Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
pakistani movie 'Yeh dil aap ka hawa' is releasing 26 december on usa,so checkitout,pakistani movie on international level on a intial level,lollywood is dramtically improving day by day
Age: 125
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I watched a movie on cd here in pakistan,but cd recording is sh*t movie have cut,sound has has not been recorded properly ,I am waiting on DVD master print.
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
yeah,right charizmatic all pakistani people happy to see the movie in all cinimas..they appreciated movie well and proud of lp..I watched a tv program vectone tv channal based on uk..M.Afzal and Distributor sitting and every call of channal is positive and pakistani viewers demand more and more paki movie in uk,that's a big change of uk market..look at the site of guest book..
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
good,but I am still doubting released in pakistan on 26th december,this movie r being lated more and more,and here 'Command' is gonna good movie,so dts cinimas availablity will be difficult,here we need more dts cinimas.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
ok...'commando' is releasing in uk,good syed noor really deserve excellent director of pakistan,this time syed noor back on international level track..
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
'Saima' acting is in 'Commando' is also good,well expressed clear dialaugue of saima..I did not feel saima age in the movie...Saima is really a good actress.
Age: 125
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good news for lp ...also syed noor another flick here pakistan has released,belive me,I went to cinima,but I did not find any single ticket of 'Command',I have to disappoint to return home,so I am watching tommorrow,inshallaw,I have listened,it's great action movie..
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
yeah,it's good for pakistani movies one is in pakistan and one in uk... I also listened lp is releasing 26 dec in pakistan,but my opinion,dts cinimas are not avalable for these days.
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
actually guys lollywood is in crisis in a last 20 years due to our govt policies and some bad uneducated director,but we have good talents,we can make international level movie.. I think before watching paki movies we should see a director then watch. I watched 12 times 'Yeh dil aap ka hawa' in the theatre in a good condition,good public and good sound,this movie deserve international standard. Secondly "Laaj" is worth watching,this movie also impress the viewer..
unfortunelely paki industry have occupied jehal people,u see dramas or pop music have all educated people that's why they r good,so we need a educated staff.
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
ffm said:
ydakh said:
paki lion said:
ydakh said:
there is a time,we will come to bold topic and in pakisttan print media and electronic media is free..and Govt policies have got leberal.
and u are proud of that? i remember u were the one who condemned that there are nightclubs in pakistan!
I never condemn nightclub..people don't like..this country is not a netherland,understand,cannot be made ever..ok..this can be idealistic thinking.. I belive on freedom of expression and releaties of women and man problem which should be discussed in movies and dramas..despite of open clothes so called moderization..
<font color="red"> man me confused
u know ager media per aisey topic hongey to ziada ppl dekh saktey haina
jabke her koi nite clubs per nahi ja sakta
aur eik baat per raho na
me confused
what's in nagative ffm?what r u trying to say me?if I am wrong,dicuss here...u will know if u in pakistan,people r so conservative about man and woman friendship here? how can be possible is night club or other type of clubs,tell me,if it is wrong..again and again u r trying personal,discuss only discussion
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
paki lion said:
ydakh said:
we dont need any indian muslim here in pakistan..we can enough to develop our nation without vulgarity and nudity..look at example of 'Malashiya'...they r moderate but not forget their religion and culture..we should follow good example.
why do u become upset? u are not representing pakistani peoples!i rspect u the way u are leading ur life so i request u for god sake lets peoples do what they want to do in their live without making comments about it..and it doesn't matter that we are from uk or europe or whatever..islam is not only important part of ur life..u should also enjoy ur life within limit!and whats more its 2003 liberal!
dont' be persoanl,first u should leave Islam if u feel any harm with your religion.. Pakistan has founded in 1947 by the name of Islam and two nation theory,divided from india..if we will leave islam,we have no right to defend pakistan as a country,first u spent a time in pakistan and study about our country when u will able to talk about religion and pakistan.
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
ffm said:
ydakh said:
we dont need any indian muslim here in pakistan..we can enough to develop our nation without vulgarity and nudity..look at example of 'Malashiya'...they r moderate but not forget their religion and culture..we should follow good example.
<font color="red"> yeaps .. per hav ya ever been to malaysia
mein gaya hoya hoon
wahan open bars hain ..
masjid k saath wali lane mein nite clubs hain
aur ager eik women pardah karti hai to 4 skirts pehnti hain
is barey mein kiya kaho gey
aab is ko negative na le jana
juz an argue
ager reply karna hoga to kar dena
I am not against night club,ok night clubs will present..but we dont follow blindly western europeon society,i'm saying,here night club cannot be appreciated by our public ..because Zia-ul-haq has finished all night clubs here.. agar skirt is wearing in malaysia,and what about 'Hijab'..'Hijab' is wearing all europe and american and malasysia also..allah will ask there,we will follow their good tecnologies..these foreign people has not born or spent a life in they think like English man
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Sikh Community has satisfied about'Lp' movie,said syed noor in a tv program,he added,Sikh has got happy to see movie and they say,we will promote movie in our community as well,this movie has been watched Muslims and Sikhs brotherhood,so feel good ..I think indian will jealous this movie..because Sikh people also belive on separate state from indian,'Khalistan'.
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
slik chik said:
ydakh said:
I think Govt and People are double minded of alcholhal,interior sindh and punjab and even upper class also is drinking...and they r doing hidely..
well,I wana ask nightclub and alchohal favourer,would u allow your sister in these kinda parties?
I know all girls of here most modern and biggest city of pakistan,they like dating but not night gathering and parent don't allow here...
it's not opinion it's a fact,and truth doesn't change with your idealistic thinking..there's not restriction to think releastic..not Idealistic.
As far as model..model is different matter,they r free to do anything..that's why veena malik and Rasham and meera are not true culture of pakistani girls...mojority of pakistani girls here is wearing a burga..but face is open...they have come house after mughrib...
and all posted member opinion is indication of qayamat,when Rap and Alcohal will find everywhere. so I am not amazed you all opinions..
ojh cum on man, lighten up, everybody has been doin things the way they wana do it! juss becuz it was done in total hiding befo dont mean it didnt exist! n as fo lettin ma sis go to these parties, ofcourse, she has a mind of her own n she knows wats good n bad! y do u take everyone as if they r lil kids or if they'll be lookin fo trouble perposely? thats the prob wid our peepz, wee become so dependant on our parents and let them make every single decision for us, that later on, wen u dont have access to ur parents, u have no idea wat to do, u can make up yer mind fo urself! if sumone wants to juss socialise den thats fine fo them, n if sumone is lookin for a person to link up wid fo da nite, them thats upto them, who r we to critisize them! the same way u think ur opinion is totally acceptable, the other person thinks they r sayin the right thing aswell! so chill man!
My view is on realtic basis,it's not my opinion it's pakistani people thinking which r mentioning..u people r in Eroupe and your think are getting westernize..any girl or boy have no wish..religion is also involved and social behavior as well.dont be matter..not watch who is saying?
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
we dont need any indian muslim here in pakistan..we can enough to develop our nation without vulgarity and nudity..look at example of 'Malashiya'...they r moderate but not forget their religion and culture..we should follow good example.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
paki lion said:
ydakh said:
there is a time,we will come to bold topic and in pakisttan print media and electronic media is free..and Govt policies have got leberal.
and u are proud of that? i remember u were the one who condemned that there are nightclubs in pakistan!
I never condemn nightclub..people don't like..this country is not a netherland,understand,cannot be made ever..ok..this can be idealistic thinking.. I belive on freedom of expression and releaties of women and man problem which should be discussed in movies and dramas..despite of open clothes so called moderization..
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
indian movie are illegal and pirated movies..but syed noor assured people if 'Larkipunjaban' will released in uk but not in pak,there will no piracy of larkipunjaban in pakistan,so it's good,these video are dangerous for our film industry