
Age: 125
8022 days old here
Total Posts: 2636
Points: 0
China, China
Payback is Fair Play
This is my silly story.
I am a bit of a practical joker and my hubby is the perfect target. He is quiet, shy and a great sense of humor. But I found out one sunny summer day that he had learned that payback was fair play.
I had started this ball rolling.
We were reading in our backyard. He falls asleep , book on his chest. Evil smile crosses my face. I tiptoe quietly to the kitchen, get a whipped cream can, fill his right hand and tickled his nose. He wiped the stuff all over his face before waking up and me taking some great pics.
He laughed and I thought that was the end of it ...WRONG !!
My sister had educated him two weeks later ..that payback is fair play and the two became thick as thieves . She invites us over to use her pool . I think great, time to try out my new bikini. We are sitting around and chatting and she sits on one side of me ..he on the other and I see a wink pass between them. "Whats up u two"
Danny says nothing honey..just relax...which i do.
They each grab one of my wrists and tie it with ribbons to the the chair arm. Then Danny does the same to my ankles. I know I am in deep trouble as they pull out cans of whipped cream and decorate me head to toe while the video cam records the whole payback . All I cud do was wriggle and so "Oh no ..don't don't but to no avail until I look like frosty the snow queen.
Submitted by Shelly

Age: 125
8022 days old here
Total Posts: 2636
Points: 0
China, China
Grandma Put in Her Place
My grand daughter was about 4 years old and when I was getting ready for work one morning; She was right there while I put on my make up and rolled my hair. Of course I had to put make up on her as I did my face. I was ready to pull my sleep shirt off and put on my blouse. I told her to go tell her Dad something so I could change real quick. When I pulled the shirt up over my head ;She was standing right in front of me. I threw my arms across my bare chest and said, "Don't you look at my !!!!!" She said, "You look at mine". I said "Yea but mine are bigger then yours" (ha ha). She put her little hands on her hips and said "Yea but mine aren't on my belly.########!!!!!!??????:::
That's how a 4 year old; puts grandma in her place
Submitted by Shawna