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Pakistan, Pakistan
good information,I am happy that paki movie is releasing in india...and here indian do watch this movie for knowing for paki actor,actress work...this movie is absolutely histrical push of sub-continent...
Posted 16 Oct 2003


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I have watched a movie with third class people,yeah,it bad feel,bad 'Laaj' movie they was shouting in a good scene,so I enjoyed,but I disappoint that families are less than 'YDKAH' viewr...

do u know 'YDAKH' viewers were middle and upper class mostly,these families are so descent,so time is changing,"PHPM" is also a family fun movie...
Posted 16 Oct 2003


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SALL said:

thnx for sharing bibijan

hmmm.. waiting for IMAM MEHDI,, is that the only thing muslims should do ??

yeah,man beside of that what could we do? we could not stop USA,nobody stop we can only same thing...because we r weak...
Posted 15 Oct 2003

Topic: Sufism...


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Pakistan, Pakistan
yeh,Islam spread itself from sufism,we should proud of this 'Wirsa' of Islam,but present some mullahs r spreading wrong things of Islam...
Posted 15 Oct 2003

Topic: Mashriq TV


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yeah,Ary just for india from pakistani channal for indian people,so u only consider ptv world or ptv not,,,most of here pakistan watch Geo Tv,Ary Channal..
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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NFAKFan said:

lol. my buddies, you're both right. however this is my view:

punjabi movies are being made for lahore and its people. even tho urdu is the national laguage, lahore represents the punjabi speaking public! even tho urdu speaking people outnumber us, that does not mean we don't exist! we need our fill of punjabi movies!!! afterall, they're just for fun. not for oscar nominations. lol.

secondly, if javaid sheikh or sayed noor or anybody wants 2 make a urdu movie, NOBODY is stopping them! its a matter of choice. nobody is holding a gun 2 their head and saying 'you MUST MAKE A PUNJABI MOVIE!!' if sangeeta wants 2 make a punjabi movie, she is entitled to do so! if she wanted 2 make a urdu one, she is entitled to do that as well! its up 2 the director 2 make punjabi or urdu movies....and its up 2 us, the viewers, 2 decide which of the two we will watch!! hai ke nahin?!

lekin if u guys think punjabi movies should stop being made altogether....then you're wrong. u can't ignore lahore and its people!! lol.

most of Lahore people and also multan,Muzufargarh,I have gone to these place,these are big cities,I watched that nobody like punjabi movie in home ,they only watch bollywood movie(urdu or hindi),so your statement is that they r punjabi speaking,and they always like pujabij material is totally wrong,punjabi is most popular in village level not city level,I am talking about city level,Lahori people itself dont like lahori made movies why? u see a film based program ,every good family of lahore will refuse to talk about paki movie,this is shameful thing of our?I am not against punjabi movie,after all this is a regional movie,u see india is top on national lang...why? indian has a lot of regional langu...besiedes punjab is also present in india?but u will surprize that punjabi movie can be count in hands...why?Tamil or others..lang..but every indian like hindi movie?...
pointing to oscar,we r present on 1950's eqiupment and also thinking,so oscar is too remote for us?
but we want paki movie to OSCAR...we should change our thoughts and become a new thinking of world..u r canada,u can better think than me...I am very amazed of your thoughts?
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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Pakistan, Pakistan
I personally respect Hiduism and everyone should tell about own religion but no big talk about other religion...
some moderator of janubaba are dull..according to my observation....
they dont know ,what r they doing?
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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Pakistan, Pakistan
this is only entertaining program and mentality of usa
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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my modem is motorola,mera modem bhi disconnect hota,but some isp's main,fascom ISP may kabhi bhi disconnect nahi hawa,and one things...
paki ISP's is a big lier of country,they always say,browsing is good,here browsing is sh*t...
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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this problem same happended with me,I was very worried,my system is not on sometimes,if everything is ok,try IDE connector of motherboard,u should clean this place,this can be happend..
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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admin sahab your system config is too dangerous...
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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right!shahrukh khan...

I am 100% agree,but some people will angry with my true statement,this country(pakistan) is not a punjabi state,I am fed up a lot of punjabi materials,urdu is our national language,did u know when Bangledesh with us,paki movies quantity is 100 movie in a year in 60's and 70's,but these jut punjabi people start a 'Moula Jut',then these jehal people enter and hijack lahore industry and defame lahore for cheap people,I like Lahore after all Lahore is a heart of pakistan,this city produces much great movies,but these people are so jealous of presesent upcoming educated director like syed noor,javaid sheikh...Rauf Khalid,they understand good themself and their things are 50 years old...they can't change..

Javaid sheikh movie 'YDAKH' was in trouble in these type of people when JS annouce a DTS moderize equipment movie,they have stood deep trouble in going to Switzerland 'YDAKH' crew...

I am sorry to say paki industry is not professional,
they r pulling their legs each other...
I am shock and worry,but optimistic,u all people must not angry with true statement,I am watching since 1995..when "Munda Bagra jai" is big hit of pakistan...
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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Pakistan, Pakistan
good different work done by platonic..
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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and every non-muslim fears to die,they dont want to die...
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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Pakistan, Pakistan
MrDeath said:

o i am so scared... every non muslim will go to hell na.

Mrdeath,this is another issue for non-muslim,better thing is that u should watch carefully Islam indication of 'Qayamat'...which is true..what do u think above mention indications?these things means Islam is a true religion...isn't?
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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Pakistan, Pakistan
good knowledge bibijan.......,that's your knowledge or have u any sourece?
Posted 14 Oct 2003

Topic: dating


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Dating is not Haram,we should not make extremist in important issues,that's not true,Islam want to make save wrong connection of girl and guys... hidden dating and alone room dating is haram,if girl in a 'Hijab' and dating in any restaraunt,nothing to worry..but it's not suitable,this is time wasting and u will have to lie and cheat,which r 'Haram' also in save it..ydakh37908.1743865741
Posted 14 Oct 2003

Topic: dating


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Pakistan, Pakistan
Dating is not Haram,we got extremist in some issues,that's not true,hidden dating and alone room dating is haram,if girl in a 'Hijab' and dating in any restaraunt,nothing to worry..but it's not suitable,this is time wasting and u will have to lie and cheat,which r 'Haram' also in save it..ydakh37908.1717824074
Posted 14 Oct 2003


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but it's also a fact,muslims were not so trouble than present,so 'Qaymat' is coming and we should wait Imam Mehdi..ok..and jews are controling whole world with the help of usa...
Posted 14 Oct 2003


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Pakistan, Pakistan
good work bibijan...Mohammad(peace be upon him) is really a 'Rehmat' for mankind of all universe..and mohammad(peace be upon him) is seeing now the present situation of muslim,belive or not belive,this is hidden fact...
Posted 14 Oct 2003

Topic: Shab-e-barat


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Pakistan, Pakistan
I am 100% disagree,mojority of muslim Pakistan and India has done shab-e-barat and I think author is borrowed these statment from 'Tehedy' people who r not mojority of muslim in sub-continent..they also dont belive in sufism,though Hindus itself respect sufi and durgha,but I will tell u these author statement are false...15 Shaban has proved our big muslim sait sufis like 'Ghoz-e-azam',and also 'Hadees' agreed to mojority of people do it...aydakh37908.154837963
Posted 14 Oct 2003


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I wana ask u Ricky and Mrdeath,tell me about 'Qyamat',do u belive on that?just like christian and Muslim,world will be trouble in last days and One man will come to save the world? what do your religion say?
Posted 14 Oct 2003


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Pakistan, Pakistan
good crystal clear pic,good work done platonic!
Posted 14 Oct 2003


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Pakistan, Pakistan
Dhaka_Desi said:

WOW!!!!!! You guys have so many channels.....whats up with Pakistan latley......they've been on a roll.....good job Mushhi!

Your movies....well not exactly great but some of the new ones look very nice.......i wish we had some darn channels and good movies......paki dramas are mad crazy...they are showing some but are translating then into bengali....there is a new one called mendhi i think.....but i dont even understand a thing.....

anywayz cheers!

welcome to bangledeshi brother,hum to trus gaye kisi bengladeshi ko...only inidan ate rehte hain...
Posted 14 Oct 2003


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Mrdeath,why r u so disapoint with life?kia marna chahtay ho?plz post nice avater..
Posted 14 Oct 2003


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I am waiting 'Salakhain' movie in pakistan,may be in Eid day...
Posted 13 Oct 2003


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good work T.o Raptor....
really pakistan is increasing channals day by day...more channals in pipeline keep in eye..
Pakistani movies are improving,pakistani channals is increasing,so pakistan is developing day by day
Posted 13 Oct 2003


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faisal is joking ours...maybe
Posted 12 Oct 2003


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bohat jost hai hamery koom may...well emotions...I think T.o raptor ko dekh kar yeh ricky boy barkey hain warna peace tha pehle...
Posted 11 Oct 2003


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Pakistan, Pakistan
ok well good,if 'Larkipunjaban' is not releasing yet in pakistan,maybe 'Salakhain' might have released.
Posted 11 Oct 2003