sea calls home his crystal waves to moan, And with low ebb doth manifest his sorrow. So you that are the sovereign of my heart Have all my joys attending on your will; My joys low - ebbing when you do depart, When you return their tide my heart doth fill. So as you come and as you do depart, Joys ebb and flow within my tender heart.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Now I Have Nothing
Now I have nothing. Even the joy of loss Even the dreams I had I now am losing. Only this thing I know; that you are using My heart as a stone to bear your foot across..... I am glad I am glad the stone is of your choosing.....
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
O Love! That stronger art than wine, Pleasing delusion, witchery divine, Wont to be prized above all wealth, Disease that has more joys than health; Though we blaspheme thee in our pain, And of thy tyranny complain, We are all bettered by thy reign.
What reason never can bestow We to this useful passion owe; Love wakes the dull from sluggish ease, And learns a clown the art to please, Humbles the vain, kindles the cold, Makes misers free, and cowards bold; 'Tis he reforms the sot from drink, And teaches airy fops to think.
When full brute appetite is fed, And choked the glutton lies and dead, Thou new spirits dost dispense And 'finest the gross delights of sense: Virtue's uncoonquerable aid That against Nature can persuade, And makes a roving mind retire Within the bounds of just desire; Cheerer of age, youth's kind unrest, And half the heaven of the blest!
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Love Arm'd
Love in fantastic triumph sate, Whilst bleeding hearts around him flow'd, For whom fresh pains he did create, And strange tyrannic power he shew'd. From thy bright eyes he took his fires Which round about in sport he hurl'd, But t'was from mine he took desires, Enough t'undo the amorous world.
From me he took his sighs and tears, From thee his pride and cruelty: From me his languishments and fears, And ev'ry killing dart from thee. Thus thou and I the god have arm'd, And set him up a deity: But my poor heart alone is harm'd, While thine the victor is and free.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
In every dream the lovely features rise; I see them in the sunshine of the day; Thy form is flitting still before my eyes Where'er at eve I tread my lonely way; In every moaning wind I hear thee say Sweet words of consolation, while thee sighs Seem borne along on every blast that flies; I live, I talk with thee where'er I stray: And yet thou never more shalt come to me On earth, for though art in a world of bliss, And fairer still - if fairer thou canst be - Than when thou bloomed'st for a while in this. Few be my days of loneliness and pain Until I meet in love with thee again.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Let Me Grow Lovely
Let me grow lovely, growing old-- So many fine things do: Laces, and ivory, and gold, And silks need not be new; And there is healing in old trees, Old streets a glamour hold; Why may not I, as well as these, Grow lovely, growing old?
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Do Not Make Things Too Easy
Do not make things too easy. There are rocks and abysses in the mind As well as meadows. There are things knotty and hard: intractable. Do not talk to me of love and understanding. I am sick of blandishments. I want the rock to be met by a rock. If I am vile, and behave hideously, Do not tell me it was just a misunderstanding.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
To Cupid
Child, with many childish wile, Timid look, and blushing smile, Downy wings to steal thy way, Gilded bow, and quiver gay, Who in thy simple mien would trace The tyrant of the human race?
Who is he whose flinty heart Hath not felt the flying dart? Who is he that from the wound Hath not pain and pleasure found? Who is he that hath not shed Curse and blessing on thy head?
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
blac waves
Where these black waves come they fill my thoughts so complete, and make all seem so desperate, like there is no future, like all the hope is gone, all hope to find happiness to feel complete feel joy and happiness. maybe i am just a kid who beleaves too deep that happiness in life is all that matters no matter for money no matter for jewelry or fancy house, just happiness inside. -sanja-
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My paper love.....
I write you a love mail on a piece of paper and send it across for you to read it with love Since, I am far away from you with my dreams and I can only write all my feelings on a paper Let it be happiness or sadness or sorrows but I have gathered all my thoughts and written to you These words I write for you, come from bottom of my heart I have no way to reach you close to hold your hands other than make love with you on a piece of paper I know you will be reading my love mails with your tears and I will be thinking of your heart and soul with my pain You have changed my lonely life and made me strong Your love and your love lesson taught my way to improve life You are the one I love and want to be mine with my life My paper love is full of words that just written for your love and want to be with your forever and that is my destiny.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Miracle of your heart.......
I love your miracle heart to sooth my soul I want to wrap you in my arms with love If you are not here then my tears will stain my heart I always keep your memories in my heart because they are beautiful and never die even I die When the nights come then I can hear your heart beat calls me to come near you to share the power of love When the morning comes then I recollect my last night dream with you and learn the language of love My love on you can not be erased because there is nothing in my life other than your miracle love Your miracle love could take my pain and tears away when you open your mind and speak with your heart My heart seek you as waves that seek the shore My soul seek you as dreams that seek the reality My love seek you as the moon that seek the sky Let your miracle heart brighten my soul from obscurity
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Both heart and soul are the dance of love Lovers feel charm within them while loving There are lovers create a new world with passion They do gently and beautifully to achieve the value of love although their aim will be one to the same soul Love has no time limit or cause but its to be loved Everything could be beautiful by the power of love Love could be a sincere where it could bring loyal The qualities of love reflects in many ways and even the dreams could come in reality The love could share with lots of feelings and the secret of it can not be known either Love can not be made without love and care Love can last life time and it could bring happiness Life without love brings not only frustration but also mantle agony. When God draws the curtain of love then there is light that brighten our soul with love