Therefore,Muslims should be thankful to Allah for this gift. They should take care of it
and never neglect it. It is the thing that allows the Muslim to communicate
with the creator five times as day. Thespeed of the animal outweigh the aircraft Thisis different from human industries Thisis from Allah it'smiracles like Stick of Moses, peace be upon him Afterall these matters took place with the Prophet, he returned to the city of Makkah. Some scholars
said the Prophet's journey took about one-third of the night, i.e., his journey
from Makkah to Jerusalem,
then to the heavens and what is above them, and then back to Makkah The next
day the Prophet told the people what happened to him the previous night. The
blasphemers belied the Prophet and mocked him, saying, "We need a month to
get there and back, and you are claiming to have done all this in one night?"
Theysaid to Abu Bakr, "Look at what your companion is saying. He says he went
to Jerusalem
and came back in one night." Abu Bakr told them, "If he said that,
then he is truthful. I believe him concerning the news of the heavens--that an
angel descends to him from the heavens. How could I not believe he went to Jerusalem and came back
in a short period of time--when these are on earth?" At that, the
Companion, Abu Bakr, was called "as-Siddiq"--because of how strongly
he believed all what the Prophet said.
Theblasphemous people questioned the Prophet: "If you are truthful, then
describe to us Masjid al-Aqsa and its surroundings." They asked this
because they knew Prophet Muhammad had never been there before the previous
night. Allah enabled the Messenger to see Masjid al-Aqsa, and he described the
masjid and its surroundings in exact detail. Moreover, the Prophet said,
"On my way back, I saw some of your shepherds grazing their animals in a
particular location. They were searching for a camel they had lost." The
Prophet continued by giving the description of the camel. When these shepherds
came back, they told their people what happened to them--precisely as the
Prophet had already told them.
Theseblasphemers admitted the Prophet's description was exact. Despite that, They
did accept Islam. Only those whom Allahwilled to be guided, will be guided. The person whom Allah did not will to be guided,
will not believe--regardless of how much explanation or how many proofs he is
shown. The person whom Allah willed to be guided, surely he will be a believer.
Many people witnessed miracles and believe.
Israand Miraj (Night Journey) - Shaykh Hamza YusufDr Zakir Naik
Allahsays in the Quran, “O you who have believed, bow and prostrate and worship your Lord and dogood – that you may succeed.” [Noble Quran 22:77]
So,what does the Bible have to say? “They (the angels) fell down on theirfaces before the throne and worshiped God” [Revelation 7:11] “Going a little farther, he (Jesus) fellwith his face to the ground and prayed…” [Matt 26:39]
“Come, let us bow down in worship, letus kneel before the LORD our Maker” [Psalm 95:6] “Manoah and his wife fell with theirfaces to the ground.” [Judges 13:20]
“When all the people saw this, they fellprostrate and cried, ‘The LORD–he is God! The LORD–he is God!'” [I Kings 18:39] “So Ahab went off to eat and drink, butElijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face
between his knees.” [I Kings 18:42]
“Jehoshaphat bowed down with his face tothe ground, and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down in worship
before the LORD.” [2 Chronicles 20:18]
“They knelt on the pavement with theirfaces to the ground, and they worshiped and gave thanks to the LORD, saying,
“He is good; his love endures forever.” [2 Chronicles 7:3]
“Ezra praised the LORD, the great God;and all the people lifted their hands and responded, “Amen! Amen!” Then they
bowed down and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground.” [Nehemiah
“And Joshua fell on his face to theearth and worshiped” [Joshua 5:14] “And Moses made haste, and bowed hishead toward the earth, and worshipped.” [Exodus 34:8]
“When Abraham’s servant heard theirwords, he bowed himself to the ground before the LORD.” [Genesis 24:52]Supplication(Du’a)
Whenthe prayer is over Muslims, raise their heads in “Du’a” thanking God for all
the blessings He has given them and asking for forgiveness.
“Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in theHereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.”
[Noble Quran 2:201]
“… when Solomon had made an end of prayingall this prayer and supplication unto the LORD, he arose from before the altar
of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven.” [I
Kings 8:54]
whenJesus had made an end of praying“And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said,‘Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me,
but I said this on account of the people standing around, that they may believe
that you sent me.'” [John 11:41-42]
So,you can see that it’s Islam that correctly continues in the tradition of the
earlier prophets. That’s because Islam is not a new religion. Islam, which is
an Arabic word meaning submission to the will of God, was the religion of all
the prophets and messengers from Muhammad ? to Jesus to David to Moses to Jacob toAbraham to Noah and all the way back to Adam (peace be upon them all).
All ofGod’s prophets brought the message of Islam, submission to God and “Tawheed”;
the absolute oneness of God. It’s only people who changed it around.
|| ?How Did Jesus (as) Pray
However,the human aspect of the Prophet – blessings and peace be upon him – is clearly
observable in the various situations of his life. We find it in his behavior
towards his family members. It has never been reported in Islamic traditions
that he was violent towards his family. On the contrary, he devoted part of his
time to the service of his family, helping them with the various domestic
tasks. In addition, he allowed them to attend Fridays and feasts, and he even
held running competitions with them.
TheMessenger of Allah loved servants and workers, and treated them well. He
recommended to his companions, and to Muslims in general, that they be
benevolent towards servants and slaves.
Thehuman aspect of the Prophet was not limited to his entourage, he behaved in the
same way with his enemies and on the battlefields
.Duringhis greatest victory, when the Prophet retook Makkah and his Quraysh enemies
were defeated and surrendered to him, he entered it humbly, with his head
bowed, without vengeance or bloodshed. He granted complete forgiveness to his
enemies simply and unconditionally surrendering. Moreover, in his battles, the
Prophet advised Muslims not to kill children, women and old people, in this
connection, he recommended them thus: "Do not kill an old man, a young
child or a woman ".
Thetenderness of the Prophet was not limited to humans, but also extended to
include animals who are unable to express their pain and needs. He urged his
companions to be kind to animals, telling them the story of the man who took
pity on a thirsty dog and presented it with water. So Allah forgave him and
admitted him to paradise.
Acareful examination of the life of the Prophet - blessings and peace be upon
him - shows us that he suffered persecution and injustice in Mecca; however, he
was not swayed by the cruelty he experienced, and he had no unbridled desire to
seek revenge on those who wronged him.
Suchis the personality of the Prophet peace be upon him – the human being who
changed the face of the world, a simple, merciful and great personality. ???? ?? ??????? ????????/???? ?????? ???? ?????? ???????
???? ??????/??????? ????????? ?????????/????? ??????
Prophets[/ Messengers] of God (peace be upon them) = Humans who have been chosen by God
[to deliver His message]; they obey God to the best of their abilities and do
not knowingly disobey Him. Satan= He's from the Jinn and due to his arrogance he decided to disobey God and
animate others to follow his footsteps in disbelief and disobedience
As forthe revelation of the Qur`an, then yes it was upon our noble Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) through Jibril (peace be upon him), who is one of the
greatest of Angels in status and rank in the sight of the Almighty.
Jinn are basically spirits and theyare of two kinds:
Good ones, who believe in God, and evil ones, who disbelieve in Him and are
therefore devils.
As for evil being a creation of God: While we do believe that everything is
created by God in general and that there is no Creator besides Him in reality,
we also believe that He hasn't created things as inherently evil, rather He has
given one the choice to do good or to do evil, but commanded good and forbidden
This means that satan was not inherently evil, rather he chose the way of
disobedience and disbelief. ????? ???????? ?????? ??????? - ??? ?????? ????
??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ????? ????????? ???? How I came to Islam
Becausethey were not present at the time of Jesus, peace be upon himEven the Old
Testament was written downOnethousand years after the death of the Prophet moses peace be upon him
Ofcourse, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, does not speak except by
inspiration from GodGodsays in the Qur’anNordoes he speak from [his own] inclination.It isnot but a revelation revealed,
Secondly,the Qur’an is something that no human being can write, modify or add to it Sofar, no one has been able to produce anything close to the Qur'an in its
beauty, style, meaning and prophecies. Thescientific evidence in the Qur’an makes it the most talked about book in the
world of thought today.
Thestrongest evidence that the Quran is not (and will not be) distorted is that
Allaah The Exalted challenged His creation to produce the likes of it; then He
challenged them to produce ten chapters only and finally challenged them to
produce even a single chapter. Today, this challenge remains open. If the Quran
is fabricated, why can they not even produce a single chapter and defeat their
1,500-year-old Quran manuscript may be oldestknown copy Recentlyradiocarbon dated copy of the 7th century Quran at the University of
Birmingham.A 1,500-year-old parchment may be one of the oldest known copies of
the Qur'an, possibly dating back to a time that straddled the life of the
Prophet Muhammad, according to researchers who recently dated the fragments of
the manuscript.
Thetext was radiocarbon dated, which measured the age of organic materials from
the find. Researchers at the University of Birmingham, UK, found that the
sheets of parchment dated back to AD 568 and AD 645. Susan Worrall, director of special collections at the University of Birmingham,said in a statement.
"Radiocarbon dating has delivered anexciting result, which contributes significantly to our understanding of the
first written copies of the Quran", TheProphet Muhammad is said to have lived between AD 570 and 632 and, according to
Muslim tradition, he received the revelations that make up the Quran between AD
610 and 632.These sheets date back to the end of the 6th or the beginning of
the 7th century. They were discovered in the library of the University of Birmingham
where they had been kept for almost 100 years without anyone suspecting their
Oldest version of the Quran at the University of Birmingham - YouTube
Thisis how obedience to God’s prophets is in the Bible and the Qur’anBecausetheir teachings are one through one God (the Father). Veryfew true verses mentioned by the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, are
consistent with the sayings of the previous prophets and Islam
Butthe Bible now is mostly incorrect Christians are delusional and deceive themselves into believing thingsthat simply cannot be true 25 And when you stand praying, if you holdanything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may
forgive you your sins.”
Mk-11-25 34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, forthey do not know what they are doing.”[a] And they divided up his clothes by
casting lots. Lk-23-34 Christdid not say, I forgive you, and you must ask forgiveness from the Father, and
Christ taught the disciples and believers in his message to ask for forgiveness
from the Father Youare as wrong as Peter Christ described Peter as a demon, Peterbelieved that Christ forgives sins but Christ is not God to forgive sins Hesaid to him: 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you
bind on earth will be[a] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will
be loosed in heaven.” Can aperson forgive with a word, and the Lord of man is unable to do so?! How dopeople's minds think?
1 – He (peaceand blessings of Allaah be upon him) will attain the station of praise and
glory (maqaam Mahmoud) on the Day of Resurrection. Allaah says (interpretation
of the meaning): “And in someparts of the night (also) offer the Salaah (prayer) with it (i.e. recite the
Qur’aan in the prayer) as an additional prayer (Tahajjud optional prayer ____
Nawaafil) for you (O Muhammad). It may be that your Lord will raise you to
Maqaam Mahmoud (a station of praise and glory, i.e., the honour of intercession
on the Day of Resurrection)”[al-Isra’ 17:79]
This refers to his intercession on theDay of Resurrection asking that judgement be passed among all of creation. That
will happen after they have been gathered and stood for so long, and there
befalls the people that which will befall them. The people will go to the
Prophets and each one will excuse himself from interceding for them, until they
come to our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He
will go to his Lord and fall prostrate before Him, and he will ask to intercede
for the people and it will be granted to him. It is called al-maqaam al-mahmoud
(a station of praise and glory) because all of creation will praise Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for that status, because his
intercession will be a cause of their suffering in the lengthy standing coming
to an end.
It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar (mayAllaah be pleased with him) said: “On the Day of Resurrection the people will
come on their knees, each nation following its Prophet, saying, ‘O So and so,
intercede! O So and so, intercede!’until intercession comes to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him). On that day Allaah will raise him to the station of praise and glory.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (4441).
2 – He wasgiven conciseness of speech, was supported with fear cast into the hearts of
his enemies, war booty was permitted to him, the earth was made a place of
prostration and a means of purification for him, the line of Prophets ended
with him and he will be granted intercession. Allaah says (interpretation of themeaning): “Muhammad isnot the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allaah and the
last (end) of the Prophets. And Allaah is Ever All-Aware of
everything”[al-Ahzaab 33:40]
“Blessed be HeWho sent down the criterion (of right and wrong, i.e. this Qur’aan) to His
slave (Muhammad) that he may be a warner to the ‘Aalameen (mankind and
jinn)”[al-Furqaan 25:1]
It was narrated that Jaabir ibn‘Abd-Allaah said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) said: “I have been given five things that were not given to any of
the Prophets before me: I have been supported with fear (cast into the hearts
of my enemies) for a distance of one month’s travel; the earth has been made a
place of prostration and a means of purification for me, so when the time of
prayer comes for any man among my ummah, let him pray; war booty has been
permitted for me; a Prophet would be sent only to his own people, but I have
been sent to all of mankind; and I have been given the power of intercession.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (427)and Muslim (421).
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah thatthe Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I
have been favoured over the other Prophets in six ways: I have been given the
gift of concise speech; I have been supported with fear; booty has been made
permissible for me; the earth has been made a means of purification and a place
of prostration for me; I have been sent to all of mankind; and the (line of)
Prophets ends with me.” Narrated by Muslim (523). 3 – He (peaceand blessings of Allaah be upon him) will be the first one among the Messengers
who will be permitted to cross the Siraat. Al-Bukhaari (773) narrated a lengthy hadeeth from Abu Hurayrah, in which theProphet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I will be the first
one among the Messengers who will cross with his ummah.”
4 – He will bethe first one for whom the grave will be opened, the first to intercede and the
first whose intercession will be accepted. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrahsaid: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“I will be the leader of the sons of Adam on the Day of Resurrection, the first
one for whom the grave is opened, the first one to intercede and the first one
whose intercession will be accepted.” Narrated by Muslim (2278).
5 – Allaah,may He be exalted, forgave him (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) all
his sins, past and future. Allaah says (interpretation of themeaning): “Verily, Wehave given you (O Muhammad) a manifest victory. That Allaah may forgive you
your sins of the past and the future, and complete His Favour on you, and guide
you on the Straight Path”[al-Fath 48:1-2]
6 – He wascalled as a Prophet and Messenger Allaah says (interpretation of themeaning): “O Prophet(Muhammad)! Verily, We have sent you as witness, and a bearer of glad tidings,
and a warner”[al-Ahzaab 33:45] “O Messenger(Muhammad)! Proclaim (the Message) which has been sent down to you from your
Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message. Allaah will
protect you from mankind. Verily, Allaah guides not the people who
disbelieve”[al-Maa’idah 5:67] His fellow Prophets were called bytheir names only.
7 – Allaahcommanded His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to follow the
guidance of the Prophets, peace be upon them. Allaah says (interpretation of themeaning): “They arethose whom Allaah had guided. So follow their guidance”[al-An’aam 6:90] Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan al-Sa’di (mayAllaah have mercy on him) said: This means: Walk, O noble Messenger, behind
these good Prophets, and follow their way. He (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) obeyed the command and followed the guidance of the Messengers who
came before him, thus acquiring all the qualities of perfection that they had
which made him superior to all of creation. Thus he is the leader of the
Messengers and the imam of the pious. May the blessing and peace of Allaah be
upon them all. From this evidence the Sahaabahunderstood that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) was the best of all the Messengers. Tafseer al-Sa’di (p. 263).
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Although12 of his 13 chimpanzee-to-human transplants resulted in either organ rejection
or infectious complications within 2 months, one patient of Reemtsma continued
to live and work in good health for 9 months, before dying suddenly from acute
electrolyte disturbance.
Thereare two Islamic rules to justify xenotransplantation in life-saving situations.
The first is that “necessities allow prohibitions,” while the second indicates
that “necessities are estimated according to the need.” Whenthere is a need and all other possible solutions have been exhausted, then –
from a medical ethics point of view - it is justifiable and acceptable to
prevent harm and preserve life through such a procedure using a pig’s organs.
Anexample of “necessities permit prohibitions” is the permission of abortion
within a specific timeframe and when the pregnancy threatens the mother’s life. Inshort, Islamic ruling deems strict prohibition of eating the animal, but not
for other potential needs.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ allreligions are leading humanity towards best practice. Jesuscame to fulfil the law because hisreligion is deeply founded on OT teachings and I was pointing out that throwing
out some OT teachings and keeping others seems a bit hit and miss.
examplePsalm147:19/20 is from the OT and is speaking about the special relationship of Israel and the
protective laws that God has made special for them. This has nothing to do with
the abrogation of dietary laws in the Christian era which is still an Israeli
religion. The fact that the Western world began to follow Christianity means
nothing. It is an Israeli religion.
Now ifwe take the point of your post at face value then all laws from the OT were
overturned by Christ, not just the ones that don't suit you, except that in
Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus says, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the
law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them."
So nowwe have a problem, , no more pork on your fork. Theother problem this raises is that the OT and the NT are entirely different
religions and Christians should be governed only by the NT, but the foundations
of your religion are built on the teachings of the OT,
????????? ????? ???? ?????? ???????! ???? ??? #???? ??????????? ????????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? - ???? ???? ?? ????? Why doChristians make all food lawful even though some food is forbidden to them?
Hamza's dialogue with a Christian ????????? ???? ???????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????????? Whydid Paul contradict the disciples in the laws of food and the law?
because Quraish hurt theProphet and the Muslims The significance of Hijrah (themigration of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Madinah) is not limited to
the Islamic history or to the Muslims. The Hijrah not only reshaped - socially
and politically - the Arab
Peninsula, but also had
its impact on worldwide civilizations.
Throughout the history of Islam, themigration was a transitional line between the two major eras, regarding to the
message of Islam; the era of Makkah and the era of Madinah. In its essence,
this signified a transition from one phase to another, as follows:
Transition from the position ofweakness, where the non-believers of Makkah — particularly the people of
Quraish — humiliated, tortured and killed Muslims, to the position of strength.
This is where Muslims were allowed to defend themselves and were able to defeat
their adversaries.
Transition form spreading Islamthrough individual Da'wah (inviting others to Islam) to the spreading of Islam
through institutionalized Da'wah, initiated by the state. Transition from a position whereMuslims represented a small group of people, surrounded by enemies and
threatened by death, to the position of a regional power with a strong central
leadership. This was one that was surrounded by a large number of followers and
Transition of Da'wah from regionalism,in which the focus was only on Quraish and the tribes surrounding Makkah, to
the phase of universalism. This is where the Muslim
State began reaching out to Persia, Egypt,
and the Byzantine Empire. Transition from being a simple Islamicgroup of believers, to being the Islamic Ummah (nation). This is which was an
organized Islamic state, with a central leadership and other organizations.
Transition, which is mostsignificantly for early Muslims, to the phase in which Islam was not only the
act of worship, but a way of life. This was encompassing (surrounding)
politics, economy, social interactions and every other aspect of life. This was
the first time when Islam was looked upon as a comprehensive religion.
This contrast between the two periodsis clearly noticeable in the Qur’anic discourse. Muslim scholars describe the
part of Qur’an that was revealed in Makkah as the Makkan Qur’an, and that which
was revealed in Madinah as the Madini Qur’an. Although both parts are intermingledin the Qur’an and constitute one divine script, the discourse of both parts is
clearly distinguishable. Whereas the part revealed in Makkah concentrated on
Tawheed (the Oneness of Allah/monotheism), the part revealed in Madinah covered
rules regarding Islamic life in general.
There is no doubt whatsoever that themigration of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Madinah was the crucial
event, which established the Islamic civilization. This was a civilization that
thrived for many centuries.
Hijrah, the turning point in Islamichistory Hijrah, no doubt, kindled the light ofhope in the hearts of the early Muslims who set a shinning example for all
Muslims, in every generation, to emulate. Hijrah, in essence, is a process oftransfer to a better situation. It is not meant to find a comfortable place
where one would relax and stop endeavor (attempt). Rather, it is a search for
an environment more favorable to continuous and constructive effort.
Immediately after reaching Madinah, the Prophet undertook an all-embracing
process to establish a faithful and strong society. This is a significant
aspect and important lesson to learn from Hijrah.
In the Glorious Qur'an, Allah, MostHigh, says, "Those who believe, and migrate and strive in Allah’s cause,
with their goods and their persons, have the highest rank in the sight of
Allah: they are indeed the successful people. Their Lord does give them glad
tidings of a Mercy from Himself, of His good pleasure, and of Gardens where
enduring pleasure will be theirs: They will dwell therein forever. Verily in
Allah’s presence is a reward, the greatest (of all)." (Al-Tawbah 9: 20-22)
Our religious calendar is the Hijricalendar. It is important for us to keep in mind the meaning and significance
of Hijrah. Hijrah was one of the most importantevents in the history of Islam. It is for this reason `Umar (may Allah be
pleased with him) adopted Hijrah date to calculate years. Muslims chose Hijrah
as the focal point to reckon their chronology. In physical terms, Hijrah was a
journey between two cities about 200 miles apart, but in its grand significance
it marked the beginning of an era, a civilization, a culture and a history for
the whole mankind. Islam progressed not only from the physical Hijrah, but
because Muslims took Hijrah seriously in all its aspects and dimensions.
When the Prophet (peace and blessingsbe upon him) made the Hijrah from Makkah to Madinah, he did not just transfer
his residence or took shelter in another city, but as soon as he arrived in
Madinah he began the transformation of that city in every aspect. It is important for us to study andreflect on the things that he did in Madinah. There are many lessons for us in
that history and we can learn many things for our life.
1. Masjid(Mosque): The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) first established a
Masjid for the worship of Allah. He himself worked in carrying the stones and
building that small, humble but most powerful structure. This was the
beginning, but soon other Masajid (mosques) were established in Madinah.
2. Madrasah(Islamic school and educational institution for the community):. The first school
under the supervision of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was the school of Suffah. Later many other schools were
opened. According to Maulana Shibli Numani, there were nine schools opened in
Madinah alone in the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).
3. Mu'akhah:He established brotherly relations between the Muhajirun (Muslims who migrated
from Makkah) and the Ansar (residents of Madinah who helped the Prophet and his
Companions). Masjid and Madrasah were not enough; what was also important was
to have good relations between Muslims. They should have their brotherhood on
the basis of faith, not on the basis of tribes as they used to have prior to
4. Intercommunityand Interfaith Relations: Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also
established good relations with other communities living in Madinah. There was
a large Jewish community as well as some other Arab tribes who had not accepted
Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) prepared a Mithaq (a covenant
or a constitution) for relations between these communities.
5. Cleaningthe City: Yathrib (previous name of Madinah) was a dirty city. When the Sahabah
(Prophet's Companions) came from Makkah to Madinah, many of them got sick and
did not like that city. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked
them to clean the city and remove its dirt and filth. `Aishah, may Allah be
pleased with her, said: “We came to Madinah and it was the most polluted land of Allah. The water there was most
stinking. (Al-Bukhari, 1756)
6. WaterSystem in the City: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked the
Sahabah to dig wells in different parts of the city. It is mentioned that more
than 50 wells were opened in the city of Madinah
and there was enough clean water for every one. 7. Agricultureand Gardening: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) encouraged the
Sahabah to cultivate the land and make gardens. He told them that any one who
would cultivate any dead land, would own it. Many people started working and
cultivating and soon there was enough food for every one.
8. PovertyEradication: In a short period of time it happened that there were no poor
people in Madinah. Every one had enough and the Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) used to give gifts to coming delegations. 9. Safety,Security, Law and Order: Madinah became the safest city in the world. There
were very few incidents of theft, rape, drunkenness or murder and they were
immediately taken care of.
In short, Hijrah teaches us thatwherever Muslims go, they should bring goodness to that land. Muslims should
work for both moral and material goodness of the society. Hijrah is obligatory Hijrah is obligatory on Muslims ifthey are unable to practice their religion in the country they are living in,
and if they are facing serious persecutions and find themselves unable to
overcome them. In such cases, if they are faced with the choice of renouncing
their religion or going to a place where they can readily practice it, they are
obligated to emigrate.
However, hijrah should not be anoption to consider if what we said is not the case, as Muslims are ordered to
struggle to establish their faith wherever they live. The Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) said: "Jihad (struggle in the path of Allah to
establish His religion) is an ongoing duty until the Day of Resurrection." There is no hijrah from Makkah toMadinah or anywhere else after Makkah surrendered to the laws of Islam.
As far as emigration for economicreasons is concerned, it will be reckoned accordingly. The Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) said: "Actions are judged by intentions and
everyone will be judged according to his intention. So whoever emigrates for
the sake of Allah and His Messenger, his hijrah will be reckoned as done for
Allah and His Messenger. But whoever emigrates for worldly reasons or marrying
a woman, his hijrah will be reckoned accordingly."
Having said this, the economicemigrants living in the West can, however, transform their hijrah into an act
of `Ibadah (worship) if they change the intention and dedicate themselves to be
ambassadors of Islam in their new home.
??? ???????? - ???? ????Zakir Naik
???? ???? ?????? ???????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???? ????? ????? Hijra of the Prophet Muhammad SAWS By Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman
Al-Hijrah: A migration that changed history | VRIC Conversations
Goddoes not grieve, does not regret, does not eat, does not drink, does not sleep,
does not marry, and does not have a wife or children
God isnot like humans in their qualitiesTheBible is a distortion of God's words and attributes "There is nothing whatever like unto Him." [Al-Qur’an 42:11]
Islamis not just another religion. It is the same message preached by Moses, Jesus
and Abraham. Islam literally means ‘submission to God’ and it teaches us to
have a direct relationship with God. It reminds us that since God created us,
no one should be worshipped except God alone. It also teaches that God is
nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine. The concept of
God is summarized in the Quran as:
“Say, He is God, the One. God, theAbsolute. He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like
Him.” (Quran 112:1-4)[4]
Is God male or female? And why is he used in the Qur’an if he has nogender ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ???????? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ????????????? ?.????? ?? ????? ?????????! ???? ?? ???? ?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??????
Nevertheless,in certain pockets of the world racism still lives. It exists as a modern evil
- a mental disease caused by a corrupted mindset. Itscure by the way is nothing new, in fact it's fourteen hundred years old. Islamictradition known as Hadith states that in his final sermon the Prophet Muhammad,
Allah's Blessings and Peace be upon him, said: "There is no superiority for an Arab over anon-Arab, nor for a non-Arab over an Arab. Neither is the white superior over
the black, nor is the black superior over the white -- except by piety."
Ooohhere's another one- Volume9, Book 89, Number 256: NarratedAnas bin Malik:Allah'sApostle said, "You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an
Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin."
Mohammed'sopinion on black Ethiopians Prophet- Volume1, Book 11, Number 662: NarratedAnas:TheProphet said, "Listen and obey (your chief) even if an Ethiopian whose
head is like a raisin were made your chief."
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