Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
there is not possible of digital punjabi movies,because punjabi movie producer is jutt,they only want a money on every wrong kind of movie making..and cost is 50 lakh,this cost is not able to make a digital movie,because lab is not found pakistan and also cameras...
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Syed noor himself accept any film based program that I have done a lot of mistake with movies and wrong signing of movies,so commando is also a money making movies of syed noor,we should wait only 'Larkipunjaban',which is a hot favourite of mojority pakistani,see this site,every pakistani is apprecitation this step...
and 2 indian here are laughing our movie,I will chanllange your director who will direct a movie on only pakistani market and spend a money like 'Dewdas' then I will accept the bollywood superiorarity..
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
mostly ISP'S in pakistan in dialup is sucks,they r cheating,they announced the free pakckage,they without informtion ,it has been closed ,I recomend Fascom tremedous speed,and data is also continue...
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
but unfortunetely our sick viewer continuesly bad words about paki movies? and they dont go to cinimas this type of movies,and watching a pirated bollywood movie of illegal ban channals.... Bad movies responsiblity also goes to these viewers who dont go to cinimas,they must change their attitude....
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
but unfortunetely our sick viewer continuesly bad words about paki movies? and they dont go to cinimas this type of movies,and watching a pirated bollywood movie of illegal ban channals.... Bad movies responsiblity also goes to these viewers who dont go to cinimas,they must change their attitude....
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
NFAKFan said:
its simple ydakh jee! if u don't like punjabi movies, don't watch them! but that doesn't mean they'll stop making 'em. as long as lahore is thriving, (and we all know it is/will!!) punjabi movies will be catered 2 us, for shere enjoyment and laughs!
Mr. NFAKFan,dont be a emotion about Lahore city..I like all cities of pakistan,but reality is that Lahori itself dont like punjabi 'Jagey' type movie,every movie based program most of educated people dont like about paki movies,I am not against punjabi movies,but in a proper way like 'Chorion' is ok,Blind love of lollywood is not good...u also a educated man of foreign country,so talk about of threads of reality basis...
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
I have watched javaid sheikh movie 'Chief sahab' and other movie,u will see a different style of song and picurization than others,javaid sheikh thinking is high than others,I recommend to all,u see sajjad ali songs 'Cheif sahab" which have picturized by javaid shekih,similer to bollywood style...bollywood is not a origianl style ,every style and camera talking borrow from hollywood,it's fact...
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
platonic said:
Yeah Javaid sheikh sahab ki githoon per yaqeen koi na karrey , ydakh movie was financed by indian party , direction also came from across the border , all the facts were kept secret , thats why we think Javaid sheikh is our Mahatma , bhai loog so jao gher ja kay .
u r trying to understatmate paki moviies,because ydakh direction and quality similer to bollywood movies,that 's why some people are jealous with this movie,paki newspaper and other are spreading rumours...
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
pakistan is not a small market,which have been proved in movie 'YDAKH',and Karachi is the biggest city in the world like mumbai and this movie has done a business very huge than other cities,I and other people fed up these jahel jut punjabi makers and directors,I am interested only in educated director who belongs from ours like syed noor,Javaid sheikh and other upcoming makers.ydakh37894.0381944444
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
nice talk reema!keep it up,Reema is telling a truth,so well movie's related people choice is good,but she must use latest equipment despite of london shooting...
Age: 125
7949 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
quote:Originally posted by NFAKFan
aahh 'gul sun dholna'...a classic! her trademark song!
who do u think is her direct competition!? i think fariha pervaiz and shabnum majeed give her a run for her money. mere khyal mein shabnum majeed beats both of them singing wize (talent). lekin humaira is still my favorite! lol.
quit right!Shabnum Mujeed would more popular than this time.Have u watched a video of Supereme Ishq showing on all paki channals,u listen the song of shabnum Mujeed,sometimes I am surpized her voice feel like Nayyara Noor,she beats with her co-star singers,she's has a great expression.
Age: 125
7949 days old here
Total Posts: 2890
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Pakistan, Pakistan
quote:Originally posted by NFAKFan
aahh 'gul sun dholna'...a classic! her trademark song!
who do u think is her direct competition!? i think fariha pervaiz and shabnum majeed give her a run for her money. mere khyal mein shabnum majeed beats both of them singing wize (talent). lekin humaira is still my favorite! lol.
quit right!Shabnum Mujeed would more popular than this time.Have u watched a video of Supereme Ishq showing on all paki channals,u listen the song of shabnum Mujeed,sometimes I am surpized her voice feel like Nayyara Noor,she beats with her co-star singers.