Yusuf Estes - Jesus in Islam - YouTube
Musa Cerantonio speaking in SLRC Annual Meet Part 2 - ...
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Old astronomers discovered a long indentation on the moon and that was two
hundred years ago by the use of small telescope. Recent scientists assure that
the discovered cracks extend for hundreds of kilometers.
Allah Almighty tells us about these cracks 1400 years ago by saying: (The Hour
has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder (the people of Makkah
requested Prophet Muhammad to show them a miracle, so he showed them the
splitting of the moon).){Sûrat Al-Qamar-The Moon-verse1}
Isn’t a clear evidence that the holy book of Qur’an is descended from Allah
Almighty who inspired prophet Mohamed peace be upon him and also a proof that
Qur’an is not a human made?
Was the moon split in half?
Sirah11/Miracle of splitting of the Moon/P1/2
Difficult Questions That I Face In Life by Ahmed Deedat IPCI 03/03
Ahmed Deedat Answer - Mystery of the Godhead or is God Purely One?
Did you Read bible Properly..?
On the 9th day of Thul-Hijjah, the Day of Arafat, the pilgrims stay in Arafat until sunset. The pilgrims pray Dhuhr and Asr at Arafat, shortened and combined dur ing the time of Dhuhr to save the rest of the day for glorifying Allah and for supplication asking forgiveness. A pilgrim should make sure that he is within the boundaries of Arafat, not necessarily standing on the mountain of Arafat. The Prophet salla Allah-u alaihe wa salam, said: "I stood here on this rocky hill and all Arafat is a standing place" Muslim. One should keep reciting Talbeyah, glorifying Allah the Greatest and repeating supplication. It is also reported that the Prophet, salla Allah-u alaihe wa salam, used to say the following supplication: "There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, the One without a partner. The dominion and the praise are His and He is powerful over everything." Anas Ibn Malik was asked once how he and his friends used to spend their time while walking from Mina to Arafat in the company of the Prophet, salla Allah-u alaihe wa salam. Anas said: "Some of us used to cry out Talbeyah, others used to glorify Allah the Greatest and the rest used to repeat prayers. Each one of us was free to worship Allah in the way he likes without prejudice or renunciation of his right." Bukhari.
In the vast square plain of Arafat, tears are shed, sins are washed and faults are redressed for those who ask Allah for forgiveness and offer sincere repentance for their wrong doings in the past. Happy is the person who receives the Mercy and Pleasure of Allah on this particular day.
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Eid al-Adha
Throughout the world, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, on this day. This is the second of the two major holidays in Islam each year.
remember Abraham's trials,
102. And, when he (his son) was old enough to walk with him, he said: "O my son! I have seen in a dream that I am slaughtering you (offer you in sacrifice to Allah), so look what you think!" He said: "O my father! Do that which you are commanded, Insha' Allah (if Allah will), you shall find me of As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.)."
103. Then, when they had both submitted themselves (to the Will of Allah), and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead (or on the side of his forehead for slaughtering);
104. And We called out to him: "O Abraham!
105. You have fulfilled the dream (vision)!" Verily! Thus do We reward the Muhsinun (good-doers -
106. Verily, that indeed was a manifest trial
107. And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice
The meat from the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha is mostly given away to others. One-third is eaten by immediate family and relatives, one-third is given away to friends, and one-third is donated to the poor. The act symbolizes our willingness to give up things that are of benefit to us or close to our hearts, in order to follow Allah's commands. It also symbolizes our willingness to give up some of our own bounties, in order to strengthen ties of friendship and help those who are in need. We recognize that all blessings come from Allah, and we should open our hearts and share with others.
It is very important to understand that the sacrifice itself, as practiced by Muslims, has nothing to do with atoning for our sins or using the blood to wash ourselves from sin. This is a misunderstanding by those of previous generations: "It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your piety that reaches Him." (Qur'an 22:37) ---
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, Allah has imposed on the Muslims in the sixth year Hijri, one of the best works, was
asked the Messenger of Allah (: Any business better?
He said: (faith in Allah and His Messenger).
It was said: Then what? He said: (Jihad in the way of Allah).
It was said: Then what? He said: (accepted Hajj (the pilgrimage which was mixed with sin.) _ [Agreed]
And Aisha - may Allah be pleased - said: O Messenger of Allah Jihad see the
best work do you not strive? He said: (No, but the best Jihad accepted
Hajj) _ [Agreed].
The Hajj is an expiation for sins, he said (: (of Hajj and does not and does not immoral act, he returned the day his
mother bore him) _ [Agreed]. He also said: ('umrah to an expiation for
them, and accepted Hajj brings no less a reward than Paradise) _
[Agreed] said (: (Amar delegation of pilgrims and God, who goes, and
they asked him to them gave He) _ [Bazaar].
Hajj and cleanses the soul and restores clarity and fidelity, and that it would be human
to be patient and endure, and Hajj implanted in the soul the spirit of
bondage full of God, and submission true to the law of God, and the
pilgrimage leads a person to God grateful for the blessing of money and
blessing of wellness.
Hajj and lead to long relationship with the Muslims, including different colors, languages and home, and feel
more strongly the Association of Islamic brotherhood, and helps to
spread the call of Islam, as it is a popular conference to address the
Muslims and to identify the conditions, and discuss their problems.
The conditions of Hajj being obligatory:
1 - Islam, Hajj is not obligatory on the infidel.
2 - puberty, there must be a boy, even pilgrimage boy before puberty, is
not acceptable for duty after puberty, but to perform Hajj once again,
for saying (: (Any boy Ag then reached Perjury (age of reference), he
should do Hajj again) _ [ Tabarani].
3 - the mind, not on the pilgrimage crazy, but do not correct it.
4 - freedom, there must not be a slave.
5 - Being, so that it is able to withstand the hardship of travel, and
that he has enough is enough of having to beg until he returns.
And women, like men in the conditions of Hajj being obligatory but it is
essential that accompanied a husband or a mahram, or be with her
trustworthy women
2- Tawaf around the Ka'bah
3-Sa'i between Safa and Marwah
4- Going out to Mina on the day of Tarwiah
5- Departure to Arafat On the 9th day of Thul-Hijjah
6- The departure from Arafat to in Muzdalifah
7- Stoning Jamrat Al-Aqabah
8- Slaughter of Sacrifice
9- Shaving the head or trimming the hair
10- Tawaf Al-Ifadhah
11-The pilgrim should return to Mina and spend there the days of Tashreeq
(i.e. the I I th, 1 2th and 1 3th day of Thul-Hijjah).
12- Farewell Tawaf
Dr Zakir Naik speaking about Hajj - YouTube
Do Muslims Worship the KA'BAH ? Dr. Zakir Naik (Urdu)
A basic principle has been laid down for the Sadaqa (Zakat) in the agricultural produce. If the land is irrigated by artificial methods, one twentieth part (5%) of the yield is to be paid is irrigated by rainfall, streams, rivers, fountains or by the inner moisture of the earth, i.e., by natural resources of water, then one tenth (Ushr) 10% is to be paid as Zakat. There is some difference of opinion whether Ushr is levied on all types of agricultural yield or on some particular types.
According to Imam Abu Hanafi, Zakat is to be paid on all types of agricultural yield, provided the aim of cultivation is to improve upon the land and make it more useful for growing of crops. Thus only fuel, bamboo, grass and trees which bear no fruits are exempted from Zakat. He considers Zakat to be compulsory even on vegetables and fruits, which according to some Hadith,
are exempted from Zakat. The scholars have reconciled the two views saying that the exemption granted in case of vegetables implies that the proceeds of the Zakat are not to be sent to the Bait ul Mal, but the owner may himself distribute it among the poor.
Ushr is to be paid at the time of harvest. Whereas in the other types of Zakat one should be in possession of the wealth for one complete year.
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14* If a person owes you money and is unable to repay it on account of poverty, you cannot pay yourself his debt with your own Zakat money and consider that the obligation of paying Zakat has been discharged. Zakat money must be handed to the debtor and payment asked for thereafter.
15* The amount of Zakat given to any one person should not be less than what could satisfy his needs for atleast one day.
16* If Zakat money is given to a person whom you thought deserved it but later found out that he does not, the obligation of paying Zakat will be discharged and you will not have to pay Zakat again.
17* If a person is not entitled to Zakat and is given Zakat money, then he should refuse to accept it: or if given, he should return it to the giver immediately because it is forbidden for him to accept Zakat.
18* The first claim on Zakat money is of deserving relatives, then the deserving poor of the village, town, city or country in which one lives. If the needs of the people of another area are more deserving and urgent, the Zakat could be sent to them too.
19* If the giver is doubtful about the position of the person seeking Zakat, then he should not give his Zakat to him at all, because the giving of Zakat in such circumstances is not permitted.
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8* When trading in partnership, each partner will be liable to pay Zakat on the proportion of the net share of profits coming to him which is added to his capital.
9* Zakat on shares owned by one shall be determined annually on the cash realisable market value of the shares, which must be included in the capital and Zakat paid on the total as required by Islam.
10* Persons who buy goods on credit for the purpose of trade must deduct the total amount of their debts and determine their net profits, and add these to their capital for calculating the payment of Zakat.
11* Money saved for Haj is also liable for Zakat if it is kept for a year or more and is within the Nisab.
12* If someone gives Zakat money to a person as a loan but makes niyyat (intention) of Zakat, then the obligation of paying Zakat will be discharged. He cannot thereafter collect the money given away as a loan.
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