Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
Our situation reminds me of chicken-cage
Butcher pulls one chic out and slaughters it! rest of 'em sitting in the cage are only waiting for their turn. Its only a matter of when.
Just like chicks, we think we are not in a cage. When the butchers hand reaches out to chic's neck, that's when it realizes of its time. No matter how happy and peacefully they live in the cage, they will all meet the same fate, unless someone delivers them from the cage.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
Our people are extremely reactive and driven by explosive emotions. We haven't learned self-decipline and control. Our knowledge is what we heard from others, especially of the religion.
Allah sent both, messenger and the message, Teacher and the book with first commands "to recite", not "to listen".
True teachings of Islam are not embedded into our hearts, they are superficial and are activated by emotional triggers.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
Its not from hadith but it is from the etiquettes of Arabs. When some one makes dua for you, you return it with at least the same. Supporting hadith (roughly translated)is that smiling to a brother (sister) is charity. Respond to to your brother (sister) in at least the same manner.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
They hyped emotions of general public and coached them aginst Muslims. On the other hand, they have other agendas. Thus they are not good people either.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
DəVIL said:
man u should ask this question to a muslim on his face, and a one like will put fist thru ur face...don't get into the stuff u know nothing about...
I spoke in a church once on this subject. They asked me to speak on the topic of "Why do many Muslims dislike the United States so much?" I asked them to change the topic because it makes no sense. You already have assumed that Muslims hate America and now you just wana know why. I instead spoke on the topic of "The Conflict Between Muslims and the U.S."
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
as wat irsa said tatz true we can't take out our hijab juz bcoz of those stoopid "yahudis"!!!
there's a case tat happened to my teacher's niece.....
she studied hard and got a good qualification where she could own a high chair in the banks but bcoz she's putting on the headscarf, the "people" there refused to employ her ...... and on another case, seh was told to take off her headscarf during working hours and she can put it on after her working hours ..... and since she really wanted tat job badly, she agreed......
itz very bad!
my teacher was shocked when she got to know abt it.....
now my teacher is worried abt her daughter's future since her daughter is taking a course whereby itz hard to secure a job here...... as u noe wat i meant the "yahudis"
even when i walk around wif my hijab on, ppl look at me like aliens and wif much hatred but tat does not bother me as i noe Allah protects me every second wif the hijab on......
Sorry to hear tht. Yap, ther've been many cases just like the one you told. I have seen worse thing in a masjid (regretfully desi masjid). women who didn't wear hijab pulled hijab off those who were wearing it.
We must respect ourselves before we expect others to respect us.
Age: 58
7878 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
Points: 0
Oklahoma City, United States
...and the Prophet marrie dtwo of his daughters to Uthman RA. He married daughters of Abu Bakr RA and Omar RA. Prophet SAW didn't make that distinction. There are no gaurantees that syeds are always good. i have known many who were the worse than non-syed bad ones.