
Age: 125
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Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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another red
Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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Posted 23 Mar 2007


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Posted 23 Mar 2007


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Posted 23 Mar 2007


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Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A Glorious Morning

Stretching, reaching to the sky,
as lavender hues dominate the sunrise,
dawn, spawns the morning glory.

Scrambles along the picket fence,
echoing salutations to a new day,
twisting, insisting it meanders.

Rambling at the gardens edge,
resplendent in all it's glory,
unending, intending it silently creeps.

This flowering Morning Star,
rest in the mid day sunlight,
beautifies, intensifies with splendor.

Deep throat-ed it speaks beauty,
scaling the trellis this perennial abounds,
seeking, peeking towards the sun.
Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Springtime Daze

There seems to be something in the air,
kind of hypnotic beyond compare.
Thoughts turn to lovers and other things
an essence abounds, as my heart sings.

Hearts start to flutter when boy meets girl,
as hormones erupt and start to swirl.
Life comes alive when springtime is near,
thoughts wander with memories held dear.

Children's laughter heard in the distance,
reminds us of our own existence.
Memories rush in of childhood play,
of daydreams and moonbeams come what may.

Senses overflow with anticipation,
challenges to meet with elation.
Renewal of spirit felt within,
a new season about to begin.

Cabin fever to be left behind,
clearing cobwebs from a dusty mind.
Inner thoughts burst with colors bright,
seasonal change of Heaven's delight.
Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Fairy Goddess

Moonlit shadows stir beyond the bayou,
mystic music whispers upon the breeze.
cat of nine tails say come hither to me,
enticing fragrance of nectar from the bees.

This land of milk and honey for lovers,
your own never-land hidden far away.
You become the Goddess of the fairies,
for once you enter forever you stay.

Moss covered trees shimmer in the twilight,
hollow cypress, these fairies call home.
Unseen and forgotten through the ages,
deep into the swamp they silently roam.

Spreading pixie dust for all young lovers,
an irresistible force far and wide,
Sparkles in Heaven upon the moonbeams,
this hypnotic power you can not hide.

My longing to follow overcomes me,
all senses fill up with love and desire,
Mesmerised by the dust of the fairies,
lost in never-land deep within the mire.

I shall remain their Goddess till I die,
then a wee fairy I shall become too.
Helping lovers fall in love every night,
the fairy dust makes you say, I love you.
Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Peeks Of Sunshine

Sample my warmth said the sun one day,
filter through happiness in each ray.
Alter with sunlight our every mood,
frowns to smiles we change attitude.

Gracious are we for the sun's embrace,
dawn breaks through with a glow on our face.
Penetrates with exhilaration,
stimulates the imagination.

Nestled behind the clouds it does peek,
ready to bring the light we all seek.
Sunlight flickers on the ocean blue,
piercing it's depths, the light passes through.

Resplendence adrift across the skies,
sunbeams dancing on daydreaming eyes.
Sunrise and sunset and in between,
traveling light years just to be seen.

God created for our existence,
to bare the harsh winter resistance.
Never to fade that is for certain,
the sun peeks out behind this curtain.

Posted 23 Mar 2007

Topic: The Sea


Age: 125
6671 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
On the other side of the rainbow,
beneath the foreboding ancient sea.
Folklore tells of a lovely siren,
foggy nights hear her calling to thee.

A young maiden using witchery,
punished for casting her evil spells.
Years of banishment in the ocean,
she became a mermaid Legend tells.

Irresistible to the sailors,
tresses of blond, eyes purest of green.
Snared in her beauty and loveliness,
en-captured by peril yet unseen.

Melodic voice echoes through the wind,
sitting on the reef luring boats in.
Hypnotized and mesmerised,
fighting a battle they can not win.

As the tempest brews, the ocean stirs,
now fate cast upon the ocean shore.
Their final destiny has become,
salty grave, upon the ocean floor.

Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Spirit In The Wind

Wrestling freedom of nature untamed
unbridled forces yet unclaimed.
These painted stallions restless and carefree,
territorial, grazing in the lea.

Fast and furious galloping with sped,
steadfast is his path, no one can impede.
Graceful gait left in the wild to roam,
past the horizon, where they still call home.

Lightning fast as hooves fly high in the air,
this majestic mammal beyond compare.
Smooth as silk, these gentle steeds are aloof,
trackers trail the prints of each horse's hoof.

Unbroken in spirit, so confident,
their endless pursuit is so evident.
To wander free in wide open spaces,
apart from man as nature embraces.

Contentious in nature when boxed in,
rears up on hind legs, the fight will begin.
His taste for freedom empowers his soul,
to escape capture is his only goal.

Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Keep The Faith

It may seem darkest before the dawn,
but soon the sun will be shining bright.
Keep faith and hope in your tomorrows,
look to God and just follow His light.

He is the strength that will see you through,
the answer to all of your prayers.
It is to Him we give all our praise,
so pack up all your troubles and cares.

Each heavenly star is someones dream,
wish upon them, your dream may come true.
Count your blessings and say your prayers,
God will be there listening to you.

The love you feel will only strengthen,
God is your rock, your stability.
Rough patches in life will over turn,
as turmoil become tranquility.

So rejoice this too will come to pass.
let your belief in God be your guide,
Step by step bringing you together,
let His light be your comfort inside.

Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Sphere Of Life

Sphere of life through holiness,
creation in the making.
Miracles abound within,
all evilness forsaking.

God's energy so commands,
mountains, prairies and green leas.
God's voice alone will produce,
rivers oceans and the seas.

God's plan for man's survival,
Adam and Eve's garden place.
Powers at work within His hands,
He begins the human race.

His will on Earth will sustain,
all that is or will be.
Ruler of the universe,
as far as the eyes can see.

This holy sphere named Earth,
now a planet with a core.
Flashing into existence,
from the nothingness before.

From the very beginning,
God brought forth all creation.
He laid plan with His powers,
with awe and contemplation.

Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Life's Lessons Learned

Learned the best things in life are not free,
everything has it's price for you and me.
There is no free ride for anyone,
Do it yourself if it must get done.

I learned love hurts, it's not trusting or sure,
but through the pain I learned to endure.
Lessons to be learned and not forgotten,
I always found that one apple rotten.

Life is a bowl full of cherries it is said,
soon found out life was the pits instead.
Bittersweet love brought unbearable pain,
it made me tough to endure and sustain.

I learned we never run out of teardrops,
like a dripping faucet it never stops.
Life taught me to smile no matter what,
that life still goes on, no if, ands or buts.

The most important thing I have learned,
true friends really care and are concerned.
Through thick or thin they will stand beside you,
cherish their friendship and all that they do.

Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Ebb and flow like the ocean tide,
she returns when the moon is full.
Enchantress upon the ocean,
she beckons with alluring pull.

Wandering amidst the moonlight,
waves pound the crags along the shore.
Her spirit drifts in from the sea,
gypsy lover return once more.

Echoes of the past filter in,
mind adrift she tantalizes,
A tempest unavoidable,
in her grasp she mesmerizes.

Feelings and visions that beguile,
now ensnared by your tidal grip.
Unrelenting in her pursuit,
I fall pray to the tidal rip.

Swept away into the darkness,
our spirits forever entwine.
Wandering temptress of the deep,
masquerading sweet and benign.

Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Smiles Across The Miles

As warm sunshine starts each day,
with thoughts of you far away.
Pictures of you as you smile,
missing you, no denial.

Such pondering every night,
dreams of you till morning light.
Distance does not change the heart,
when dear friends are far apart.

A stronger bond will appear,
when the friendship is kept dear.
Respect and admiration,
faith and consideration.

Qualities so endearing,
feelings keep reappearing.
Riding out stormy weather,
love will keep us together.

Someday with you face to face,
maybe a heavenly place.
Till then friendship will endure,
as I miss you more and more.
Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Beyond The Sea

Euphoria amongst the tide,
as the sea slowly ebbs and flows.
Ride the waves of uncertainty,
keep searching over the rainbows.

Instilled with imagination,
reaching beyond the farthest star.
Love lies beyond the horizon,
within your grasp waiting afar.

Distant skylines sparkle anew,
soft breezes whisper come to me.
So wonderful, is what you are,
our memories seem heavenly.

Thoughts build to a crescendo,
come hither wanders in my mind.
An ocean journey to find you,
since the day you left me behind.

The innocence when we first met,
returns as the waves crash ashore.
To dally with you forever,
who could ask for anything more.

Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Silent Sounds Of Summer

Swaying trees to and fro,
sooth me oh summer breeze.
Sunflowers stand so still,
savoring seeds that please.

Scents sweet from flowers,
saturates the senses.
Sharing nature's fragrance,
sub-tile dreams pretenses.

Spread throughout the valley,
steeped in hushed allure.
Symphonies still unheard,
so simple and demure.
Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
So Good To See You Again

A dear friend stopped by today,
been so long since he went away.
With just one look, he made me smile,
even though it had been a while.

Sitting there with a cup of brew,
only me, the coffee and you.
Sweet thoughts drifting in my mind,
before we left our love behind.

Wonderful to see you again,
not seen you since I don't know when.
Lets share the moment tenderly,
and make just one more memory.

I'll hold you tight, then let you go,
it is only for us to know.
We can not forget, love buried deep,
within my heart, your love I keep.

Will you come back, I do not know,
when you're away, time moves too slow.
The loneliness again appears,
for you're not here to wipe my tears.
Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Rehan M Din said:

Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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my pleasure
Posted 23 Mar 2007

Topic: Back


Age: 125
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what happened guyz
Posted 23 Mar 2007

Topic: SMILE


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Posted 23 Mar 2007



Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 23 Mar 2007


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 23 Mar 2007