Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Climb Till Your Dream Comes True
often your task will be many, and more than you think you can do.. often the hills insurmountable, too.. but always remember.. the hills ahead are never as steep as they seem, and with faith in your heart, start upward and climb 'til you reach your dream. for nothing in life that is worthy is ever too hard to achieve if you have the faith to believe.. for faith is a force that is greater than knowledge or power or skill and many defeats turn to triumph if you trust in god's wisdom and will.. there is nothing that god cannot do, so start out today with faith in your heart and climb 'til your dream comes true.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
thankuuu thankuuu
For a Moment
For a moment I stepped back behind that sunset where shadows drifted, tethered to an ancient pain. They floated in twilight where I lingered not, this trip.
I slipped back, unnoticed, over the sunrise where promise replaced the pain.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I shall tread, another year, Ways I walked with Grief, Past the dry, ungarnered ear And the brittle leaf. I shall stand, a year apart, Wondering, and shy, Thinking, "Here she broke her heart; Here she pled to die."
I shall hear the pheasants call, And the raucous geese; Down these ways, another Fall, I shall walk with Peace.
But the pretty path I trod Hand-in-hand with Love- Underfoot, the nascent sod, Brave young boughs above,
And the stripes of ribbon grass By the curling way- I shall never dare to pass To my dying day.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Forever at His side to walk
Forever at His side to walk— The smaller of the two! Brain of His Brain— Blood of His Blood— Two lives—One Being—now—
Forever of His fate to taste— If grief—the largest part— If joy—to put my piece away For that beloved Heart—
All life—to know each other— Whom we can never learn— And bye and bye—a Change— Called Heaven— Rapt Neighborhoods of Men— Just finding out—what puzzled us— Without the lexicon!
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A Little While
A little while when I am gone My life will live in music after me, As spun foam lifted and borne on After the wave is lost in the full sea.
A while these nights and days will burn In song with the bright frailty of foam, Living in light before they turn Back to the nothingness that is their home.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
In A Garden
The world is resting without sound or motion, Behind the apple tree the sun goes down Painting with fire the spires and the windows In the elm-shaded town.
Beyond the calm Connecticut the hills lie Silvered with haze as fruits still fresh with bloom, The swallows weave in flight across the zenith On an aerial loom.
Into the garden peace comes back with twilight, Peace that since noon had left the purple phlox, The heavy-headed asters, the late roses And swaying hollyhocks.
For at high-noon I heard from this same garden The far-off murmur as when many come; Up from the village surged the blind and beating Red music of a drum;
And the hysterical sharp fife that shattered The brittle autumn air, While they came, the young men marching Past the village square. . . .
Across the calm Connecticut the hills change To violet, the veils of dusk are deep -- Earth takes her children's many sorrows calmly And stills herself to sleep.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Unchanging
Sun-swept beaches with a light wind blowing From the immense blue circle of the sea, And the soft thunder where long waves whiten -- These were the same for Sappho as for me.
Two thousand years -- much has gone by forever, Change takes the gods and ships and speech of men -- But here on the beaches that time passes over The heart aches now as then.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Thought of You
I thought of you and how you love this beauty, And walking up the long beach all alone I heard the waves breaking in measured thunder As you and I once heard their monotone.
Around me were the echoing dunes, beyond me The cold and sparkling silver of the sea -- We two will pass through death and ages lengthen Before you hear that sound again with me.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
thanx so much
Running Deep And Pure
He has stood for so long in the middle of nowhere Looking for something he has never known before With a notebook full of yesterdays words written from a lifetime of lonliness
Always on the go hanging on by a thin thread and song But she came and shown to him things he had never truly seen before He had always believed change fast because nothing lasts forever
Now he has settled underneath starlight Touched clouds and felt heavens warmth Come to experience what he has always searched for In her all the love he has come to know
Like a misty morning rain falling over him running deep and pure...
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
In the center of the vast and boundless ocean, Small ship, where do you want to go? Struggling between roaring hills and valleys Angry waves, swinging it to and fro
Under the dark sky and above the blue sea Small ship, what do you wish to seek? Sailing for ages, not yet come across a shelter Islands either too rocky or barren
Actions, leaving long white lines behind And disappears, and forgotten by time Yet love and courage is all the fuel it needs Traveling with hope, wavering for life.
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Fight for your word and fight for your right Fight at daytime, fight at night Fight this battle between darkness and light show your courage reveal your might
Fight at midday noon and eve Plot what your foe cannot conceive Show this world what you can achieve show them the magic of what you believe
Who are they to stop us they cannot decide What is right or wrong, for god is on our side God is our master his prophet our guide we shall build a heaven in which man shall abide
This is the war to put an end to war Fighting then shall be no more Back in the arms of the one you adore whose pain kept beckoning you back ashore
Age: 125
6678 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Where were you?
Where were you when I needed someone? When I needed a shoulder to cry on When I’ve always been there for you I know because my shoulder bears your imprint When I needed someone did you even know? If you did what would you have done? Did you even care? I was someone to give you a hug when you needed it Someone to give you back your smile after someone had stolen it Where were you when I needed a smile? Where were you when my smile was stolen?
What happen to you when I went wrong? When I needed someone to be strong I failed and faltered and went off the wall So what happened, you never let me down before Will you ever speak to me again? Will you meet me where it all began? Where were you when I needed to speak? Where were you when I was beaten and weak? I have only two questions left Where were you? Where are you now?