Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
adnan sami is making a money,so if indian give these money or any country,so only 2 or 3 people not difference on pakistani society. what about Kumar Sanu,Alka,Udit or all bollywood singer for pakistani movie and making a money? so every people of country is free,whether he join pakistan or uk.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
I think this indian guy joke about islam and pakistan,I request to all members,first warning this guy that talk about politely,do not become a enemy,not any indian like this guy? Aaj kal wase beh indian delegation aaya howa hai dosti kay lai,why this guy dont understand?every forum he present why? ? where is moderator? only dhamky for pakistani people?
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
quote:Originally posted by ffm
well ydakh kewl down yaar ,,, this is an open forum ... per we have some limitations... every one shud follow ... i know ya r rite ydakh ,,
Ok moderator sahab,sirf aap mujey he waring dey reha ho! u know Such bohat kurfa hota hai,this is my style. u and admin are favouring only indian people a lot. This is not a justice,this is my observation.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
according to Zee cinima program "Ekka pa ekka" himself admit that bolywood movies orginality has finished,indian host sajid khan said facts about bollywood movie a lot of inspiration from hollywood. so indian media admit these facts,why u indian guy not admit from whole heart? We are not fight u guy? so u talk politely,dont talk about paki movie,"Yeh dil aap ka hawa" is superhit against bollywood movie in uk,we are comming in canada,usa,dubai,so be prepare.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
These are the picture of upcoming lollywood movie,so be happy pakistani,not disappoint,we are entering in uk,canada and usa soon. Punjabi movies do not make for ours,this movies are cheap people. I request to all pakistani dont compare to bollywood movie because a lot of difference in bollywood and lollywood. if u wana good lollywood movie,so watch the good director syed noor and javed sheikh,then go to cinima and upcoming movie are great print so dont worry.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
These are the picture of upcoming lollywood movie,so be happy pakistani,not disappoint,we are entering in uk,canada and usa soon. Punjabi movies do not make for ours,this movies are cheap people. I request to all pakistani dont compare to bollywood movie because a lot of difference in bollywood and lollywood. if u wana good lollywood movie,so watch the good director syed noor and javed sheikh,then go to cinima and upcoming movie are great print so dont worry.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Mr. springsripper
u r first indian which u r joking about our movies? Mind ur own business? our movies under the circumstances are good,but tell me there is nothing only movies in india,no any pop music popular in pakistan or not indian drama in pakistan,no indian drama u cannot creat like pakistani drama,but we creat a movie like bollywood without vulgarity and nudity,your movies are full of nudity and vulgarity,here is no choice so these movie watch because of same language.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Mr. springsripper
u r first indian which u r joking about our movies? Mind ur own business? our movies under the circumstances are good,but tell me there is nothing only movies in india,no any pop music popular in pakistan or not indian drama in pakistan,no indian drama u cannot creat like pakistani drama,but we creat a movie like bollywood without vulgarity and nudity,your movies are full of nudity and vulgarity,here is no choice so these movie watch because of same language.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
nfaken why u anwser this man? one man if gona india,it's a personal matter,do not understamate lollywood product.
Salakhain movie is shoot totally in pakistan,this is not possible to indian techician in pakistan without paki govt permission,yeah any foreign country shooting can be go these people.
"Yeh Dil aap ka hawa" if indian technician but who is director? director is pakistan,who is music director,pakistani,after all think is pakistani. there is nothing if india and pakistan do co-production with movies,because here facilities are not available.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
nfaken why u anwser this man? one man if gona india,it's a personal matter,do not understamate lollywood product.
Salakhain movie is shoot totally in pakistan,this is not possible to indian techician in pakistan without paki govt permission,yeah any foreign country shooting can be go these people.
"Yeh Dil aap ka hawa" if indian technician but who is director? director is pakistan,who is music director,pakistani,after all think is pakistani. there is nothing if india and pakistan do co-production with movies,because here facilities are not available.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
quote:Originally posted by ffm
nice work done ~!! ydakh ,, keep it up!!!
Thanks ffm I am sorry with u to some wrong talk about u and janubaba site,I hope future will not happened like this,I am a patriotic and loving Islam man,I cannot bear anyone to talk about pakistan and islam in a wrong way.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
I m not shouted,Protest is Democracy right of any people,where is freedom of speech.App say Bardash nahey ho raha,what can I do? plz answer my request,Rob mut jarahi.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
I request to all Janubaba member that my healthy topic are locking countinuesly but vulgur and wrong comment about pakistan topic is favoring,this is not fair so u people decide that am i wrong the topic"Sikh worry about uk production movie".I request to all members to favour me and define openly that what is criteria of Janubaba topics?
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Miss noor-e-seher
U r seeing that "paki girls exposing" topic is vulgur and wrong comments about pakistani people but Moderater said it's ok,but my topic "Sikh worry about uk production movie" is locked.what is wrong thing in this topic.will u favor me.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
Total Posts: 2890
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Pakistan, Pakistan
I request to all Janubaba member that my healthy topic are locking countinuesly but vulgur and wrong comment about pakistan topic is favoring,this is not fair so u people decide that am i wrong the topic"Sikh worry about uk production movie".I request to all members to favour me and define openly that what is criteria of Janubaba topics?