
Age: 125
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Posted 31 Dec 2006

Topic: hello


Age: 125
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same to u
Posted 31 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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a very happy new year 2007 to all friends
Posted 31 Dec 2006


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g work
Posted 30 Dec 2006


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Posted 30 Dec 2006


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hmm romantic
Posted 30 Dec 2006


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Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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Posted 29 Dec 2006

Topic: Happy life


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Posted 29 Dec 2006


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Posted 29 Dec 2006

Topic: Hajj Mubarak


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Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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Frankenstein said:

Rehan M Din said:

Frankenstein said:

i got a poem in this context too:

when iam tired, i sit on a rock
i open my shoes, and make u smell my socks

Dhooo be lia karain na....

borrow me money to go laundry

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Rehan M Din said:

Posted 29 Dec 2006


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Posted 29 Dec 2006

Topic: ISHQ


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g work
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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As long as I am alive.......

Always, your soul reside in my heart
Our love is not like gloomy, bright like sunshine
We share our wonderful feelings without hesitation
I immerse you completely into me when you give me yourself
You purified my soul and brought out my emotions
I never knew that your love will bring out my real life
There's so much love unfolding from my heart
and its need your love to free from my loneliness
Sometimes its aches because we are far apart
Sometimes tears slips down my face because
your part of my bed is vacant and kept me sad
A kiss on my lips could wet my heart with heaviness
I will always love you even when the rain wash me out
or the sun burns me out or the winds takes me away
As long as I am alive, my love for you will not die
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Shattered dreams........

God, heavenly thrown his blessings
to you on your wedding day
And you have promised him ' I do'
Your loved one wished you all the best
And you have promised them to be a great couple
Life is a lesson and you have to learn it
Pain and struggle are part of life you have to face it
When you complete your life with these principles
then you have completed your oath ' I do '
Today, you have chosen a different path to live
Making both lives miserable and want to end with divorce
It is easy for you to live away from each other
but painful to your children to live with grief
The day will come then you will remember
when you struggle with pain without your partner
in your life stemming from divorce
and when agony will make you handicap
Divorce is not a solution and live happily with your
partner without removing your ring.

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Miracle of your heart.......

I love your miracle heart to sooth my soul
I want to wrap you in my arms with love
If you are not here then my tears will stain my heart
I always keep your memories in my heart
because they are beautiful and never die even I die
When the nights come then I can hear your heart beat
calls me to come near you to share the power of love
When the morning comes then I recollect my last night
dream with you and learn the language of love
My love on you can not be erased because
there is nothing in my life other than your miracle love
Your miracle love could take my pain and tears away
when you open your mind and speak with your heart
My heart seek you as waves that seek the shore
My soul seek you as dreams that seek the reality
My love seek you as the moon that seek the sky
Let your miracle heart brighten my soul from obscurity
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I Want To Be With You For Ever...

I will never forget you
You are the world to me
There is no one like you
When you gave me your love
There are no words to express
what I feel for you.
I offered you my heart with sincerity
I offered you my love for lifetime
You are the one I love you
You are the one I want to touch
I need you so much
I promise you our love will bloom
with faith and sincerity till the end
I love you because you make me
feel good and look forward to everyday
and I want to be with you for ever
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Why you don't understand me.....

I try to make you understand how much my true love on you
but why you don't understand me
I try to make you understand my heart how much cry for you
but why you don't understand me
I try to make you understand how much I care for you
but why you don't understand me
I try to make you understand how much I need of you
but why you don't understand me
I try to make you understand how much I want to hold you tight
but why you don't understand me
I try to make you understand how much I need your hugs
but why you don't understand me
Now you understand the love in my
heart for you is more precious than gold
and make me understand your love is true
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When I am in you......

What can I tell you when I feel for you
Love becomes beautiful when I am in you
Your sweet talk makes me so happy
and I feel what you really mean to me

Oh my darling, I feel my love is great
when I am in you....
Oh my love, I feel my soul is pleased
when I am in you....
So, my darling, let me be in you forever
and make my love strong with your heart

Where can I go, when I need you
Life becomes so true when I am in you
Your charming look makes me so crazy
and I feel your feelings for me are so real

Oh my darling, I feel my love is great
when I am in you....
Oh my love, I feel my soul is pleased
when I am in you...
So, my darling, let me be in you forever
and make my love strong with your heart
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Today, you are everything to me.................

I love you not because what you are
but also for your deep love and thoughts for me
Your love fills my heart with meanings
and bring my emotion melting in your arms
When you are close to me then my worries disappear
and exchange of our love makes my heart strong
I didn't know the power of love until it showered from you
and you made me to understand what is love and be loved
Today, I am falling in love with you every single moment
Your heart leads me to your thoughts and senses
and tells me to tie my heart at night with yours
When morning comes then I wake up with your thoughts
and I recollect my dreams which I have buried with you
Brings me a smile on my face and rushing to hold you
and find my day is not enough to be with you in love
Hope you will understand that I cannot live with out you
and today you are everything to me.

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My thoughts on you.....

When I walk alone on the beach
while the sun set across the ocean
my desires for your love brings me lots of pleasure
and leave with a great thoughts on you
My inner heart mounts with your warmth thoughts
and tides with our emotions flow even we are apart
I do recollect my days when I was with you on the beach
Holding around your shoulder with my hand while your
head rest on my shoulder and sharing our love
Gentle kisses on our lips brings passion of desires
Our footprints leave a mark as we walk closer to each other
A cool breeze touches us to get more close to each other
The romantic nights hugs us to make sweet love in deep
and to fall into each other arms eternally
A special place in my heart always kept for you
and it engraved in the deepest part of my soul
My thoughts on you is never ending dreams now
and want it in reality when you get back to me.
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My Heart Is Yours...

Ever since we shared our love
I have been flying in the sky in a dream of love
My love life still echoes in my heart loudly
You mean more to me than you will ever know
I gave my heart to you filled with love
This is me and my love that always fly around you
My soul spills in your heart and blended with love
The beauty of your heart will last with me forever
You are someone special that I think world of me
When you touch me, my heart makes me silent
When you share your love, my heart makes me happy
When your arms around me, I trust you completely
Before I have asked anything from you
You have already given yourself to me
and made me understand that 'my heart is yours'.
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

When the heart suffer from the pains
When the body surround with evil venom
When the mind away from the thoughts
When the Satan starts ruling our soul
Then you become a prisoner of your own soul
Although, no one has the power to destroy a soul
but it could make you suffer with evil doings
These things could be eliminated through spiritual
power by doing meditation and prayers.
Meditation has the power to heal the pain of soul
and bring peace of mind and new life to us
Just sit or stand in a comfortable position and few
slow deep breaths through the nose in and out
and keep eyes close to think of God, brings you
all the way to a peace into your mind and soul.
The meditation can draw essential force of love
in to one's life and could bring out the richness of faith
We should not forget that meditation belongs to a
comprehensive body of teachings including ethics and wisdom
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When I look at your eyes...

When I look at your eyes, my mind engulf with love
Your eyes show me the love that showers for me
Your eyes show me the affection that longs for me
Your eyes show me the care that needs for me
My tears stop when I look at your eyes
My worries go away when I look at your eyes
My pains vanish when I look at your eyes
I can see the truth of love that lies on your eyes
I can see the faith of soul that holds on your eyes
I can see the warm of life that lives on your eyes
Let me see my love through your eyes and this will
make me feel that my life with you is great for ever.
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Love You Forever...

Everytime, when I talk to you
My inner feelings stirs in my heart
The words used by you
makes me feel good and happy
Ever since the day I met you
I felt that you are special to me
My emotion touched you hard
I spent more time with you
I told you everything about me
Because I want our relationship
should last forever
I want to make my dream come true
Let my dream comfort you in real
You are so good for me
My heart and soul will feel so happy
when you are close to me
You are still the only one
I want to love forever
Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Always, you are in my soul............

Your love can not be forgotten
either your heartfelt and tender embrace
My love on you is a genuine express
and loving memories can not be erased
Today, I miss your gentle touch with care
and my heart awaken your sweet smile
Your loving words always ringing through my ears
and kept my heart telling me the beauty of love
My soul is traveling through your life and brings
me a pleasant journey as long you stay close to me
When you are clutched in my arms
then your love like a fountain flows from you
All my dreams are, always you to be in your soul
even we are far away from each others.

Posted 29 Dec 2006


Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When I walk in the rain.......

When I walk in the rain
Then I praise the nature for her goodness
I can see the tree leaves turning green like grass
I can see the flowers with bright colours
I can see the barren land gets wet with water

When I walk in the rain
Then I hear the roaring sound of thunder and lightening
I can see all birds on the trees sit quietly
I can see no animals on the road walking
I can see all the ponds gets filled with rain water

When I walk in the rain
Then I listen the wind whistling like a melody
I can see all the trees dance to the tune of wind
I can see the rain water rushes down to the stream violently
I can see all the farmers are happy with their gain.

Posted 29 Dec 2006

Topic: A Girl


Age: 125
6678 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 29 Dec 2006