
Age: 125
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Thats what I don't understand. Both parties are Muslims. They are killing each other for what? They should be fighting for their country instead.
Posted 17 May 2007


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Lets not elect them again. Prosecute them. Throw them all in the sea. Whatever it takes
Posted 17 May 2007


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Ashii said:

kaun hai ye ????????

What??? hain??? what are you talking about?
Posted 17 May 2007


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That is where the Govt kicks in. Get these kids to school. Get their parents some kind of financial assitance/jobs.

Remember, there is no short term solution to poverty. It may take a generation or two get all these people out of poverty. By forcing kids to work, you are making it impossible for these families to ever get out of poverty.
Posted 17 May 2007


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Ashi, you are right about that. There is no difference between a dictator and the president. The only difference is that political parties cannot vote off the dictator, as he controls army.

Politics in general is very dirty. But the politics in pakistan.ewwwwww... its nasty. I would never want to be the part of that system.

There is a very fine line between what is right and wrong. The things he is accused of are a norm in pakistan. I think he should not have been suspended. If Musharaf was sincere about his actions, he should have worked towards creating the system that stops the behavior for all.
Posted 17 May 2007


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Don't blame the media. Just look around, and you will yourself find problems within the Muslim community. The first problem is the identity. 1400 years, and we are still fighting amongst ourselves over Shia/Sunni brand of Islam.

As far as beating one's wife. Do our men not beat us? Not all of them, but there is a vast majority. It has nothing to do with the religion, and yet it has. Isn't religion was supposed to make these men more humble? I can already see your argument coming "But its people, not the religion" . Yeah, I know, but these so called Muslims are giving bad name to the religion by not followig it. So either create secular laws to protect these women, or make these men follow the religion properly.

If you can't do that, stop blaming media for your own downfall.

Posted 16 May 2007


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Since my last post was delete without any explanation, I will just ask the direct question.

Why do you think we are perfect? Your poetic examples may be very good to read, but they do not prove the fact that we are not perfect.
Posted 16 May 2007


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I do not think so. I believe it was the local govt.
Posted 16 May 2007


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exactly my point.
Posted 16 May 2007


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I am not alienating myself from all this. I am just heart broken because of Karachi and then Peshawar incident. I do not know at this point who am I. I think I really need to study Islam and see if I am even a Muslim. Whatever I have read so far and believed in about my religion, the realities on the ground just do not add up to what Islam teaches.
Posted 16 May 2007


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I just read that police were ordered not to go there with guns . It seems like it was all planned activity. We need some crack general to take care of this issue now. Someone who can actually deal with crack people like this.
Posted 16 May 2007


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Like I said in my other post. All Afghans should be kicked out of the country for good now.

Remind you, I don't hate people of Afghanistani origin, but again, I don't like people of my country being shattered into pieces by lost afghanis souls either.
Posted 16 May 2007


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I have done some research (news archives etc) on Karzai. As much as I want to say that I like him, I don't. He may be good for Afghanistan, but he ain't good for Pakistan. The language he uses, the press conferences he does against Pakistan is plain and simple wrong. He really thinks that Pakistan is the enemy. If I were Musharraf, I would just erect a border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Then find every single Afghan in the country, and kick him back to Karzai's Afghanistan.

Some people think that its all political. I do not think so. I think Karzai is the problem. What else can we expect from him. He has surrounded himself with murderers etc
Posted 16 May 2007


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I hear you nikama. After the incident in Karachi, I just don't want to be associated with these people. I think I am going to start telling people that I am from Turkey
Posted 14 May 2007


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you got that right nikama. I am very hard to please.

I agree with you as far as Taleban's hard line views. I also think that they did not have any system for Government setup(these are my personal views). I think everything was around "Mullah Omar".

As far as Drug business is concerned. I always thought Taleban got rid of Drug production in Afghanistan. Is it not correct?

What do you not like about KArzai Govt? The only reason (that I think of) they are unable to govern properly is because of Taleban. There is an unrest in the country. How are they supposed to get things in order of Taleban keeps on messing them?
Posted 14 May 2007


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The only way justice can be served is that police find anyone who had touched a gun that day. These people should be hanged in public.

For crying out loud, people were walking around shooting, and no one did a thing. Just for once, Govt should keep the politics aside, and hang everyone involved.

I also think that Govt should issue an order for all politicians sitting outside the country to stop giving out fatwas. If they are sincere, they should come back to the country.
Posted 14 May 2007

Topic: Madrassas


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Thanks nikama. You seem to know a lot more than me on this.

I personally think the idea behind madrassa is very gentle. Its the reputation that has costed them a lot more than their deeds. I believe overall system is designed to help poor kids get some kind of education (be it religious or not). In addition to that education, they are provided with food and boarding. Somewhere along the lines (I think in 80s) some of these madrassas started getting sponsorship from foreign ocountries who started spreading their own agenda through these institutes.

I just wish kids are taught tolerance in these madrassas along with whatever is taught over there. Its just so sad what these kinds end up doing.
Posted 14 May 2007


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What system these lawyers are fighting for? The system that does not give poor any justice? No matter what the popular belief is, the justice system in pakistan is broken. This system was designed to rule the people, and not serve them. The entire system needs to be modified.

Its sad to see how people try to defend their political party neglecting the fact that the incident resulted in the killings of human beings. Also the fact that their so called parties were carrying guns. tsk tsk tsk. I do not see anyone condemning the indident.
Posted 14 May 2007


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it is already dead. We have now people killing each other in Karachi. and people trying to benefit from these deaths
Posted 14 May 2007


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Ashii said:

we can do a lot of things,, as I said better working conditions and I ll also add compulsary minimum education financed by the gvt

we are talking about kids here. Better working conditions is not going to help. They will continue to be exploited by these so called business men.
Ashii said:

ur intentions are not bad sharmili but the consequences are
here u are thinking like western ppl who ve never seen the living conditions of our developping countries
poverty and education are our main pbs
keep in mind that stop these kids from working encourages the worse working situations (as these kids will b employed illegaly and so will be paid even less), prostitution and other crimes,,, coz after alllll these children need to earn money for their family and themselves

OMG, did you even read the article? These kids are treated as slaves. What is worse than that?

The solution is to remove poverty, not put more of these kids to work.

Ashii said:

wot we can start doing is to atleast treat them like humans,, if we r employing them in our houses or factories then paying them correctly and taking care for their education
its not very difficult u know,, it wont change the world but who knows koi aik bacha bhi kissi kabil ban jae
correction is better than rejection

you can do that on individual level, but when it comes to masses, its a big problem. These kids will be exploited by business as long as business can make tons of profit from it. Believe me, they just don't care.
Posted 14 May 2007

Topic: Suicide Bombs


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nikama said:

suicide bombing is an act of desperation not an act of inspiration,remember fatima the 72 years old palestinian who blew herself a couple of years ago?someone who spent her entire life struggling peacefully and watching the death of her beloved ones helplessly,atlast lost her faith in peace in humanity and justice and joined the bombers.i cried when i frst read her story.i dont support their point of view,but when i ask myself what i would have done had i been in fatima's place,the answer scares me.

In some cases, yes. It is an act of desperation. In most of the cases, it is not.
Posted 14 May 2007


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nikama said:

when i say that i belong to a v v rich,elite family i'm not simply being myself,i'm showing off and this is a sign of special class mentality.jinnah was in my opinion the greatest leader we ever had after the four pious caliphs but he never once expressed his intentions to do awy with british system just because the system was perfect,the same system worked tremandously well in hong kong till is still going well in india,sri lanka and bangla desh.whats wrong with pakistan?

Inida changed the system right after Independence (for the most).

Look at what is going o nin Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. The system is not working there either. The sytem was designed to rule a colony. It was not designed to run a govt elected by people.
Posted 14 May 2007


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and how do you know God did not create man first? May be He made us first, and then realizing his mistake, made everything else perfect
Posted 14 May 2007

Topic: Yaadain


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heart_hacker said:

hmm right,
kahtain hain na kay har insan insan nai hota jub wo insan banta haii har kaisii kay ghum khushi us ki khushi hoti haii

Koan kahtay hain?
Posted 12 May 2007


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I think it all goes down to same "Male Dominant Society".     I just could not stop laughing when my brother was explaining that to me.

I don't see bollywood movies so I will not know that
Posted 12 May 2007

Topic: wy is...


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yeah, there are times when this site is DED.
Posted 12 May 2007


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Its a male dominated society.

I was myself confused with the reaction on Richard Gere incident, so I asked my brother (he being lived in pakistan more than me). According to him people in India are not mad because Richard Gere kissed Shilpa. They are mad because they could not do that. Everyone who is complaining is kind of taking his frustration on Gere.
Posted 12 May 2007


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nahin nahin, main to bohat haseen hoon Apnay husan ka jado chalawon gi

There is a 10 year difference I guess its Perfect from pakistan's standard. Lets make a thread for their wedding on JB. I will be the bride's maid, and you can be the best man
Posted 12 May 2007


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I think its time for all Parveen's in pakistan to change their name. This is a very typical paindoo name in pakistan (P.S. I don't mean to offend anyone with this statement (P.S. I am still in school, so your lawsuit will not get you any money )). I think instead of taking Ibrar to court, Ms Parveen should take those boys to court for misbehaving.
Posted 12 May 2007


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Posted 11 May 2007