
Age: 125
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Real jobs!!!! like what!!!! Last I checked, there are more successful professional in US than in UK. People are moving out of UK to get real jobs
Posted 26 Apr 2007

Topic: Sociology


Age: 125
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awwwwww....... a "B" and then an "A". See, I told you, if you hang out with me, you will become smart!!!
Posted 26 Apr 2007


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there is a shadi when i am in pakistan and i don't attend. Are you nuts? Obviously I will be there. I don't even need an invitation, just tell me the time and place. I will be there.
Posted 26 Apr 2007


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Yeah right!!!! I see, you don't want to share
Posted 26 Apr 2007


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Congratulations. So where is Bhabhi's picture
Posted 25 Apr 2007


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Yes, Taleban have accepted the responsibility of suicide bombs. They have also indicated that they have over 1800 people trained for more suicide attacks. We are supposed to see more of innocent people die in spring this year
Posted 25 Apr 2007


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bilal1970 said:


What are you going to discuss???
Posted 25 Apr 2007


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Support can be in various forms. You support their actions by not taking part in activities that harm them, you support them by giving out money (which u think they will use to help poor etc).

The point of this thread was to make us realize that we cannot support them just because they call themselves MUSLIMS. Their actions do not reflect their words. They are killing their own brothers and sisters just to scare the enemy away. I do not think that is allowed in Islam. Yet, they justify all the killings using Islam as their shield.

What happened to the saviors of Afghan people (the old Taleban moto)?
Posted 25 Apr 2007


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It was just so hard to resist ... She has already admitted that she does not mind it
Posted 25 Apr 2007


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What is manager? and what is Senior Moderator? What difference does that make? Do they get paid? if so, I want to apply for the job too
Posted 25 Apr 2007


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Asian said:

Jutt loot ker laygay

I sooooo want to say, "England main Jatt hi loot kar lay jaye ga"     Babu chahiay to US aa-jawo.......
Posted 25 Apr 2007

Topic: Ice Cream


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Asian said:


I don't blame whoever did that
Posted 25 Apr 2007

Topic: Sociology


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Asian said:

I GOT A "B" for my coursework

its a B but its a high B

Highest in the class

giving teacher riswaat later

awwww..... first "B"..... You must be proud of yourself for achieving that academic excellence.
Posted 25 Apr 2007


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No one calls George Bush a hero. He is being criticized everywhere, including in his how country.
Posted 20 Apr 2007


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There is a difference. A freedom fighter never kills his own people. He is fighting for the freedom of his people.

People are supporting Taleban, not because they consider them doing the right thing. But because they are afraid of being killed by Taleban. Thats not support. Thats more of Virtual Prison.

Your last sentence is more like coming from someone who has lost hope. Avoiding problems does not make them go away. You gota do something about it. Talking about it is the very FIRST STEP.
Posted 20 Apr 2007


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fundamentalist - A person who adheres to the rigid principles of a religion and is intolerate to other views. A person who is closed minded. A person who cannot think anything outside the box.

extremist - A person who holds views about anything that are far from moderation. Again someone who is not ready to listen to what others have to say. Someone who thinks that he is the one with all the knowledge, and every other person who does not agree with him is stupid.

now why did you ask ?
Posted 20 Apr 2007


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You are not getting my point. Tell me which one of the hero in sub continent targeted his own people? I don't have any problem with struggle for freedom, be it armed or peaceful.

During Russian Invasion, tell me which Afghan group fighting against russia targeted civilians? NONE. That was the reason they had local support in every part of the country. In this fight, Taleban are killing its own people. WHY?

Your example of me slapping you does not apply here. It will be more appropriate, if you swear on me, and i start beating my younger brother. Thats what Taleban are doing. Americans have taken their country, and they are killing their own brothers/sisters assuming that they will scare Americans away. Its just pathetic.
Posted 20 Apr 2007


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19 views and not even a single reply. I guess we are not ready to give up those saris
Posted 20 Apr 2007

Topic: Suicide Bombs


Age: 125
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sun_shine. I think you need to think about it.

How long we as Muslims are going to survive by avoiding this discussion. Just because Taleban/Iraqi Insurgents are using name of Islam, does not mean that their actions are justified.

I am all up for an Islamic state with Islamic laws. It sounds very promising, but I need to know what laws will be impemented before the struggle for Islamic State starts. Everyone seems to have their own interpertation of these laws. Unless there is a unified set of laws, there is not going to be any Islamic State ever.
Posted 20 Apr 2007


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well, whats the other side of the picture?

Yes, George Washington was called a terrorist at one point, but he never killed civilians. He never killed people he was trying to fight for.

But Taleban, they are killing their own people while claiming to be their saviours.
Posted 20 Apr 2007

Topic: Suicide Bombs


Age: 125
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Do you even know what you are talking about? Are you even reading what I am writing?
Posted 19 Apr 2007

Topic: Suicide Bombs


Age: 125
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Interesting take. Where are you getting your information from? If it is American Military pulling out these stunts, why the insurgents/Taleban taking responsibility of these attacks.

Read this:

Posted 19 Apr 2007

Topic: Shooting


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It was wrong to publish images and video. This will only give troubled kids justification for their acts. Media has made this kid hero among troubled kids. I think there are going to be more incidents like this just because these troubled kids now know how to take it out.
Posted 19 Apr 2007

Topic: MY MIND......


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Asian said:

na we dont take it seriously

uk desi and amercian pindo dushmani is berry punny

wol MUWAH okie i won't pic on the yankee jalabie

awwwww... thats what you think????

Well, I will let you be happy for the day
Posted 19 Apr 2007


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I don't have any problem with Sharia law, as long as we can define the laws before hand. I do not think that the laws that were written 1400 years ago can apply in the same form in 21st century.

The law remains the same, but the implementation needs to be looked at. You are never going to implement Shariah if you don't know what you are implementing. That was the fundamental flaw in Taleban's Sharia Law. They confused their draconian tribal laws with Islamic laws. I have yet to find any Scholar in Taleban's ranks. Their intentions were great, but their knowledge was limited which in turn resulted in a disaster.
Posted 19 Apr 2007


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Posted 18 Apr 2007


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naakaam ashiq
Posted 18 Apr 2007


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If they want the law changed, they need to go through the proper channel. They cannot just go around hitting people with the stick just because they think something bad is being done.

I think that was the fundamental flaw in Taleban govt. They thought that they were the saviours of human kind, and they need to implement laws by forcing people to live like Muslims some 1400 years ago. But again, they were the Govt, so you can't argue much about that
Posted 18 Apr 2007


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What about English version?
Posted 18 Apr 2007

Topic: Yaadain


Age: 125
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heart_hacker said:

asii yaadain jo app kabi bhoola na sakain....
koyi b asii yaad jis nain app ki zindagi ya app ko badal diya hoo

share wid us

sure, I missed three lunches last week because of my classes, which translated into me losing 2 lbs.... Yayyyyyy
Posted 18 Apr 2007