
Age: 2024
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?????????? ???? ??????? ?? ???????? ???????? (?????)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac2c-evypsY ???????????? ???? ??? ???? ??????? ? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlAzXP7Frh0  ????????? ????? ??? ?? ? ???? ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2uxNc1hvho
Posted 26 Oct 2016


Age: 2024
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Someone told me
I read your post Love and mercy over and over and get not tired, it's lovely
Oh, yes, animals understand far more than we think. They too have feelings for each other ... and for us.

In the Holy Qur'an, doesn't it say, animals, too, have their communities?

This post is extraordinarily interesting and should make dog owners think twice.

Thank you so much. Prophet Mohamed must have been a wonderful person. At home we are also great animal lovers and care for their wellness. We have an adopted cat, he's very cute and intelligent: opens the doors, knows what there is in the fridge, knows if you are sad or happy, knows the exact time when my husband comes back from work and waits impatiently at the door.

I come from a christian family in middle /south Europe and like my ancestors we don't keep dogs at home. That is something perhaps more modern influenced by the elite classes where princesses used to have "pets". I don't agree with having other type of animals at home and in general I have other ideas about domestication of animals. They should have much more freedom and respect and our relation with them should be more like complementary. I think humans "use" animals and we don't give them much in exchange. Many are dissappearing. Look at how many reports there are about whales, dolphins and many other creatures are stranded on beaches all around the world. Or look at the last reports about gorillas and other animals on the edge of extintion.

We discovered that the domestic animal food industry has many dark sides, that made us change about the diet for our cat and it made us understand why so many dogs and cats are having tumours in Europe, Northamerica, Japan,...:


Thank you for the Dr.Zakir Naik links. He's a very intelligent person.
?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ?????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoB7ncUyHZU  ???????? ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ??? ????? (?????)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaHp39Lis6g 

Posted 21 Oct 2016


Age: 2024
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Once a rough and uncouth Arab came to the Messenger and said, “Muhammad, give
me of what Allah has given you.” So the Messenger gave him the money that was
on him, then asked if he had given him enough. The man answered in a rude
manner that it was not enough, nor was it adequate. The Companions wanted to
shove the man away or beat him, but the Messenger said, “No, no, leave him to
me.” He took him to his house and gave him more, then asked is this was enough.
The man, well pleased, answered that it was enough and began to thank Allah and
his Messenger. The Messenger asked him to go out to the Companions and to tell
them that he was satisfied, for they may have resented to his former behaviour.
The man did so.

When the Messenger met his Companions later he explained that to them by means
of an allegory. He said that there was once a man who had a recalcitrant camel that
had run away from him. People kept trying to bring it back to him by pulling or
beating it, but he asked them not to interfere between him and his camel. Then
he took some bush and kept giving it to the camel little by little until the
camel came back to him again. He concluded the story by saying that had they
beat or rough-handled the man, it would not have helped him towards faith.
One day while he was teaching a group of people a little bird kept hovering
over his head. He stopped and asked, “Who was deprived this poor bird of its
chick?” A little boy in the group said, “It was I, Messenger of Allah.”
Whereupon the Messenger instructed him to return the chick immediately.

?????????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??? ??????? - ? ???? ???? Dr Zakirhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaLACDBc3BM  ???? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ? - ???? ???? Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HreBda_MUHU

Posted 17 Oct 2016


Age: 2024
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??????? ??????? ?????? ? ? ???? ???? Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHQThe0Hmwg      ?? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ? ? ???????? Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMROEZh806s  ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fekkdfohHYA
Posted 12 Oct 2016


Age: 2024
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Always, we find in our prophet’s instructions many benefits for us as Allah almighty says about the prophet: “Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger (Muhammad) from amongst yourselves (i.e. whom you know well). It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He (Muhammad ) is anxious over you (to be rightly guided, to repent to Allah, and beg Him to pardon and forgive your sins, in order that you may enter Paradise and be saved from the punishment of the Hell-fire), for the believers (he is) full of pity, kind, and merciful.”[Sûrat At-Taubah(The Repentance)-verse 128].

One of these useful instructions is that the prophet asked us not to breed dogs inside houses, which complies with the latest scientific discoveries.

Analysis of breast cancer cases by researchers at the University of Munich showed that patients with this type of cancer were significantly more likely to have kept a dog than a cat.They found that 79.7 per cent of all patients had intensive contact with dogs before they were diagnosed and only 4.4 per cent of the patients did not have pets at any time compared to 57.3 per cent of a healthy control group. So there was a 29-fold increased risk for pet owners.

Also, prophet Mohamed peace be upon him ordered us to wash the used plate by the dog for seven times one of these times to be by dust.

Here we have to remember that the prophet peace be upon him didn’t make any comment about breeding cats as he used to see one of his companions (Abo horaira) who like cats and used to breed a cat and the prophet did not comment about that act, but on the other hand he ordered people not to breed dogs in houses but they can keep it outside the house for guarding purposes.

Keeping dogs outside the house “in garden for example” is acceptable according to the prophet orders as that keep dogs away from any direct contact with human
Another study in Norway reported a very high level53.3 per centof breast cancers in 14,401 dogs.

In looking for a reason, scientists found a virus common in both dogs and humans.

The one they homed in on is the” mouse mammary tumour virus” (MMTV), which triggers breast cancer in mice and which has been investigated for possible links to human breast cancer.
The theory is that dogs, and possibly other pets, transmit MMTV or MMTVlike viruses that can induce human breast cancer.
The researchers say the theory may help to explain why women from Eastern countries are at increased risk of breast cancer when they move to Western nations? Asian or Oriental women seldom keep dogs as pets.
Migration to Western countries may cause them to alter their lifestyle, including keeping pet dogs.

Posted 12 Oct 2016


Age: 2024
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???????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ? ? ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf2gQnmLuvk  ?????? ?? ?????? ? - ???? ???? Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cjmdR7uHZs  ????????? / ???? ????? zakirnaikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbOLUiNwmok
Posted 08 Oct 2016


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Hijrahfrom Mecca to
Madinahorderfrom allah  to the Prophet MuhammadPeacebe upon him   because Quraish hurt the Prophet and the Muslims Thesignificance of Hijrah (the migration of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
to Madinah) is not limited to the Islamic history or to the Muslims. The Hijrah
not only reshaped - socially and politically - the Arab Peninsula,
but also had its impact on worldwide civilizations. Throughoutthe history of Islam, the migration was a transitional line between the two
major eras, regarding to the message of Islam; the era of Makkah and the era of
Madinah. In its essence, this signified a transition from one phase to another,
as follows: Transitionfrom the position of weakness, where the non-believers of Makkah — particularly
the people of Quraish — humiliated, tortured and killed Muslims, to the
position of strength. This is where Muslims were allowed to defend themselves
and were able to defeat their adversaries. Transitionform spreading Islam through individual Da'wah (inviting others to Islam) to
the spreading of Islam through institutionalized Da'wah, initiated by the state. Transitionfrom a position where Muslims represented a small group of people, surrounded
by enemies and threatened by death, to the position of a regional power with a
strong central leadership. This was one that was surrounded by a large number
of followers and allies. Transitionof Da'wah from regionalism, in which the focus was only on Quraish and the
tribes surrounding Makkah, to the phase of universalism. This is where the Muslim State
began reaching out to Persia,
Egypt, and the Byzantine Empire. Transitionfrom being a simple Islamic group of believers, to being the Islamic Ummah
(nation). This is which was an organized Islamic state, with a central
leadership and other organizations. Transition,which is most significantly for early Muslims, to the phase in which Islam was
not only the act of worship, but a way of life. This was encompassing
(surrounding) politics, economy, social interactions and every other aspect of
life. This was the first time when Islam was looked upon as a comprehensive
religion. Thiscontrast between the two periods is clearly noticeable in the Qur’anic
discourse. Muslim scholars describe the part of Qur’an that was revealed in
Makkah as the Makkan Qur’an, and that which was revealed in Madinah as the
Madini Qur’an. Althoughboth parts are intermingled in the Qur’an and constitute one divine script, the
discourse of both parts is clearly distinguishable. Whereas the part revealed
in Makkah concentrated on Tawheed (the Oneness of Allah/monotheism), the part
revealed in Madinah covered rules regarding Islamic life in general. Thereis no doubt whatsoever that the migration of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) to Madinah was the crucial event, which established the Islamic
civilization. This was a civilization that thrived for many centuries. Hijrah,the turning point in Islamic history Hijrah,no doubt, kindled the light of hope in the hearts of the early Muslims who set
a shinning example for all Muslims, in every generation, to emulate. Hijrah,in essence, is a process of transfer to a better situation. It is not meant to
find a comfortable place where one would relax and stop endeavor (attempt).
Rather, it is a search for an environment more favorable to continuous and
constructive effort. Immediately after reaching Madinah, the Prophet undertook
an all-embracing process to establish a faithful and strong society. This is a
significant aspect and important lesson to learn from Hijrah. In theGlorious Qur'an, Allah, Most High, says, "Those who believe, and migrate
and strive in Allah’s cause, with their goods and their persons, have the
highest rank in the sight of Allah: they are indeed the successful people.
Their Lord does give them glad tidings of a Mercy from Himself, of His good
pleasure, and of Gardens where enduring pleasure will be theirs: They will
dwell therein forever. Verily in Allah’s presence is a reward, the greatest (of
all)." (Al-Tawbah 9: 20-22) Ourreligious calendar is the Hijri calendar. It is important for us to keep in
mind the meaning and significance of Hijrah. Hijrahwas one of the most important events in the history of Islam. It is for this
reason `Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) adopted Hijrah date to calculate
years. Muslims chose Hijrah as the focal point to reckon their chronology. In
physical terms, Hijrah was a journey between two cities about 200 miles apart,
but in its grand significance it marked the beginning of an era, a
civilization, a culture and a history for the whole mankind. Islam progressed
not only from the physical Hijrah, but because Muslims took Hijrah seriously in
all its aspects and dimensions. Whenthe Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) made the Hijrah from Makkah to
Madinah, he did not just transfer his residence or took shelter in another
city, but as soon as he arrived in Madinah he began the transformation of that
city in every aspect. It isimportant for us to study and reflect on the things that he did in Madinah.
There are many lessons for us in that history and we can learn many things for
our life. 1. Masjid (Mosque): The Prophet (peace andblessings be upon him) first established a Masjid for the worship of Allah. He
himself worked in carrying the stones and building that small, humble but most
powerful structure. This was the beginning, but soon other Masajid (mosques)
were established in Madinah. 2. Madrasah (Islamic school andeducational institution for the community):. The first school under the
supervision of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was the school of Suffah. Later many other schools were
opened. According to Maulana Shibli Numani, there were nine schools opened in
Madinah alone in the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). 3. Mu'akhah: He established brotherlyrelations between the Muhajirun (Muslims who migrated from Makkah) and the
Ansar (residents of Madinah who helped the Prophet and his Companions). Masjid
and Madrasah were not enough; what was also important was to have good
relations between Muslims. They should have their brotherhood on the basis of
faith, not on the basis of tribes as they used to have prior to Islam. 4. Intercommunity and InterfaithRelations: Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also established good
relations with other communities living in Madinah. There was a large Jewish
community as well as some other Arab tribes who had not accepted Islam. The
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) prepared a Mithaq (a covenant or a
constitution) for relations between these communities. 5. Cleaning the City: Yathrib (previousname of Madinah) was a dirty city. When the Sahabah (Prophet's Companions) came
from Makkah to Madinah, many of them got sick and did not like that city. The
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked them to clean the city and
remove its dirt and filth. `Aishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “We
came to Madinah and it was the most polluted land of Allah.
The water there was most stinking. (Al-Bukhari, 1756) 6. Water System in the City: The Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him) asked the Sahabah to dig wells in different
parts of the city. It is mentioned that more than 50 wells were opened in the
city of Madinah
and there was enough clean water for every one. 7. Agriculture and Gardening: The Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him) encouraged the Sahabah to cultivate the land
and make gardens. He told them that any one who would cultivate any dead land,
would own it. Many people started working and cultivating and soon there was enough
food for every one. 8. Poverty Eradication: In a short periodof time it happened that there were no poor people in Madinah. Every one had
enough and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to give gifts to
coming delegations. 9. Safety, Security, Law and Order:Madinah became the safest city in the world. There were very few incidents of
theft, rape, drunkenness or murder and they were immediately taken care of. Inshort, Hijrah teaches us that wherever Muslims go, they should bring goodness
to that land. Muslims should work for both moral and material goodness of the
society. Hijrahis obligatory Hijrahis obligatory on Muslims if they are unable to practice their religion in the
country they are living in, and if they are facing serious persecutions and
find themselves unable to overcome them. In such cases, if they are faced with
the choice of renouncing their religion or going to a place where they can
readily practice it, they are obligated to emigrate. However,hijrah should not be an option to consider if what we said is not the case, as
Muslims are ordered to struggle to establish their faith wherever they live.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Jihad (struggle in
the path of Allah to establish His religion) is an ongoing duty until the Day
of Resurrection." Thereis no hijrah from Makkah to Madinah or anywhere else after Makkah surrendered
to the laws of Islam. As faras emigration for economic reasons is concerned, it will be reckoned
accordingly. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Actions
are judged by intentions and everyone will be judged according to his
intention. So whoever emigrates for the sake of Allah and His Messenger, his
hijrah will be reckoned as done for Allah and His Messenger. But whoever
emigrates for worldly reasons or marrying a woman, his hijrah will be reckoned
accordingly." Havingsaid this, the economic emigrants living in the West can, however, transform
their hijrah into an act of `Ibadah (worship) if they change the intention and
dedicate themselves to be ambassadors of Islam in their new home. Hijraof the Prophet Muhammad SAWS By Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TebwAAyMfh8   Seerahof Prophet Muhammed 27 - The Hijrah - Emigration to Madinah - Yasir Qadhi |
March 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utKZzIWZ0I4
Posted 04 Oct 2016


Age: 2024
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For the sake of brevity, we condense animals rights granted by Mohammed the messenger of Islam in the following points:

1-Animals are to be protected against any harm.

2-Animals are to be given utmost care

3- Animals are to be lavished with mercy

4- Animals are to be fed

5-Animals are not to be overburdened or oppressed

6-Animals are to be given health care.

7-Animals are to live in clean environment

8-Animals are not to be cursed

9-Animals are not to be mutilated.

10-Animals are not to be killed unless for food

11-Nothing to be held in their necks lest they are suffocated.

12-Baby animals are to given full suckling

13-Animals are not to be burnt with fire

14-Animals are not slaughtered in the best way and not before other animals

15-Animals are not to be given bad food.

??????? ???? "??? ???????" - ?.?????? ????? ? ?. ???? ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqjeTcSEqAc   ?? ???? ????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? - ???????? Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JcGs4FIuu4  ????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ??????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ2uI1mY2hI

Posted 30 Sep 2016


Age: 2024
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The prophet prohibits blood animals sports Blood animal sports was a long entrenched habitat the time of the prophet, and even is still ongoing, this was opposed by the
prophet and even made prohibited. It was reported that Prophet Muhammad
prohibited the killing of a bird for the sake of pleasure and not for a
specific beneficial need, the Prophet said, “Anyone who would kill a bird, this
bird would come on Doomsday and say, “God, this person killed me for pleasure
and not for benefit.” He prohibited taking any animal or any living creature as
a target for shooting. The Prophet (PBUH) said; “Do not clip theforelock of a horse, for decency is attached to their forelock, for it protects
it; nor their tail, for it is fly-flap.” (Narrated by Utba bin Farqad abu abd) In this respect as Ibn Umar said; “I heard theMessenger of Allah, , say, whoever mutilates a living creature and then does
not repent, Allah will mutilate him on the Day of Judgment” Jabir told that God’s Messenger forbade thestriking the face or branding on the face of any animal. He said when an ass,
which had been branded on his face, had passed by: “God curse the one who
branded it.” (Narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah)?????????? ??? ????? ? ????? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ? ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naik  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ho5IBjFkMs  ?????? ??? ????? ? ??????? - ? ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naik  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fARca1O7BYw  ??????????? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? - ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8KriYeG4bQ
Posted 26 Sep 2016


Age: 2024
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Another story that the prophet narrated is a blood-curdling story for those who prevent animals from food; the prophet says” a woman entered the hell because she imprisoned a cat, she neither fed it nor did she set it free to eat.”

Burdening animals with that they could not bear also would move his heart, it should be noted that the prophet’s words concerning animals or whatever are not mere pieces of advice, the prophet’s words are rules and legislations that man should stand accountable for here in this life and the hereafter if he violates these rules.

It happened that he saw some people sitting on animals so he commented, “Keep them safe and sound when riding them and when leaving them, don’t use them as chairs for your side talks in the streets and markets. A ridden animal might be better than its rider and might remember and mention God more than its rider does.”

???????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ???? ( ???? ???? ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxA7OD_-c9E   ZakirNaik ????? ??? ????????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ????????? ? ? ????????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odx9JVJrb8A  ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ? .. ????? ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmbn5FhCCm8

Posted 22 Sep 2016


Age: 2024
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????? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naik byhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bFDksIri0I  ???????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ? - ???? ???? Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW_sEqHhDGk  ?????????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?????! ????? ????? ????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqTqsVxH9ag
Posted 17 Sep 2016


Age: 2024
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Thisis a miracle to watch and meditationAbraham,peace be upon him alone in the desert and called out then meets the call of
millions over the centuries without interruption to Ka'bah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5-wxkAJ6yM          Departure to Arafat         On the 9th day of Thul-Hijjah, the Day of Arafat, the pilgrims stay inArafat until sunset. The pilgrims pray Dhuhr and Asr at Arafat, shortened and
combined dur ing the time of Dhuhr to save the rest of the day for glorifying
Allah and for supplication asking forgiveness. A pilgrim should make sure that
he is within the boundaries of Arafat, not necessarily standing on the mountain of Arafat. The Prophet salla Allah-u alaihe
wa salam, said: "I stood here on this rocky hill and all Arafat is a
standing place" Muslim. One should keep reciting Talbeyah, glorifying
Allah the Greatest and repeating supplication. It is also reported that the
Prophet, salla Allah-u alaihe wa salam, used to say the following supplication:
"There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, the One without a
partner. The dominion and the praise are His and He is powerful over
everything." Anas Ibn Malik was asked once how he and his friends used to
spend their time while walking from Mina to Arafat in the company of the
Prophet, salla Allah-u alaihe wa salam. Anas said: "Some of us used to cry
out Talbeyah, others used to glorify Allah the Greatest and the rest used to
repeat prayers. Each one of us was free to worship Allah in the way he likes
without prejudice or renunciation of his right." Bukhari.         In the vast square plain of Arafat, tears are shed, sins are washed andfaults are redressed for those who ask Allah for forgiveness and offer sincere
repentance for their wrong doings in the past. Happy is the person who receives
the Mercy and Pleasure of Allah on this particular day.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7jyqxiM0Ek    Eidal-Adha Throughoutthe world, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, on this
day. This is the second of the two major holidays in Islam each year.    rememberAbraham's trials, 102.And, when he (his son) wasold enough to walk with him, he said: "O my son! I have seen in a dream
that I am slaughtering you (offer you in sacrifice to Allah), so look what you
think!" He said: "O my father! Do that which you are commanded,
Insha' Allah (if Allah will), you shall find me of As-Sabirin (the patient
ones, etc.)." 103.Then, when they had bothsubmitted themselves (to the Will of Allah), and he had laid him prostrate on
his forehead (or on the side of his forehead for slaughtering); 104.And We called out to him:"O Abraham! 105.You have fulfilled thedream (vision)!" Verily! Thus do We reward the Muhsinun (good-doers -  106.Verily, that indeed was amanifest trial 107.And We ransomed him with agreat sacrifice  sacrificeanimalsThemeat from the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha is mostly given away to others.
One-third is eaten by immediate family and relatives, one-third is given away
to friends, and one-third is donated to the poor. The act symbolizes our
willingness to give up things that are of benefit to us or close to our hearts,
in order to follow Allah's commands. It also symbolizes our willingness to give
up some of our own bounties, in order to strengthen ties of friendship and help
those who are in need. We recognize that all blessings come from Allah, and we
should open our hearts and share with others. It isvery important to understand that the sacrifice itself, as practiced by
Muslims, has nothing to do with atoning for our sins or using the blood to wash
ourselves from sin. This is a misunderstanding by those of previous
generations: "It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it
is your piety that reaches Him." (Qur'an 22:37) --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVcF4WC1UbA      "It is not their meat nor their blood thatreaches Allah; it is your piety that reaches Him." (Qur'an 22:37)  Indeed,it was the greatest test of all, the sacrificing of his only child, one born to
him after he had reached an old age and years of longing for progeny.  Here, Abraham showed his willingness tosacrifice all his belongings for God, and for this reason, he was designated a
leader of all humanity, one whom God blessed with a progeny of Prophets.
Posted 11 Sep 2016


Age: 2024
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TheFive Pillars of Islam.   1) Faith | 2) Prayer | 3) The 'Zakat' 4) The Fast | 5) Pilgrimage (Hajj)   There is no god worthy of worship except God and Muhammad is Hismessenger.   Oncein a lifetime only If youlike the performance of the Hajj once again  do notmind allahAlmighty make this matter easier for pilgrims Andpsychological feelings and patience in this place is different from anywhere
else I askGod Almighty that gives you the opportunity to perform HajjAndthe experience of those sentimentsAndfilled with tears of tenderness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2odZ0oNBWVg  Thepilgrims begin arriving by air, sea, and land during the weeks prior to the
pilgrimage period. They usually arrive into Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia, the major port
city nearest to Mecca
(45 miles distance). From there they travel with their Hajj group to Mecca. As they approach Mecca, they stop at one
of the designated areas to shower and change clothing, entering into a state of
devotion and purity for the pilgrimage.  allahmakes  these days happy  for all  DrZakir Naik about Hajj e badal and Does stonning during hajj hurt shaitan?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjoQ5-mn2rU ????????????? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ????? ???? youtube ChristianAmerican converted to Islam and the Hajj pilgrimage youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjOfSqwPReE  Why DoMuslims Perform Pilgrimage Hajjhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=American+Christian+the+Hajj+pilgrimage 
Posted 06 Sep 2016


Age: 2024
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The prophet’s mercy, Feeding animals   The prophet was so emphatic on feeding animals;feeding animals or helping them to drink may remit your sins regardless of what
great they are. Planting a tree that a wild bird may eat from will surely bring
you may rewards. Starving an animal to death will be mete out with hell. There
are many Hadiths in this regard, it should be noted here that the prophet is
not expressing his personal opinion, his words are minute understanding of
God’s word to him- The Holy Quran. The Prophet said, “If any Muslim plants anyplant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he
had given that much in charity.” – (Al-Bukhari) The prophet, in order to urge people to feedhelpless animals, says” there was a Jewish whore, who used to commit adultery,
took it as craft. It happened that she passed by a well and, as she was
thirsty, she came down to the well to quench her thirst. When she ascended to
the brim of the well, she found a dog out of breath from the blunt of thirst. “It must have been suffering exactlylike me” she thought. She took off her shoes and went down to the welland filled it with water and stretched her hand and quenched the dog’s thirst.
When this whore died, she was let into heaven and her long series of sins were
remitted because of just quenching the dog’s thirst. ????????? ?? ??????? - ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naik about killing murtad in islam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbsejG--znc ????? ???? ? who created God- ???? ???? Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi8yKt0DEfY  ??????????? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ???? - ???? ???? Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdHp8DrMf5E
Posted 28 Aug 2016


Age: 2024
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This is Mohammed, who rebuked the tyrannies ofhis times including emperors, notwithstanding he would be moved for a bird that
lost its babies. It is narrated that someone took two chicks of abird (hamra), which came in panic searching for its chicks. Prophet Muhammad
(Peace and blessings be upon him and his house) then asked, “Who has distressed
it by taking its chicks?” Then he asked them to return the chicks. Perhaps people lavish animals with their carebecause of their beauty unmindful of their being entities created by God, The
case is different in Islam. The following Hadith lays credence to this fact. It
is narrated that the prophet once passed by a burned out anthill. When the
Prophet saw it he asked, “Who has burned it?” When he was informed of who had
done it, he said, “Only the Lord of Fire has the right to punish with fire.” Is
there any beauty in ants?! His mercy was not only confined to caring aboutanimals but it goes even more, Seeing a hungry animal would move his heart so
much to the extent that he would go to its owner rebuking him for not feeding
his animal. This shows the greatness of God's mercy has nolimits Once the Prophet passed by a camel that was soemaciated its back was one with its abdomen. Upon that, the Prophet said, “Fear
Allah with regard to livestock. Ride them in a fitting way and eat them when
they are in good condition.” In his heart, everything has a portion, thedistressed among people would go to him to ease their hearts even the distressed
animals would do the same thing. He once entered the garden of man from the
Ansar (Muslims of Madinah) and there was a camel. When the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him and his house) saw the camel it froze and its eyes
started watering. Then the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him
and his house) came to it and rubbed its ears so it calmed down. Then the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his house) said, “Who is the owner
of this camel? Whose camel is this?” A young man from the Ansar told him (peace
and blessings be upon him and his house),”O Messenger of Allah, it belongs to
me.” Then he told him (peace and blessings be upon him and his house), “Do you
not fear Allah with regard to this beast which Allah has let you own? It
complained to me that you starve it and tire it by overworking it and using it
beyond its capacity.” ?????? ???? ????? ? ?????? - ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwI7nclDS0g  ?????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ( ???????? ) - ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wksP_SIgrd4   ? ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? Dr Zakir Naik prays for George Bush tobe guided to Islamhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y34t81Bb-k0 
Posted 24 Aug 2016


Age: 2024
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??????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? - ???? ????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWdCHTB1qx0  ??????????? : ????? ???? ???? ???? ???????? ? - ???? ???? Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1f_SSpRxSU ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???????? ? ??? ??????? ????????? - ? ???? ???? Dr Zakir https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVjebzYopnU
Posted 21 Aug 2016


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The prophet’s mercy to animals, Even the birdfound a place in his heart  Animals recognise the Prophets and Friends of Allahby Dr Tahir ul Qadri  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezd_kO13uAw  The prophet’s heart would be shaken to its veryfoundations if he saw a distressed bird that lost its babies. A wounded animal,
a hungry animal, a sick animal , insects burnt, water being polluted moved his
heart, too, and stirred his compassion, yet on his shoulder he onus of
imparting God’s message to the whole of the world. How great is such a prophet! How miraculous is this prophet! He is the message of heavens to the earth, themessage of mercy, the exemplary to be followed. God says in the Holy Quran what
means; “you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who
hopes in Allah and the latter day and remembers Allah much. (21) Prophet Muhammad called not to kill even a frogand he said, “Its croaking is tasbeeh (praising God).” Always with this litany
was capped his words” Those who are not merciful will not find mercy( on the
part of God).” Such is his mercy that inspired his followerssuch as Um’ar ibn Al-Kahtab to the extent that he, too, was so worried if an
animal was stumbled in the far east or west and feared that he would be held
responsible for it before his Lord; he says” I fear that If an animal is
stumbled in the far east or west that I will be held accountable before my Lord
on the Day of Judgment.”?????????? ???? ? | ?. ????? ????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DkmnLyt688   ??????? ???? ????? ???????? , ?? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avuIZERHdPQ
Posted 16 Aug 2016


Age: 2024
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It happened that while he was going home that hefound a little slave girl sobbing because she was sent to get something for her
master family. Having briefed about the reasons, he took her by hand and went
back with her to where her mistress lived and there he stood at the door
knocking so gently. On seeing him, her mistress stood astonished. “This little girl has lost the moneythat you sent her with to buy you something, can you please forgive her?” Her mistress’s eyes poured with tears, what..?and you come with her to? We not only forgive her but she is free for the sake
of Allah.” I choose this story because it has manymeanings, perhaps it could “He was a personification of the HolyQuran” commented his wife” Ai’sha” on his attributes. “My Lord has refined me” prophetMohammed. These two statements may unravel the secretbehind his lofty mercy that encompassed all that you can touch with your hand
in this life; men, women, enemies, infidels, babies in mothers’ uterus,
children, girls, , animals, birds, insects, frogs and the environment have
found a place in his heart. Hadiths and stories in this connection , if you try
to comply them, will need volumes of books to be included.?????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ? - ???? ???? Dr zakirhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e57SXs4EwxA  ?????4 ????? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ???? , ?????? ????? ???? ?????...???? ???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC4UvaoUbuo
Posted 11 Aug 2016


Age: 2024
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Prophet Mohammed, When described with one of thehuman qualities, you feel that he, from among the peoples, was singled out with
the perfection of this quality. People’s fine qualities changes, diminishes
when in anger or other similar conditions but the prophet’s qualities never
went affected of any conditions. People’s who are merciful vary in their mercyaccording to the psychological conditions that overwhelm them but this was the
not the case of Prophet Mohammed. Also, people might be different in their
approach of mercy; there are those who feel compassion towards children, there
are those who feel compassion towards the aged, there are those who feel
compassion towards animals…etc but there are no people who could be merciful to
all of those entities in the same time and under any conditions. The most striking fact about the concept ofmercy in the prophet is that he was merciful with his enemies. It should be noted that his mercy thoughsuperfluously poured on every entity in this universe but it was not that kind
that it may be harmful. He was born orphan to be merciful with theorphans. He was born poor to have mercy with the poor He was sometimes rich to have mercy with therich, though he never hold any money in his hand, all went to the poor and the
need before they touch his hand. When he was dying he had two dirham, just onlytwo dirham, yet, he was worried how he die and there are two dirham in his
house. While he was giving his soul, he asked his wife several times to give
these two dirham as charity to the poor.?"-"circumcision benefits for male"Zakir naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bgqxeizVdM  
Posted 07 Aug 2016


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Posted 01 Aug 2016


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The Prophet also mentioned "To catch birds and imprison them in cages without any special purpose is considered abominable." Hence if you have birds living in cages, set them free.

In Hadith (Muslim religious text) of Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 56, Number 673, narrated by Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "While a dog was going round a well and was about to die of thirst, an Israeli prostitute saw it and took off her shoe and watered it. So Allah forgave her because of that good deed. "

In another Hadith text, the Prophet told his companions of a woman who would be sent to Hell for having locked up a cat; not feeding it, nor even releasing it so that it could feed herself. "

So what you think?
Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the most kindest person this universe.

Hadith narrated by Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) that once a person came to the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) and asked "O Prophet of Allah! To what extent should we forgive the mistakes and faults of our slaves and servants?"

The Prophet (PBUH) remained silent whereupon the man repeated this question. The Prophet (PBUH) again, remained silent and when the man asked for a third time, he replied "Seventy times a day."
(According to Anas): I was eight years of age when I became the Holy Prophet Mohammad's (SAWS) servant and served him for 10 years. He never rebuked me even when I broke or damaged something. If his family said something strong, then he would tell them leave it & to forget about it. Whatever Allah has destined will happen".

?????????? ????? ??? ?????? ????????? ????? ????? - ???? ????? 2016  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XKu5EOi9kM  ??????? ????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? - ???? ????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJsrugMLNak  ????- ???? ??? ????? ???? ????? ???? ??????! - ???? ????? Ahmed Deedat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18FoM6pFnvU 

Posted 27 Jul 2016


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The modern scientists  convertedto Islam afterthe experiment  Professor Tejatat Tejasen       ProfessorTejatat Tejasen is the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy at Chiang Mai
University in Thailand. Previously, he was Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at
the same university. During the Eighth Saudi Medical Conference in Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia, Professor Tejasen stood up and said:"During the past three years,I was interested in the Quran ... From my studies and what I have learned from
this conference, I believe that everything that has been reported in the Qur'an
there are fourteen centuries is the truth, which can be proven by scientific
means. As the Prophet Muhammad could neither read nor write, Muhammad must be a
messenger who relayed this  truth, which was revealed to him as anenlightenment by the one who is the Creator. This Creator is God. therefore, I
think it's time for me to say La ilaha illa Allah, there is no god worthy of
worship except God, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah, Muhammad is the messenger
(Prophet) of Allah (God). Finally, I would like   to offer my congratulations on the verysuccessful and excellent organization of this conference ... this conference
brought me a lot of perspective science and religion, and I had the opportunity
to meet many well-known scientists and make me many new friends among the
participants. And the most valuable thing I have gained by coming to this place
is La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah, and to be a Muslim. "  Americansoldier in tears "I killed innocent people" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlt1BjYFERI ???? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ????!?- ???? ????Zakir Naik

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc73sWV_28U ?????? ???? ?? ???? ??????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCbgMX_fvUc

Posted 19 Jul 2016


Age: 2024
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here ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ? - ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naik  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87P0Lv166Bs  ?????????? ?? ??? ?????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sQbG8bjiLg  ?????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? ??? ??????? ???? ???? Dr Zakir Naikhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3vN4Re4daI
Posted 15 Jul 2016


Age: 2024
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Thereare many Prophetic narrations which clarify the days that are desirable for a
Muslim to fast; they are as follows:   Sixdays from the month of Shawwaal: Abu Ayyoob Al ‘Ansaari may Allaah be pleased
with him narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah
exalt his mention ) said: “He who fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days of
Shawwaal, this is as if he fasted for the whole year.” [Ahmad, Abu Daawood and
At-Tirmithi] Threedays of every month: Abu Hurayrah and Abu Tharr may Allaah be pleased with them
said: “TheProphet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention
) advised us never to quit (praying) the two Rak'ahs of Ad-Dhuha, and the Witr
(prayer) before going to bed (at night); and to fast three days of every month.
It is desirable if these days are the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth days
(of each lunar month).” [Muslim] ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0tbnarkhB8   ????????? ???????? ??? ?????? ???????? - ???? ???? Zakir Naik  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9WjsxARlGo#t=90.907665  ????????????? - ????? ??????? ???? ???? ????? ??? ???????? ???????  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXqWYVAdUUo 
Posted 10 Jul 2016


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From astudy of the Holy Quran and Traditions of the Holy Prophet, it transpires that
there are three objectives of Zakat (poor-due). One is basic and specific and
the other two are secondary and collective. Thebasic and essential objective of Zakat is purification of the soul. It cures
the lust for wealth, infuses the feat Allah in mans heart and makes one
amenable to good deeds. The Holy Quran says: And away from it (Hell) shall be
kept the most pious one, who gives away his wealth in order to purify himself.
(XCIL:17-18) Onanother occasion Allah addresses and exhorts the Holy Prophet (Pbuh) in these
words: Take alms of their wealth, wherewith you may cleanse and purify them.
(9: 103)Theseverses make the real importance of Zakat quite clear: it aims to emancipate the
heart from temporal preoccupations and purifies the soul.It isan acknowledged fact that the love of material things is the real enemy of
prayer. It turns a man away from Allah and the After-life. The Holy Prophet
once said: The root of all evil is the love of worldly things. (Mishkat) Althoughtemporal love includes many things the most powerful and dangerous of all is
the love of material wealth. The Holy Prophet has, therefore, regarded it as
the greatest of all evils for the Muslims: The trial for my Ummah is wealth.
(Tirmidhi)If aMuslim can save himself from the lure of wealth, he will be able to protect
himself from many other vices. Becauseof its basic aim and purpose, poor-due is known as zakat in Islam. Literally it
means both purification and growth. To give a portion of ones income to the
needy for the pleasure of Allah is called Zakat because it purifies the soul.
It must, however, be remembered that the aim of zakat is achieved only when its
payment is motivated by sincere desire and practical effort. The pleasure of
Allah should be the first and foremost consideration while paying Zakat. It
must be free from every other motive. Zakatshould be paid out of the income earned only by fair and honest means. Whatever
is paid should be respectable. If cheap and worthless stuff is given in zakat
it will go in vain. It will be no better than a hypocritical gesture.Zakatsbeneficiary should neither be made to feel grateful for it, nor should his
feelings and self-respect be hurt. Otherwise, Zakat will cease to have any meaning. Onesecondary objective of the poor-due is to provide basic necessities to poor
Muslims. The Holy Prophet said: Verily Allah has ordained the payment of Zakat
on them (Muslims). It will be taken from the rich and returned to the poor.
(Muslim)TheseTraditions make it quite obvious that there is also a social and economic
aspect of the poor-due without which its Islamic concept remains incomplete. Theother secondary objective of Zakat is the help and support of Islam. While
giving the details of the beneficiaries of Zakat the Holy Quran says: The alms
are only for the poor and the needy, and for those who collect them, and those
whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and the debtors and
for the cause of Allah, and for the wayfarers. (9:60)Thewords the cause of Allah denote the struggle waged for Islam  Dr.Zakir Naik Q&A Wealth, Zakat and its testing in Islam   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRuEhOJyZpo  Itikafis a form of worship. It is formed by staying in a Mosque for a certain time.
It is Ehtiyat that one should stay with the intention to worship Allah by
praying formal or informal prayers although prayer is not a condition therein. Thetime for this form of worship could be anytime when one is allowed to fast. The
best time is the month of Ramadan, especially, the last ten days. Conditionsfor I'tikaf during Ramadhan: 1. Intention as in the rest of the worshipacts. It is necessary that the intention be made at the beginning of Itikaf so
that the rule, requiring the worship act to be completed with intention, be
followed thoroughly from the beginning to the end. The decision made at the
beginning of the night to start Itikaf from the beginning of the following day
will be open to objection. However, if one decides to start it from the
beginning of the night it is not an offense to do so. One isnot allowed to change one's mind from one Itikaf to another of the same
qualities or different. 2. Belief in Islam. 3. Freedom from mental illness. 4. Fasting; thus the Itikaf of one whocannot fast for some reason is not valid. 5. Duration; which is three continuousdays at least. It could be more but not less than three days. If itis started from the beginning of a day the two nights in between will be part
of the duration. Less than three days is not considered Itikaf. Thatit must take place in one of these Mosques: (a) The holy Mosque in Makkah, (b)
the holy Mosque of the Prophet in Medina,
(c) the holy Mosque of Kufa, (d) the holy Mosque of Basrah, and (e) the Mosque
which is assigned for the Friday prayer in any town or city. It is Ehtiyat,
however, to complete it in any of the first four Mosques. Theroof and basement of a Mosque is part of the same and it is valid to complete
Etikaf in such places of a Mosque. Permissionof the people whose permission are required such as the master for the slave,
husband and parents for the wife and children if this will be against the right
of the husband or causes trouble to the parents. 6. Completing it in the Mosque where itwas started. Thus, going out of the Mosque without an acceptable reason will
invalidate the Itikaf, regardless, one knows the rule or is ignorant or has
gone out because of forgetfulness, except in the case of an emergency or one
being forced or it is because of some need such as using wash room or having
Taharat. One isallowed to come out of the Mosque during Itikaf to take part in the burial of a
deceased or to visit an ailing one; Going out of the Mosque for a time long
enough to cause the Itikaf to become as non-existing will be considered as
invalidating the same, even if one has not done it out of one's own choice. If oneneeds to have Ghusl/bath during the Itikaf and it is possible for him to have
it inside the Mosque, and is not allowed to go out unless the reason for Ghusl
requires him not to stay inside the Mosque. Etikafis originally an optional worship act but it may become obligatory because of a
vow etc. Thingsto avoid during Itikaf: 1. Having sex and also according toEhtiyat kissing or playing with one's wife; 2. According to a necessary Ehtiyatcausing a semen discharge, 3. And smelling perfumes for enjoyment; itis not an offense if one cannot enjoy the perfume because of some defect in his
smelling ability. 4. Selling or buying in the form of abusiness deal, according to a necessary Ehtiyat; there is no offense to be
occupied with allowable activities as sewing or writing etc., although it is a
Mustahab Ehtiyat to avoid them too. If oneneeds to buy something for food and there is no one to do the buying for him,
it is not an offence for him to do it. 5. Expressing bitterness in talking aboutworldly or religious matters in order to prove one's ability, not the truth
which is one of the best worships. Thecontracts of buying or selling during Itikaf invalidate Itikaf, but such
contracts will be valid. IfItikaf is invalidated because of having sex even, during the night, expiation
will be due; if it is invalidated by other things, there will be no expiation,
although it is a Mustahab Ehtiyat in this case too. Theexpiation for invalidating an Itikaf is to set free a slave or if this is not
possible, fast for two consecutive months or if this also is not possible, feed
sixty poor people. Ramadan:The last 10 Days, Itikaf and Laylatul Qadr - Shaykh Yusuf Estes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2Us9e26qnA 
Posted 02 Jul 2016


Age: 2024
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Lotsand lots of non-Muslims who wants to learn rituals of Ramadan for MuslimsAndsends thanks and gratitude to that information Alhamdulillah , please favor us by sharing yourexperience of the recent Ramadan fast, particularly the Laylat al-Qadr.seethe results http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA7Je6oEOws   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFt0Q2vPLqI  Thereare other special features in Ramadan.TheLast Ten Nights1.“Indeed we have revealedit (the Quran) in the Honored Night.2. And what will explain to you what theHonored Night is?3. The Honored Night is better than athousand months.4. In it, the angels descend as well asthe Spirit (Gabriel) by the permission of their Lord, with all types of decrees.5.‘Peace’ it is until therising of dawn.” (Quran:97:1-5) It wasRamadan in which the Quran was revealed from the heavens to the Earth. More
specifically, it was one of the last ten nights of this blessed month. The
Prophet said:“Seek the Honored Night in the lastten.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)Onthat night, worship and good deeds are better than performing them for a
thousand months, as mentioned in the verses above. Thus the Prophet would
increase his worship by staying awake the whole night in worship.  “When he entered the [last] ten [nights]of Ramadan, the Prophet would ‘rollup his sleeves’ and give life to the whole
night, and waken his family.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)Muslimsin Ramadan seek this Honored Night in order that they may be given an increase
in reward. Muslims spend the whole night in worship, from praying the taraweeh
prayer to reading the Quran, supplicating to God, and praying extra voluntary
prayers. During these nights, there is even an extra congregationalprayer held in the mosques which lasts for about an hour and a half to two
hours up until the time of the predawn meal. Nights are alive with worship, and
people for these ten nights expend all efforts in doing so, seeking that they
may have spent the Honored Night in the worship of God. The Prophet said: “Whoever stood in prayer in the HonoredNight, believing in God and hoping for His reward, all his previous sins will
be forgiven.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari) Ramadanis a month of forgiveness, and people hope that they will people from those who
are saved from the Fire:“God chooses who will be saved from theFire (in Ramadan), and that is every night.” (Al-Tirmidhi) Forthis reason in Ramadan, people fast, pray, and seek the Honored Night in order
that they may be forgiven for their shortcomings and enter Paradise.     Ten days of Ramadan     Have the advantage of a private    the night of Al-Qadr    21    Or 23-25-27-29AlQadarnight Sheikh Yusuf Estes Ramadaniat [Episode 19]  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be9w3jS_ZSw&list=PLcQvyVzXzzkKpYp7BpCYdEG66E0_5Nghj&index=28  I amSayim for Sheikh Yusuf Estes Ramadaniat [Episode 23] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0w70wH0k1U&list=PLcQvyVzXzzkKpYp7BpCYdEG66E0_5Nghj&index=24 
Posted 28 Jun 2016


Age: 2024
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 someonetold meTheseviews and interaction of many members and friends of the non-Muslim   Yesmonth of fasting is the big gift for Muslims. They fast in it for God. They believe
that with Fasting they earn many good gifts from God.  \\\ I haveread your article and trust me this will me learn Quran Online with Tajweed
from Best Online Quran Teachers \\\\\\\\  Whichmakes you wonder just how wel do they practice Islam. Ramadan is our holiest
month and all fighting even minor disagreements among friends are forbidden. \/////I hatefasting just from meat for 49 days, so I respect Muslims who faste from all
food \\\\\\ . The Holy Qur'an is the best guide tolife. Thank you for your input on this thread.  \\\Anyonewho acts against the guidance in the Qur'an is not practicing Islam. Fighting
in the sacred months is forbidden except to safeguard your existence and
prevent further persecution. Ramadanin Karachi
begins on Tuesday. The last time I was in Karachi
was in May 1964 for three weeks. Ice cream there tasted quite nice. My hotel
was on the main Bandar Road
and traffic was quite unbelievably high even then. Since then, I have landed in
Karachi a
couple of times but only in transit. Fastinghas always helped me health-wise. My health has always improved by the end of
the month. Fasting is not prescribed for health reasons but to be conscious of
Allah to prevent yourself from doing evil actions. Ignorant people on both
sides of the fence do not understand the real reason for fasting. Fastingis not a rigid law in Islam but only those are required to fast who can fast
without damaging health. If unable to fast in Ramadan, it can be done
afterwards. Only those make it rigid who are ignorant about it. As a child, it
was quite fun to fast but not fun when I had to break it in the afternoon due
to thirst. My parents would insist that I break it if I can't bear it. I ameagerly looking forward to Ramadan this time, as usual. There is possibility
that I may visit Pakistan
for the first week of the month of Ramadan (not Karachi
in the south but Gilgit and the K2 area in the
north). I wishall my peaceful brothers and sisters a blessed month and spiritual happiness.
May Allah bless you all!\\\ In myopinion it means you do not know the definition of a Muslim. A Muslim is a
person who submits to Allaah*swt( to the best of his ability. the need for
"Ritual", Procedures" Requirements come with responsibility that
develops as the individual matures and learns. No one is denied being muslim as
long as they do not know how, for reasons beyond their control. the"covenent" is only required if there is reason you know there is one.
If for reasons beyond your control you have no way of knowing nothing is
required. Being Muslim is the default state of our creation. It only changes as
we gain the ability to choose with sincerity and knowledge. \\\ So, ifI understand correctly you fast from sunrise to sundown, yes? Does that mean
you can have sexual relations at night (or from dusk till dawn, if I may).  \\//// Soundslike a contest to see who is more devoted to their dogma. Of course you would
say that because you are biased just like the poster is biased towards his
religion. Chances are high that you live in a Christian country with a
Christian family. You didn't choose your religion; the geography of your birth
chose it for you.  \\\Fromabove: Nonetheless,there have been reports of some shops continuing to refuse to sell water and
eating and drinking in public remain illegal under the country’s laws for
“respecting Ramadan”.  Evenin karachi you
will find concessions are made for those that would be harmed by fasting. they
just are not allowed to be publicly visible. i am a little bit Familiar with
Katachi I have Grand-Children there. My oldest son-in-law is from they He and
my Daughter travel back and forth, theier kids prefer life in Pakistani to Texas so stay in Karachi
although they were born in Texas.\\  Thevirtue of reading the Quran Sheikh Yusuf Estes Ramadaniat [Episode 22] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhkbwj5yNyo&index=25&list=PLcQvyVzXzzkKpYp7BpCYdEG66E0_5Nghj   Deathcomes suddenly Sheikh Yusuf Estes Ramadaniat [Episode 21]  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGhlrmdGBq8&index=26&list=PLcQvyVzXzzkKpYp7BpCYdEG66E0_5Nghj
Posted 24 Jun 2016


Age: 2024
3233 days old here
Total Posts: 545
Points: 10

Yes,my dear brotherIt'ssimpleInRamadanEveryonebecomes ready the soul and conscience  Thismonth of mercyThismonth of forgivenessHere Ican make up  What rolls of amusement and indifferenceGodwill see me I prayI payalms in secret and in publicI readthe Qur'an and I cried in prayer seeking forgiveness Andthus see the mosques are fullAndpeople to not sleep Spiritualityis highAnd alot of people repent in RamadanAnd soBeginningof a change for the better It iscompulsory for those who are fasting to observe their acts, movements and
speech and to avoid things that may affect one’s fasting ritual so that the
ritual does not end up as just a simple act of abstinence from food and drink
without any deserving rewards.  Rasulullahs.a.w has described fasting as a piece of armour. He has also discouraged those
who are fasting against abusive language and ma’siyyah (vice) and to remind
those who instigate us into argument or quarrel that we are fasting. Rasulullah
s.a.w has also mentioned that Allah s.w.t will not accept the fast of those who
lie, even if the person has abstained from food and drink. (Bukhari, Ahmad and
Ashabus Sunan)  Accordingto Ibnu Arabi, the above Hadtih explains that the fast rewards will not be
given out. In other words, liars do not deserve to receive the rewards of the
fast. Saiyidina Umar has also mentioned that fasting is not merely abstinence
from food and drink but also abstinence from wrongdoings such as lying.  How New YorK reacts to amuslim , Amazing Reactions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEvojpq-1HE  Benefitsof Siyam 2, Sheikh Yusuf Estes Ramadaniat [Episode 6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ3-a7jbZrM&list=PLcQvyVzXzzkKpYp7BpCYdEG66E0_5Nghj&index=12 
Posted 20 Jun 2016


Age: 2024
3233 days old here
Total Posts: 545
Points: 10

FastingFundamentalpillar of the five pillars of IslamItspurpose is not hunger and thirst ButIs arenewal of human life  And a strong drive and ready to work goodAndtrainingAndthe beginning of change Prayerand charity and helping the poor, and so Andreward multiplier             Narrated Abu Salama bin 'Abdur Rahman: that heasked 'Aisha "How was the prayer of Allah's Apostle in Ramadan?" She
replied, "He did not pray more than eleven Rakat in Ramadan or in any
other month. He used to pray four Rakat ---- let alone their beauty and
length----and then he would pray four ----let alone their beauty and length
----and then he would pray three Rakat (Witr)." She added, "I asked,
'O Allah's Apostle! Do you sleep before praying the Witr?' He replied, 'O
'Aisha! My eyes sleep but my heart does not sleep."   Aswell as Refinementof the ethics of humanAbuHuraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, “When one of
you awakes in the morning for fasting, then he should not use obscene language
or behave ignorantly. If anyone slanders him or tries to argue with him, he
should say: Indeed, I am fasting! Indeed, I am fasting!” [Sahih Muslim, Book 6, Number 2563]  Throughoutthe yearPeopleeat and drink and soaked in the pleasuresButFastone month a year Comfortablefor the health and body Andfeel  like miserable poor countries Sympathyand participation, Sheikh Yusuf Estes Ramadaniat [Episode 4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYhT2neBmX8&index=14&list=PLcQvyVzXzzkKpYp7BpCYdEG66E0_5Nghj   Benefitsof Siyam 1, Sheikh Yusuf Estes Ramadaniat [Episode 5]  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2nEVXxCxSs&list=PLcQvyVzXzzkKpYp7BpCYdEG66E0_5Nghj&index=13 
Posted 16 Jun 2016


Age: 2024
3233 days old here
Total Posts: 545
Points: 10

 Yes,my brothersIf apregnant woman has a strong healthAreeasily able to fast (no problem)ButMostof the casesPregnantwomen can not fastDue tothe fear on their health  Or on the fetusOr herhealth and embryo together  Foreach case  Law in Jurisprudence and different expiation  Thereare pretty strict guidelines regarding fasting. First there is there are those
forbidden to do so. Pregnant woman, Nursing mothers and the sick that might be
affected by it. In addition their are those exempt such as the young adn the
elderly / One rule regarding the Ramadan fast is we are not to Jeopardize our
health GodAlmightyAt alltimes and in all places (see us and hear us)4. He it is Who created the heavens andthe earth in six Days and then Istawa (rose over) the Throne (in a manner that
suits His Majesty). He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from
it, what descends from the heaven and what ascends thereto. And He is with you
(by His Knowledge) wheresoever you may be. And Allah is the All-Seer of what
you do. \             The conditions that invalidate the fast are asfollows:• Inserting something into any of theopen orifices intentionally, with the exception of dharurah situations
especially pertaining to illness. Eating, drinking and smoking invalidates
fast. Medicated injections however, does not invalidate the fast.• Vomitting intentionally.• Intentional ejaculation.• Having sexual relations.• Being in a state of haid, nifas orgiving birth for women.• Losing sanity.• Unconsciousness throughout the day.• Drunkenness throughout the day.•           Apostasy. Whatdoes Ramadan mean to us Sheikh Yusuf Estes Ramadaniat [Episode 1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=987UwJ2TrwI&index=17&list=PLcQvyVzXzzkKpYp7BpCYdEG66E0_5Nghj  Howthe Quran was came down in Ramadan? Sheikh Yusuf Estes Ramadaniat [Episode 2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2duw0WgSb4&list=PLcQvyVzXzzkKpYp7BpCYdEG66E0_5Nghj&index=16
Posted 12 Jun 2016