Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Seeking Solace ----------------
Fairy princess sits, her heart shattered, now broken and so tattered. For her own true love has pierced her heart, his hurtfulness let love depart.
Crystallized tears falling to the ground, nights loneliness seems so profound. Grasping for reasons beyond her control, dying within her withered soul.
Myriads of thoughts, gather within, so alone as sadness sets in. Visions manifest, a happier time. when love seemed true, so sublime.
As she sits and holds her head in hand, the princess tries to understand. As sweet memories in her mind appears, she cries a stream of endless tears.
She gave love, yet would never receive, a love in which she could believe. No one gave love, no one would care, now the fairy's life fills with despair.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Greatest Invention --------------------------
A day without chatting with you my friend, is a day I thought would never end. Each time I heard the yahoo clicking, my heart started thumping loud ticking.
Alas my dear friend was not to be found , no smileys were sent, not even a sound. As my screen lay empty and so bare, I just sat wishing you were there.
For though miles are far in between, a friend so near on computer screen. I am here for you, you are there for me, an on-line friendship so heavenly.
Typing the letters, adding a hug, sending love so warm and so snug. A chance meeting through happenstance, special feeling, worth second glance.
Cheers my friends, from far away lands, from land down under, to desert sands. Across the country, across the sea, just a click brings friends closer to me
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Second Chance -----------------
This love story started decades ago, a sailor on leave said I love you so. Once separated by stormy weather, love and fate would bring them back together.
A union of love blessed not once but twice, they were willing to make the sacrifice. Their love had endured throughout many years, now sharing life together without fears.
In the golden years comfort each other, be patient and kind love one another. You have been given a second chance, to be together and dance the last dance.
Both have faith and hope as each understands, the symbol of love of your wedding bands. Your anniversary we celebrate, congratulations, hope your day is great.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Stormy Seascape -------------------
Nautical night spawns distant delight Magical moonbeams and discursive daydreams Remorse rescind the wayward wind Treacherous tide feeling insane inside Face fate with destiny's date Smooth sailing forgoes waters wailing Weather warning with mayhem morning
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Decisions --------------
Is this right, is this wrong, I won't know until its done, I'm trusting my heart now, I'm moving on, It'll be hard I know, I'm sorry, for your sake, I'm not wanting to put you through this, I have to do what's right for me, Even if it hurts you, just remember, I'll always be here Despite the past...
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Gone ----------
laying there motionless on the floor your face blood drained and pale the empty bottle lay next to you the note crumpled up on the ground you never knew this would happen that it would end up like this but it did, and dont worry, you will be missed
you can not hear or see them but the tears are being shed by family and friends, classmates and strangers people that you never knew cared you thought they were all against you and blamed you they were all just angry, upset and confused they were just like you
Your actions were a mistake and i knew as well as you did you didnt want to hurt him you never wanted to hurt anyone but you made a mistake just like all humans do
I can hear the silent sobs seeping through the walls in the house the gentle crys that he's been trying to hide within drugs and rebellion but i know no matter how hard i try no matter how much i cry you will always be gone.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
GET REAL --------------
Don't tell me what to do Don't tell me what to say I'm sure i'll think of a way I'm not a ventriloquist dummy I actually have a brain And if you don't mind i'd like to use it I'll form my own ideas An my own opinions I don't need you telling me what to believe I can think my own thoughts I can fight my own fights And believe it or not i can stand up for my rights I have a right to my own opinions I have a right to my own ideals So if you think you can control this girl GET REAL!!
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Heal ---------
For the first time I can truely see, Without you clouding and ruining, Every possible happiness there can be. Now all you will ever be to me, Is just a terrible memory. For the first time I can really feel, Because every wound you left me with, Will completely heal. For the first time I can smile, Because I know you're going to, Be out of my life forever now.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Don't look back ------------------
Don't look back on yesterday Only see, what has come to be You and i weren't ment to last So now our thing, is a thing of the past We both held on so long Even though we both knew it was wrong Our relationship had it's ups and downs We had smiles and frowns But now the bond between us must break For, we have taken all we can take I needed you, you needed me And that's how it's suppose to be But now we have grown Our futures not yet known We have already withdrawn from each other and although we love one another It is time for us to forever part So we can allow our new lives to start
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Power To Break My Heart ------------------------------
And its like a phantom of reality Weighing me down when i look into your eyes Such a beautiful disaster But is it me or love that your after? I think the hardest part About letting myself fall again Is knowing how much i could cry When we finally say goodbye To love is to give some one The power to break your heart Trusting that they wont takes so much more When its happened so many times before And i think the hardest part About letting myself love you Is knowing how hard it would be To not have you here with me And i think the worst thing About what this time could bring Is how much i could cry If tomorrow, you said goodbye
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Angel Mum ------------
Sometimes in our lives we go through the biggest pain We have to be strong to be able to live again Even when we try to be happy once more Its a pain in our heart that we can’t ignore
My friend through her great pain and grief Is an admirable person and thats my belief A few years after all her despair She shows she has courage and we all know she cares
Now she has taught me to smile every day To forget all the bad times and be on my way Your strength, courage and the way that you care Show us all the person you are and were
An Angel beside her from morning till night An Angel that gives her both courage and might In her heart the Angel will live forever From memories and love to be forgotten NEVER!!
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Guess What We Are ----------------------
We may be tiny, we may be few, from long long ago, not very new. Powerful we are, changing your life, can bring smiles to husband and wife.
We always miss them when they are gone, needed at midnight, wanted at dawn. They make you warm or make you smile, may stay forever, or little while.
Missed when gone, we hope they return. all through our lives, for them we yearn. They give such meaning to life itself, having them fills, life with such wealth.
They must be cherished, used each day, to make sure they never fade away. Three little words, not clever or new. the most beautiful heard, I Love You
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Seasons Of Friendship -------------------------
Companionship rich as gold Arm in arm as we grow old Responds with care in hour of need Imperfections excepted indeed Nobleman or lady gentle Garrulous and sentimental
Abundance of patience galore Never rude when ones a bore Deep held faith holds us together
Sun shines through our stormy weather Help each other through good and bad Always cheer the one that's sad Respond with love and kindness too Ignore the faults, for friendship true Never get angry, learn how to bend Growing together, my forever friend