
Age: 125
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and what is your point?
Posted 11 May 2007


Age: 125
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Gee-Z said:

sharmili said:

Queeen King ki pitai lagai gi

lol ....sharmili yah dekhoo humrai nation ka haal.... humary youngster(boy) girls say darty phir rahiyah hain lol Revoluation lanay k liya phley asiya youngsters ko theek karna pary ga lol

king mery bahi its fun

I think the revolution will fail the moment they will ask their begums for the permission

I will make sure my husband is scared of me more than anything
Posted 11 May 2007


Age: 125
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Queeen King ki pitai lagai gi
Posted 11 May 2007


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marwana kaisa. aap ki begum JB par hay kia?
Posted 11 May 2007


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Gee-Z said:

sharmili said:

Gee-Z said:

where r ya ? everything is ok na ?

missed ya


hey welcome baq
mai sumja pata nahi tum Chief justice ki realy mai Ny say karachi chali gayi hoo lol

as much i seem into politics, I am not.
Posted 10 May 2007


Age: 125
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Why? because its a male dominated society. Just like when a woman gets raped, and she goes to a police station, she ends up staying there for life.

Next time a taxi driver talks about that, ask him if he ever tried not to look at the girls he claims to be "kharab larkian". Kharabi is in your nazar.
Posted 10 May 2007


Age: 125
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it sure is. 99% its lust, only 1% its love. so if you don't know what love is, the only other thing left is.....well, you are smart, you can figure it out.
Posted 10 May 2007


Age: 125
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Do you even know what "LOVE" is?
Posted 10 May 2007


Age: 125
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hate is a very strong word. You can't fix anythig by hating it. Why do you hate them?
Posted 10 May 2007


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KING OF JB said:

Gee-Z said:

where r ya ? everything is ok na ?

missed ya

rolla jhoot na bol yaar tu kud gauyb thaa jb say

someone is jealous I think you need a hug too
Posted 10 May 2007


Age: 125
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Well, your figures are kind of way too high. I do not believe that is correct.

Plus, your argument is weak. If Bush is killing civilians, and we have concluded that he is evil, what does that make Taleban? They are doing the same. Bush is at least not killing his own people.
Posted 10 May 2007


Age: 125
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I am not sure if I am understanding your point # 3. What does Musharaf has to do with the winning of the candidate. After all he only has one vote.
Posted 10 May 2007

Topic: Madrassas


Age: 125
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thanks extreme. It is interesting to know that there is a curriculam that is followed. I was not aware of that. Who manages that curriculam? Is there a separate religious organization that maintains a curriculam? Who pays the teachers?
Posted 10 May 2007


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I have come across people in US who have this mentality. Think of hollywood stars. yup, you know what i am talking about

Pakistanis adopted british system, because it benefited the people who were the "ruling party". Mr Jinnah wanted to change it, but he died soon after the birth of the country. For crying out loud, the country did not have a constitution until it was divided into two parts.

Posted 10 May 2007

Topic: Suicide Bombs


Age: 125
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Ashii said:

I only know one thing
suscide bombing has nothing to do with Islam or Muslims
they simply are PPL (humans may b) who want to defend their views,, nothing else
In 2nd world war Japs did the same thing, in my knowledge they r not muslims,,, they were just defending something they were comitted to

we all know abt Kid Soldiers in africa,, who are ready to kill their own family to defend their political party
these little 10/11 yrs old kids who killed so many ppl,, how will we judge them ????

remains the question of morality
how to teach wot is right or wrong to kids or to ppl who have no knowledge abt their own religion

we muslims have such a strong beleive in JANNAT and DOZAKH,, the difference between MUSLIM and KAFIR that any person (visibly a good muslim) can make us do horrible things for that
i still know loads of ppl for whome since u r a KALMA GO the hell-fire cant touch u
how to make understand such person that killing innocents is wrong,, since for him the person he is killing is not innocent

You make really good points. I also think that the person blowing himself along with innocent civilians does not think of them as innocent. Its true for all humans. Like Mr Bush said that either you are with us or against us. Taleban say the same thing. Either you are with them or not.

in both cases, if you are not, you are dead.
Posted 10 May 2007


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A kid working in a factory is simply wrong!! Better working conditions is not the answer.

Off course you can help by not buying the saris. Does it not feel soooo wrong that you are wearing a sari that was made by a "kid slave". What if that was your own kid? Someone you knew.

Posted 10 May 2007


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new_beau said:

Ashii said:

new_beau said:

I have read most of the major posts in this topic....Personally I am totally Against this Action of Students and I condemn this action of misguidence by there teacher. And I am surprised that where are the parents of these Girls.

aurton ko kabhi kuch na karne dena,, kabhi agay na aane dena

Apni Aqal laga ker aagay aao, Janab Aurto....Kis kay behkaway mainn aa ker nahin

This has nothing to do with the advancement of women. I think it was just a show off. The action was still planned and conducted by men. Women were there just for photo op
Posted 10 May 2007


Age: 125
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Ashii said:

wot do u think ???

jo hua sahi hua ???
jo ho raha hai sahi ho raha hai ??

wots next

This is how I look at it. The case is being reviewed by a panel of judges. We are just too quick to jump on conclusions. There is a system, that is setup for these kind of things. I think we should let the system work, and wait until we hear the rulings of the panel.

On the personal note, I think it was a mis calculated step on Musharaf's part. He must have gotten some stupid advisors. The same kind who got Nawaz Sharif in trouble. This is my problem with dictatorship. No matter how good the intentions are, the word of the dictator becomes the law. What every dictator fails to realise is that, he is also a human, and Humans make mistakes
Posted 10 May 2007


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new_beau said:

itni details kaisay perhoon mainn ....

these details have nothing to do with the current topic. This is an article from one of the BBC reporter who has moved back to pakistan. He is now trying to make fun of the culture because he thinks he is gora himself
Posted 10 May 2007


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~CHANDNI~ said:


sharmana kiss baat ka. abhi woh wala time nahin aya
Posted 10 May 2007


Age: 125
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Asian said:

gone dunk in donughts

someone like donuts.
Posted 10 May 2007


Age: 125
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Gee-Z said:

where r ya ? everything is ok na ?

missed ya

Posted 10 May 2007

Topic: ME!!!


Age: 125
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welcome sana.

I am sharmili
Posted 04 May 2007


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Ashii said:

cant read the whole topic for the moment
sirf dil ki aik baat pohonchani apni BEHNO tak

just one thing
ab Pak mei naqab/burke waali tamaam khatoon ko dekh k hamara khoon khushk ho jata hai
k abhi nikaalein gi yeh danda

In general no one has any problem with women wearing burqas in pakistan. Its just very common thing. In the last 10 years, hijab has become more common than ever. I personally have a lot of respect for women who do wear one.

Two weeks ago a Korean immigrant in Virginia killed 33 people. Are you scared of Koreans too???
Posted 04 May 2007

Topic: Fancy Dress


Age: 125
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Asian said:

i diddent understand wha she said, must be the iowa accent hehehehe o LOW BLOW

awwwwww...... you still think New York City is in IOWA..... and you think Americans don't know their geography...

Asian said:

amerciangirly i an't making an assumptions we looked at civil religions in Philosophy and Sociology. amercianism is something that is used to delude peoples right to be ethnic. take the singing of the national anthem at the superbopwl. kids having to sing the anthem in skool,

That is a complicated topic. Separation of Church and State. Just because few people want to go to the extremes following the law does not mean that all of America supports it
Asian said:

even before fights "i hope god wants me to win"


get my point

isn't it true for every religion/nation?
Asian said:

gee-z you you super sized Wall mart granny chaddies

gee-z it is quite obvious that she just keep her mind off of your super sized wall mart chaddy. not that she likes your chaddi, but she just can't accept the fact that you are getting great deals at wall mart, and she can't That explains her hatred towards america. tsk tsk tsk
Posted 04 May 2007

Topic: Ice Cream


Age: 125
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no one can ban ice cream. even if it goes out of market, it still is so easy to make at home
Posted 03 May 2007

Topic: Fancy Dress


Age: 125
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Asian said:

Sharmili yeah because i'am a dragon in the board room

awwwww.... and you call us Americans confused.....

Asian said:

hi Amercian girl, yeah pindo means village person, one thing i have noticed about the USA alot of desi try to hide, or dont know their roots. its i'am an "Amercian Pakistani", that dont happen in the uk, you go down south hall you got apnay shouting PAKISTAN ZINDABARD all de time

Shouting Pakistan Zindabad does not make you any more Patriotic pakistani. You guys have alienated yourself from the main society. We on the other hand blended into main stream while keeping our identity alive. We don't need to shout slogans to tell people that we like the country where our roots are.
You ask me who am I, and I will tell you I am New Yorker. and very proud of it!!
Asian said:

sun_shine baby hehehehehe matki is a punjabi word, its that huge pot you put water in to keep it cool, hehehe my kala use to call me matki

Calling someone Matki in punjabi is a nice way of telling them that they are fat
Posted 03 May 2007

Topic: Fancy Dress


Age: 125
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That will be Odd if you go as human for once
Posted 02 May 2007


Age: 125
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IF you want to loose weight. Go easy on sugar
Posted 02 May 2007

Topic: Mangoes


Age: 125
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sigh!!!! Its been a while since I ate one. Oh well, I am going to pakistan in summer. I am sure Mango will be the fruit of my choice for two months
Posted 02 May 2007