
Age: 58
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I wld like you to think with open mind and not with one stuffed with media feedings.

Can you imagine who wants to live in danger at all times? Who would want to kill himself and hurt others? People who have no hope of any good out of a society often turn against it because they don't have anything to lose.

Peace and security cannot be one sided. You can't victimise people and expect them not to react.

Answer to your question is: let them live in peace and you live in peace. Stop bombing their homes and taking away their belongings; refrain from occuping their lands; quit stealing their properties and they will not shoot back.
Posted 03 Aug 2005

Topic: Litums test


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Sall and NB

you guys are among 2-5% of the people who pray daily.
I wana see on this forum how it is distributed.
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Topic: Litums test


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Cast your vote as well pls
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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two Taboos on same forum
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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thought only needed stomuch to say the truth but here people need guts to hear the truth.
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Topic: Tabooo


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Asian said:

The Prophet said sex before Marriage was a sin becuase of the family unit breaking up also the fact of S.T.I. (Sexually transimitted infections) If Muslims at the time stuck to this then HIV would have been eridicated in the Middle east well in muslim places anyway.

where did you find that hadith

Quran says not to even draw near (pre-marital and extra marital) sex because it is indecent and shamful act. It destroys the society (STIs are only a side effect).

Drawing near illegitimate sex includes all stimulants and circumstances which promote, lead and encourage sex outside of marriage. Prophet said, when an unrelated couple (except for that is permitted) meet in seclusion, satan is the third among them. He prohibited such meetings, let alone hugging, kissing or whatever.
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Topic: Litums test


Age: 58
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There are five daily prayers prescribed, how many o 'em you perform daily?
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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I did not say for even once that he would be punished or not be forgiven. Let me translate what I said:

Fahad, the king, who held fortunes of millions wrapped arround his little finger is now helpless. All that he gathered from the treasures of this world will remain in this world. People were at his mercy and he accepted responsibility of caring for people. Rulers will have the strictest of reckoning for they were given power over people (slaves and servants of Allah). This ruler is now a slave and at the mercy of the King of the Kings.

Mind you that riches he enjoyed and wealth he hoarded from oil trades belonged to people. Oil in SA and elsewhere belongs to all the people and not to the royal families. They do not have any more right on it than a common citizen.

Knowing what is known of him, he chose the track of oppression and injustice. If Allah forgives him of all that he did, i can't question Allah. But I'll not be praying for him (it is my entitlment given by God). I will rather pray for the people of SA that they may be reprived from tyranny and their rights be restored. I will pray for the welfare of muslims who were subjected to brutality. I will pray for the freedom of muslims from the rule of dictators. I will pray for the unjust rulers that may Allah show them the light and if they reject it, then let Him take these rulers into His custody and do the justice. I will not pray for tyrants who died without any remorse or repentence for their wrong doings.

I only hope that Allah may not enter people like Fahad in the Paradise. After all, paradise belongs to Allah and He admits whoever He wishes to His paradise. I, however, have full faith in His Justice.
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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why don't we simply accept the truth?
Allah did not make men and women equal but made them similar. They both have several rights that are equal but there are several other rights tht are exclusive to each gender. Why do we want to generalize a fact that cannot be generalized
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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read it again and this time make the fonts larger.

pronoun "his" refers to the deceased. Pronoun for Allah is always written with capital "H"is.

now read it again.
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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will you give yours
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Topic: Khan Sahab


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congrats dolly and SRK
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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I appreciate your reminder but where in my post you found me making statements on behalf of Allah!
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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Calling somebody sXXy is shameful. especially when someone who didn't wana be called like that. Its that simple
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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Finally, Allah pulled the strings. Who can now save him from Allah's reckoning? What would he now ransom for freedom from Allah's angels who don not disobey Him in the least?

He can't take a penny from all the wealth and treasures he accumulated devouring Muslim wealth. He had 82 years to fix things but he chose another route.
So why should I ask Allah for his forgiveness when he didn't want it himself.
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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~ ßã£îçh ~ said:


Jannah for a dictator, murderer of innocent people who jailed scholars who differed from his opinion and who questioned his wrong doing!

Why are we so naive?

Posted 02 Aug 2005


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We have to earn that respect. First rule is to respect ourleves and our people.

People respect Powerful nations, but love great nations. Allah chose for us the nation - millat e muslimah and creed - Islam. We instead find solace and pride in being Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and .... So why cry now!
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Topic: Dil


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Great people forgive others upon apology. Greatest people forgive others just out of their goodness.

Remember the sahabi for whom Prophet SAW promised the paradise on three consecutive days. Abdullah ibn Omar RA stayed with him for three nights but found nothing special about this person and thus inquired what was the thing he did special for earning that status. He replied nothing but that he forgives every person who may have wronged him, hurt him, dised him or whatever.
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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but seriously, isn't just utter stupidity to think we can sacrifice others for own benefit without thinking for a second whose sacrifical animal we have agreed to be!
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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SALL said:

SupidGuy said:

one example hai Pak India Division ki
our ancestors sacrified so we are independent now.
i think sacrify waste nahi hoti.
My Boss says Beta(Son) Kar Sewa Mile Ga Mewa(Fruits)
and that's it

btw,,,, sewa ka mewa zaroor milta hai, no doubt
the question is,, KISS KO

What if its rotten
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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jazana wa eyya kum
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Topic: Gussa


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thanks f-16!
SRK: its a bit complex. don't have time now, will explain later.
Posted 02 Aug 2005


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and two generation after that forgot the spirit of sacrifice and only remebered to sacrifice others for own benefit.

That should be some kidna sacrifice
isn't it
Posted 29 Jul 2005


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Islam takes the problem by its roots instead of treating the branches of it.

Allah swt says in the Quran: "Do not even draw close to indecency". Parda prevents desires for indecent behaviors. Rape is the end result (behavior) of minds and bodies where carnal desires are not leashed. Among many factor running up to this behavior include provocation of sexual desires. Such extreme desires result from exposures to viewing objects of desire in an attractive fashion.
Posted 29 Jul 2005

Topic: .. Nafrat ..


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Posted 29 Jul 2005


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Chandramuki said:

Okay try this vice versa, do you think women who are wearing hijab are not preyed upon by filthy gazes? What says that a lech has to be discriminate?

Not as much as those who are with hijab. Allah SWT stated the reason in the Quran for why women should wear hijab, "O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known, so as not to be annoyed" [33:59]

Chandramuki said:

Like Sall said, it's the man's responsibility to have respect and good manners towards women, regardless of what they are wearing.

I guess you skipped my response above - pls see that.

Chandramuki said:

And you're speaking of men as if they are these mindless nyphos who have no choice but to be 'charmed' by attractive women

Its an understatement of a known fact of centuries.

I believe not many women know before steping out of home which men would lustfully look upon them and which would care less; I don't know about you!

Chandramuki said:

like women not wearing hijab are these seductive beings or snakes - who must be hidden away to protect the good of society.

I am sorry, you feel that way, but in reality it is for their own protection and sense of security.

Chandramuki said:

Men have an equal obligation of looking the other way if a women is not wearing hijab.

I agree with you that men have equal responsibility to lower their gaze regardless of women wearing hijab or not.
But........I must reiterate: Women have twice the responsibility. I say this based on Quranic evidence. Allah SWT ordered both men and women to lower their gazes but ordered women ONLY to cover themselves with a cloak over their garments.

Bottom line: Just like all injunctions in the Quran, it is in people's own favor to follow commandments of Allah - in this life and in the hereafter. And if they ignored His commands, it will be of harm to them in this life and in the hereafter. Everybody have choice to take it or leave it but no one has the right to change Allah's words.
Posted 29 Jul 2005


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You bet its a form of sacrifice.
Posted 29 Jul 2005

Topic: .. Nafrat ..


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Hate is not sin. Acting out of personal hatered in a manner to cause harm to innocent people can be haram. Hate brings anger and rage. Those are despised behaviors because anger causes one to lose self control.
This is strictly for reasons other than Allah.

Now hate for the sake of Allah is a sign of iman. Example: Hating shirk or sharing partners with Allah is a sign of Iman, while Hating the person who holds partners with Allah is not.

In short, hate is not haram but acting out of it in certain circumstances is haram.
Posted 29 Jul 2005

Topic: .. Nafrat ..


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I will say it again, its only upto Allah to make rules of what is of reward and what is of punishment. Please don't just guess your answers on behalf of Allah.
Posted 29 Jul 2005


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Oklahoma City, United States

what did you do this time around? You were visiting home town and I am sure you met your aunt there!
Posted 28 Jul 2005