~*~My collection-~*~old & new~*~

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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Road to Nowhere

To travel the road to nowhere.
The soul's dark amazon.
Eternal peace is anywhere,
the mind might set upon.

To travel the road to nowhere.
To know you're really gone.
And when you finally get there,
to find your god is Ron.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
There's something in the dark.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
that leaves a lasting mark.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
Old secrets gather dust.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
that reeks decay and must.

To travel the road to nowhere.
Reading signposts from beyond.
As self-deceit completes defeat,
a cold ghost light is shone,
on Ron. On Ron.

He learned to sham at his father's knee.
He knew the power of story.
He lived by lies and fantasies,
and dreamed of fame and glory.

So travel the road but beware,
for he drew an arcane map.
His weak and dismal followers,
could see no fatal trap.

But in his inner circle,
his worth would soon reveal.
To those that rail and cavil,
he'd crush beneath his heel.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
The sweetest scent of musk.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
as warm and moist as lust.

To travel the road to nowhere.
It's not the smoothest ride.
To have all faith you must defer,
to a self-referring guide.

To travel the road to nowhere.
To avoid the rush and throng.
Unravel in the space of somewhere,
and sing a specious song.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
It's got an evil breath.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
that toys with fear and death.

To travel the road to nowhere.
And wield your magic wand.
A shuffling prisoner of despair,
when fragile hopes abscond.

To travel the road to nowhere.
A funeral dress you don.
All truth is moulded out there,
like a Sci-Fi writer's con.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
You hear it scratch and whine.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
both bedevilled and divine.

To travel the road to nowhere.
To follow a different sun.
To travel the road with due care,
not to end as you begun.

To travel the road to nowhere,
to life's grim denouement.
Be sighted by the cross hairs,
released from earthly bond.

To travel the road to nowhere.
Your face is drawn and wan.
Your self-belief masks hidden grief,
while the thief of time moves on.
Posted 27 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
All I want is happiness for her
I know that she has gone through so much in life
She lost all her loved ones at once
And our mother didn’t give her much credit
She had a tough time when she was a lawyer a long time ago
Today she is a translator
All I want for her is happiness
I wish it from the bottom of my heart
I don’t want to see her sad any more
She needs a pat on her back
And somebody like me to tell her
You are doing fine
You are doing great
All I want is happiness for her
That she continue with her Johrei
It empowers her
It gives her positive attitude
It takes the negative thought away
All I want for her is happiness
That she is healthy
All I want is happiness for her
The sun will always shine in her life
It will always shine in her heart
I know that her pains and sorrows are gone
Her heart is healed now
All I want is happiness for her
Until the day she is gone
Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Remember where you came from.
Remember where you have been.
Remember whom you have encountered.
Remember whom you have known,
Remember joyous moments.
Remember sorrow too.
Remember all the lessons.
Remember the lessons you forgot.
Remember your Father.
Remember your Mentor.
Remember Mother Earth.
Remember the universe.
Remember to remember.
Remember gratitude.
Remember to be humble.
Remember your heart.
Remember always to love.
Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
This feeling of depression
I tell you its ok
I assure you that if you close your eyes
You'll wake to a brand new day

This feeling of depression
I tell you its alright
So you close your eyes and rest your head
Lets put off this fight

This feeling of depression
I tell you its just this
A feeling is and never was
A thought one day you miss

This feeling of depression
I tell you I control
With every ounce and every bit
Held deep within my soul

This feeling of depression
Will go away so soon
I close my eyes but cannot sleep
Perhaps ill watch the moon

This feeling of depression
Im sure you’ve felt it too
But when I scream I feel alone
But its something we all go through?

This feeling of depression
I lack the words to say
Has consumed my heart and left me bleeding
Perhaps to god ill pray

This feeling of depression
Will never call it quits
Perhaps its time to just throw down
And turn away my chips

This feeling of depression
I tried to tell you, why
Are you not here to hear me ever!
Not even when I die
Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Through all the ups, all the downs,
Some will be there, some can't be found.
If they won't care as they should, so be it.
This is life in the way that I wish to see it.

You can give your all, or you can try not.
When they decide to leave, what have you got?
You build it up, then it breaks away.
This is life in the way I see it today.

Days come and go, true hearts stay close.
Without happiness, love is an imitation at most.
You haven't stayed close, it's hard to love you,
This is life in a way that is sadly true.

To leave behind such a feeble mind,
forget it and pursue someone real.
This is my goal, and in time...
This will be life and the way that I feel.

Posted 28 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Even as the world passes by
It seems to stop still
As I wander nowhere
Finding nothing
Looking out with dead eyes
Searching out for the lost one
The one who was mine
Sometime, somewhere
No longer with me, for it was Willed so
But want refuses to accept the Will
Even as the one goes away…
And even as I wander afar
Searching for that, which I’ll never have
There is no light
The darkness envelops
Closing in…close…closer…unto me…
Its dark, the world’s passed by
Posted 28 Jul 2007

Fairl_Girl says
Posted 29 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
thx fg sista
Posted 29 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
If anyone should hurt you
And say a thing unkind,
Remember what I tell you,
And keep these things in mind.

For every one who makes you cry,
There are three who make you smile,
And a smile will last a long, long time,
But a tear just a little while!

If someone says a thing that's cruel,
Don't let it get to you,
There's so much good about you,
And your faults are very few.

So if a certain someone
Should act a certain way,
Just think of those who love you
And don't let it ruin your day.

Don't let someone who hates the world
Cause you to hate it too,
For behind the clouds is a golden sun,
And a sky that's bright and blue!
Posted 29 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
I Wish i could see through ur eyez,
So i would know wut u like to see.

I wish i knew ur Wishes,
So i could give u everything u want.

I wish i dreamed the same dreamz u do,
nd together we could make them come true.

I wish i knew wut makes u happy,
So i could make u the happiest person in the world.

nd lastly, i wish i were a cell in ur blood,
So i would be sure i waz somewhere in ur heart..
Posted 29 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 29 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
v nice
Posted 31 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
When a GIRL is quiet,
Millions of things are running in her mind.

When a GIRL is not arguing,
She is thinking deeply.

When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions,
She is wondering how long you will be around.

When a GIRL answers "i'm fine" after a few seconds,
She is not at all fine.

When a GIRL stares at you,
She is wondering why you are lying.

When a GIRL lays on your chest,
She is wishing for you to be hers forever.

When a GIRL says I love you,
She means it.

When a GIRL says that she can't live without you,
She has made up her mind that you are her future.

When a GIRL says "i miss you",
No one in this world can miss you more than hers
Posted 31 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 31 Jul 2007

~tasha~ says
thx for liking it
Posted 02 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 03 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 03 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
~tasha~ said:

Posted 03 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
^dewaja^ said:

~tasha~ said:

balqis so sweet
Posted 03 Aug 2007

eshajam says
GREAT collection tasha and KING very proud
Posted 03 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
thanx alot esha
Posted 04 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 04 Aug 2007

^dewaja^ says
Posted 04 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
will b updated soon..........v soon
Posted 04 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
KING OF JB said:

may i?

it's ur turn now
Posted 04 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
I see a girl, little, but tough.
I see a daughter, strong, but rough.
I see a niece grow into a girl,
with love and joy inside her world.

I saw her smile, a cute baby smile,
with dimples that can reach for miles.
I saw her brown eyes, shine in the light
with nothing to fear, but oh so bright.

I watched her grow, walk and talk,
She hated playing with a Jack in the Box.
She laughed and cried,
though she didn't give up, but tried.

So now she's fifteen,
just a beauty queen.
Like a cat with lives,
I saw her life before my eyes.
Posted 06 Aug 2007

eshajam says
Posted 06 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 06 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
you are so astounding and constantly on my mind
you're incredibly sweet and just totally kind
i dont know what you do but you always leave an impact
i think im falling for you and thats a genuine fact
excessively sensible, but crazy all the time
constantly wishing you were just mine
you stimulate my mind like no one before
talking of anything and everything and then some more
you're always so funny and i love it when you smile
you just make me want you with your punk rock style
theres just something about you that i cant quite see
i know if you left me i'd never be free
the way you make me feel just blinds me crazy
you remind me of what it is to just be happy
Posted 06 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
Just the thought of him makes me feel all warm inside.
I wonder at how he can make me smile, laugh, and even cry at any moment.
Though it has only been a few short days,
I feel as if I've known him forever.
I can tell him anything, even if I cannot see him.
Oh, I would give anything just to see those bright eyes gazing into mine.
Or feel his gentle touch after I've had a bad day.
For I know he is always there when I need a shoulder to cry on.
But he will never really be there.
My Prince lives in a castle far, far away.
But even though we are apart, I feel close to him.

I wish we could be closer.
Posted 06 Aug 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 06 Aug 2007

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