
Age: 125
6678 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
know i can't
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
thanx guyz...i also think it's fake
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Rehan M Din said:

rhythm said:

Rehan M Din said:

rhythm said:

i'd take...hmmm let's say more than 5 years to beat u.

Aap 2 Years nikal dain...


agar speed yahi rahi to...

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Rehan M Din said:

rhythm said:

i'd take...hmmm let's say more than 5 years to beat u.

Aap 2 Years nikal dain...

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i'd take...hmmm let's say more than 5 years to beat u.
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
wow wow wow 49000 posts!
well done, mr manager
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
elvis presley
Posted 29 Dec 2006

Topic: ~Maa~


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Mujrim said:

as tea costs u 15 dhs
whch whn converted to paki rs is around 250 RS

that's cool
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
yeah....it's just wowwww!
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
any idea...it's real or fake?
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Because of you.................

Because of you, I feel more alive
Because of you, I am happy everyday
Because of you, I am passing through my life
Because of you, I am no longer alone
Because of you, I enjoy every minute and day
Because of you, I look forward everyday
Because of you, I am better person now
Because of you, I feel relaxed now
Because of you, my love is cherished
Because of you, my heart is full of love
Thank you for sharing part of your life with me.

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
All I want, is to love you forever....

How can I explain about my love to you
when I have no barrier to feel your love
How can I write about my love to you
when I have no words for your love
You taught me how to love you with my heart
and how to purify your love with my soul
My love for you is simple and deep with affections
and every day flowing towards you with happiness
Loving you is something that comes easy from my heart
and the reasons to love you more for your kindness
Your love keeps me strong and brighten my soul everyday
and I cannot be myself without you being close to me
You always hold me when I am down with tears
and clutch me when I am down with pain
Now, All I want is to love you forever
and is to grow old with you.
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My sweet heart.......

You are my sweet heart and let me call you always merely
Because your love brings to my heart the sweet thoughts
Always I want to be part of your life and never be apart
Let me carry your soul along with me and I promise you
that my love continue to shower on you as long as I live
When you are close to me then I will never grow old
And even I grow old still I can climb through hard mountain
and sail through rough oceans with your promised love
The distance can keep us apart but I never stop loving you
Like a circle of rainbow I will always around you with love
My heart is always there for you but its cries for your love
Where ever you are, reach me soon to wipe my tears
I dreamed all my life to be together with you fore ever
The miracle of love that tells me you are my sweet heart
Those words free me form my pain bottom of my heart
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When the rain pour........

When the dark clouds cover the sky
When the storm roll on the sky
When the thunder roars in the sky
Let the rain pour from the heaven

When the flora blossom in the mountains
When the fauna dance in the jungles
When the valleys flows with rush water
Let the rain pour from the heaven

When the earth get wet with water
When the farmers smile for happiness
When the country flourish with food
Let the rain pour from the heaven

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Welcome into my world...

Welcome into my world
Waiting for you at the door step lonely
Longing for your love completely
Opening my heart for you widely
Wanting to hold your heart in me deeply

Welcome into my world
Let me stay with you closely
Let me touch you tenderly
Let me feel you lovingly
Let me kiss you softly

Welcome into my world
Make a place for me in your heart
Make a place for me in your future
Make a place for me in your life
Make a place for me in your world

Welcome into my world
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Always, my feelings are there for you...

When I dream about you then you are there with me
When I woke up from sleep then you disappear
When I gazing at you in dream, my life fading from my veins
I wish you understand my feelings of inspirations
My loving words will make you understand
what you really mean to me
I have stolen your heart and soul even with out your knowledge
Please do not ask me why I love you so much
because I have a reason to trust you and love you
My feelings are growing stronger on you with every moment
My heart glows, when I think of you
I don't know if you will ever feel the same about me
When I wake up in the morning you are my first thought
and you are the last thought in my nights
You are my soul's light which makes my life bright
You are beautiful in so many ways when I feel for you
You being a part of my life is so special to me
And that's what I always expect from you
because always my feelings are there for you
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
What a wonderful world of nature...

When the early morning is born with heavenly blessed
When the bright sun rays shower through the misty clouds
When the birds choir being to chirp their songs on the trees
then the day being with a wonderful of nature.
I can feel the Mother Nature touches me with her love
I can feel the nature illuminates my heart and brighten my soul
I can see the green grass in summer-spread lovely
I can see the flowers in the spring bloomed lavishly
I can see the leaves falls in the autumn covered earth greatly
I can see the trees full of snow in the winter sprinkled
I can see the stream water gurgles from the mountain
I can see the fauna in the jungles freely set to live happily
I can see the barren lands wet and fertile
Not only they are beautiful in nature
but they serve a purpose for us
Not only they are beauty as forest
but they serve food and water for us
Always, praise the God and thank HIM for HIS beautiful creation
What a wonderful world of nature that you and me live.
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My angel, I love to watch you sleep........

When the night comes then your voice calm down
When the moon begin to sail in the sky
then your eyes are closing down to sleep
You fall asleep while dim light illuminates your room
I love to watch you sleep my little girl
You sleep like a little angel within your dreams
Your hair falls both sides of your face and
your hands folded in to the blanket
Your pillows and bunnies are speard around you
You breath soft and low while your innocent heart
beat slowly to the merry tune
I love to watch you sleep my little baby
When I want to kiss you to say good night in your sleep
then you toss your head and stretch your little body
and turn around sleep again while holding your pillow
God brought you to me and given you as his gift
and today you are the greatest treasure in my life
Someone to laugh and dance and sing in my home
I love to watch you sleep my angel
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
At this moment.....

At this moment means a lot for me

The moment when I saw your face

My heart felt silent and your words felt great to me

I felt that love rules the world and not only that moment

You showed me what real love could do to keep me happy

and you fulfilled by dreams with everything that I have today

From this moment I felt you are mine

and I can promise anything to make you happy with my love

When you wrap me in your arms, never felt alone

and you made me to understand the value of love

Like the moon dance between the clouds and the sky

I dance between your heart and soul with my emotions

When the nights became like a romantic world to me

then I felt my moment with you like my dream come true

From that moment your image is deepen in my heart

and want to clutch you in place where you feel enlightened

Like an ocean wave your kisses wet my lips every time

while my foot prints leave mark in the sand with shyness

From this moment there is no one else I could see

other than our two hearts together and love that sets free

These are the moment I want to be with you for ever

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
You have touched my heart...

When I met you first
I know you are made for me
Your charming personality won me
From that day you are in my heart
My heart is filled with full of love
and want to fall in your arms
When I think of you
wonderful feelings run through my heart
You have touched my heart with your gentle words
You have touched my heart with your soul
You have touched my life with gentleness
and filled with full of love
I feel your beauty in my heart
I feel you are with me every moment
and I can not find anyone else
I need you now because you have touched
my heart

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Let Me Promise Love...

I can not promise you a rose garden
I can not promise you wealth and money
I can not promise you an easy path
But most of all I will promise you that
I will love you forever

I can not promise you eternal life
I can not promise you any future
I can not promise you any dream
But most of all I will promise you that
I will love you forever

I can not promise you I will give you perfection
I can not promise you I will not change
I can not promise you I will be strong
But most of all I will promise you that
I will love you forever
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Just you and me...

When the morning sun wake me from my bed
Then my last night dream brings you in my thoughts
and making my day to walk into your world again
When I think of your face then my problems slip away
from my mind and brings happiness into my heart.
Always want to stay close to you and hear your loving words
Our heart is in perfect harmony like cool breeze touches morning dew
Our love is in perfect high like heaven hugs soul
Everyday you look perfect lady with love and kind
and always want to fills my heart with your love
Always, I feel warm and safe when you are around me
and my days seem endless when you are not beside me
Cause, you are the only one there for me to take care
You allow me to love you freely with your heart and soul
because only my heart will melt with your love energy
My love for you is deep and never ending for you
Let our day come soon to say ' I do' for always and forever
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
There is a song in my heart......

There is a song in my heart
and I want to sing it for you in the misty night
No one will ever knows what I have written for you
because it has been written with my heart only for you
Let us be alone when I sing my song for you
and let the melody of my song echo in the sky
I want our world to sleep deep when I sing for you
then only my song will get into your heart softly
My nights are not enough to love you
nor my songs cannot be sung without you
I sing with my heart to tell you how much I love you
I sing with my soul to tell you how much I miss you
My song will wipe your tears away
and immerse my body into your arms for thirsting love
These feelings of loving song comes when I am only with you
and let my love song, sing in your living heart forever

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My heart is opened for you.........

I have opened my heart for you
and kept a place in my heart only for you
Get inside my heart with your love my darling
and make me feel happy with your passion

My heart is singing only for you my love
and let those melodies sound true in your deep heart
Take me away to your world of love my angel
and show me the way you want to love me

My heart is just like a rose garden
and I have planted with many rose flowers for you
Come along with your love to my garden my honey
and show me the way you want to garland me

My heart is singing only for you my love
and let those melodies sound true in your deep heart
Take me away to your world of love my honey
and show me the way you want to love me

My heart will know you for who you are
and it will not change my love on you
Tell me your love only for me my sweet heart
and show me the way you want to hold me

My heart is singing only for you my love
and let those melodies sound true in your deep heart
Take me away to your world of love my honey
and show me the way you want to love me

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 29 Dec 2006

Topic: Bolly Mania!!


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Posted 29 Dec 2006

Topic: Bolly Mania!!


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 29 Dec 2006