Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Power of You
When tears start falling from my eyes, I start wishing you are here by my side. I just sit here alone in my room. I just sit here surrounded by the gloom. Theres nothing I want more than to just have you here, to take me into your arms, and wipe away my tears. The house is empty, and it's completely quiet. It doesn't feel right with it being so silent. I wish the house was filled with your laughter, the laughter of us being here together. As I think about us being together, it brings a smile to my face, and my heart again slows down to a steady pace. I can feel you now even though you're not here, and you manage to wipe away all of my tears.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Happiness uplifts me Happiness fill’s my heart, my mind, and my soul Happiness gives me the strength I need Happiness is a good feeling that enters my mind each day Happiness take’s my sadness away Happiness fill’s my eye with joy Happines makes me excited and thrilled Happines warms my heart and soul each day Happiness gives me a sense of relief each day Happiness welcomes me each morning when I get up Happiness can be seen in my eyes
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I trust the night I trust the stars that shine I trust the moon I know its love’s divine I trust the wind I trust its winding ways I trust the sky I know its separate days I trust the dawn I trust its rising light I trust the sun I know its blinding sight I trust the clouds I trust the crimson waves I trust the things I love I know that this trust saves Me.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The journey of life
The journey of life begun That fateful day I was born My eyes opened up blissfully to the sun My soul, heart and brain emerged as one Behold my journey had begun!
This little child in time has grown Yes! Time has flown, time has flown A lot has been learnt on my very own
Life has been a mystifying journey With every up and down With tears and laughter With hate and love With stupidity and wisdom With enemies and friends But even in my journey of frustration I have found a means of celebration In my toilsome exploration to my fateful destination
Tick tock, the clock goes on Minute by minute, then hourly Month by month then yearly Tick tock, and in my journey I have searched, questioned and answered Whilst walking painfully along many paths Sometimes requesting protection Seeking from above immunization When hit by obstacles in locations
But I am still on this journey Shaking hands with the sad and merry My passion for life which was once raw Is now confined within the Almighty’s law For life's journey itself never ends Once you have reached the end of each road Uplifting off your entire cloggy load Be it in a hot summer or a winter’s cold Behold! A new journey will unfold
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Road
I see the road, out there in front twisting and snaking out of sight I hear the distant footsteps, smell spring on the air meandering forward, friends join with me ever forward the light is bright, senses awake satisfaction growing, tis a happy journey desires fulfilled and disappointments overcome strengths revealed and weaknesses banished I can do this, for I have no choice this journey, this adventure called life.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A water drop
A water drop decided to quit after getting tired of been pushed, shake and blown by mighty winds in the midle of a never ending storm; from water into ice into sparkling little diamonds that make the snow, and then again, melting into tiny pearls to be part of the fog, that make the lights to fade away by obscuring the sun,
the little drop, after quitting, jumped from the cloud and went traveling on the shoulders of the wind without looking down; Freedom!!!...Freedom!!! freedom is waiting down below, in the thirsty earth of a thirsty world, waitng for the drop to give life to a flower or a grain of corn;
nobody followed after the solitary drop, all being so busy riding the fury of the storm, that they didn''t noticed that the little drops its fall wasn''t on fertile waiting ground... but on a rock.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Mysteries of the Darkness
I peered out my window Into the darkness of the night. My thoughts ran wild Contemplating the contents of the darkness. What was out there? Were there demons and monsters, Or strange beings from afar? Would I be confronted by Forces of destruction or beings of love? The contents of the darkness Remain unknown to me. Going out there, I think Would answer my questions. Going out there, I think Could lead to my demise. Now I must ask, Should I be ignorant and safe, Or dead but wise?
Still looking out the window I wonder about The contents of the darkness. Gnawed by curiousity I am compelled to enter the darkness. I go to the door Tempted to cross the threshold That separates lightness from darkness. I cross the threshold. Now I am engulfed. The darkness I feared I am now enveloped by. Now I shall unlock The mysteries of the darkness.
Around I look, Hoping to find Something I have never seen. However, in the darkness I see nothing. There are no demons or monsters. There are no strange beings from afar. I am not confronted By forces of destruction Or Beings of love. Finally, it hit me. There is nothing in the darkness That can not be seen by the light of day. So enter the darkness And you will see. It contains nothing But the things you have already seen.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A seperation of worlds
There is a barrier That can not be crossed. And it seperates Your world from mine. My world is harsh While your world is kind. In my world, I don't have much, But I work hard for all I have. In your world You work for nothing, Yet have it all. In your world you are popular. In my world popularity does not exist. In your world you have power. In my world I need no power. In your world, You look down on people in my world. In your world, You think you are admired, By people in my world. You are wrong! In my world, We look down on you. We hope not for your admiration. So see, We want the barrier As bad as you.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Walking Down Paths
have in my life, Walked down many a path, With many a person. Madmen and scholars have accompanied me. I have realized on my walks That some are one in the same. Walking by my side, Have been the moral and immoral. Each one felt the other was some kind of evil. In both I have seen, The good and the bad. Heroes and thieves have crossed my path. Heroes have stolen from me, While thieves have given to me. I have shared my space with the kind and the challenging. Those who were kind and respectful while staring me in the eye, Have stabbed me in the back the moment I turned. Those who were challenging and tough while staring me in the eye, Have complimented and defended me when I was not there. Warriors and pacifists have crossed my path. Warriors spoke not of violence and rage. Instead they spoke of their desire To bring about peace. Pacifists have told me About their blind hatred and rage Aimed at the people Who want nothing but peace. I have in my life, Walked down many a path. I have met many people And learned many things.