Topic: meera


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I request to all..avoid this kind of pic in ramdan thanks...
Posted 30 Oct 2003


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but I dont think so ,YDAKH is on DVD,because first this movie is on canada and usa or dubai will release on eid or after's difficult
Posted 30 Oct 2003


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Mr.bollywood lovers,I am saying to build studios not making movie,we all know bollywood budget and hollywood buget,because of market...but in a pakistani market context,it is a big amount...actual thing is not a lot of money,but equipment and training standard should same.
Posted 30 Oct 2003


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good news,anyway which director signed to these beautiful girls,
Posted 30 Oct 2003

Topic: Shab-e-barat


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no bidah has two types described,which r good,or other r wrong..u can study in bidah books in detail..
Posted 29 Oct 2003

Topic: Vaneeza


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but she is not working movies?but every kind of bold posing have done? I am very surprized of these paki double minded models?
Posted 29 Oct 2003

Topic: Amina Haq


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but she is not working in movies,why?every kind of posing has done in modeling why she hasitate in movies?if she do movie,she definetely a big star in lollywood..isn't?
Posted 29 Oct 2003


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slik chik said:


Miss sahaba,I am not forcing anybody,but atleast every movie lover who want movie ,do watch atleast one time in cinimas these good movies,our industry is not established like other industry,It seems u r also hater of pakisani movie,so my word has hit your heart,is it?
Posted 29 Oct 2003


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yeah,u r right!'s a big joke,larkipunjaban is not releasing but uk and india also realsing is my god..what happened with producer?..because syed noor is innocent!producer has invested a huge money 7 crore of this movie,so it's think he knows..but I am considering Commando,this trailer is impressive.
Posted 29 Oct 2003


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Govt is also trying to make a modern lab for Lahore and Karachi..
Posted 29 Oct 2003


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ffm said:

<font color="red"> well i dona think k new movie bhi khoye ho tum kahan jaisee hogi

his means,'Khoye ho tum kahan' kay standard par ho gey...will fame same or much more,hope for best..
Posted 29 Oct 2003


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I am happy to hear dts movie,I like very much dts movies..that's a big change of lollywood.

Tell me anybody reema's movie.Is it on latest equipment,because if she is shooting in uk,so she must use good equipment...if she failed to do,I will hate and will kick this movie.
Posted 28 Oct 2003


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actually I have a driver for this card of is 98-95 and other is 2k..but 2k driver receives audio and video signal...sound is ok,but video overlay mode is strange..that's quality is not good,dots r found...both win2000 and xp same result.I have checked directx in found my xp directx8.0 and it's is running display driver is SIS6326 which r automatically installed by xp..and I have searched many drivers from and others...but problem is I am running tv properly same in win98 cable problem or other card phsical problem...only xp I am find pixels in graphics...but still I am trying and trying..but till nothing..
Posted 27 Oct 2003

Topic: Shab-e-barat


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Bro Riza said:

I dont the answer to that either, but i reckon its coz some people are very extreme, i would say its cos at the time of prophet (saw) they obviously didnt have electricity. But for someone to say that we shouldnt have electricity cos at that time they didnt have it, would just be stupid, bt i wouldnt put it past some people, its these kind of people who end up leading people away from islam by making it so strict and extreme, and its not like that, Allah has gave us provisions to make things easy for us, so we should use them. This is my opinion anyway. Not saying that this is the reason they had this discussion about electricity, could have been something else.

yeah..I am 100%agree,that is my view,some extremist is doing islam to 570 A.D islam,Islam itself is a broad minded religion,we should not tell every new thing is bidah,some bidah are good ...some r wrong.
Posted 27 Oct 2003


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ok,better talk about model,plz dont consider paki or other country,this women is a modern women,and modern women in every society is bold,so mrdeath,dont be surprize,pakistan is not such like I wached most of girl wear jeans and time has changed..
Posted 27 Oct 2003


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ok,if u dont like,why r u make a noise here,if u cannot talk about movie,so getout of here and go to bollywood or other sites,dont wast our time..
Posted 27 Oct 2003


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Pakistan, Pakistan positive,here all know lollywood standard and herione...we should quite optimistic....before YDAKH movie everyone in pakistan say,pakistan never make such a good standard movie like bollywood,but world watched that Pakistan has a great talent in every field,why not movies?we have a such bad directors,that they r not recognised...u dont watch that movie,u watched first director like syed noor and javaid sheikh and upcoming new directors,so u will feel good..thanks
Posted 27 Oct 2003

Topic: laaj..


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Laaj is a great movie yaar paki quality is normal..because this film is not based on good location but story and direction,u all people will surpize 'Laaj' action which r different..and this movie will release uk and abroad in english language,so chkitout..
Posted 26 Oct 2003


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I have also seen a trailer of 'Commando',impressive trailer and video quality,shan has been watched with guns and other people r seems commandos,very different than other paki movies...if this movie will dts,I will difinitely watch...
Posted 26 Oct 2003


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bad news for lollywood haters,which r not watching movies in cinima and only listening from friends and relative why? dont u have mind and eyes,first go to cinima and then comment...thank you..
Posted 26 Oct 2003


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djguru,u seems to complex and frustrated man....and don't blindly watch every paki movie,watch on open eyes...this is easy to say in your drawing room..leave comfortable life in home,some times to good movies like Laaj is a great movie...and many more coming soon...
Posted 26 Oct 2003


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I will like her work,if she will prove a professional director...
Posted 24 Oct 2003


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good work...
Posted 24 Oct 2003

Topic: Sufism...


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Bro Riza said:

YDAKH, I totaly agree with you quran is not the only shariah, its the foundations. The Shariah can not be formed with out koran and sunnat, and also schools of thought etc.
About dead people, its true, people dont die, they live another life until the day of judgement which is called Barzakh. I think thats only for people who are not being punished in their graves, you should read about it, it is very interesting. and scary, when i read about life after death and what happens when we die etc. its what made me more religious and god fearing allhamdulillah. Giving salaam, to sufis is fine, but asking of them is wrong, if you have read the topic i posted on shirk you will understand.

well bro raza...I have read much about 'Barzuk' and new Science is also accepting that life is present after death,and people has observed a lot of events after death and they have returned after death...we should open minded and research of every espect...that's why I research everything of which r hidden our eyes...according to science and Islam and sufi people themself has mentioned on their books on detail these hidden activities.
Posted 24 Oct 2003

Topic: Sufism...


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Mr.ffm,I am not saying u,so dont mind my words...
,I am saying all of people and 'Mannat' is a faith of people...but I never did 'Mannat' and Dargha...
Atleast we should respect sufi people because,every rich or poor man is gaining 'Faiz' the way Iraq has also a king of 'Wali allah'...'Ghoz-e-Azam'Mazar in Baghdad...
I am strogly belive of 'wali''Karamat'and why people went to go these 'Wali' because I know every problem of people solve these Mazar's from help of Allah's help.
Dead people in gravyard always answer our 'Salam' in response of our,but we can't hear,'Barzakh' is different world...Sufism is based on 'Soul'...Quran also quote about 'Waliallah',we should avoid shirk but we should avoid irrespective language about 'Waliallah'...they r this and that...most of world and universe has hidden from our there is secret matters..we should study events of 'Karamat' of 'Waliallah',Inshallah 'Iman' will increase..Wasalaam..Walloho Aalam...
Posted 24 Oct 2003

Topic: Sufism...


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nobody can explain here about Shariah,because we r a little knowlege of religion,some r right or some r misunderstanding.
Posted 23 Oct 2003

Topic: Sufism...


Age: 125
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Mr.ffm or bibijan or all...

I am objection this article,I have listened and read 100 times this kind of statement...I am sorry,only quran is not only a shariah...Hadees,fiqa,Sunnat and many more makes a sharehait,me and u all not a aalim,Aalim is different man who cammand over sheriat,so there is contovertial issue for this,quran writes a 'Waseela'...
poor and sick minded people do bad handling in Mazar no doubt,I accept,this should not happened..

I objection that sufi people is called 'Dead'...why all muslim say in graveyard 'As-slam-ulaaukum ya-helilqabor',who is listening,why Mohammad(peace be upon him) said to us?

Islam is also a spritual religion..if body has finished,soul never dead...and sufi has a power which has provide by allah..we believe,we dont say,this sufi is doing himself,he is a hidden and unpredictable spritual power..

well,I dont fight anybody,don't mind...

this is a big contovertial of this issue,I think we only discuss sufi life and how have they taught Islam?and today why? when a lot of 'Tableghey jammat' are present,but I am sad Islam is not a original shape,'Rehmat','Mehrban'...and other Muslim and Islam quality..Non_muslim are alleging countinuesly us?

There is no time to fight each other.
We are all muslim and we r not extremist...
but fundementalist things are necessary for our religion...God do better in future!May allah Help us for recent situation?
That's all..dont mind any people..every man right to say his own opinion,plz talk farward Positive Point...
Posted 23 Oct 2003


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workship of wealth and 'Ana prasti' is also a shirk...we should avoid..
Posted 23 Oct 2003


Age: 125
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I dont like this director and copy song aware these defame director..
Posted 23 Oct 2003


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apnay moo mian mithoo...going to dangerous valley?
Posted 22 Oct 2003