
Age: 58
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Shahenshah said:

Smooth_daddy said:

Shahenshah said:

...and how many humans do we know who have been hibernating? why Jesus (PBUH)

how many people do we know were born from virgin mother?
Better yet! How many people do we know were born without any parents?
Best yet! How many do we know were born out of man?

even though es ka answer bhi hae mere pas but it would start another useless debate so i'll pass it

Well, you missed the point - miracles are not usual things that happen in daily life. Birth of Jesus AS was a miracle and so were that of Adam AS and Hawa AS for which there's no other explanation. Jesus's return to Allah is another miracle. We don't know answers to how and why?
Posted 27 Jul 2005


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Prevail doesn't mean rule the world. It prevails over other religions because this is what Allah has choosen to be the way of life for humans and Jinn. Even when no one believes in it, it reamins the chosen religion of Allah who loves it more than any one else. It will prevail on the day of judgment but it will also prevail in the world.
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Topic: ~ FEAR ~


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Fradiya, what you said is true to some extent. Allah mentioned in the Quran several time about those who "fear" Allah as righteous people. Like He said, "Prayers are hard on people except those who Fear Allah".

Some times you fear the loss of love and loved ones and that they ever not love you. Those who love Allah, they fear disobeying Him, his anger and that He would not love them for any error, short coming etc.
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Topic: Gussa


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shahrukh khan said:

how to control?? jab mujhe gussa ata hai tu bardasht se bhair hota hai...

Channel it to where it is benefit.
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Topic: Dil


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Forgiveness is a choice and not required. O'course forgiveness is better but not forgiving is not always bad either.
Posted 27 Jul 2005


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I intended to respond to some postings from yesterday but it kept kicking me out. I wrote to the mod but haven't heard anything yet. I decided to try my luck again.

Issue here is not free mixing or socializing. It is how someone is viewed (perception) based on the outlook. Modesty, in the way Prophet and his companions defined and practiced, earns women respect for that they are humans and not objects of pleasure for the lusty eyes of indecent men.

Do you think women who are doing intelligent things their physique are not preyed upon by such filthy gazes?

Do you really think that men would pay attention to their intelligence when their eyes are charmed with the beauty of a girl?
Posted 27 Jul 2005


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SALL said:

kissi society se burai tab tak khatam nahi hogi jab dono taraf pabandi nahi lagai jae gi,, sirf parde se sudharna hota to countries like saudia jannat hote

Islam only commands restrictions on hearts that are willing to accept it out of love and fear of Allah.

For every injunction in Quran, it either follows of followed by the word "taqwa" or its derviatives - meaning for those who fear Allah - having deep rooted Iman.

We claim to be believers but we look for reasons to get away from any restrictions of Islam. We are the best judges of Iman in our hearts. Allah knows what's in the heart.

Instead of looking at others and judging people, we'll be better off looking inwards and judging that.
Posted 27 Jul 2005


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We are far from it
Posted 26 Jul 2005

Topic: LiL DOLLY


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Hey, welcom dolly
Posted 26 Jul 2005


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Chandramuki said:

Smooth_daddy said:

What would a girl prefer while talking to men (a decent girl), they meet and pay attention to her body before attending to an intelligent person?

What's more respectable for a girl in the onlooking gazes to be a human or a sex object

Well a decent girl shouldn't be free mixing anyway. If she's so keen on presenting herself as an intelligent person she should be doing intelligent things (like getting a degree/working as a professional/ being a good mother etc) and then her actions would speak for intelligence themself.

Issue here is not free mixing or socializing. It is how someone is viwed (perception) based on the outlook. Modesty, defined and practised by the Prophet and his companions, earns women respect for that they are humans and not objects of pleasure for the lusty eyes of indecent men.

Do you think women who are doing intelligent things their physique are not preyed upon by such filthy gazes?

Do you really think that men would pay attention to their intelligence when their eyes are charmed with the beauty of a girl?
Posted 26 Jul 2005


Age: 58
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Chandramuki said:

Smooth_daddy said:

What would a girl prefer while talking to men (a decent girl), they meet and pay attention to her body before attending to an intelligent person?

What's more respectable for a girl in the onlooking gazes to be a human or a sex object

Well a decent girl shouldn't be free mixing anyway. If she's so keen on presenting herself as an intelligent person she should be doing intelligent things (like getting a degree/working as a professional/ being a good mother etc) and then her actions would speak for intelligence themself.

Issue here is not free mixing or socializing, it is the appearance and how one is viewed from the outlook. Modesty in appearance (as defined and practised by the Prophet and his companions) wins respect and saves women from lusty eyes of indecent men.
Posted 26 Jul 2005

Topic: From today


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what's wrong SRK!
Posted 26 Jul 2005


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Earth belongs to Allah and so is Islam. Islam has always and will always prevail. It is the Muslims, whether they will prevail in a time or not?

There are certain requirements Muslims must meet before they are granted victory.
Posted 26 Jul 2005


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What would a girl prefer while talking to men (a decent girl), they meet and pay attention to her body before attending to an intelligent person?

What's more respectable for a girl in the onlooking gazes to be a human or a sex object
Posted 26 Jul 2005


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Neither every thing is "Jaiz" in war nor in love.

Those whose desires and emotions are most worthy to them, for them love and all things that only matter to them is their religion. God made only one religion and in that religion moderation and modesty are the corner stones.
Posted 26 Jul 2005

Topic: Touch


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do things first and then look for justification. And if you can't find one that suits you, make one of your own and say "I know my religion".

Posted 26 Jul 2005


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...... at least our dear Muslims are safe..... think they are safe.
Is there are a safe place for Muslims
yeah, only if Muslims either convert to another religion or at the least do not practice or allow others to practice Islam completely.
Posted 26 Jul 2005


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Chandramuki said:

I know girls who wear hijab but are ----- and - I know girls who wear western clothes and are very decent.

Wearing hijab in obedience of Allah bear many benefits -- salvage from greedy and lusty gaze of men possessed with sexual desires, symbol of haya and respect...
Those who wear hijab merely fulfill an Islamic requirement which doesn't mean they are righteous and pious. They may accepted one injunction of Quran but have not fully grasped other orders just like the other group.

Girls / women not wearing hijab are not necessarily bad and indecent. They however are deficient in fulfilling a divine injunction. This deficiency brings several ills - sick minds can't figure out from appearance who's good and who's not thus treat al women the same way.. They attract men to their appearance who only admire their physical being and ignore their intelligence...

Bottom line: Its not Hijab that's good or bad, its the peron who's wearing or not wearing it.
Posted 26 Jul 2005

Topic: Gussa


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Prophetic advice:
- Seek refuge in Allah
- If standing, take a seat
- If sitting down, make wudu
Posted 26 Jul 2005


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yeah right!!

Posted 24 Jul 2005


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Taufeeq? how about entering it!



what did we do to earn it?
Posted 24 Jul 2005


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Hay is in the eyes
Posted 24 Jul 2005


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Who said there is no hijab for men. Modesty is for both, boys and girls; men and women are required to observe what is ordained.

Hijab's not just head gear. Girls are required to wear the headgear but boys required to wear modest clothing also. Both, boys and girls are required to lower their gaze at each other.
Posted 22 Jul 2005


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So long as innocent people remain ignorant and don't stand for their rights.
Posted 22 Jul 2005


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Its the slogan of disbelievers and non-muslims. For them, all means are permissible to reach their goals. for believer, both, goals and means to meet goals must be noble.

Love is a emotional feeling like anger, fear etc. When emotions and feelings take over sanity, we tend to loose control over actions. Our desire to fulfill internal urges compel us to step over line - extreme behavior. We are commanded to master our desires instead of becoming slaves of it.
Posted 22 Jul 2005


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Modernism is not necessarily behodgi. One could be traditional / old-timer but behuda. Indecency creeps in as much as haya / modesty leaves the society.

ur rit KB, if we leave that judgment to people, they will set criteria according to their liking. Thus a neutral entity will have to set those rules / middle ground.

Who's then better than your and my creator.
Posted 22 Jul 2005


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which news source you are refering to.
Posted 22 Jul 2005


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This very serious Sall.
Allah asked us to believe in the "GHAIB" - unseen. People with weak iman look to see some physical state of goodness to believe. Allah created greater signs but people ignore those and go after fellow humans and raise them to a divine level.

All senses of intelligence reject such deities but people still make false deities.
Posted 22 Jul 2005


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great story Subha but I really need to know who narrated this story, where and when. I very much enjoyed reading the answers but skeptical of the contents of the dream and the end of the story.
Posted 22 Jul 2005


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Shahenshah said:

...and how many humans do we know who have been hibernating? why Jesus (PBUH)

how many people do we know were born from virgin mother?
Better yet! How many people do we know were born without any parents?
Best yet! How many do we know were born out of man?
Posted 22 Jul 2005