~*~My collection-~*~old & new~*~

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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Road to Nowhere

To travel the road to nowhere.
The soul's dark amazon.
Eternal peace is anywhere,
the mind might set upon.

To travel the road to nowhere.
To know you're really gone.
And when you finally get there,
to find your god is Ron.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
There's something in the dark.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
that leaves a lasting mark.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
Old secrets gather dust.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
that reeks decay and must.

To travel the road to nowhere.
Reading signposts from beyond.
As self-deceit completes defeat,
a cold ghost light is shone,
on Ron. On Ron.

He learned to sham at his father's knee.
He knew the power of story.
He lived by lies and fantasies,
and dreamed of fame and glory.

So travel the road but beware,
for he drew an arcane map.
His weak and dismal followers,
could see no fatal trap.

But in his inner circle,
his worth would soon reveal.
To those that rail and cavil,
he'd crush beneath his heel.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
The sweetest scent of musk.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
as warm and moist as lust.

To travel the road to nowhere.
It's not the smoothest ride.
To have all faith you must defer,
to a self-referring guide.

To travel the road to nowhere.
To avoid the rush and throng.
Unravel in the space of somewhere,
and sing a specious song.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
It's got an evil breath.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
that toys with fear and death.

To travel the road to nowhere.
And wield your magic wand.
A shuffling prisoner of despair,
when fragile hopes abscond.

To travel the road to nowhere.
A funeral dress you don.
All truth is moulded out there,
like a Sci-Fi writer's con.

There's something in the cupboard, boy.
You hear it scratch and whine.
There's something in the cupboard, boy,
both bedevilled and divine.

To travel the road to nowhere.
To follow a different sun.
To travel the road with due care,
not to end as you begun.

To travel the road to nowhere,
to life's grim denouement.
Be sighted by the cross hairs,
released from earthly bond.

To travel the road to nowhere.
Your face is drawn and wan.
Your self-belief masks hidden grief,
while the thief of time moves on.
Posted 27 Dec 2006

~tasha~ says
The Mind lives on the Heart

The Mind lives on the Heart Like any Parasite
If that is full of Meat The Mind is fat.
But if the Heart omit Emaciate the Wit
The Aliment of it So absolute.

Posted 17 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
A Farewell to False Love

Farewell false love, the oracle of lies,
A mortal foe and enemy to rest,
An envious boy, from whom all cares arise,
A bastard vile, a beast with rage possessed,
A way of error, a temple full of treason,
In all effects contrary unto reason.

A poisoned serpent covered all with flowers,
Mother of sighs, and murderer of repose,
A sea of sorrows whence are drawn such showers
As moisture lend to every grief that grows;
A school of guile, a net of deep deceit,
A gilded hook that holds a poisoned bait.

A fortress foiled, which reason did defend,
A siren song, a fever of the mind,
A maze wherein affection finds no end,
A raging cloud that runs before the wind,
A substance like the shadow of the sun,
A goal of grief for which the wisest run.

A quenchless fire, a nurse of trembling fear,
A path that leads to peril and mishap,
A true retreat of sorrow and despair,
An idle boy that sleeps in pleasure's lap,
A deep mistrust of that which certain seems,
A hope of that which reason doubtful deems.

Sith* then thy trains my younger years betrayed,[since]
And for my faith ingratitude I find;
And sith repentance hath my wrongs bewrayed*,[revealed]
Whose course was ever contrary to kind*:[nature]
False love, desire, and beauty frail, adieu.
Dead is the root whence all these fancies grew.

Posted 17 Jan 2007

Posted 17 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 17 Jan 2007

Posted 17 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
KING OF JB said:

Gr8 one

which one is gr8, sir?
Posted 17 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 18 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says

I thought of Thee, my partner and my guide,
As being past away. -Vain sympathies!
For backward, Duddon! as I cast my eyes,
I see what was, and is, and will abide;
Still glides the Stream, and shall not cease to glide;
The Form remains, the Function never dies;
While we, the brave, the mighty, and the wise,
We Men, who in our morn of youth defied
The elements, must vanish; -be it so!
Enough, if something from our hands have power
To live, and act, and serve the future hour;
And if, as toward the silent tomb we go,
Through love, through hope, and faith's transcendent dower,
We feel that we are greater than we know.

Posted 18 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
Her Eyes Are Homes Of Silent Prayers

Her eyes are homes of silent prayer,
Nor other thought her mind admits
But, he was dead, and there he sits,
And he that brought him back is there.
Then one deep love doth supersede
All other, when her ardent gaze
Roves from the living brother's face,
And rests upon the Life indeed.

All subtle thought, all curious fears,
Borne down by gladness so complete,
She bows, she bathes the Saviour's feet
With costly spikenard and with tears.

Thrice blest whose lives are faithful prayers,
Whose loves in higher love endure;
What souls possess themselves so pure,
Or is there blessedness like theirs?

Posted 18 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
If Sleep And Death Be Truly One

If Sleep and Death
be truly one,
And every spirit's folded bloom
Thro' all its intervital gloom
In some long trance should slumber on;
Unconscious of the sliding hour,
Bare of the body, might it last,
And silent traces of the past
Be all the colour of the flower:

So then were nothing lost to man;
So that still garden of the souls
In many a figured leaf enrolls
The total world since life began;

And love will last as pure and whole
As when he loved me here in Time,
And at the spiritual prime
Rewaken with the dawning soul.

Posted 18 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says

My cup is empty to-night,
Cold and dry are its sides,
Chilled by the wind from the open window.
Empty and void, it sparkles white in the moonlight.
The room is filled with the strange scent
Of wistaria blossoms.
They sway in the moon's radiance
And tap against the wall.
But the cup of my heart is still,
And cold, and empty.
When you come, it brims
Red and trembling with blood,
Heart's blood for your drinking;
To fill your mouth with love
And the bitter-sweet taste of a soul.

Posted 18 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
End, The

Throughout the echoing chambers of my brain
I hear your words in mournful cadence toll
Like some slow passing-bell which warns the soul
Of sundering darkness. Unrelenting, fain
To batter down resistance, fall again
Stroke after stroke, insistent diastole,
The bitter blows of truth, until the whole
Is hammered into fact made strangely plain.
Where shall I look for comfort? Not to you.
Our worlds are drawn apart, our spirit's suns
Divided, and the light of mine burnt dim.
Now in the haunted twilight I must do
Your will. I grasp the cup which over-runs,
And with my trembling lips I touch the rim.

Posted 18 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
Fixed Idea

What torture lurks within a single thought
When grown too constant, and however kind,
However welcome still, the weary mind
Aches with its presence. Dull remembrance taught
Remembers on unceasingly; unsought
The old delight is with us but to find
That all recurring joy is pain refined,
Become a habit, and we struggle, caught.
You lie upon my heart as on a nest,
Folded in peace, for you can never know
How crushed I am with having you at rest
Heavy upon my life. I love you so
You bind my freedom from its rightful quest.
In mercy lift your drooping wings and go.

Posted 18 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says

Happiness, to some, elation;
Is, to others, mere stagnation.
Days of passive somnolence,
At its wildest, indolence.
Hours of empty quietness,
No delight, and no distress.
Happiness to me is wine,
Effervescent, superfine.
Full of tang and fiery pleasure,
Far too hot to leave me leisure
For a single thought beyond it.
Drunk! Forgetful! This the bond: it
Means to give one's soul to gain
Life's quintessence. Even pain
Pricks to livelier living, then
Wakes the nerves to laugh again,
Rapture's self is three parts sorrow.
Although we must die to-morrow,
Losing every thought but this;
Torn, triumphant, drowned in bliss.

Happiness: We rarely feel it.
I would buy it, beg it, steal it,
Pay in coins of dripping blood
For this one transcendent good.

Posted 18 Jan 2007

Posted 18 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
much thanx
Posted 18 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
I love you with all I am

I love you with all I am
And all I’ll ever be.
You are my moon, my sun and stars,
My earth, my sky, my sea.

My love for you goes down and down
Beneath both life and death,
So deep it must remain when I
Have drawn my last faint breath.

Holding you for months and years
Will make Time disappear,
Will make your lips my lips, your face
My face, your tear my tear;

Will make us one strange personage
All intertwined in bliss,
Not man or woman, live or dead–
Just nothing–but a kiss!

Posted 18 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
my brother

my brother's so sweet
in times of need he is there

my brother's so responsible
he taught me a lot of things

my brother's so funny
we even teared from laughing

my brother's so fierce
don't mess with him when his angry

my brother fell inlove
and he's very very happy

my brother made up his mind
and had a nice sweet family

my brother is away
i'm sad when i think of it

but my brother's heart is good
and i know he will never forget me.

Posted 19 Jan 2007

Posted 19 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
Posted 19 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
What Exactly is Faith?

What exactly is faith?
Faith is like talking first
And paying attention later;
You assert what you don't see
And then remonstrate for
Not seeing it.

What exactly is faith?
Faith is like acting first
And explaining later;
You do what seems irrational
And then justify
Your doing it.

What exactly is faith?
Faith is like laughing first
And brooding later;
You rejoice at an aspiration
And then trust
That it will come about.

What exactly is faith?
Faith is like thanking first
And supplicating later;
You believe you have it already
Even though you still
Have not prayed for it.
Posted 20 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
Only Love Counts

Only love counts
Honesty may prove valuable
Build trust
Make me believe all you say

But honesty like faith
Cannot charm me
Truth is not always logical
I believe when I choose
Doubt comes when it will
Stays long enough
And goes of its own accord

Only love counts
Honesty may prove expedient
Confirm hope
But will not bond me to you
Posted 20 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
Song And Dance

Till dusk tomorrow
You play your lute;
Birds above your head
Supply needed chorus.

The wind punctuates the stanzas,
Happy melody and relief;
The calm rippling is
In your chest.

Pipe and reed
Supplement percussion;
Sekere and gong,
Added audiophones alluring.

Sing in synchronization,
Sombre symphony;
Mild and mellow,
Graceful and neat.

Tonic solfa
Supplies its own arithmetic;
The scientific art of music
Inspires the genius.

Clap your hands
And shake your lean bottoms;
You must dance
So the ballad is saved.

Dum dum da da da,
Haroo haroo ha;
Limdim cha limdim cha,
Songs from the skies.

Don't leave so soon,
Enjoy the song still;
We play on and on,
We do not stop.

Posted 20 Jan 2007

tasha in Ashkan :p (action)
Posted 20 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
I Believe

I believe that the sun shines after the rain
I believe if you don't get hurt you'll never gain
I believe in not doing things the easy way
I believe that being selfish doesn’t pay

I believe in a second chance
I believe in a life long romance
I believe there is life after death
And standing up to a life of mess

I believe in love at first sight
I believe that revenge isn’t right
I believe that first impressions last
And there is nothing better then a good laugh

I believe that dreams do come true
I believe there's destiny for me and you
I believe that good things come to those who wait
I believe love never arrives too late

I believe something good comes from something bad
I believe that for tears of happiness there are tears of sad
I believe everyone has a guardian angel
And the good you do will be rewarded well

I believe sometimes there is no explanation
I believe money can't buy people's affection
I believe you don't know what you've got until it's gone
I believe a new day arrives with every dawn

I believe a smile can be contagious
I believe in being very outrageous
I believe in living with no regrets
I believe that life is as good as it gets

I believe that God watches over us
I believe the little things are worth the fuss
I believe you have each friend for a reason
I believe you will get punished for treason

I believe that what comes first is family
I believe we should all live in harmony
I believe in making the most of a beautiful day
And it's not the end until everything's okay

I believe absence makes the heart grow fonder
I believe you will lose if you sit and wonder
I believe every experience teaches you a lesson
And nothing cures better then a drinking session

I believe everyone has one true love
I believe sometimes we need a little shove
I believe the whole world is a stage
I believe we only get better with age

I believe that to learn you have to live
I believe that to love someone you have to give
I believe one moment can change your life
And there's still help when you’re in strife

I believe everyone has one true friend
I believe love helps a broken heart mend
I believe in the power of a song
And things will change before too long

I believe living is the best experience
I believe in not laughing at other people’s expense
I believe it’s hard to watch a lover leave
And when they’re gone all you can do is breath

I believe to always look on the bright side
I believe that life is just one big ride
I believe when I die people will grieve
But it’s ok because I believe
Posted 21 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
I Dont Understand

What is this feeling inside me?
I don’t know.
It seems to be a similar one.
I felt long ago

Am I being possessive?
Or am I being dependent?
Why all of a sudden
Do I trust this one the most?

Our acquaintance ship not long enough
How can I jump into conclusion?
Not knowing what is inside the other
How can I jump into a deep thing?

Am I feeling this?
Because I suppressed these feelings before
Because I am not in my usual balanced state of mind
Because I am depressed
Because I am feeling rejected
Because I am diffident
Because, I don’t trust myself

But why?
Only this one?

Addiction, Suppression, Rejection, Unbalanced, Distrust, Diffidence
Posted 21 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
Beautiful Eyes

As the sky is smudged
By those black blue clouds
Welled up with violent motions
The rain that cleans the earth
Is a relief

In the cloud of heart
Welled up with maelstrom
Of conflicting emotions
The eyes pour out tears
From the elusive soul
Is a relief

As the heart embraces the tears
In a very subtle way like the clouds
Some crying eyes seem to be beautiful
Posted 21 Jan 2007

keep it up
Posted 21 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
sure bro
Posted 21 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says

beware the push-me/pull-you
s/he'll tear your life apart
s/he'll play games with your head
and poison your poor heart

s/he'll word a simple question
in such a twisted way
that you'll find yourself in trouble
no matter what you say

s/he'll set you up to take a fall
then kick you while you're down
s/he'll make up lies and stories
and spread them all around

s/he'll tell you that s/he loves you
and can't live without you near
that you're the closest thing to heaven
and all thet s/he holds dear

then when you least expect it
s/he'll punch you in the face
and tell you you're the one to blame
for each failure and disgrace

s/he'll wash your mind with acid
and bathe your soul in lye
s/he'll tell you that you're worthless
and that you deserve to die

s/he'll destroy your faith and break your heart
make your life a living hell
and put you in the loony bin
and tell the world that YOU'RE unwell

s/he'll convince you, you should kill yourself
and s/he'll provide the blade
then s/he'll accept condolensces
as they put you in your grave

so listen up and heed me well
and take this good advice
if these words have struck a chord
run..... run.....RUN for your life.

Posted 21 Jan 2007

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