
Age: 125
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Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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Posted 10 Jan 2007


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Posted 10 Jan 2007


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Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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Posted 10 Jan 2007

Topic: a surprise


Age: 125
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Posted 10 Jan 2007

Topic: A Girl


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Posted 10 Jan 2007

Topic: Happy life


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
KING OF JB said:

good one

Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Enchanted Forest

I enjoy strolling along the narrow path,
As it meanders through the forest.
It generates a feeling of relaxation,
And puts my troubled mind to rest.

The forest is peaceful and quiet.
I appreciate its immense cover of shade,
And I feel focused and comfortable
In this sanctuary nature has made.

I feel a sense of enchantment
In the cool, refreshing air,
As I seek the hidden secrets
That the forest had to bear.

I hear the strange sounds of the forest
As I quietly make my way,
And stop to observe the wonders
Nature unfolds for me this day.

I enjoy strolling along the narrow path,
It brings a welcome peace of mind to me.
I thank the forces of nature
For this moment of soothing serenity.

Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Many Shades Of Green

Spring is a new beginning, giving to the
many shades of green:
Starting out regrowth and new birth in
Many appear through shoots or buds, peeking
up from the earth,
Another year of new birth.
Summer, nature flourishes in growth,
while reaching for the sun,
In it's peak of beauty of the many shades
of nature.
For yet their change is not done.
Fall, nature changes into deeper colors,
and sheds her leaves,
Seed and pollen are carried by the breeze,
Landing in the cradle of mother earth.
Blending with the soil, to create and show
natures worth;
Winter nurtures and stores, while underground,
covered with a blanket of snow,
Waiting for the warmth of spring, for the seeds
to grow.
Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
6678 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Last laugh!

the sun
the soil
the water
the greens
in harmony.

the humans
the greed
the insensativity
the insanity
the harmony.

Circle of life
takes up the shape of an arc.
The evil human knife
Is out to kill Mother earth
making their own
future stark.

Nature pleads, No mercy indeed.
Watch out humans(the so-called superior creatures)
Nature has made a plan, the war
started by you (humans) will be won
by Mother Nature in the second half
And it will have the last laugh!

Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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yaar a shy teen
Posted 10 Jan 2007


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Posted 10 Jan 2007


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Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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You are all of this to me

You are the thought that starts each morning,
the conclusion to each day.
you are in all that i do,
and everything i say.

You are the smile on my face,
the twinkle in my eye.
the warmth inside my heart,
the fullness in my life.

You are the hand that laced in mine,
and the coat upon my back.
my friend, my love,
my shoulder to lean on.

You are my silly, mature, caring
thoughtful, bright and honest guy.
the one who holds me tightly.
when I need to cry.

You are the dimple in my cheek,
the ever-constant tingle in my soul.
the voice that makes me weak,
the happiness of my life.

You are all I have wanted,
you are all I need.
you are all I have dreamed of,
you are all of this to me.
Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
KING OF JB said:

WOW nice sharing yaar

keep it up good going

thanx yaar
Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Goog-bye my Friend

Even though we were so close
And I depended on you so
But now it's different, we are two strangers
I don't know you and so do you.

Even though I got hurted
But you are still in my heart
And I will always love you
It's just that life forced us to be apart.

Even though you hurted me
I can't seem to let you go
But I will go on without you
And I want to make sure you know.

Am surprised at how easy it was for you
When you told me we can't be friends again
You didn't even care
When I was going through the pain.

I don't know what else to say
It's hard not to hear your voice
But please always know this
No one will ever take your place.

Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I will miss you

My dearest friend you've left me
Standing all alone
My body's numb with sorrow
I don't know my way home.

I'm lost, depressed and frightened
For you are not here with me
And somewhere deep inside my heart
My friend you will always be

I know you couldn't help it
And you didn't want to go
But nonetheless you left me
Sad and all alone

Although I have my parents
And other friends so close
I don't know why it is
But I love you my friend, the most

Your kindness unto others
Has washed up onto me
You helped me out when times were tough
And you helped to make me see

You have been so good to me
And as I let you go
I know you were a true friend
And for that I love you so

For as long as I can recognize
You have helped me to be strong
And given me the courage and faith
To keep on moving on

So with my sad and heavy heart
This part comes to an end
But I will not say goodbye
You will always be my friend.
Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
6678 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Growing pains
Broken chains
A sad melody

Falling tears
Listening ears
A friend just for me

Reaching out
Sharing doubt
When life gets me down

Hands to clutch
Gentle touch
Can turn me around

Spoken words
Softly heard

Holding tight
Loving light
Calm serenity
Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I hope

I hope you surf the waves in form the ocean,
Big and small.
I hope you watch the sunset,
From a mountain straight and tall.

I hope you can sing a song to all the angles,
Loud and clear.
I hope you will try new things,
Never giving into fears.

I hope you fall in love,
With one who makes your world go around.
I hope that if you fall out,
Your feet will stay on the ground.

I hope that you can understand,
That true love waits for you.
That you may have to wait a while,
But when it comes it will be true.

I hope you find a rainbow,
And realize it was worth the rain.
I hope through you journey,
You will learn to balance smile with pain.

I hope that you realize,
Life isn't always on your side.
I hope you know when hope is lost,
In me you can confined.

I hope that your glowing smile,
Brings someone out of gloom.
I hope you taste your life,
With more than just a spoon.

I hope that when you are lost,
You are also one to find.
And I hope that you hand,
Never grows too big from mine.

I hope watch the stars shoot by,
Upon a grassy hill.
I hope you know that I love you,
Always have and always will.
Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
6678 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Hope Your Happy

I hope your happy with your life
I hope your happy with your wife
I hope you see what you have done
I hope you see that this is all wrong

I hope you realise that your not perfect
I hope you see that money's not worth it
I hope you realise that family comes first
I hope you see that my smile was rehearsed

I hope you see that your tearing me apart
I hope you someday grow a heart
I hope someday i will want to see you
I hope someday i wont have to see you

I hope you suffer, but i dont want that
I hope you die, but i dont mean that
I hope someday your 'love' will be real
I hope someday you will 'feel'

I hope you realise that money cant heal
I hope someday you'll feel, what i feel
I hope that before you die
I hope to tell you, i wont cry

I hoped you would be a good grandad
I hoped you wouldnt make me mad
But all my hopes from before are gone
just like the love you had for their mom

I hope that i see you one last time
I hope i get to tell you this:
'I wish i never knew you
because of you....I wish i didnt exist....
Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
6678 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

When your life is going according to your chart
Do not disestablish

When your marriage is going well
Do not disestablish

When your children are doing well in all things
Do not disestablish

When your business is successful
Do not disestablish

When your car engine is purring
Do not disestablish

When you are getting along with your neighbor
Do not disestablish

When your bills are getting paidon time
Do not disestablish

When your garden is growing well
Do not disestablish

When you have good friends
Do not disestablish

When you have good employees
Do not disestablish
Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
6678 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Be committed in what you do
And you will never be in rue

Be commited to God
And you will never get the rod

Be committed to your wife
And you will never be without rife

Be commited to your family
And you will with them be in glee

Be committed to your friends
And you will never be without friends

Be committed to one business
And you will always be a success

Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
You Can Come

You blind my vision!
Why this fervent chase?

In an instant
You touched my senses

Your presence
Refuses to fade

This heart's infused
With confusion

The electric fire
Swept me skyward

You can come, only...
If you

Pick up my spirit gently
Diligently watch me smile

Lift me slowly,
Let me fly high.

Posted 10 Jan 2007


Age: 125
6678 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

I will not accept how people judge me and take it lying down
All of you will just have to tolerate the way that I am found
Because I will not be forced into segregation or placed with a label
I will not toe the party line and pretend that everything in life is stable
If you knock me down you had better make sure that I stay down
Because I will arise from the ashes of your lies with my defiant streak resound
I will bring light to the shadowy world within which you all dwell
But don't think that deep inside I have no feelings or compassion at all
Compassion is reserved for those I care about that my heart will defend until the bitter end
You bring to me daily the battle of existence-
But in the end I will take to you and win the war of life
Please don't judge a book by it's cover isn't that what your parents told you once before?
You only see an image of me because at this time it's what I want you to see
If you got to know me you might catch a glimpse of the soul that lives inside
I will not become like you because totally unique is how I would like to be
I strive to live my life to the best of my abilities, yet I do not look for compromises
Because at the end of the day your judgement will only let you see what it wants to see
Posted 10 Jan 2007