Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Sailing Sunset ------------------
Hoist the main sails with the sunrise time to set sail beyond sparkling seas the trade winds are beginning to stir feel the warmth of the ocean breeze
Golden sunbeams tap dance on water transforming nighttime into a new dawn as the sunrise kisses the water good by voices give heed for the wind to spawn
The sun seems to rise to the occasion it's brilliance has welcomed a new day drawing inspiration from its beauty I look in awe as it takes my breath away
Admiration for a magnificent seascape the ocean beckons come sail on me let the currents take you far from home sail on, let the horizon set you free
Looking past tomorrow in anticipation the sloop glides gently across the sea eyes fixated on the amazing sunrise a tropical paradise awaits there for me
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Looking Past The Heartache -------------------------------
The emptiness has gripped my sanity formidable loneliness has begun to set in I keep searching for a way back to reality clawing my way through the rubble
All the clutter collected from loving you clouding my mind and leaving me so numb from what was trivial to that which matters melded together in the confounds of my mind
Piece by piece the puzzle comes together I have lost the battle to ever truly be happy my utopia has gotten lost along the way silenced, my happiness has been elusive
Disillusioned, stark reality begins to set in tears fall freely with no one to catch them our discourse reduced to pleasantries I wish to transverse quickly to our finality
I'd die for your love, is now dispassionate love my heart craves the thought of your loving arms yet my mind begins to dislike the thought of you I search for a place between my mind and heart a place called reality, a place to find a friend
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Faithful Dreamer --------------------
Football is her favorite sport A beautiful girl inside and out Is crazy about Yankee baseball Talent is what she is all about Hanging out with friends is cool Fantastic writer of poetry too Unduly talented in gymnastics Loves meeting new people like you
Doesn't like liars or backstabbers Roller coasters make her scream Eminen and Green Day are favorites American beauty with many a dream Music moves her as the cd's play Easy going and knows what to say Resounding beauty in every way
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Magic Wand --------------------
One day a princess fairy was sitting by the pond she saw something in the water, it was a magic wand as she picked it up and waved it, before very long she started hearing a strange voice singing a song
Her first thought was to hide or quickly run away she jumped upon a lily pad but it began to sway she fell into the pond, she knew she could not swim a fallen tree nearby, she quickly grabbed a limb
The voice kept getting closer, then she tried to fly but she would have to wait till her wings were dry her heart was beating faster, the fear began to show she dived into the water and disappeared down below
The voice started shouting, oh no what did you do I didn't mean to scare you, I'm a fairy just like you He picked up the magic wand and waved it all around he could only have one wish, he tossed it on the ground
His only wish had been, turn into a frog right away he jumped into the water and rescued her that day as the frog sat by the pond and held her near his heart she opened up her eyes and wished they would not part
He had used his only wish, now a frog he'll have to stay so the fairy princess picked up the wand on that summer day I only have one wish and that's to spend my life with you at that moment the princess fairy became a froggy too
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Hidden Within The Words ----------------------------
My heart floats like butterfly wings, words are adrift as an angel sings. Writing emotions, tapping away, typing to keep the darkness at bay.
Emote my feelings sharing with you, my pain and sorrow, happiness too. Expressing my life in a new post, read great poems in a contest I host.
Spending some time on line with my friends, feeling the pain when a friendship ends. Each word I write is a part of me, an open book for the world to see.
Filling such thirst my chalice is full, pounding out rhyme with my senses dull. Finding myself wth stanza and verse, look deep within for poetry terse.
Hidden within the words I now write, shadows appear this long winter night. Cast down upon me as clouds roll by, writing, searching for the reason why.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Blessed Friendship -----------------------
Quiet thoughts of a dear friend we share the beauty of God's love our friendship shall last forever until we sing someday in Heaven above
The closeness we share together the bond of a special love so dear will only bring us closer and closer as we converse year after year
Let's say goodbye to all the darkness bid a fond farewell to hidden fears let me lean on your strong shoulders let us smile together through our tears
Hold onto me through your sadness that's what forever friends are for allow God's love to fall upon us let His love bless us again once more
The Lord has granted us all goodness and mercy for the days of our lives all we must do is put our trust in Him through His love all goodness derives
Take my hand dear friend walk with me let God lead us to a path that is pure sunshine shall always be their for you our love as friends shall always endure
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The Endless Sea -------------------
Sunbeams glisten on the morning tide seagulls are waking at the break of day my eyes look out upon the vastness the sea calls as it echoes across the bay
The moon has gone over the horizon it brings tomorrow in a place far away our plans for the future disappeared our dreams sailed away yesterday
As I watch the whitecaps gently sway your ship gets further out of sight may God go with you where you go always remember it is just and it is right
The waves wash upon the sandy shore as I leave my footprints in the sand I kneel and pray for your safe return God please help my heart to understand
They say all is fair in love and in war though fairness may not come to pass the winds of change blow upon us all I feel now is such emptiness, alas
The tides roll back and forth each day back and forth each night it seems our love for country is beyond reproach return to me so I may follow my dreams
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I look out the window -------------------------
I look out the window and what do i see not flowers and bee's everything is dead dead like me cold and motionless limp and frail not caring much about the world just hoping to curl up and die one day to give up on this world today cause i have nothing left to ancore me down my root's are rotten detached from the ground the cold wind hits me hard one more gale and i'll be down down, down in the ground where i should be dead and never found this is everything that i see in the world and in me i want to be normal i want to be glad to look out the window and never have another thought just like this all i want to see is another me who looks out the window and then she see's only ever flowers and bee's
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Here you are again Repeating that same routine You missed that taste It’s lured you once again
One, then another, and so on Rushed to your brain Heaven for the moment, agony tomorrow That precious high
It’s all right in front of you The decision is yours to make Your slipping back into the past That gap you will never leap
Strength is gone, your not surprised Break that bone, you feel it snapping anyways It doesn’t protect you anymore Live for fun indulge yourself
You’ve done it, thats why your pathetic Now you will pay Just remember to look up at the stars Remind yourself of your insignificance
Now you have returned That place you tried to forget There you will remain There you will perish
Just like he said See how he will feel, now that you have made him right Just like his brother, the black sheep, the dead one It’s not like you cared anyways
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Soulful Woman -----------------
Sweet soul full of loveliness Outstanding writer with finess Unique woman, fine qualities Loving, caring, a spirit free Fasinates, woman of mystique Undertakes, writes, a good critique Leaves you wanting more poetry
Wandering dreams in fantasy Opulent, compassion galore Masterful poet we adore Always there, this woman of soul Nick name describes her best of all
Age: 125
7957 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
His love is as glistening As the morning dew On the red red rose. His love for us deeply flows and forever grows. His breath is soft As a gentle spring breeze. His voice you can hear In the rustle of the trees. To him we should bow our heads And fall to our knees.